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How to make business lunches a success


Throughout our professional lives, we often have to organize all kinds of business meals. Whether they are breakfasts with potential suppliers, lunches or dinners with clients or a cocktail during a business fair, they are common situations in which we have to know how to behave.

In addition, in front of a plate of food, a more relaxed atmosphere is created that allows us to better know our interlocutor and increase mutual trust.

It is important not to forget that in business lunches, we are also representing our company and there are a series of rules to follow to make our guest feel comfortable and at ease. Being a good host is learned and we will give you some tips to follow.

1. It is worth choosing a restaurant that we know well to be sure of the quality of the food and service.

2. If we are the host we have to go before the client or at least have reserved the table in advance so that when the client comes they can indicate where to sit and invite him to have a drink.

3. When ordering food, it is best not to spend too much time looking through each of the menu sheets with a magnifying glass. We do not have to give the impression that we are undecided.

4. We have to pay attention to the customer, be aware of whether he likes his choice and if he has everything he may need from drink to salt or any detail.

5. If we are the host, we will be the last to order, giving preference to the customer.

6. When ordering, we will pay attention to the client.

  • If he has ordered an appetizer or soup before the main course, we will also ask for something similar so that the client does not eat alone. just ask for a drink to go with it too. Be careful when ordering dishes that we may not know how to eat with elegance such as spaghetti, giant hamburgers or ribs.

7. Try to adapt the rhythm of the food to that of other people to try to finish at the same time. As always, the objective is that the client does not eat alone or feel that we are rushing to finish.

When we know how to behave, we feel relaxed, able to focus on the welfare of others and stop thinking about whether or not we are making a fool of ourselves.

How to make business lunches a success