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In search of competitive strategies through environmental management

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In search of competitive strategies through environmental management

I summarize

A business responsibility in relation to the environment has meant that it is only a position in front of the impositions to transform into voluntary attitudes, exceeding society's own expectations. Understanding that change of paradigm is vital for competitiveness, pois or market is, every day, more open and competitive, fazendo com as companies have to worry about or control two environmental impacts. This meeting, which, at first, seems to place the organizations in xeque, not that I say I respect their relationships with nature, should be approached as an opportunity so that they can also implement sustainable management practices, not just a position that is Legal requirements or pressões of environmental groups, but also with the intention of obtaining competitive advantages.The Environmental Management Systems are becoming a great ally of organizations that seek to keep their processes, aspects and environmental impact under control.

Palavras chave: environmental management, competitive advantage, environmental awareness


The managerial responsability in relation to the environment stopped being just a posture in front of the impositions to change in voluntary attitudes, overcoming the own expectations of the society. It is vital for the competitiveness to understand that paradigm change, because the market is quite open and more competitive nowaday, making the companies worry about the control of the environmental impacts. At first this scenery seems to put the organizations in check as their relationships with the nature. That fact should be faced as an opportunity for them to start implementing new practices of maintainable management, not just as a reactive posture to legal demands or pressures of environmental groups, but with the intention of obtaining competitive advantages.The Systems of Environmental Administration is turning into a great ally of the organizations that are seeking to maintain their processes, aspects and environmental impact under control.

Key words: environmental administration, competitive advantage, environmental conscience.


To environmental management we see a growing space, not a business one. The development of ecological awareness in different litters and sectors of the world society ends up involving also a business setor. Naturally, it cannot be said that all businessmen are never aware of the importance of managing two natural resources.

A company that does not seek to adapt its activities to the sustainable development council is fated to lose competitiveness in terms of medium and long term.

Many times the investments in environmental management are directed by competitive borrowers, but there are also various loans that determine the performance of investments in environmental management by companies, depending on their reality. Assim, or entrepreneur or investor, who previously traveled to environmental management as the main factor in increasing the costs of the production process, found himself with competitive advantages and economic opportunities of a management responsible for two natural resources.

The Environmental Management System allows the organization to meet the environmental performance level determined by it and promote its continuous melody for the long term. It consists, essentially, not planning of your activities, aiming at eliminating or minimizing two impacts to the environment, by means of preventive measures or mitigating measures.

In this context, this article seeks to demonstrate the importance of Environmental Management in the company, presenting itself as the source of competitive strategy and also in the construction of a corporate image.


The environmental agent sees the need for adaptation of companies and consequently directs new paths in their expansion. As companies must change their paradigms, changing their business vision, objectives, investment and marketing strategies, they have turned to or first their product, adapting-or to the new reality of the global and properly ecological market.

O current paradigm of development and a merely capitalist model, which aims at maximum profit. Therefore, or economic growth if it were to be in society, in the environment it is just a private one, not that it refers to production and discards two residuals. Within this process, in the last two years, it can be affirmed that natural resources are only treated as raw material for or production process, mainly not industrial production process. Or that it happened that this model works as an idealized foi, it is not sustainable for a long time. It is clear that the natural resources have been used, and therefore, finite, have been misused.

Assume that nature reserves are only finite, and that solutions are provided through more appropriate technologies for the environment. Basic needs must be met using the principle of recycling.

This novo fazer was built, in large part, from two results from Rio-92, on the way to Noção de Desenvolvimento Sustentável se alastrou e se estruturou. Porém, or that at noção e conceitos de sustainability de trazem as novo challenge são os caminhos para a Gestão Ambiental.

So you are partners and you are meeting together and are going to be even more demanded without conceito of sustainability. A sustainability for Gray (2003) is a difficult council to apply in any individual corporation. It is basically a global council. But this does not mean that it has no application in corporations - as, in truth, an increasing number of companies and press groups / corporate problem solvers are rapidly reconnecting.

This awareness will lead us to sustainable development, defined as the Brundtland Report (Nosso Futuro Comum), elaborated by the World Commission for Environment and Development (1988), as “that which attends to the needs of the present and compromises the possibility of future generations to attend your own needs ”.

For Callenbach (1993), the environmental administration is associated with the idea of ​​solving environmental problems for the benefit of the company. It lacks an ethical dimension, and its main motivations are only in observance of the law and the image of the company. The ecological management is motivated by an ecological ethic and by a concern with future generations. Your starting point is a change of values ​​in the business culture.

