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How to find a job or job search

Table of contents:


One of the biggest problems at the beginning of the century is the lack of work, which is evident in the high levels of unemployment that affect young and old, men and women alike. Situation that occurs in all areas of knowledge: employees, technicians, professionals and company executives.

1. Job search

Fundamentally it requires awareness that working actually requires two intense jobs:

  1. Intensive mobilization to obtain it Full occupation to conserve it.

When looking for a job, the applicant must consider that they will be compared to others. That is to say: all will compete for the same position, all will try to demonstrate that they are capable of doing the tasks that this position requires. And only the one with the most training and best search strategy will do it.

The following diagram indicates the steps followed by the company for hiring personnel, called:

The process of recruitment and selection of personnel in the company

The Employment Process consists of the development of two fundamental functions. The first deals with Personnel Recruitment (stages 1 to 4), the second deals with Personnel Selection (stages 5 through 12).

Depending on the importance of the search or the size of the company that requires personnel, some of these steps may not be performed. These can be: 3) Publication of notices, as we will see later when we analyze recruitment sources, and 9) Admission test. It is also often the case that steps 6 and 7 are done in a single interview.

It should be noted that at any time any of the parties, company or applicant, may decide not to continue with the employment process.

Recruitment of personnel

  • Stage 1. Need to enter staff. It begins when a certain sector of the company suffers from a lack of personnel for the normal performance of tasks. The lack of personnel is verified: a) when the staffing is insufficient and, b) when the employees do not possess certain skills. Stage 2. Definition of the job profile. These are conditions and competencies that the employee to enter must possess. It includes - among others - technical and human skills. Stage 3. Publication of notices / Dissemination of the search. Make it known that you are in the process of searching and selecting personnel. Stage 4. Applicants submit their data. Reception of all applicants' records.

Staff pick

  • Stage 5. Analysis of applications. It is the first filter of the process. At this stage the applicants who will be interviewed are selected. Stage 6. Selection interview. Generally by a specialist from the Human Resources Department. At this stage it is a question of defining whether the interviewee conforms to the profile established by the company. Stage 7. Technical interview. It evaluates the depth of knowledge, abilities and skills. If necessary - depending on the skills required for the position - case studies and technical tests are carried out. Stage 8. Background confirmation. Also called pre-occupational or socio-environmental. Its objective is: a) to determine the social, economic and environmental environment of the applicant and his / her family group, b) to corroborate the labor trajectory, c) other antecedents. It is carried out by specialized companies who verify that the data provided by the applicant agrees with reality, consulting the references offered by the future employee, attending schools, and / or the applicant's home to verify personal data, may also be requested opinion to neighbors. In addition, previous employers are consulted to define tasks performed, work experience, attendance and punctuality, quality of performance, and reasons for leaving. It is also found out whether the applicant has a police or judicial history. This stage is little used nowadays.Stage 9. Test. Psychotechnicians are performed by occupational psychologists. Graphological studies by subject technicians who analyze the applicant's writing. Both pursue the purpose of investigating the candidate's personality in order to define if it matches the profile of the position. On some occasions both tests are replaced by activities in front of a PC screen. Stage 10. Medical aptitude exam. Compulsory and regulated by Law 20587 on Hygiene and Safety at Work. Stage 11. Admission decision. It is the analysis of the applicants who arrive at the end of the road in order to decide who or who will begin to integrate the staff of the company. Stage 12. Income. It is the "strawberry of dessert" for the applicant. It is the culmination of the job search process when starting tasks in the company, and it is also the beginning of the job retention process and practical training. In duly organized companies, the Induction Process is carried out.

Job hunting involves working to work.

As we can see, entering a company means going up a hard hill. Those who reach the top are those who understand that job search is a job in itself, and as such must be tackled with dedication and dedication.

Working takes time and effort. The round trip from home to business is likely to take approximately 2 hours and the workday is 9, 10, or perhaps more hours. In other words, employees in the world of work can be between 10 and 12 hours a day. Consequently, nothing prevents using similar amounts of hours to direct them to the search process.

