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How to grow your business and stay ahead of the competition

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How do I grow my business? And how do I get ahead of my competition? These are just some of the questions that we entrepreneurs face daily, in this short article I present 5 tips that will allow you to answer both positively.

Let's accept it. There will always be competition in your business. Whether direct or indirect, the competition will try to step on your feet to take away customers. But this is healthy. Healthy for you and your clients.

As a merchant you need it to always keep innovating, looking for ways to compete legally and using attraction and retention strategies. Without it you would become lazy and reactive and would not give your full potential.

As a client, competition favors you. You can stay where they treat you well, go if they don't, compare prices, look for better services, conveniences, better products, and countless options where smart merchants take advantage of your money.

The serious mistake of us, the entrepreneurs, is in believing that simply because we offer a product / service there is nothing else to do and that it is enough just to sell it to some customers / consumers, wait for them to return and continue selling them, especially if there is no competition close.

Example: In my town there is a store where they sell beauty products. It is the only one in town and to go buy my hair dyes from another I have to drive about 35 minutes. I have no choice, but the purchase process is tedious.

Yesterday I visited the store and again the receptionist did not know what dye I bought last time. I suggested that he write in a notebook my name, the name of the dye I use and the date of purchase. They also don't have a phone that you can call. They ran out of the gel for my hair and I told them that with a phone I can call and find out if they have it, so I don't waste my time.

This is what I mean when we are reactive and have no vision. And I don't want you to be like that, reader friend. I just want you to follow these 5 suggestions to grow your business and stay ahead of the competition, the current one or the one that will inevitably come.

1. Be clear about your vision

  • Look to the future to find out where you want to stay. Stay aware of trends by reading articles, the newspaper, magazines and everything that concerns your field of business. Also of the economy to know what strategies you can implement to avoid having to complain that things are wrong (as many merchants do). Listen carefully to your customers (if the one who bought the dye would listen…). Have a clear vision why you are in business to communicate it to your customers.

2. Put passion in what you do

  • Serve your customers. Listen to their needs. Constantly ask them to tell you how to improve. Send them thank you postcards (by hand if possible). Smile, greet them, say good morning, thank you, come back soon, we value you.

3. Get ready for change and innovation

  • Do not fall asleep so that customers do not go away.Improve service, customer service.Improve products or services.Offer conveniences, such as a website, print or electronic newsletters, better hours, etc. Stay alert to competition. Study its movements to take advantage of it.

4. Seeks to constantly grow

  • Partner with other businesses to attract more customers. Join non-profit organizations. Share your money to open the channel to receive more money. Support the community. Support other entrepreneurs.

And finally…

5. Love as a Golden Rule

It sounds old-fashioned, but love begets love. You make it:

  • Loving yourself and your neighbor Loving your loved ones Doing for others what you want them to do for you Putting yourself in the client's shoes And blessing what you have as you gradually achieve what you long for.

If you thought I was going to tell you how to crush the competition, you're wrong.

These universal rules that I just shared with you are the ones you really need to make your business flourish and stay ahead of your competitors. Because vision begets passion. Passion attracts constant change. Change is the brother of growth. And love is what you need to visualize, get passionate about, change and grow. Your clients will not go to the competition. I promise.

Through the following series of videos you can learn some tips on service and attention that will help you grow your business and achieve customer loyalty. (12 videos - 46 minutes)

How to grow your business and stay ahead of the competition