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How to achieve an excellent level of service in your business?

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Customer service is the management that organizations do to meet and satisfy the needs of customers when they want or need to purchase a product or service.

A good service has clear and defined customer service parameters.

Excellent service creates deep emotional connections and bonds with customers (relationships).

Why does a company want to invest in the creation of an exclusive customer service department and in training its staff to provide good service?

Currently, in many sectors of the economy, there are countless organizations that compete in the same market, marketing very similar services or products, and the only factor that allows them to differentiate themselves, stand out or obtain a competitive advantage is their level of customer service..

How to achieve an excellent level of service in your business?

Always complying with the following four fundamental aspects: authenticity, personalization, connection and connection.

1. Authenticity

The situation in which the customer is being served is known as "moment of truth" and is called that because it is one of the key moments in the seller-customer exchange, during that interaction your customer may feel close or not, it can feel that you understood its requirement and took care of it; in general, it is a moment in which the client comes to feel if you can give him more value than that offered by your competition.

That is why during this interaction it is recommended that, even if you follow some foreseen guidelines, you act naturally using your own communication style. When you stick to a strict script, the client is more likely to feel distant and unfamiliar, so try to listen and observe him carefully so that you can maintain a fluid dialogue.

2. Personalization

Each customer is unique, each element of their behavior is a sign that will give you an idea of ​​what that first approach should be like before being bombarded with offers, promotions or the menu of the day.

When the client feels that you are really there for them, so that they can find a solution to their needs together, when you help them with mastery and security of what you are offering, you will earn their trust; but beware that there is a fine line between disrespect and trust that you should never cross.

3. Connection

During the interaction, in addition to feeling like someone authentic and trustworthy, the client must connect with you, make a click that will open the gate of the sale. This only occurs if on your part there is a genuine understanding of their needs and a real desire to seek and find solutions to them. Customers are more likely to buy when they feel that connection, so it is not enough to appear, but there must be.

4. Bonding

Once the client perceives you as authentic and reliable and has also made a connection with you, a relationship can be established.

Relationships are built from emotional ties, from values, in this relationship between you and your client must prevail:

The trust

That is represented, for example, when the client shares with you the problem that he wants to solve or the need to solve, also when you grant him credit facilities for payment.


The best way to show respect to your client is by putting yourself at their service, committing yourself to the solution to their requirement and your work. Obviously, you should also expect respect for your personal dignity and for your work.

The details

When you know his needs in depth, you may be able to provide him with details that make him fall in love, such as exclusive offers or differentiated product launches, among others, with which he will feel pampered and unique, increasing his good feelings towards you and your business.

In general, it is about offering a global experience in which the client comes to feel that you and your business are so committed to their need that you would do the impossible to meet their requirements.

So the next time you have a client in front of you, listen and observe them with real attention, so you can have a greater affinity with them, better understand their needs and identify with them.

Adapt your approach to service according to each one, generate experiences, give him reasons to return, fall in love with him.

Then Lisa Ford, recognized international expert on customer service issues, gives an interesting talk in which she teaches the main guidelines for achieving excellent service in your business.


  • http://www.countrywatch.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/cw_country.aspx. Retrieved on February 20, 2013.www.definicionabc.com/economia/atencion-al-cliente.php
How to achieve an excellent level of service in your business?