Working demands proactivity. It is convenient for the applicant to attend different types of events, conferences, courses, and seminars during the search organization period. There are many activities (even non-tariff) of great value to acquire or deepen knowledge and ways of seeing things. But in addition to attending, it is necessary that you participate: giving your opinion, contributing ideas, asking questions, interacting with exhibitors, organizers and other people. In short: making the most of the time you spend on these activities.

To look for a job it is necessary to plan.

The search has its own rules of the game and a series of steps to complete. If the young man is unfamiliar with the rules of the search, the journey he will go through to achieve his goal will become a sterile summation of isolated attempts that have little or nothing constructive for him. The only thing you will achieve is feeling frustrated and tired but without any job prospect.

To take advantage of opportunities, creativity becomes essential. But creativity is not a mere collection of ideas, it is putting those ideas into practice through an action plan.

As with any other product on the market, you have to develop a personal marketing strategy and that implies a high level of compliance with the rules of the game. To develop this strategy, the applicant must carry out different analyzes.

Analysis of personal marketing strategy to find a job

One of them is to define your personal characteristics.

  • What knowledge do you have? What skills can you develop? What activity would you like to do?

Another is to establish your work experiences.

  • What are your work experiences? The causes that led to the loss of employment

And yet another to define characteristics of the jobs requested in the labor market.

  • The type of employment requested by companies The required skills

All of which will help define the degree of adjustment between the applicant's personal characteristics and the knowledge and skills required by companies. The interrelation of both analyzes will define the type of employment that is in a position to seek.

The relationship that exists can also be seen represented in the SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats), a method that allows us to notice positive and negative aspects.

This analysis combines personal characteristics or internal forces (strengths and weaknesses) with the characteristics of the labor market or external forces (opportunities and threats). The identification of these points allows to build a successful development strategy.

Strengths with those personal characteristics that differentiate the applicant in a positive way from others in a search situation and consequently increase the possibilities of job placement (eg specialization in some specific competence).

Weaknesses are shortcomings and consequently decrease those possibilities (eg, little mastery of that, another or other skills).

Opportunities are the market requirements that adjust to the characteristics of the applicant (eg demand for knowledge possessed by the applicant), while

Threats are made up of those labor market needs for which the applicant is not qualified (eg no knowledge of any required competency).

As we can see in the graph, the Strengths make it possible to take advantage of the Opportunities, while the Weaknesses quickly become Threats that can leave the applicant out of job competition.

There is no doubt then that it is necessary to take advantage of the labor opportunities that the labor market presents, for which it is vital to strengthen the Strengths, fundamentally through training, and overcome them so that the Weaknesses (which must be converted into strengths) do not become a Threat that prevents obtaining the desired job.

DOFA (SWOT) personal analysis to find employment

2. Personal characteristics

The true act of discovery does not consist in finding new lands, but in seeing with new eyes. (Marcel Proust)

From the fourth week of pregnancy our perception of the world begins to develop through the creation of paradigms (from the Greek, paradeigma). This perception allows the creation of representations that will constitute a model, a personal frame of reference.

Paradigms constitute the basis through which each human being creates a representation of the world that serves to regulate behaviors, that is, they constitute very specific limits that define what is acceptable and what is not. Paradigms are inseparable from character, what we see is closely related to what we are.

But there are two observations. First, there is an irreducible difference between the real world and any representation of the world. Second, the model or frame of reference of each will be different from that of any other.

The world is undergoing accelerated paradigm shifts, its most notable manifestation being the globalization of markets.

All these changes affect the reality and daily life of people in relation to their affections, their ties, their choices, their work. The modes of affective bonding have changed, new familiar forms and styles have been created, technological advances allow new levels of comfort, through the use of the Internet communications have become international, scientific advances lengthen people's lives. New evils also appeared or older ones deepened: AIDS, corruption, crime, etc.

Those situations of uncertainty can be overcome because human beings possess the attribute of viability, the ability to respond to unexpected stimuli appropriately. Essentially it is about the ability to recognize the need for change or adaptation to new conditions.

