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How to close sales easily ... even if you hate selling!

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Do you have trouble closing sales? Despite your efforts, the sales of your products and services can easily become the Achilles heel of your business, which prevents you from growing. The good news is that you don't have to be a marketing expert to successfully close sales, you just have to do what you love most: educate and help others.

It's possible? Will you be able to transmit the value that you deliver to your client with confidence, with a message that is crystal clear and that makes her run to look for her credit card and buy from you?

In reality it doesn't seem to be that easy. As a female entrepreneur on the web, you already know that this is the main stumbling block of any online business. You must also have had your disappointments when selling your products and you are frustrated, because your efforts are not remunerated according to the time, money and work you invested.

Your work, your website, your products and services and your efforts to make yourself known seem to be the optimal scenario for happy customers to buy from you.

However, instead of receiving the barrage of sales you were expecting, the money trickles in, barely enough that you don't give up entirely.

How can you get out of that frustrating situation?

How can you get to close many more sales with your customers?

What do you need to change to make your potential customers go from nonchalance to running to buy from you?

The answer is: helping!

The best way to capture the attention of your customers so that they understand that you have the solution to the problem that is squeezing their shoes, is to earn their trust by giving them information for free.

In practice, how is it done?

1. Make a free product:

It can be an ebook, a series of audios or videos. In this product you address a pressing problem in your market and teach how to solve it, but you only provide information.

2. Mention your product:

In this free gift, you refer in a very natural way to the product you want to sell. For example, you provide 3 data on how to solve the problem and you say:

"I have a total of 12 different ways to approach the problem in my" XXX "product, but here are the 3 most important…"

3. Upload your free product to the web and promote it.

Easy, right?

The fun thing about this sales strategy is that you don't have to be a marketing expert! You just have to do what you love the most: educate and help others.

How to close sales easily ... even if you hate selling!