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How To Handle An Employee Dismissal Without Trauma

Table of contents:


1.- Organizational development

The Cultural Dismissal Syndrome: How to reassure survivors?

A company may experience very low productivity after downsizing. Survivors initially have very low morale and suffer from stress. Many will have lost important friends with the reduction.


2.- Human management processes

Steps to manage a downsizing

The decision: It must be the last measure. These processes generate low morale in survivors

3.- Management capacities

What to do and what not to do when you do without employees

"Raúl, the country's economic situation has caused the company to lose important clients, which is why we have areas of the company that must close."

4.- Brand as employer

Outplacement or assisted untying

A company, eager to offer outside placement support to people who lost their jobs as a result of a reduction. I prepare an “economic” Outplacement program.

5.- Administration of labor relations

Collective extinction classes

The following implies that 2 or more workers leave the workplace. (Staff reduction). In the law this is called: "Termination of the employment relationship for objective reasons. And it is only authorized in cases of not less than 10% of the staff.

6.- Labor insertion

Are you fired

Although his situation is difficult, an unemployed person should not position himself as a victim. These days, no one hires someone who needs help to fend for themselves.

The fundamental idea is not to see unemployment as a permanent state

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1.- Organizational development

The dismissed culture syndrome: How to reassure survivors?

The dismissal process occurred in one day. Each employee was told to be at his desk at nine in the morning. Those who received a call to the principal's office early were dismissed. They were given some pink envelopes, their respective paychecks and compensation. Afterward, security guards escorted them to their desks to collect their personal belongings and then escorted them to the door. The other employees were gathered in an office around eleven in the morning to discuss their new obligations, since the restructuring started immediately. The rumors the next day were very strong, it was said that the next group would not receive their salary complete and that some managers had been invited to take advantage of this occasion, because there will be no other …….

I forgot I am an employee of Apple Computer, one of the most innovative companies in the computer industry (1997).

A company may experience very low productivity after downsizing. Survivors initially have very low morale and suffer from stress. Many will have lost important friends with the reduction.

Some may experience the same emotions as those who have survived a "tragedy".

Guilt feelings: Why hasn't it happened to me?

Fury: It's not fair!

Anxiety: Will I be next?

To overcome these feelings, "survivors" may try to escape, so levels of absenteeism, as well as turnover of key personnel going to work at the competition, are to be expected.

Here what is required is to develop special programs.: From informal interviews with the immediate bosses, one or two days after the reduction.

An example: Duracell developed a survivor program that had 2 parts:

a.- Give frequent information to keep “survivors” informed of the reasons for the reduction and how it has occurred.

b.- Offer “emotional” support to survivors to help them overcome their feelings and continue with their work.

Others develop conversations in a larger group of employees, where managers encourage employees… Communicate to employees what their workload will be in the post-reduction environment.

An example: At Eastman Kodak, the downsizing environment became fertile ground for redesigning daily work. An employee who previously operated a press for 8 hours a day. Now he meets with his team members, meets with suppliers, interviews prospective workers, and helps with inventories. "Work enrichment" they call it.

Analyze your work environment and take action on the matter.

2.- Human management processes

Steps to manage a downsizing

Don't do this: An agro-export company gathered a number of employees. Each employee had an envelope with the letter A or B written on it. Those with letter A were asked to remain seated, and those with letter B were ushered into the next room. There, they were told en masse that they were going to be fired.

a.- The decision: It must be the last measure. These processes generate low morale in the survivors.

b.- Who should communicate ?: The healthiest thing is communication by the immediate superior. It is important to leave the door open for a conversation with the boss's boss. Even if this is not carried out, offering it gives transparency to the process and security and confidence to the fired.

c.- Train managers on this topic: Like any important interview or meeting, prior preparation and leaving emotions aside is essential. Many times this is difficult the boss will feel responsible or guilty or perhaps angry.