As much as ecological management, Capra apud Callenbach (1993) says that it involves passage of the mechanistic thought for or systemic thought. An essential aspect of change is that the perception of the world as a machine gives way to the perception of the world as a living system. This change is due to our perception of nature, of the human organism, of the society and, therefore, also of the perception of a business organization.

In this sense, Sá (2002) refers to the fact that a social conscience is on the march, whose formation is accelerating and that it condemns serious speculation of wealth and the improper use of profits, as the fathers of destruction of the planet and the injury to life of two entities that world.

This new paradigm needs to be accompanied by a change in values, going from expansion to conservation, from quantification to quality, from denomination to partnership.

Bertalanffy (1977), with his General Theory of Two Systems, emphasizes that everything is linked to everything and that each organism is not a static system dated to the outside world, but is also a process of exchange as a circumvizinho, or seja, an open system. In a state of quasi-stationary status, where you are continuously coming into the outside environment and in this state of matter coming from the organism.

According to Bateson (1987), a living system is not sustained by energy received from abroad, more fundamentally by the organization of the information than by the process system.

As companies, for Capra apud Callenbach (1993), they are only living systems, whose understanding is hardly possible by economic prism. As a living system, the company cannot be rigidly controlled by means of direct intervention, but it can also be influenced by the transmission of orientations and the emission of impulses. This new style of administration is established as systemic administration.

2.1 - Benefícios da administração com consciência ecológica

For Winter apud Callenbach (1993), six são as razões pelas quais every administrator or entrepreneur responsible must implement the principles of the administration with consciência ecológica em sua companhia:

  • Human survival - sem companies with ecological awareness, we will not be able to save an economy with awareness; Sem uma economy with ecological awareness, human survival will be ameaçada.Public consensus - sem companies with ecological consciousness, there will be no consensus among or povo ea comunidade de negócios; After this consensus, the market economy will be politically enhanced. Market opportunities - sem administração com consciência ecológica, there will be a loss of opportunities in markets with rapid growth. Give us the environment, which potentially involves huge amounts of money, and the personal responsibility of directors, executives and other members of your teams.Redução de custos - sem administração com consciência ecológica, it will be missed numerous opportunities to reduce custos.Integridade pessoal - sem administração com consciência ecológica, both managers and employees terão a sensation of lack of integrity of people, being, assim, unable to identify- I know totally about his work.

Some sectors will also assume these commitments as a new development model, or they will incorporate, we are management models, with an environmental dimension. The management of entrepreneurial quality passes through the obligation that the organizational and production systems that we value in nature, the sources of raw material, the potentialities of human culture, the local communities, and we must start or not start a new cycle, are implemented. culture of waste and waste seja coisas do passado. Recycling activities, incentive to decrease consumption, waste control, permanent training for two proffesional groups, in different levels and scales of conhecimento, promotion of work in equipment and in the most challenging areas in the new cenario.

These processes of production of connection have been opportune to positive and proactive practices, which are used or unbuttoned by methods and experiences that are verified, as well as being disseminated, with the possibility of happening and making it real or new, necessary and necessary. irreversible, caminho de mudanças.

Quadro 1 - In transition two years 90 it rumored an environmental awareness

Dominant Visão Visão da Ecologia Profunda
Domain over a nature Harmony with nature and essential
This natural environment is seen, mainly, as a source of resources for people and industries. All nature has an intrinsic value, do not submit it as "resources"
Crescimento na produção industrial y no consumption of energy and natural resources to satisfy or population growth All foram species raised by Iguais
Believe that your resources are infinite The resources of the land are limited, I impose real limits to or growth
Technological progress will continue to produce solutions for all problems Technology must be appropriate, both in human thermos and in the environment. A ciência não tem all the answers
Consumerism: o consumer é o rei A reversal of consumerism, or objective must be to simplify our needs - how it places us or the "Lifestyle Movement": live simply so that our possums simply live
Centralizing Power Structures Power structures should be decentralized, based on "natural bioregions" and fine-tuned as directives and minority requirements.

Fonte: Sustainabilit apud Meyer (2000).

For its time, modern competitiveness also requires industries to adapt to this environmental trend, or which is fostering or emerging industries of products and environmental services, called so-called "green industries", which have their specialized activities aimed at raising and developing anti-pollutant processes, programs, services and equipment that are intended to decrease or eliminate pollution, as for example: recycling of lixo, filters, catalysts, etc.

Experienced companies identified economic results and strategic results of the organization of an environmental cause. These results are not immediately feasible, it has been necessary for them to be properly planned and organized all the steps for the internalization of the environmental variety of the organization so that it can achieve or achieve environmental excellence, planning, comisso, or competitive advantage.


