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How to get your income to meet your wants and needs

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If you want to make your money income comfortable enough to cover your needs and what you could want without problems, you have to read this article in which I give you 4 steps to achieve it. Yes you can!

I recently received the following question from a new subscriber to my Global Life Reengineering Circle:

"What can I do to have more patients every day, and that my income is comfortable enough to cover all my needs without problems and generate abundant savings for what I want or want?"

Below you will see my answer (adapt it to you and your circumstances):

1) Define what is an income comfortable enough for you

Define how much, in measurable terms, is what you want to receive every month to take care of all your needs. Everything, everything, everything you consider important, write it down here and arrive at a number. Help yourself with the following questions:

  • How much do you want to receive month by month to save? How much do you want to receive for your fixed expenses? How much do you want to receive for your personal tastes? How much do you want to receive for…? How much does the total figure of all those concepts give you?

Write it down. Now look at it, watch it and ask yourself…

  • How do I feel about her?

Measure your feeling from 1 to 10 (10 is super good). If your answer was 10, that means that is the number that makes you feel comfortable enough, keep it there. Then write:

"My purpose is to receive XXXXX of monthly income because that will make me feel comfortable enough for my expenses, savings and personal tastes."

2) Do a brainstorming of what you can do to reach that figure

Write possible alternatives.

  • What could you specifically offer to your patients / clients? What changes could you make that will turn your business around? How could you offer your services in such a way that they generate that figure comfortable enough for you?

Consider your services and / or any other project that generates or may generate income. The idea is that you can create multiple sources or revenue pipes.

  • What service or product would you love to offer (would you be passionate about) and that until now had you neglected due to prejudice? (Consider it!) Who can help you who has already accomplished what you want to accomplish? Where can you find information to help you better determine what you will do?

Write down your answers!

Write down what you feel, the ideas, words, phrases that help you better open the range of possibilities.

3) Focus and plan how to systematically get to that figure that makes you feel comfortable enough

Out of all the possible alternatives considered in the previous step, make a decision, focus on it and plan how to systematically get to that figure that makes you feel comfortable enough.

Systematic planning means that you can create a series of clear and concrete goals that allow you to “move the energy” in such a way that it “creates matter”. What does this mean?

I mean that the systematic goals that you define have to make things happen or happen in reality (create matter) with actions that you can execute without excuses (move energy).

When we set ourselves unclear "goals", we go around, make excuses and in the end, we do "nothing", is not it? How can you tell if each goal of that planning will make that which you want (in this case achieve a comfortable income), happen? Submit each goal to the following 5 checks:

  • Is it measurable, is it specific, is it temporary, is it achievable, is it achievable?

If you have set for example the goal of "Having more patients"… then ask yourself:

  • Is it measurable? No, because it is not clear HOW MUCH we are talking about. "More" is not a term we can measure. Is it specific? It remains to be seen what you defined or what you mean when you talk about "more patients". Is it temporary? No, because you have not determined by when you want to have this goal executed (what is the deadline and for how long will it take place). Is it achievable? As stated, it seems that No, because to “Have more patients” you need something to happen outside that does not depend on you for the goal to be achieved. When we speak of "achievable" we mean that our goals are stated in such a way that what we do depends on us.Is it followable? As this goal is stated, we say no, since it is not possible to track how we progress step by step to concretely reach that goal (since it is not stated in -measurable terms), we do not have how to follow up to know if we we get closer to it and in how long -check-time-).

However, if your goal is stated as… “Attract 2 more patients in the morning schedule…”…. we are already speaking in measurable, specific, temporal, achievable and followable terms, do you see it? ?

Stated in this way the meta-example, you will be able to ask yourself:

How to "attract 2 more patients per week in the morning schedule"?

And you will easily see that alternatives to achieve it appear in your mind, because you have clarified yourself, you have made the matter concrete, so everything is easier, can you notice it?

Then look: if for your planning you define goals that together are fulfilled or materialized in reality, we can say that sooner or later you will achieve your purpose of “… receiving XXXXX of monthly income because that will make me feel comfortable enough for my expenses, savings and personal tastes ”.

Plus, you may not just have to "move the energy" "attracting more patients (or clients)"; You may have to modify other factors such as: service, price, advertising, etc.; all variables that influence the results you will have.

By this I mean that not only "attracting more patients" you will achieve your purpose, but "moving the energy" in many other ways as well. This to encourage you not to close in on a single idea.

The key is, I repeat, opening the range of possibilities, opening your mind!

4) Take action!

Take your goal planning and start organizing yourself (time, space, energy) to execute those goals one by one and start to see how the magic of “creating matter” (your new reality) begins to manifest. It is not a mystery, it is a clear step-by-step that leads you to what you want.

You predispose yourself to "move the energy": mentally create the step by step as clearly as possible and then simply let yourself flow down that mental path executing each one of those steps to…

Make the things you want happen and don't just want!

So don't forget, follow these 4 steps:

  1. Define what is an income comfortable enough for you. Brainstorm what you can do to reach that figure. Focus and plan how to systematically reach it. Get into action!

The power is in you, don't forget it.

Can you tell me how it went?

How to get your income to meet your wants and needs