That is the reason why the exercises detailed below aim to define personal characteristics. To recognize Strengths and Weaknesses.

Defining yourself, looking introspectively can be very difficult, mainly due to not following a method that facilitates analysis, but the task is simplified if you ask specific questions in a logical order.

However it is necessary to keep in mind that this must be an individual task.

To define personal characteristics, it is good technique to establish: formal knowledge and technical skills, predisposition for communications, desired work environment, types of work considered ideal, and self-analysis:

Formal knowledge and technical skills

  • What knowledge do I have?
    1. Formal studies Courses and / or seminars held What did I learn from them? Detail other practical knowledge
    Do I have a teaching predisposition?

(Understanding as such the ability to transmit knowledge)


If the answer is yes, in which specialties or areas?

Predisposition for work

  • What skills do I have to work?

With people - With machines

With numbers - Attention to the public

Predisposition for communications

  • With whom do I have the ability to communicate?

With my colleagues - By telephone

General public - Potential buyers

With my bosses, teachers, authorities

Desired work environment

  • Where would I like to work?

In a large company - In an SME - In a bank

In industry - In commerce - In services

From my home - In my neighborhood - In the countryside

  • Am I predisposed to travel regularly to other areas?


  • Do I have a predisposition to settle in another city or province?


  • Would you agree to work in…?

Noisy places - At height

In confined places - With high temperatures

With low temperatures - With dust in suspension

Types of desired jobs

  • Buying and selling things - Negotiating Assembling and disassembling equipment or electrical appliances Manual jobs Guiding people, helping them Prepare reports - Write texts - Order data Paint - Draw - Design - Write - Mold - Decorate Others (detail)

Working day

  • How long do I want to work?

Eight hours a day - Part time - Long hours

  • What shifts would I like to work on?

In the morning - In the afternoon - At night - In rotating shifts

In discontinuous schedules

Aspects to consider

  • What aspects seem important to me?

The geographical proximity of the company and my domicile

The level of the salary - The additional benefits to the salary

The work environment - The possibilities of progress

The tasks to be carried out - The prestige of the company

The social benefits

Others (detail)


  • What do I think of myself?

The good

What I like

I congratulate myself on

What I must change

What I don't like

What could improve

What I fear that others think

What I hide and fear that others will discover

3. Analysis of previous works

At some point in the selection interviews the topic of the previous works appears. For which it is necessary to take into account that the selector will be more interested in knowing the characteristics of the function performed with one or more other employers than the name given to the function.

Detail of the works

1. In this topic, the first task to be carried out will be a detailed detail of the work carried out. Which includes:

  1. Function name Function characteristics Function objectives


2. As a second task, it is convenient to detail the achievements (for example, sales volume, number of clients served, increase in production, drop in complaints, parts manufactured per hour / day, etc.) in each of the previous jobs..

Quality of experiences

3. The third task will be to detail the experiences in the work situation:


experiences Negative experiences

Job loss

4. Another important task will be to carry out a thorough analysis of the loss of previous jobs, describing real and objective causes that caused them.

When analyzing the loss of employment, concurrent factors stand out, some caused by the company and others not.

Faced with an unpleasant fact, and the loss of employment is extremely, human beings have the tendency to not accept reality and to carry out a transfer of responsibility, explaining the facts from the role of victim. That is to say: "what happened to me was the fault of the others…"

To overcome this emotional state, it is necessary to rethink what happened to assess whether there was any degree of responsibility that could have acted as a facilitator of job loss.

This acknowledgment of responsibility requires reflection and serenity, both necessary to become aware of the need to change certain habits or attitudes.