The Environmental Management included a series of activities that must be administered, such as: formulating environmental management strategies, ensuring that the company is compliant with environmental regulations, implementing a prevention program against damage, managing instruments to correct damage to environment, adapt the products to ecological specifications, in addition to monitoring or the environmental program of the company.

Environmental Management is the system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources to develop, implement, reach, critically analyze and maintain environmental policy. It is the business that is being done to minimize or eliminate the negative effects caused by the environment without peeling your activities.

This is how the organization mobilizes, internally and externally, to conquer the desired environmental quality. It consists of a set of measures that visam ter controls on or environmental impact of a activity.

Antonius (1999) reveals that, in a general way, or environmental management can be conceived as an integration of systems and organizational programs that allow:

  • Or control the reduction of two impacts in the environment, due to operations or products; Or compliance with environmental regulations; Or development and use of appropriate technologies to minimize or eliminate industrial waste; Or monitoring and evaluation of two processes and environmental parameters; Elimination ou reduced two cliffs to the environment and the home, to the use of clean technologies, aiming to minimize energy costs and materials, to the relationship between the community of the government; to antecipação of questões ambientais that possam to cause problems to the environment and, particularly, to human health.

Figure 1: Illustrates the changes in the company through environmental awareness

Fonte: Valle (1995)

The environmental management begins to be addressed as a strategic issue within the organizations and it has become an important factor of competitiveness.

The instruments of environmental management aim to improve the environmental quality of the decision-making process. Two projects can be applied to all phases and can be: preventive, corrective, remedial and proactive, depending on the phase in which they are implemented.

3.1 - Tendencies of environmental management in the company

The environmental management of the company is undergoing important changes. This is the face of the expansion or scope of environmental responsibility, with new emerging functions appearing. It is necessary to analyze with more depth of these changes and their implications for the qualification needs of the profile, to be able to anticipate the demands of the companies and offer a training adapted to the evolution of the profile. According to Fundació Fórum Ambiental (2001), as tenências são:

3.1.1 - Tendência na pro-atividade

A change is detected in the visas of the companies for the protection of the environment, which manifests itself in the tendency to prevent environmental cliffs instead of reducing the crags once they have been produced. A função da Responsabilidade Ambiental acquires a strategic character, so that its weight is the most important decision of the company. This change of mentality requires specific training needs for the Environmental Responsibility, which must have a pro-active vision and must be able to apply the continuous, non-day-to-day goals of the company, identifying opportunities for changes and melhora stops a competitividade.

3.1.2 - Tendência da integração do meio ambiente, da qualidade e da segurança trabalhista

The integration of two three systems constituted an emerging phenomenon in companies. In this way, the systems do not allow us to optimize resources taking advantage of possible synergies, rather than making it possible to link two systems with the strategy of the company and the quality of management. With this trend, two future Responsáveis ​​hair Meio Ambiente will be formed, which should provide you with the necessary insights about quality, job security and environment and how you will manage them comprehensively.

3.1.3 - Transcendent character of the function

The activities of Environmental Responsibility transcendence only to your department, but to every company, so that this work has to be related to a great diversity of people, both internally and externally. The subject has important implications for the training that is reinforced by competing with two Responsibles You set the environment so that you can relate effectively with a multiplicity of actors.


The Gerência Ambientais Systems atuais tiveram suas origens com o development of qualidade systems. It is a management tool that enables an organization of any size or type to control or impact its non-environmental activities.

An Environmental Management System (EMS) can be defined as a set of procedures to manage or administer an organization, in such a way as to obtain or better relate to the environment.

It provides one more detail, no environmental program. It establishes procedures, work instructions and controls, ensuring that the implementation of the policy and the implementation of two actions will transform its reality. A SGA enables a structured approach to establish objectives, to achieve you, and to demonstrate that you are successful.

The SGA occurs due to interference of international norms and norms of large organizational conglomerates or due to requests from clients and other interested parties.

In order for the EMS to be established, all aspects pertinent to the activities, products and services of the organizations and the significant impacts that may be caused by the environment must be identified. This identification can be carried out through an initial review, including less hairs in the following areas:

  • Legislation and other legal and regulatory instruments; Environmental aspects; Analysis of practices and environmental management procedures; Assessment of two incidents / previous incidents.

The SGA is not compulsory, or otherwise, it has not legislated any qualification, in any place in the world, which obliges a productive organization to carry out or develop and implement it. Contudo, or international trade, more and more, we are becoming, as a condition of commercialization of products and services, to formal certification by two providers of environmental management therms.

