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How to get to the rationalization of working hours

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There are already several articles on conciliation that I have written. We have also discussed time management and work organization. But all this is not enough as long as working hours are not adequate to the real needs of workers and their families, and while employers prioritize strict adherence to working hours over results.

Today I bring you the "Manifesto for Rational Hours", carried out in 2010 by the "National Commission for the Rationalization of Spanish Hours and its Normalization with the other countries of the European Union". Several organizations and people have been working for a long time so that the rationalization of schedules becomes a reality one day.

The "National Commission for the Rationalization of Spanish Schedules and their Standardization with the other countries of the European Union".


  • That time is a unique and irreplaceable good, to which we must give maximum value, that we must respect the time of others because it is worth as much as ours, that punctuality must be an ethical principle that guides our conduct, what to do better use of time is essential in Spain to change our schedules. That parents should have time to live and dialogue with their children, be interested in their feelings and problems, and offer them a strong attachment. That it is necessary to have time to sleep, because sleeping well is living better. That it is necessary to educate youth in values ​​such as solidarity, tolerance, respect, effort and equality between women and men, in addition to stressing the importance of doing good use of time.That people should be valued for their results, since the hours of presence do not guarantee greater efficiency. That long working hours harm the quality of life of employees and are not profitable for companies. That the relationship between The management and collaborating staff must be sustained in achieving results and based on trust and commitment, and not only on strict adherence to the schedule. That the initiatives of rationalization and flexibility of schedules allow employees to adequately attend to their private lives, with which they are more motivated and more loyal to their company. That business hours should be flexible for the benefit of all, without prejudice to the workers in the sector having their rest and leisure time. That the radio,television and shows must adjust their programming to rational times.

It claims:

  • A profound modification of the schedules in Spain, which helps us to be happier, to have a better quality of life, and to be more productive and competitive.

It requires our representatives and public powers:

  • That they carry out the executive and legislative measures necessary to put the stated claims into practice.


That the need for rational schedules has as priority objectives:

  • Reconcile our personal, family and work life Allow co-responsibility in the distribution of household chores and care for the family Promote the equality between women and men Improve our quality of life Increase productivity Sleep long enough Promote health. Reduce accidents. Support school performance. Facilitate globalization. In short, give more value to time.

All this inevitably happens by rationalizing our schedules, making them more humane and more European. And invites citizens to make this Manifesto their own, sign it and disseminate it.

It is urgent that we become aware of the bad rationalization that schedules have in Spain, which, far from reconciliation, make us waste precious time. Employers also need to understand that performance is seen in results, and not in the time we spend at work.

"The art of rest is a part of the art of working." John Steinbeck.

How to get to the rationalization of working hours