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How to avoid a bad selection of personnel

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How to avoid poor selection and long processes in search of the ideal executive for the organization

The success of a company today depends on its processes but beyond its people, sometimes its success is dictated from its selection processes, and they are based on the certainty of what we seek, which requires the organization and if I am willing to accept what it requires.

A constant that we have found is that the companies that have rapid search processes or headhunting, permanence in the organization and commitment, are those that are willing to work from the construction of the profile that is required to adapt to what they need and face The challenge of having qualified people, because having qualified people who are able to present their ideas is a challenge. Many times the human resources area is blamed for a long and cumbersome process but you have to look for the cause or root of it, sometimes it is the lack of decision for decision-making and not wanting to “remove the band-aid”. Give a true solution, coincidentally the problem area is always the same.

When we attend a process, in addition to knowing the technical competencies required to perform the position, it is necessary to know the organizational climate, the values ​​and the organizational culture, and to know if the person is going to fit into the organization. Sometimes the Manager or Director asks what he does not want to have to solve a specific requirement or perhaps he asks what will wreak havoc within the organization, so it is necessary to align what is sought with what is required and with what that you can have not only economically, as we find profiles that are presented as over-qualified, that are sold with high salaries and high compensation packages when what the organization actually requires is a "hands-on" this is a profile more operational,the position is not allowed to make decisions or be part of the strategy and becomes a frustrated “executive” collaborator who does not give the intended results and ends up thundering causing the investment of time and resources to be unsuccessful, from the selection, hiring and training that was given causing high costs to the same company.

Remember that not always the one who earns the most will be the one who contributes the most, not always the one with the best salary or the best value is the one that will give results in my company, always considering internal equity, for which it is important to define a correct tabulator and respect it. Compare if what I want and need is what I can pay by doing a correct and honest market and industry mapping to attract the best candidate, which best suits the organization.

Also it is really vitally important to put the expectations of both parties on the table, not only is the executive hired, the executive buys an expectation as well, it is very important to clarify scope, expectations, responsibilities; action and response levels from the start. This will allow us to know if he defines himself as capable and if he considers the company the place where it can grow and develop. The organization cannot waste time, it must have results and show them.

Something that gives a lot of sense and success in the selection processes is that the positions with which you are going to interact know you, that is, it can be done through a panel or individual interviews with the boss, collaborators, laterals, etc. They will be a very good indicator for the process.

Having a "high potential" we must be aware that it is a commitment in both directions, is a person who is going to be in search of more in every way. More challenges, more achievements, more salary, growth and you have to know well what is going to be offered so that it remains attractive and has a retention plan.

It is also good to renew the workforce, since it is injecting new blood and new ideas, which can contribute a lot to the growth of the company once it adapts and knows the organizational culture can be an enhancer of improvements.

A highly recommended and accurate element is the application of an assessment that allows us to visualize the candidate in question in daily life, how he would choose to respond to certain tasks and stimuli, as Plato said "a person is better known in an hour of play, than in 4 hours of conversation ”

A good process of effective and timely selection can guarantee the permanence and achievement of objectives by the candidate.

Summarizing, how to achieve an effective talent search in a matter of time and costs:

  1. Be clear about the profile of positions and the organizational culture, being aware of the results we expect from this profile. In the end the results will not be given by magic, the process will take time in a process of knowledge and improvement. Assign in our tab a level of compensation that is equitable with responsibility and the market through a process of mapping the Interaction with the areas through panel interviews or with people who have a direct relationship. It is recommended to make an assessment with 3 finalist candidates. Make clear the roles and expectations in both directions, scope of the position and responsibilities.
How to avoid a bad selection of personnel