d.- Opportunity: If the environment of labor relations is not good, I evaluated the moment, each organization has its own "personality"

e.- One by one or en masse: If you have decided to fire more than one person, it is better to fire them simultaneously. If your company is going through a circumstance that involves several layoffs, for example closing a plant, a line of business, reducing activities, etc. Openly communicate plans and reasons to staff. As hard as it is to know reality, it always calms more than uncertainty.

f- Comply with the laws: In all cases you must know and comply with what the law establishes, so you must resort to appropriate advice and be fair

g.- Monitoring of rumors: In companies there are rumors, and the person who is going to be fired can find out the wrong way.

h.- Reassure survivors: develop intensive communication programs For more details see the article: The dismissed culture syndrome: How to reassure survivors?

i.- Offer help to the person to unlink: Keep in mind that you can meet these people later, in a client or supplier company, and have to relate to them from another perspective. Beyond the social responsibility you may feel when firing someone, there are also practical reasons.

j.- Inform the media: The rumors of a possible reduction of personnel can be very dangerous for the organization's relations with its consumers, suppliers and the community in which it is established. A plan needs to be developed to provide accurate information about the reduction.

3.- Management capacities

What to do and what not to do when you do without employees

Mr. Ramírez is Manager of the area where Raúl F. works.

Señor Ramírez: Raúl, have a seat, please

Raúl F: Thanks

Mr. Ramírez: Raúl, the economic situation in the country has caused the company to lose important clients, which is why we have areas of the company that must close.

Unfortunately your section is in such a situation. We cannot keep him in his position, so we must let him go. Raúl F: Do you mean that I am fired?

Mr. Ramírez: Yes. I'm sorry there is no other way out

Raúl F: But my supervisor says that the quality of my work has improved

Mr. Ramírez: Yes, you are an excellent worker. The problem is for market reasons.

Raúl F: Why don't they assign me to another position?

Señor Ramírez: Raúl, the decision has been made, this is a difficult decision for everyone. but it was already taken. We wish him the best.

The previous dialogue, perhaps you as a manager have already personified it on several occasions.

They say the recommendations are. for many "already fired up on these" irrelevant issues; But for those who have not had that experience, here are some simple tips that will help more than one. So that "it does not get into trouble", who knows, someday it will be applied to… you..

What to do

1.-Be cordial

2.-Speak clearly

3.- Try to be calm during the meeting.

4.-Indicate the negative aspects that led to the decision

5.-Check the positive aspects

6.- Request the return of identifications, keys and other documentation

7.- Have ready the payment of the economic part that corresponds to the worker, pay him immediately, do not make him return another day for that purpose.

8.- If you can offer a job reinsertion program, the better. If not, offer your recommendations to support you in your search for a new job.

What not to do

1.- Leave room for doubt, total time heals wounds

2.- Debate, discuss

3.- Make personal comments, take advantage of it is your “big night”.

4, - Once communicated that you are fired. Dismiss the employee as soon as possible from the company premises

5.- Wait for a special day to fire the employee, for example: his birthday

6.- If the employee found out from a colleague or from causality due to a rumor, it would be better not to spend much “saliva” on the subject.

4.- Brand as employer

Outplacement or assisted untying

A company, eager to offer outside placement support to people who lost their jobs as a result of a reduction. I prepare an “economic” Outplacement program. This program has 2 parts:

1.- The immediate head of the dismissed staff will advise and support his former subordinates. It is an obligation to receive and read the article: ”10 steps to

help employees cope with the loss of their job. "

2.- Skills will be developed in laid-off workers to seek employment. A copy of the book will be given to each former collaborator: What color is her parachute? That offers suggestions for looking for a job. In addition, those who wish to register will be able to take a seminar at a local institution, entitled: "Personal Marketing", with which they will learn to write their Curriculum Vitae, obtain information on the labor market and pass interviews. The course is entirely subsidized by the company (its cost per person is 50.00 nuevos soles). Do you think it will be effective?

What does it consist of?

To aspire to a job relocation, you must first accept your situation, and then go to market. Assisted unlinking consists of two parts:

a.- Psychological containment

One thinks: What did I do ?, What mistake did I make?