The loss of employment can be due to different causes:

  • Originated from company problems

Fall in sales - Delinquencies in collections

Changes in policies and commercial orientation

Errors in investments made

Sale or merger of the organization Company

closure - Reduction in staffing -

Other causes

  • Attributable to job performance

Low motivation

Poor relationship with the hierarchical superior and / or with coworkers

Poor choice of work

Lack of adaptation to tasks

Lack of adaptation to teamwork

Poor technical training

Ignorance of languages Poor

performance in relation to the expectations of the organization

Others Causes

List of causes

The next step involves specifying the relationship between the causes attributed to the company and those of a personal nature. For this it is necessary to get rid of the tendency to be a victim and carry out a thoughtful and in-depth analysis to define the degree of responsibility that could exist:

  • What really happened? How did it happen? Why did it happen? What could have been done to prevent it? Why? Who or who are responsible for the situation caused? Where were the failures? When did the deterioration of the situation begin to be observed? What was done to resolve the situation and with what results? not having taken actions to solve the problem. Why?

4. Analysis of the labor market

It is carried out by means of an analysis of the personnel search notices published in journalistic media or personnel selection entities, in order to detect trends followed by companies.

A fundamental aspect for companies that require personnel is that the applicant adapt to the profile established for the function. For this, they define the competencies that those who want to enter the organization must possess.

The applicant's strengths will be in compliance with some or many of these demanded characteristics, and the weaknesses in their absence, which must be resolved as soon as possible.

Young people trying to enter the job market are very likely to become aware of this immediately, given that one of the first drawbacks faced by the job seeker is that most companies require people who have computer and language skills and surf the Internet. Even for the initial job positions (that is, for which minimum requirements are set) it is necessary to master Excel spreadsheets and Word word processors. In languages, many companies require knowledge of English, and some companies request knowledge of Portuguese because they do business with Mercosur.

It is important to know that when you only have secondary education, the absence of training is supplemented by experience on the job. But in all cases, the lower the specific training, the greater the struggle to demonstrate skills, especially when it comes to accessing the first job.

5. Search sources

When companies decide to add new personnel, they do so with the aim of maintaining an efficient workforce.

The young person seeking employment must also have a primary objective:

manage to interview with company leaders.

But… How to get to work? How to start the search process? What to do to avoid wasting time and money and not squandering efforts? A simple answer is: introduce yourself to companies looking for employees. In reality, this is not always the case, given that it is not easy to know in time and form the companies that require personnel.

The correct answer is: analyzing where companies look for new employees, that is: their sources of recruitment, both external and internal.

External recruitment sources include newspaper ads (mass circulation newspapers or magazines), billboard ads, consultancies, casual staff agencies, business chambers, educational institutions, union workers' associations (unions), state agencies, recommendations from people you know from company leaders, web pages, and spontaneous presentations from applicants.

While internal sources of recruitment are the recommendations of family, friends and acquaintances made by employees of the organization.

Newspaper media notices


Notices with demand for personnel with low professional qualifications or initial levels of the organization of administrative areas, Industrial, Sales or Services are published in the Classifieds section, while notices requiring personnel to perform at medium levels are published in the section Grouped.

The notices may or may not indicate the name of the company, the latter are called "blind" notices because they do not give the applicant any idea regarding the characteristics of the organization.

These notices indicate the specialty sought, the physical place in which the applicant must appear, or the postal or electronic address to which their background must be sent (cover letter and curriculum vitae).


There are specialized magazines on labor or business issues, of massive sale in kiosks, in which personnel search notices are published that have the same characteristics as the notices in the newspapers.

Radio and television

Also in some radios and TV channels there are programs that indicate required positions, their profile, and places of presentation.

Billboard notices

They are found in hypermarkets, department stores, foundations, and various non-profit organizations, colleges, and universities.

These are generic notices placed by companies indicating the required positions.

The billboards also usually find personal data and professional qualifications of people who offer their will to work.

Casual staff agencies

They are companies dedicated to selecting personnel to carry out temporary tasks in different companies, based on exceptional needs. The applicant must approach the agency and leave their details or fill out a job application. It should be noted that the employment relationship is established between the temporary personnel agency and the worker, and not between the latter and the company or companies in which they can provide services.

Human resources consultants

Dedicated to the search and selection of middle managers, professionals and executives.

Business and professional cameras

This type of social organizations make databases of people linked to the institution, as a way to facilitate access to work. They are consulted by companies in search of personnel, in the certainty that they will recommend applicants with sufficient knowledge for the performance of the task they require.