Isto implies a change of culture and a very different structural change. As a matter of being the exclusive subject of a department, it becomes an integral part of the activity of each member of the company, from the top management to the factory or factory.

4.1 - Parents of the environmental system

With expectations you are setting more and more strings of performance in small businesses you are recognizing the need to integrate environmental management in your business operations.

This context, or environmental field, has a constant growth of national and regional parents. A Instituição Britânica dos padrões tem BS 7750, a Associação Canadense dos Padrões tem a Gerência Ambiental, Padrões Examinados, Rotulagem Ambiental ea União Européia tem all these, more regulations of EMA, and many other countries, for example, USA, Germany and Japan, introduce Environmental Rotulagem Programs.

There is a great similarity between the environmental settings of the management system applied at an international, European and national base. We take ISO14001, EMAS and BS7750 as an example. All these padrões têm um jogo similar two ingredients.

  • A objective understanding of environmental aspects and of their impacts; A necessity for an environmental policy, clarifying the environmental principles promoted by the company; Objective and those that define the objectives of the environment for the realization of them; A system or an environmental program of gerência, Defining as objectives and the goals will be achieved; Internal audit of the environmental management system to ensure efficiency and compliance; Review of the system to ensure that it continues to be appropriate and effective for the organization and its sects.

4.1.1. - ISO 14000

To ISO 14000 series two padrões consist of two types of padrões:

Padrões da organização that can be used to execute and assess the Environmental Management System (EMS) within an organization, including ISO 14010 series of environmental audit standards and ISO 14030 series two standards for an evaluation of environmental performance.

Product standards that can be used to assess the impacts of two products and two processes. Fazem departs from this group to ISO 14020, series of environmental labeling standards, to ISO 14040, series of standards of life cycle analysis, to ISO 14060, series of product standards.

Figure 2 - Environmental Management ISO 14000

Fonte: Adapted from Cajazeira (1997).

4.1.2. - BS 7750

Padrão britânico BS 7750 is used to dissect the Environmental Management System of the company, evaluating its performance and defining policy, practices, objectives; e provides a catalyst for continuous melting.

BS 7750 is projected to be compatible with the (EMAS) scheme and also with the international ISO 14001 standard. It requires an environmental policy in accordance with the environmental legislation that endorses the organization to carry out a commitment to continuous melhoria.

In June 1993, the International Parent Organization (ISO) reviewed the recommendations of the Strategic Advisory Group on the Environment (SAGE) and decided to form an international technical committee novo ISO / TC 207

4.1.3 - EMAS

O EMAS - Community System of Eco-Management and Auditing or Eco-Management and Audit Scheme is a voluntary instrument aimed at companies that seek to endorse and correct their environmental behavior and inform or publicly other interested parties in respect of their performance and intentions. environmental level, not limited to or complying with existing national and community environmental legislation.

Em 2001 was published or new EMAS regulation (EMAS II), I have as review:

  • Extension of the application of EMAS to all sectors of economic activity (including local authorities); Adoption of the model of environmental management system according to ISO 14001; Environmental survey most comprehensive and demanding; Adoption of a visibly and easily recognizable logo, which will allow Non-EMAS registered companies publish in a more effective way; Greater involvement of all collaborators in the implementation of EMAS; Melhoria with the content of the Environmental Declaration; Openness to the elaboration of a global Environmental Declaration; Annual validation of the changes to the Environmental Declaration.

Either EMAS is open to the voluntary participation of all the organizations interested in melhorar or its global environmental performance and provide relevant information on the result of the management of two aspects to the public or to other interested parties.

4.2. - Benefits of the Environmental Management System

Hoje em dia, face à crescente global concorrência, as expectations two clients are not cingem à seeking a certain level of qualidade ao minor custo. They are increasingly informed and predisposed to buy and use products that respect or environment.

We have, therefore, benefits for the environment and for the organization. As a result of the environment, it results from the definition of written regulations for the realization of operations with potential environmental impact and the introduction of environmental practices without operations, reducing the risk of environmental risks (emissions, spills, accidents, among others).

By introducing environmental practices, on the other hand, it will lead to a reduction of costs, via two processes efficiency, reduction of consumption (raw material, water, energy), minimization of treatment of waste and effluents and reduction of insurance premiums., fines, etc.

In the same way, in order to establish a structure of environmental management, it interferes with the entire organization, promoting the definition of functions, responsibilities and authorities, consequently raising the motivation of our collaborators.

