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How to avoid complexes through acceptance and self-esteem


"We can only respect others when one respects himself. We can only give when we give ourselves. We can only love when we love ourselves. Abraham Maslow

Stop being the victim torturing yourself for the defects you perceive in you. Learn to value your virtues and qualities and start living with the right to be happy.

It is very common for both adolescent women and men to have physical complexes. Some of them are unhappy with the size or shape of their nose; others feel too low; others too tall or complain that their arms are too long; just their silhouette, the complexion and the granites that cover it, etc.

The physical complexes that a teenager can list when talking about his disagreement about his body image are as numerous as the parts that make up his own body. Very few, however, are those who name aspects of their personality with which they are not comfortable.

Adolescents often deposit in certain bodily features the accumulation of insecurity and fears that afflict them, choosing them as the culprit or guilty of all ills. Their low self-esteem makes them not love or accept themselves as they are, perhaps because they don't know each other well enough. As they discover themselves and become confident and valued for their personality qualities, self-confidence will gradually increase and body "complexes" will no longer be the target of their criticism.

It all depends on the glass with which you look at it

The longer you live, the more you will realize the impact caused by your attitude towards life. Attitude is more important than facts. More important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or do. Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how you react to it.

One of the attitudes that will most impact your development is acceptance of yourself. Acceptance does not mean tolerance, nor does it mean managing. It means giving up and becoming one with the situation, allowing yourself to be who you are.

If you don't allow yourself to be yourself without exercising hostile judgment, you will never have a chance to feel your natural magnificence. Your rejection and your criticism will cause you to withdraw and be defensive, hiding your true and vulnerable self, because of your cruelty. However, when you know that you are unconditionally accepted by yourself, you relax in your own uniqueness and begin to make decisive movements in your life.

Learn to accept and love yourself

There are no intermediate points between rejection and acceptance of yourself. Every human being is either expanding a part of himself in trust and authority or destroying himself as a result of his non-acceptance and his rejection of her at this time.

When we really love, accept, and approve ourselves exactly the way we are, then everything works in life. It is as if small miracles happen everywhere. Everything improves around us. Loving and approving you, creating a space of safety, trusting, deserving and accepting, all this will create an organization in your mind, will create more affectionate relationships in your life. People who love themselves and their bodies do not abuse themselves or others. Self-approval and self-acceptance right now are the primary keys to positive change in all fields of your life.

Loving yourself begins with not criticizing us anymore. Criticism locks us in the same pattern that we are wanting to change. Being understanding and kind to ourselves helps us to achieve change. Remember that you have been criticizing yourself for many years and it has not worked. Treat yourself with approval and watch your results.

Increase your self-esteem

Don't worry about criticizing yourself physically and emotionally, if you can't believe that you can be free, be aware of the circumstances and live a life of mediocrity. Now if you don't give up and take action in your life, you ensure a future of prosperity and development.

My attitude towards myself determines my self-esteem.

My self-worth depends on my self-image.

The others do not determine my worth, as well as the circumstances.

I have the ability to think, face any challenge and achieve what I set out to do, just as much as any other human being.

I have the right to seek, obtain and enjoy happiness.

God created me in His image and likeness and for that alone I am worth.

If the image I have of myself is not what I like, then my self-esteem will be low. As long as the image is to my liking, my self-esteem will be better.

How to avoid complexes through acceptance and self-esteem