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How to develop creative potentials in education

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Creation and its potential: ways to develop it in education

In any activity carried out by the human being his creative potentials are revealed, this is an intrinsic part of man and thus his stimulation and development increase from the first ages of the subject, which are consolidated in the following stages of existence. This allows the individual to create, contribute and contribute in the material and spiritual order to the society they inhabit.

In different theoretical works, where creativity is addressed, criteria such as that of Dr. Albertina Mitjáns and Dr. Fernando González Rey (1989) are stated, which explain: “Creativity is the process of producing something new (at least for the one who produces it) who meets the demands of a certain social situation… ”

Creativity can manifest itself in different areas of human knowledge such as in the different sciences: Medicine, Geography, Mechanics, Electricity, Engineering, Architecture, Informatics, Agronomy, Biotechnology, Mathematics, just to name a few. It is also present in the different artistic manifestations such as: Plastic Arts, Dance, Theater, Music, Literature, Cinema, etc; and in other trades and manual activities, which is illustrated in plumbing, carpentry, crafts, culinary art and fashion making, just to name a few, since the relationship would be long.

Professor Marta Martínez Llantada (2003), states that creativity potentially exists in human beings and that it is possible to develop it; Thus she asserts: “… creativity is not the exclusive property of geniuses, of beings with exceptional capacities, but that all men can be creators if they are educated for it, since it does not depend only on biological, hereditary traits, it is not.

It is said that creative potentialities can be developed from an early age, but they are influenced by certain factors such as the family, which is the fundamental cell for their development. There are others such as the community, as a medium where the subject develops and interacts, the mass media, which are a reflection of the surrounding reality; and the school as a fundamental bulwark, provided that the minimum conditions for its development exist.

In our opinion, the school is the maximum responsible for developing the creative potential of the students, but the teacher's role is to be a facilitator of the teaching-learning process; its function is to stimulate the creativity of the subject. Due to the above, the teacher has to be a creative person in himself, because if he is not creative he will not be able to instill the creative spirit in his students. It must get rid of archaic schematisms, it cannot be omniscient or omnipotent, its function will be to give up spaces where the student can think, act and present his own ideas, to do the work freely. The educator must be tolerant, not too critical, nor too demanding, because creativity resists before all excess criticism;However, it can guide the learning process but in a developmental way, where the subject as participant is an active, dynamic entity. The student becomes a reproducer of knowledge in this process, but in turn is a creator of it.

We have a social challenge for the next generations, every day science and technology in many branches of knowledge acquire and advance with greater development, but innumerable problems, products of that development, are also revealed. To these conflicts there must be a solution or at least a convincing answer, since we are aware that we must all contribute to the development of creativity to provide solutions to the problems that lie ahead in the short, medium and long term.

Think you are giving your contribution, if not, we urge you to do so.

How to develop creative potentials in education