Educational institutions

There are middle schools and universities that provide the list of their graduates to companies that request it. In the same way, in some educational institutions -generally private- there are departments that are dedicated to the specific purpose of inserting their best-qualified students into employment.

Job boards

These are databases -made by unions and official organizations- of applicants who request to be considered in future searches. These organizations deliver the data to the requesting companies, depending on the characteristics of the function that they indicate.

In the same sense, the employment service offices of the provincial Secretaries of Labor, the Ministry of Labor of the Nation and some municipalities act, who also advise and inform workers about the requirements and conditions of jobs, and about the characteristics of labor contracting.


Large companies receive CVs from applicants on their web pages, for which they have predesigned the form for those interested to complete their personal, educational and previous job details. Also the major consultancies use this method of data collection. While medium and small companies and independent consultants usually receive CVs via email.

Personal recommendations

Enjoying good personal relationships means feeling good about yourself and getting along with others.

The recommendations are made by people who know the applicant and consequently attest to their ability and suitability. To deserve to be recommended, it is necessary to maintain an updated «Network of contacts», which is one of the sources of recruitment least taken into account by those who try to insert themselves into the workplace.

Organizing a network of contacts requires some clarification. Although it seems easy to do, it requires time, commitment and effort. The network is not improvised or organized overnight, on the contrary, it requires a long time of relationship and mutual knowledge between the recommended future and who recommends it. Firstly treat others as you would like to be treated, secondly contacts must be maintained over time by strengthening relationships. And finally, the network must constantly expand.

Who can integrate this network of contacts? A first group can be made up of family, friends, acquaintances and neighbors. Another group of professionals, teachers and former bosses, colleagues or coworkers. Another one by company executives and entity leaders.

It is convenient to spread the word that you are looking for a job: large numbers of people get jobs through their personal contacts.

Contact network

Network of contacts to find employment

6. Spontaneous presentation

A good method when looking for a job is spontaneous presentation, for which it is necessary to establish where to look for it. Therefore, it is convenient to create a database of companies and organizations. To make it, the sources of recruitment of the companies, detailed above, must be taken into account.

In this database, different types of companies, temporary employment agencies, non-profit organizations, entities, colleges, universities, websites of large companies, consultancies, etc. must be found.

The spontaneous presentation forces the applicant to take the first step by establishing contacts, not knowing if the company is currently looking for personnel.

Consequently, it is offering its services:

a) to enter immediately or, b) to be taken into account in the future.

One of the ways is to appear without prior notice at the company premises requesting an interview, or leaving your record. Another is to send the curriculum vitae by letter, e-mail, or fill out forms on web pages.

Database of companies and organizations

Database of companies and organizations

7. Use of the telephone

The telephone is of fundamental importance in human communications and requires being precise and specific.

One of the ways to look for work is through phone calls, a topic in which we will stop for a few moments. It is known that young people use and abuse telephone communications, but… talking a lot on the phone does not mean knowing how to talk on the phone.

In this regard, it is necessary to bear in mind that you need to speak more clearly on the phone than when you do it in person.

Before making the calls, it is convenient to have a detail of them organized, and to record the results. Failure to do so will result in that at any given time it cannot be specified what to do.

In this regard, it is convenient to keep in mind that the objective of the call will be to request an interview with company leaders. And although it is likely to be attended by an employee and not by the executive, it is convenient to be prepared for what is going to be said, not with a memorized text since it is impossible to contemplate all eventualities, but taking into account the aspects fundamental to be communicated.

Phone calls


List of calls to find a job

It is necessary to keep in mind that the person who is serving us deserves all our respect. That is why we consider good techniques for using the phone:

  • Avoid interruptions.

It is not convenient to have two conversations at the same time, one on the phone and the other with whoever is next to us.

  • Do not drink or eat while talking.

If you have a full mouth do not call, if you have a full mouth do not answer the call until you are able to modulate correctly.

  • Rave.

You should speak reflecting a positive attitude, with energy and optimism, showing self-confidence. A tired, muffled voice attracts no one.

