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How to better cope with stress

Table of contents:


The tensions caused by facing and solving daily the contingencies and changes of daily life, make us focus so much on the environment that we frequently forget ourselves, and consequently the internal energy that allows us to respond in an adaptive way to the changes or contingencies that occur in said environment. The article, rather than deeply addressing the subject, aims, in essence, to offer some personal strategies that allow us to better face stress in our daily lives, in order to develop a better lifestyle.

Labor Organizations composed and moved by human beings; or to update the terms more, by the energy of Human Resources; It constitutes the place where most of the time of their lives passes for them, and it is here where, among other things, the material and spiritual needs of man are satisfied or not.

Now, if it is true that work is a source of gratification, it is no less true that on some occasions, it is also a place where events or situations that affect the health of the worker, such as accidents, can occur, diseases caused by chemical contacts, etc. But physical damages are not the only ones that are likely to occur, there are also other damages that can psychologically affect man: STRESS.

"Cortics about stress"

The term is first spoken in the late eighteenth century, in which the English physicist Robert Hooke discovers the fundamental law of external force and the result of elastic distension in a body, and it was not until the nineteenth century that Claude Bernard introduces it into medicine.

What is it?

It is an unpleasant experiential state maintained over time, accompanied to a greater or lesser extent by psychophysiological disorders that appear in the subject as a consequence of the alteration of his relations with the environment, which imposes on him demands or demands that are threatening and on which the subject believes they have little or no control (Zaldívar, Guevara, Roca, 1996.)

Despite the effects on health, it is always necessary a little stress that acts as a driver to face the tasks, and it is what is known as positive stress.

Organizational factors generating STRESS:

  • Ambiguity and Conflict of roles. Evaluation of Performance. Interpersonal Demands. Design of the Organizational Structure. Organizational Leadership. Stages of life of the organization: given today by the processes of changes that are taking place in companies.


Decreased performance, which intrinsically leads to decreased motivation for work, decreased attention, which causes an increase in the number of errors and accidents, absenteeism, poor decisions, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, job fatigue, excessive tension, irritability, etc.

Its relationship with health

Stress intervenes in the health-disease process causing, triggering or precipitating a disease. Among the diseases associated with this phenomenon we find ulcers, high blood pressure, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks.

Of course, in order to mitigate the effects of stress within organizations, these require planning, in a very coordinated way, a series of actions that require a deep analysis. However, this article offers a set of personal strategies that will help the reader to ease their stress and adopt a more pleasant lifestyle.

1st Strategy: Self-preparation to face stress.

Actions to develop:

  • Analyze the origin or causes of stress, that is, identify the stressor. You may wonder: When did the discomfort start? Where is the origin of this? Accept the existence of stress as part of life. Consider stress as one more problem to solve. Use stressful situations as opportunities to improve as a person.

2nd Strategy: Work on yourself.

Actions to develop:

  • Take comfortable breaks. Guarantee time for your recreation. Sleep the necessary hours. Practice physical exercises. Maintain proper eating habits. Laugh, laugh and laugh, that laughter is often an important antidote to stress.

3rd Strategy: Deal with stress in a rational and intelligent way.

Actions to develop:

  • Set priorities. Defend your criteria firmly and act independently. "Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today". Avoid drugs and alcohol.

4th Strategy: Take advantage of the possibilities offered by the environment.

Actions to develop:

  • Avoid feelings of loneliness. Seek support from others by exchanging your feelings, experiences. Join a group and share common interests.

"Live as if you were going to die tomorrow and plan as if you were going to live a hundred years."

How to better cope with stress