A last vantage has passed through the image of the company and its oil from society, since it has been properly explored through Marketing.

We have assim, schematically and among other vantagens:

  • Melhoria in the internal organization; Melhoria gives imagem; Increase in the satisfaction and trust of two clients; Increase in the motivation and involvement of the non-system, by two internal collaborators; Confidence in the system and reflection on or same; Melhoria gives a competitive position, face to those who are not certified; Reduction of costs; Cesso to certain markets and contests, in the face of a system based on internationally accepted criteria; Minimization of the environmental impact of activities.

You benefit from the implementation of an Environmental Management System that is intimately linked to behavioral, learned, and organizational innovation.


Aiming to ensure its sustainability, companies seek to implement mechanisms

of environmental management and its implantation must be approached as a series, involving or compromising high management.

The Environmental Management correlated to the economic-accounting aspects allows the identification of two environmental issues generated by the activities and organizational processes. In this way, the company can establish plans of controls and control mechanisms with the objective of mitigating or eliminating such costs, decisively reducing the efficiency of the use of resources from the company, which is the accumulation of wealth.

Assim can take advantage of the competitive strategy of the company and ensure or fulfill its social role, through responsibility. Along with the requirements and attributions of responsibility that a company establishes for companies, through its laws, there are only opportunities offered. An efficient management knows how to detect opportunities for investment investments where there seems to be little demand and expense.

No Brazil is growing due to environmental concern. There are many companies that are obtaining international certifications for their products and / or Environmental Management Systems. Besides that we have a very different reality from two developed countries, we fear a series of opportunities linked to Environmental Management that will show us alternative ways for an economic growth that has destroyed two natural resources.

Faria (2000) says that a research carried out by the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, with the support of the World Bank, presented 11 case studies regarding some innovative approaches to environmental management. She mentions the case of the paper and cellulose Klabin producer company: “To give respect to pressures of products, please favor the environment, this company decided to expand its preserved areas and cultivate an image alongside the international market. Through the adoption of environmentally responsible practices, as well as a reserve of space in its terras for preservation areas, the company has not observed significant losses of recipes, contrary hair, guarantee for a more demanding market, with the obtaining of certificates of its production. of environmentally sound practices madeiras ".

5.1 - Competitive advantages from the implementation of Environmental Management Systems

Some companies have never adopted conscious practices, thinking that there will be no future progress in the value or environment that assumes for a society. Assim, you can cite some examples of companies that will uncover opportunities for conscious businesses two natural resources.

Many companies that previously traveled or invest in an environmental issue as measures that increase or safeguard production, will discover that Gestão Ambiental reduced costs and could make the factory more efficient. In medium, according to Faria (2000), a program of Environmental Management pays for itself in a ten to fifteen month period. As a program, the company saves water, energy and raw materials.

There are some examples of return on investment and reduction of costs from the implementation of the Environmental Management System (EMS), following companies, according to Faria (2000):

  • Bahia Sul- Produtora de Papel em Mucuri- BA, was the first to obtain ISO 14,000 certification, not Brazil. Acting as a highly pollutant investor, he invested a thousand dollars not in the implementation of the SGA, raising three years to implement it. A yearly economy after Certificação chega to nine hundred and twenty thousand dollars.OPP- Chemical, producer of polyolefin resins, certified four units in 1996 and in all obtained enough funds to compensate or invest about two thousand dollars, saving water, energy, steam and loss of material-primaCopesul (Companhia Petroquímica do Sul), in the certification process in 1998, considers that the Environmental Management System provides: operation capacity at low cost and with high operational efficiencies, mainly supported by lower energy consumption and of matéria-prima,With recycling and maximized production of seus principais produtos- or eteno eo propeno.Alpargatas- Santista Têxtil- unit of Americana- SP, obtained certification for the implementation of the Environmental Management System according to the requirements of ISO 14001, dated 1997. Os We will work for a certification that will take about two years. Fora invested a thousand dollars during this process and estimated investments of around six hundred thousand for the constant melhorias required by the system. The leaders of the company affirm that the investments will return, generating competitive advantages, in addition to preparing the companies for the ever-increasing demands of the environment. Cenibra (Celulose Nipo-Brasileira), located in Minas Gerais, was recommended to receive certification by the standard ISO 14001, issued in 1997.During the implementation process, he invested about six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The company affirms that due to environmentally sound practices, it will lead to a continuous reduction of costs, not a production process. Volkswagen do Brasil - São Carlos unit received a certification of conformity with the ISO 14001 standard, in March 1998. Foi planned from its conception to serve all the requirements of the Brazilian environmental legislation. You are responsible for affirming that the Integrated Management System has a guaranteed return, not only a financial aspect but not a quality of life. At the São Carlos factory, it reduced costs for water, energy and fuel consumption.The company affirms that due to environmentally sound practices, it will lead to a continuous reduction of costs, not a production process. Volkswagen do Brasil - São Carlos unit received a certification of conformity with the ISO 14001 standard, in March 1998. Foi planned from its conception to serve all the requirements of the Brazilian environmental legislation. You are responsible for affirming that the Integrated Management System has a guaranteed return, not only a financial aspect but not a quality of life. At the São Carlos factory, it reduced costs for water, energy and fuel consumption.The company affirms that due to environmentally sound practices, it will lead to a continuous reduction of costs, not a production process. Volkswagen do Brasil - São Carlos unit received a certification of conformity with the ISO 14001 standard, in March 1998. Foi planned from its conception to serve all the requirements of the Brazilian environmental legislation. You are responsible for affirming that the Integrated Management System has a guaranteed return, not only a financial aspect but not a quality of life. At the São Carlos factory, it reduced costs for water, energy and fuel consumption.You are responsible for affirming that the Integrated Management System has a guaranteed return, not only a financial aspect but not a quality of life. At the São Carlos factory, it reduced costs for water, energy and fuel consumption.You are responsible for affirming that the Integrated Management System has a guaranteed return, not only a financial aspect but not a quality of life. At the São Carlos factory, it reduced costs for water, energy and fuel consumption.

