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How to stand out with an advertising stand?

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The advancement of digital tools has in many cases made advertising efforts focus on them. However, in certain types of business, fair marketing is still very important, even key. That moment in which both professionals in the sector and potential clients live the brand experience first hand. It is an important moment because it is usually a passenger and there is very little time for the brand image to sink deep into the public. If this challenge is to be faced, you must know how to stand out from the rest of the options around you.

Factors to consider when setting up the perfect advertising stand

Before participating in a fair, as in any marketing strategy, you must thoroughly know what type of business, with its weaknesses and strengths, in order to get the most out of it. Then, what is the target audience to be impacted in the meeting. It may be the case that the target is very broad, but that the fair is intended for an audience a little more segmented by age or profession, so it is necessary to take it into account to know what the needs are and what is expected. that the brand can offer.

It is also necessary to take into account the objectives and motivation that drives a stand in a certain space. Do you want to improve your brand image? Search for that desired market niche? Arrange visits? Do networking? It is important to take this into account since the success of the presence at the fair will depend on the result of the objectives (trying to make them realistic) that have been established: contacts made, concerted visits, etc.

With these data in hand, the decoration of the stand will largely depend on the space that has been granted at the fair. Not only of the square meters that are available, but in which part of the pavilion is located.

The first stand seen when entering the room does not have the same impact as the last one or the one between two major competitors. So that the stand is not lost among the amalgamation of information found in the pavilion, it must stand out, be attractive and why not, different, and always in line with the sector.

The distribution of the stands in ephemeral spaces can be given by decision of the organization, although the most logical and habitual thing is that it is by modality and in alphabetical order so that there is no advantage. To this must be added the technical needs that may be required, such as a lighting expert or an assembler.

All the effort and work is useless if it is not promoted and the presence at the fair is not made known. You can use the different usual communication channels to announce it a reasonable time before the event: email campaign to customers, ads through social networks or even, if you want to give broad coverage, use Google Adwords advertising.

During the event, it is also convenient to make publications (if the target is a user of social networks) since the live show is extremely important to create notoriety. It is also necessary to inform when it has finished, especially if some media outlet has echoed the event and reported on the brands present.

Booth safety is another key factor before designing and setting up. This can prevent the platform from failing if someone climbs on it; or that any of the anchors come loose. These accidents not only give a bad reputation to the brand, but can also harm a visitor.

Stand types

The type of advertising stand will be based on what has been mentioned in the previous points. Always consistent with the brand and the space, you can choose between:

1. Portable stand

This case is ideal if the event is short or if you are not interested in having too much presence. It is usually in the form of a rollup or advertising display. The corporate image of the brand stands out in a sharp and clear way. One of the positive aspects of these stands, apart from the fact that the price is usually lower than others, is that it can be used for other events, or even take advantage of the decoration of the company thanks to its ease of transportation.

2. Modular stand

It is one of the cheapest proposals, since it combines aluminum with melanin, it also offers many creative and aesthetic options. It is designed for fairs where the objective is, for example, to make contacts and networking.

3. Custom stand

If you want to stand out, add value to the brand and make people talk, this is the type of stand you need. In it you can use the materials you want. Lately it has become fashionable to use a highly audiovisual style with attractive corporate videos.

It is interesting to add fair merchandising such as pens, notebooks, t-shirts or even offer a coffee as a claim, since the public is more attracted to the stands where something is given away. It is seen in all the fairs that the spaces in which the majority of the public is concentrated are visually very attractive or give something, and even queues form. Of course, the cost is much higher than in the previous cases, but it is worth it if the branding objective is achieved.

4. Thematic stand

It is actually a variant of the custom. In this case, the theme of the fair or the company itself is used to create a suitable stand decoration. If the company is dedicated to construction and that year the star product is beach houses, a simile of a beach place can be created so that the visitor really lives this experience and does not easily forget the product, thanks to the power of the association of ideas.

Tips for good practices in Fair Marketing

If you want to be successful applying fair marketing, you should follow these tips:

Be faithful and consistent with the brand. It can be tempting to put together an advertising booth according to something that is in fashion at the time; But be careful, if it has nothing to do with the business you want to highlight, the communication is not valid and the potential client may eventually forget.

Take care of the image of the staff that is in the stand. In addition to the structure in place, there will also be company personnel attending to visitors. It is necessary that these personnel are properly trained for any queries that may arise. Her image must be unpolluted both in the way she dresses, complying with the dress code of the event since a tone output is received as something negative, as in body posture. A person with an elegant appearance, clean, clear, with security and confidence, provides a better image than an apparently insecure person.

Do not lose sight of social networks.

Don't take anything for granted. Nothing should be left to chance.

Get inspired by new trends. Every year different fair marketing proposals appear that can be adapted, if they fit the event and the target. Among the current trends, the use of event applications, social networks, and the design of stands that combine various modalities stand out.

How to stand out with an advertising stand?