  • Present correctly

Who answers the call in the company, usually presents himself indicating his name and asking, "How can I help you?" When answering, say hello, your first and last name, and indicate the reason for the call and the position for which you are applying. Before cutting the communication and thank you for being attended. In case the caller has not given his name, ask him in order to personalize the conversation.

  • Be tidy

In case of success -that is, if you obtained the interview- repeat the place, day and time of the interview, and ask for the name of the interviewer… and after cutting, write it down! Many times it happens that in the joy of having achieved the meeting these important details are forgotten. The consequence may be to lose the possibility of obtaining the sought-after job.

In this regard, it must be taken into account that the more contacts are made, the more opportunities there will be to obtain the desired interview.

8. Written communications

Getting the desired job requires knowledge, aptitude, experience and talent for communications

It is amazing how the generality of the applicants do not know how to write the cover letter and the CV, known as Curriculum Vitae (CV), being that they are two vital tools for obtaining employment that must be used every time apply to a company, both spontaneously and in response to a notice.

The way of writing and distribution of both is very important. The cover letter can be handwritten, even many companies request that it be done in this way to perform graphological study, while the CV should be done with a word processor.

It is stated that most people know how to write, but do not know how to write. This explains why the written messages do not get to be read with attention by the person to whom it is addressed: a) by the tendency to write for oneself, b) by not considering who the reader is going to be and, c) by write literary instead of direct. To which can be added, in some cases, style problems due to lack of practice.

To write better, it is appropriate to take into account these five principles, called the POWER method:

  • Plan the message to write Organize the ideas, preparing lists or conceptual schemes Develop the ideas in writing writing a draft Write, after previous reading, the corresponding modifications Rewrite the final text

The cover letter

Applicants generally worry about presenting an impressive CV and forget about the importance of the cover letter, without taking into account that if the letter is weak it will be very difficult for the selector to spend time reading the rest of the communication. Therefore, it is necessary to write a letter that without repeating the information referred to in the CV, convinces the selector that the author is a candidate to consider.

Like all important tasks, the writing of the letter must be done at the right time and place. That is why it is not recommended to sit down to write when you have little time available (going out with friends, previous commitment, playing a game, gym session, meeting to study, etc.), or in case you are tired, sleepy, nervous or in a bad mood.

Making a handwritten communication requires analysis and concentration. When this is not done, many applicants with adequate potential are not taken into account due to a series of circumstances:

  • Calligraphy is difficult to understand.

It is not mandatory to have a nice, aesthetic, easy to read handwriting. But the writing needs to be neat. If it is difficult for the selector to read the letter, it will surely end up in the wastepaper basket, even though the author is the potentially ideal candidate to enter the company, who was ruled out simply because the selector did not appreciate this potential, or simply did not know.

  • The wording is poor, imprecise.

The letter should be short and translate the author's personality, enthusiasm and attitude. For this it is preferable to define a model, a letter style which will take time and effort, without a doubt in benefit of the quality of the presentation.

  • The distribution of the text is confusing.

The letter must have a defined structure that makes reading easier. Ideally, it should have three paragraphs: the first refers to the applicant's presentation, the second refers to studies or work carried out related to the position sought, the third asks for a personal interview, and finally the parting phrase.

  • Important details of the applicant are missing.

You should always put your first and last name, address, telephone number, and possibly e-mail, referring to the position for which you are applying. When this is not done and if the letter is separated from the CV, it ends up misplaced and finely eliminated.

  • The background does not match the profile of the position.

When you respond to a notice, the response has to do with the request. The requirements of the companies in most of the times are indicative and not exhaustive. But if you request a person with mechanical knowledge, it does not make sense for someone with studies in business administration to appear. But it is valid to do it days later indicating that the background is sent to be taken into account in future searches.

  • The applicant "sells" too much.

The desire to make a good impression can lead to significant accomplishments, unlikely to be demonstrated.

  • Lack of style or disorder.

The messy letter, with smears that make it difficult to read, give a general idea of ​​disorder, or lack of attention or application in the writing.