Verify, therefore, that the positive results of the non-reduction of costs through Environmental Management Systems are only considered to be the competitive advantages acquired by this restricted group that could not be rejected, because they represent pioneering strategies in a set that indicates, it tends to grow not Brazil.

To Gestão Ambiental, more than a politically correct attitude, it becomes an indispensible competitive advantage. The Environmental Management Systems will be developed as a major stage, when large accidents, such as Bhopal, India, and Exxon Valdez no Alasca, will cause environmental impacts of great proportions and will furthermore mobilize the society in prol ecology.

Hojda (1998) refers that all or development of norms turned to the Environmental Management System has important aspects, as well as to demonstrate that or correct establishment of Environmental Management, in addition to responding to the demands of the world community and consumer-society, it also offers to vantagens organizations. Mathematically competitive you measure: reduction of costs, in economy of natural resources and reduction of waste management; possibilities to conquer restricted markets, such as o da União Européia; economy of resources pertinent to damages for civil liability; This is the easiest way to obtain financing with multi-lateral credit organizations, such as the World Bank (IDB),Inter-American Development Bank (IBRD) and the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and attention to the legislation related to the environment.

5.2 - Fators that can be determined by Vantagem Competitiva da Gestão Ambiental

Foi elaborated a work by the academic Angélica do Espírito Santo and Cristina Hsieh da USP, oriented by professor Miguel Juan Bacic, who was placed as fators that we can determine to Vantagem Competitiva da Gestão Ambiental:

5.2.1 - Attention two interests two stakeholders

Government: by means of legislation, or government we are seeking to punish practices of companies that have significant environmental impacts, through fines and prohibitions. Therefore, inasmuch as the companies are not aware of the importance of an ecologically correct performance, the regulations will be necessary, due to some reasons elucidated by Porter (1992):

  • It creates pressures to motivate companies to innovate; Melhora to environmental qualification for cases in which innovations and results of melhoria in the production of resources are not supplantam or custo of adequação; Alert and educate companies on possible inefficiencies of resources and potential areas for technological melhorias; It increases the probability that the innovations we produce and not process in general are friendly to the environment; Cria demands for melhorias ambientais até that companies and consumers are able to perceive and measure inefficiencies; Level or field of battle during or period of transition for environmental solutions based on innovations, ensuring that a company is not capable of gaining competitive positions in relation to others, fleeting two investments of environmental nature.

Community: or involvement of organizations such as social-environments can transform-it is an opportunity for business. Or I concede that the face of the company is one of the determining factors of the success or failure of the business, once it is correlated to the goodwill of the company, it is an intangible asset.

Shareholders: the most informed shareholders tend to prefer to inject resources into companies with environmental concern, for the sake of being more secure and accredited, or as guarantor or recipient of two dividends. Dessa forma, as ecological companies can assemble or provide resources to support your business.

