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How to prevent your customer from saying no in sales


One of the biggest fears in any sale is that the customer says No at the end of a presentation or negotiation. It would be fascinating if one could have a magic wand so that after making a presentation use our wand with the client to say YES I buy it. Magic tricks is not my thing, but what I share with you today is a very simple and effective technique so that the client is who says I am interested, I want it, what is the next step?

This weekend I was in the park with my 2 year old. Like all children, the more they grow, the more energy they have and the more daring they are in the things they do and explore. Normal for a child! Now there came a time when my conversation with my son was more like… There, DO NOT go there, DO NOT go up there, do not put that to your mouth, in short, one of NO is endless and I end up exhausted from saying so much NO.

This made me reflect on two things that I usually talk to my clients and in my sales and coaching courses and trainings and curiously I was not doing with my son.

The mental truth about NO

When someone says something to another person, the mind of both the sender and the receiver process the action first and then all the other words.

In the case of my son, when I told him 'DO NOT go up there', he was really saying go up there because his first process of action is the action of the verb go up and then NO. For our mind, the action that comes implicit in verbs is much more powerful than any other word. So the 'no' is in the background almost non-existent. Has something similar happened to you?

But even more impressive is that when I was leaving the park with my son we passed near a bank to which I told him many times 'Don't get on', the boy in his own way said DO NOT go up !!!!

What happened here is that I involuntarily programmed my son to NO and associated it with that object.

The physiological truth about NO

Let's think about how many times we hear the word NO throughout the day. If you do this exercise you will be surprised at the large number it gives you. The interesting thing about this situation is that when you say NO, on the one hand you program yourself mentally, but on the other we also get used to moving certain muscles in the body to say NO. What we do here is that we exercise a lot, but a lot, the muscles that are used to say NO and the muscles that are used to say if we hardly use them. And like everything, it's easier to use what we usually use than what we don't.

If you look, there is a very close relationship of this situation to those we have in a sale. On the one hand, the client due to personal situations that he faces before he is with you (days, months, weeks or a lifetime) the amount of NO is that he usually listens to and says is extremely large, so his muscles are more likely to say No and mentally it is programmed to NO as the case of my son.

The situation I have just described is almost a reflex act. Well, it seems as if customers already bring the NO ahead even before approaching them.

Techniques for transformation

The following 2 techniques are very useful to make your client more likely to tell you IF I WANT to NOT interested.

1. The technique of positive thinking. When you talk to your client all the message you give him, do it in a positive way avoiding NO at all costs. In this way you are predisposing your client to Yes. For example, instead of saying… 'Our product is not expensive', say something like… 'Our product is one of the most competitive and with the best value for money on the market'. Do you notice the difference? !!

2. The YES technique. Due to the fact that if the muscles are not used they soften and atrophy, it is convenient that we help you throughout your sales process to encourage the customer to use their muscles to say YES. So on a physiological level it will be more like saying 'YES' than saying 'no', since also the amount of muscles used to say is not much greater than saying Yes, so it will be more comfortable for your client than accept your proposal. So make things easy. At the beginning and throughout your sale, direct the customer to say 'YES' as many times as possible, either tacitly or explicitly.

If you combine these 2 techniques and base your sale on benefits and added values, you will see how your closings increase exponentially.

If today's tips seemed interesting to you, and you want to learn how to use these 2 techniques in depth, I will be happy to help you. Imagine, in addition to these techniques, everything you can learn in my 'Automatic Locks' training, online certification. To that you give so many turns to make yours all the necessary skills and know the step by step to sell like the greats.

How to prevent your customer from saying no in sales