Structure of the cover letter

Location and date

Adressee details

The surname and name and the title and name of the company must be indicated. It is also valid to indicate Mr. Director, Mr. Manager, Mr. Boss, Head of the sector, etc. Street and number, and Zip code


(indicating the position for which you are applying)

It aims to arouse the interest of the reader.

It is a presentation phrase that will contain relevant information. For example: indicating that (the background, profile, knowledge, potential, training, job objectives, etc.) are in line with the position required by the company

It is written in order to describe the applicant's strengths.

  1. Reporting that you have experience in certain areas or activities. Other points to include is that the young person is studying (indicating year completed, career and school institution), or that he is a graduate (indicating College, and degree obtained). It is also a good technique to inform who is presented to the company (referring to the surname and name, profession, and / or hierarchical position held in that or another company). If you have work experience, it is appropriate to indicate it, and if you have worked in different areas, point it out. It is also worth noting that you have conditions and / or experience to carry out teamwork.

It has the purpose of generating continuity in the relationship

Requesting a) personal interview in order to expand or clarify concepts, information or presentation data and, b) that the application be entered into the company database in order to participate in future searches.

Farewell phrase

Issuer details

Consisting of the signature, clarification, address, telephone, and email

The curriculum vitae

The CV is a fundamental tool in the job search process.

Therefore, it is recommended that the presentation be thorough and that the content be sincere, positive and well structured.

As in the writing of the cover letter, it is necessary to invest a lot of time in its preparation, for which it is useful to use the POWER method. The resume should cause the prospective employer a desire to meet the applicant. The possibility that the selection interview may take place depends on its content, details, length and objectivity.

Now, it is not convenient to have a single CV model made. On the contrary, it is appropriate to make several models adapted to each job offer, so that the important points in each case are highlighted.

The CV should not exceed two pages, since the selector in charge of the search must understand its content in moments. This is because it is practical to “look” at the curriculum, analyzing its fundamental points, before reading it in its entirety. As a consequence, an overabundance of data can prevent the selector from working.

A CV is always always more complete if it is personalized with a photograph, in which the applicant must be natural and smiling. Therefore it is not recommended to attach a passport-type photo, in which the features are usually harsh and the gaze distant, it is good practice to scan a photo obtained in some social gathering, in which pleasant, relaxed and optimistic features can be seen.

The interview

A university student about to be received comments to his classmates the development of a selection interview that he faced during the job search process. One of them asked him.

  • What was the most difficult question to answer? When the selector asked me to define the defect that I least tolerate. What did you answer? With my greatest aplomb and in all safety I answered: Mediocrity. And…? He answered: Really? ? So how do you explain your low grades?

The objective of the company when conducting interviews is to establish, among others, the following:

  • The evaluation of the accuracy of the CV data Define whether the applicant fits the job profile, both in attitude and aptitude Define different aspects related to their personality

While for the applicant, the successful conclusion of all the presentations he made in different places is to access the selection interview

As we have seen previously, it is necessary to: a) know what to say and, b) know how to say it.

In the selection interview one talks about oneself, consequently the applicant knows or believes that he knows what to say. To say it with conviction they are extremely important:

  • Confidence in oneself and in what is going to be said, for which it is vital to be sincere and believe in what is said. The animation and enthusiasm that is shown when expounding ideas. The body messages that accompany words. The best way to be convincing is to be relaxed and not think about what the selector can interpret from our gestures. You must tell the truth and only the truth, Look into the eyes. Smile and not be afraid

He who attends an interview does not do it alone, usually accompanied by a general state of nervousness that threatens his chances of success. That is why we suggest:

  • Know the activity of the company before entering the interview Do not be late, being convenient to do it approximately 5 to 10 minutes before the scheduled time Present properly dressed and neat

At all times the interviewer will assess the positive attitudes of the applicant: his personal presentation, his fluent language, the way of relating his experience.

Willingness to demonstrate that you will care about what you can give the company, your understanding of the circumstances in which you are offered a job, and any other sign of reliability that you demonstrate to the interviewer.