Officials: for Hojda (1998), to implantação da Gestão Ambiental requires Treinamento, Conscientização e Competência two functionaries involved, or that will help the efficiency and the production process, reaproviding or maximizing the potential of the company. In addition, the companies that have been sentenced by members of an environmentally responsible company demonstrate that they are more supportive of assuring their continuity with the employment of their employees. The company, I have a safe and trustworthy image, promotes to the satisfaction of two serious employees, and that this could result in increased productivity.

5.2.2.- Differentiation of the product:

Research and Development: A Gestão Ambiental requires companies to invest more in P&D (Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento), in order to minimize or damage the environment, the development area will be encouraged to seek new production and innovation alternatives. In this respect, it is a new strategy to serve as a competitive strategy both in the leadership of custo and in the differentiation of products. A recycling is an example of the evolution of research on clean technologies. Hojda (1998) cites Opel and Mercedes-Benz, among other various automotive industries, that for some years have claimed their own cars with materials that can be re-supplied in the manufacture of a new car. He also stresses that "in the Netherlands, 60% of two glasses used in the packaging industry are recycled, in Brazil, not just 30%."

5.2.3. - Market guarantee:

Imagem: many business owners are ready to be seen with other people who are social. Isso was confirmed by François Moyen, president of Belgo Mineira, who declared in Exame Magazine on July 10, 1997 (p.45): “it is worth investing that you will be estranged, pois or custo to recover it will be higher ». And this problem is a problem, for its Monlevade and Sabará plants are classified as the most polluters of the State by an environmental association of Minas Gerais, facing difficulties to change their images of polluters. In addition, various NGOs press companies through campaigns linked to a press and lobby with legislators. The company, under the gaze of an NGO, will be bombarded in a printing press and will gradually become perceived by the population as environmentally irresponsible,or that represents a negative publicity forte, affecting the competitiveness of the product of a non-market company, in addition to representing the need for greater custody in publicity to restore its image.

Foreign Trade: Currently, or foreign trade, it is more prudent when it comes to this environmental issue, mainly in developed countries, forcing emerging countries to adopt other standards of environmental quality, so that their products do not use commercial oils. With the creation of ISO 14000, the most rigorous criteria of quality will be applied, bringing companies to practice Green Management, to continue competitive non-market.

5.2.4.- Otimização dos custos:

Custos not productive process: na Gestão Ambiental, or first step to conquer a competitive advantage in custo é to eliminate or waste. Segundo Porter e Linde (1995), the companies do not have or custo poluição in terms of waste of resources, efforts and diminution of value for the consumer. This way, the company may, initially, be endorsing or its process through an environmental audit, for example, aiming to identify unnecessary costs as excessive expenses with energy and water. From then on, or control of costs, it can be used as a tool to prevent future environmental impacts.

Financial issues: the banks that assassinate or «Pacto Verde» and, mainly, development organizations such as IBRD, IDB, etc., offer specific lines of credit for projects linked to the environment with more than one condition, such as major prazo de carência e minor taxas of juros.

5.3 - Generic types of Corporate Environmental Strategy

The model presented by Orsato (2003), in Figure 3, identifies the elements involved in the Corporate Environmental Management. For the author, this separation is essential to identify specific conditions in which the Corporate Environmental Strategies can enhance the competitiveness of the company, because at this time they are not treated as independent areas of the strategic environment.

Figure 3: Generic Types of Corporate Environmental Strategy

Fonte: Orsato (2003)

The quadrants in Figure 3 represent a typology of Specialized Environmental Strategies that companies can add. A structure that does not qualify a company operates, its position within the sector, the types of market that the company attends to its competitors will determine or the most appropriate competitive focus (organizational processes and products and services) and the potential source of competitive vantage (custo or differentiation) for the company.

Strategy 1 - Resource Productivity: social and economic pains and others, according to Orsato (2003), will influence companies to achieve a significant degree of labor and capital production, making it possible to substantially reduce the cost of manufacturing in the final two products. Studies show that the potential of a new set of business practices to develop a product of resources could emerge in a new economic system.

O author cites, as an example, breweries in Namíbia, Suécia, Canadá e Japão who only barely used raw materials more efficiently, but, because we agreed to the residues of the beer manufacturing process in commercial products, we also profited with these new activities businesswomen. Numa traditional brewery, thanks to cevada expenses to manufacture beers only sold for breeders of porcos e gado a preços baixos. Never breweries oriented to the production of two resources, the great expenses (containing 70% fiber and 26% protein) are used by cogumelos planters. A time when executives recognize that their business activities privilege strategies based on the production of

resources, they can concentrate efforts on exploring hidden opportunities. It embodies other potential areas of your estejam business activity prone to generate profits from two environmental investments, focusing not on which side of the business point of view can really become the source of a competitive advantage.