Attitudes in the interview

  • Be punctual, do not arrive too early or late Wait to be invited before sitting Do it in a good position, with your back straight resting on the back of the seat. Sit occupying the entire seat and not only on the edge Never smoke even when invited Do not eat chewing gum or candy Do not tuck the interviewer unless he indicates it, or that they are (selector and interviewee) of a similar age Do not be distracted by objects from the office or with what It happens outside Do not look indiscreetly what happens in the office Do not spy on the papers on the selector's desk You must be nice Smile Look the other person in the eye. Do not look elsewhere or avoid looking Always listen carefully to the interlocutor Try to understand what the selector wants to know Be calm, not showing impatience or nervousness.Do not look at the watch Act are natural and sincerity. Do not simulate a personality that is not owned or lie in the answers It is necessary to demonstrate self-confidence, self-esteem, being optimistic in the comments Do not be bombastic in the gestures Do not pretend to read your own texts or those of third parties, to answer the selector's questions If you have not understood the comment or the question of the coach, request clarification Do not overact (do not want to prove that he is superman or wonder woman) Do not exaggerate with humorto answer the selector's questions If you have not understood the comment or the selector's question, ask for clarification Do not overact (do not want to prove that you are superman or wonder woman)to answer the selector's questions If you have not understood the comment or the selector's question, ask for clarification Do not overact (do not want to prove that you are superman or wonder woman)

The questions in the interview

  • Why did you apply for this search? Why are you out of a job? Why did you leave your previous job? How did you feel when you were fired? Why do you want to change companies? Why did you answer our notice? What work experience do you have? What is your role in your current job? What do you know about our company? What attracts you to our company? Tell me about yourself… Explain to me what you do now? Tell me how you do it. typical day of your current job Describe what your current boss is like What do you like most about your job? What do you like the least? What kind of work would you like to do? What job would you NOT like to do? What do you think your bosses will tell us about you? What do you do in your spare time? of studies in the near future? Tell me what are your pointsStrong Tell me about your weaknesses or weaknesses Are you willing to make frequent trips? Are you willing to reside in another city? Where do you see yourself acting better, working alone or as a team? Where do you see yourself in five years? Describe some action in which you had to express your leadership What type of leader do you consider yourself to be? What type of company would you not work in? What particular company would you not like to work in? What is the type of contribution you can carry out our company? Why do you think we should hire him? When do you intend to win? If we hire you, when could you start?Working alone or as a team? Where do you see yourself in five years? Describe any action in which you had to express your leadership. What type of leader do you consider yourself to be? What type of company would you not work in? In particular, you would not like to work? What is the type of contribution you can make to our company? Why do you think we should hire you? When do you intend to win? If we hire you, when could you start?Working alone or as a team? Where do you see yourself in five years? Describe any action in which you had to express your leadership. What type of leader do you consider yourself to be? What type of company would you not work in? In particular, you would not like to work? What is the type of contribution you can make to our company? Why do you think we should hire you? When do you intend to win? If we hire you, when could you start?

The answers in the interview

  • Wait for the selector to finish the question before starting to answer Do not say that it is the first interview you are granted, or that it is the first company that is interested in your background Provide concrete answers, not using monosyllables or imprecise terms: no, yes, ahaa…, I don't know, what do I know, etc., perhaps Do not make gestures out of place: shrug, contract lips, dilate eyes Do not argue, talk about politics or religion Do not speak ill of people of the other sex, of former teachers, former colleagues or bosses of the company employees who interview him,from other companies or consultants Do not give very long answers Do not speak less than necessary Do not overflow with joy but also not be at Mass Do not elaborate on personal anecdotes Never say that "I really do not have to work…" "… I am looking for any job", or that "The remuneration does not matter…"

At the end of the interview, it is convenient to thank the coach who has attended you and, in case of not receiving information, before leaving, consult about the activities of the company and the characteristics of the position. And if the steps to follow have not been defined, ask when they are both standing to say goodbye.


Looking for a job should be viewed as a job, so you need to prepare for success.

Taking into account that only in the dictionary the word success comes before the word work.

How to find a job or job search