Strategy 2 - Além gives legal conformity: a corporate image can be polished, influencing a positive public opinion on the practices of Environmental Management. In Europe, USA and Japan, Ford, General Motors and Toyota assemblers, for example, já tornaram obligatory for its suppliers to certify their Environmental Management Systems (SGA) according to ISO 14001.

Organizational processes that are in conformity with the possibility of indirect influence on the image of the company and eventually the impact on its market performance. That influence, porém, depends on particular circumstances.

Orsato (2003) exemplifies or continues: when the European consumers will reflect on the decision of Shell to abandon oil platforms in disuse not North Sea, it will be easier for consumers to assume a position of 'sim ou não' and boycott the products gives company. Naquela specific situation, rejeição of organizational practices - which are not directly related to the products sold by the company - it resulted in a substantial number of sales. Or the Brent Spar case, as a confirmed fact, showed that the general environmental performance of Shell was becoming important for clients in the general society. During her part in the 90's, Shell was accused of social and environmental negligence in her operations in Nigéria (Africa),culminating the accusation of being involved in the conspiracy that resulted in the execution of the environmentalist Ken Saro-Wiva in Nigeria. Or incident of Brent Spar foi a 'drop d´água' for muitos will revolt against the practices of Shell. More importantly, Shell seems to have learned to lição. Since 1998, the company has changed its environmental strategy radically, adopting practices that are very legal. As a matter of fact, the company considers an environmental report as an essential communication tool to address such concerns. In pursuit of a strategy that goes along with the conformity of environmental practices, Shell currently leads the companies that now have the image that consumers and collaborators have about their operations. In this case,To Shell I suggested that the strategies that are in conformity with the multinational corporations will benefit only from two shareholders in their country and in general public opinion.

Strategy 3 - Ecologically oriented products and services: The clearest strategy is given four possibilities presented in Figure 3. The ecologically oriented products represent, leaf, a defined market niche, explored by all companies in the world.

Fundamentally, companies that claim to generate a competitive advantage based on strategies based on ecologically oriented products and services need to observe three basic pre-requisites according to Orsato (2003: (i) consumers need to be willing to pay the most expensive ecological difference; (ii) reliable information about the environmental performance of the product needs to be available to the consumer, and (iii) unlike it, it must be difficult to be imitated by the corresponding parties.

Strategy 4- Environmental custody leadership: no traditional council of custody leadership, at a competitive advantage and obtained when a company presents the most low-cost citizens. Obter vantagem de custo, for Orsato (2003), depends on various fatigue, such as custo da força de trabalho, accessibility of raw materials, technology and organizational competences. In addition, obtaining a custodial advantage requires considerable effort, it is more difficult to reduce the costs and impacts of the environment associated with products or services at the same time - prerequisites of the strategy based on the leadership of environmental custodians. That is the reason why this is the most ambitious of the strategies presented in Figure 3. In need of innovations you do not develop two products, it also explains the difficulty of finding empirical examples of this strategy.

Synthesizing, as the four types of generic strategies suggested, the distinction between the organizational processes and the products / services sold by the company is not just a theoretical exercise. Orsato (2003) says that this particularity has direct implications in the way that organizations can optimize their efforts in the environmental area and focus on the type of generic strategy that makes the most sense for the company. Some companies can, at least, develop more ambitious strategies and explore solutions that are more risky and radical.


- Concerned with the environment that is presented, a different dynamic is found in organizations and in countries where they meet. Either the market is no longer oily or waste is not a treatment of two natural resources. Consumers are interested in clean products. Legislation becomes more rigid, blaming sanctions on violators, forcing companies to face with seriousness and responsibility for environmental variables in their operational strategy.

- Adapting to the requirements of two markets, governments and companies, despite raising the company to a considerable amount, it has brought financial benefits and competitive advantages. There are many companies every year, producing waste and spending much more for cleaning. Therefore, or use of Environmental Management ferramentas that provide or develop and use clean technologies, like two continuous production processes, greater efficiency and competitiveness for the company.

- Posto isto, it is verified that the company is giving permission for the continuity of the company. The resource holders do not want to indefinitely risk their patrimonies in companies that refuse to take preventive measures in the environmental area.

- As companies need to manage their resources on ecological ethics and, therefore, it will be necessary to integrate or control the environment with economic and financial aspects, in order to support their strategies and decisions, or to become involved in our negotiations. for a society.


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In search of competitive strategies through environmental management