In a variable number of sessions (between 4 and 5) a properly trained psychologist assists the person who is going through a layoff and therefore a period of unemployment.

You have to help the person to say: "I felt very bad"

The “mourning” that, in addition to the economic loss, affects self-esteem and leaves people without a frame of reference.

Until yesterday, it was Mr. A who worked for company B; it was therefore A of B. And from one day to the next he finds that he is no longer "of B".

Sometimes the family is also included in the support program.

b.- Personal Marketing

It may be aimed at seeking employment in a dependency relationship (working for others) or starting a new path towards self-employment (working for yourself).

In a number of variable sessions representing approximately 16 hours of practical work, the basic knowledge to go to market is transmitted:

2.1.- Preparation of a Curriculum

2.2.- The cover letter, how to use it

2.3.- Market access channels

2.4.- How to intelligently read the ads

2.5.-Direct sale. How to do it

2.6.-The interview. Includes role playing

2.7.- Follow up of the process

2.8.- The thank you letters

Remember: This type of service will not solve your reintegration problem, it will only give you better tools.

5.- Administration of labor relations

Collective extinction classes (1)

The following implies that 2 or more workers leave the workplace. (Staff reduction). In the law this is called: "Termination of the employment relationship for objective reasons. And it is only authorized in cases of not less than 10% of the staff.

The employer must request the Ministry of Labor (Administrative Labor Authority: AAT) to cease

affected workers, but must first follow a procedure.

We will see: The economic, technological, structural or similar reasons (2).

Detail of the situation Reason
Negative economic situation or financial crisis Economic
Changes in machinery or production techniques resulting in fewer staff Technological
Recomposition of the organization chart of the company Structural

Stages of the collective cessation procedure

1.- Inside the company

Here the process was developed having as a labor part the union, the workers' representatives or the workers themselves.

1.1.- Communication: Of the need for reduction

Here the reasons are indicated and the supporting documentation is detailed. The charge for said communication is sent to the AAT.

1.2.- Negotiation of direct treatment: Topics related to the conditions of termination of contracts and alternative measures to avoid collective termination are touched upon. The agreement taken is binding on both parties.

2.- Before the Administrative Labor Authority

2.1.- Application: If an agreement is not reached, an application is submitted to the AAT, attaching an affidavit stating the objective cause plus the respective expertise (prepared by an authorized company). Such expertise must be disclosed to the workers, so they can present additional expertise. Likewise, the employer can request the non-payment of remuneration during the collective cessation process.

2.2.- Conciliation: The process is carried out and before the possibility of no agreement, the AAT will resolve.

3.- The reduction of personnel

The affected workers are notified, indicating the date of cessation and the payment of their social benefits. In the event that the company has the need to rehire personnel for the same or similar positions, the workers dismissed with this measure have the preferential right to be rehired.

  • The legal basis is included in the Labor Productivity and Competitiveness Law DS 003-97-TR

: Articles 48, 51. Regulation of Law 728: articles: 63,67,71 and 72

  • The other reasons are: Acts of God and force majeure. Dissolution, liquidation and bankruptcy of the company.

6.- Labor insertion

Are you fired

One of the world's great historians, having devoted a life to the study and recording of history since the beginning of civilization, was questioned

- «What was the most important thing you learned studying, in your life, all the most significant historical events?»

-I reply promptly "The darker the stars come out"

Although his situation is difficult, an unemployed person should not position himself as a victim.

These days, no one hires someone who needs help to fend for themselves. The fundamental idea is not to see unemployment as a permanent state, but as a process of transition. And if the relocation strategy works, for the better.

What is there to do then?

Decide: Do you want to relocate? o Do you want to form your own business? a.- Relocate. Then do this:

1.- Get organized to look for a job

Define what you want to work on, taking into account your interests, knowledge, skills and experience.

2.- Define where to look for a job

2.1.-It uses different alternatives: State employment exchanges, private employment agencies, consultancies, cooperatives and why not the Internet

2.2.-Media: Find out the days when you can inform yourself in newspapers.

2.3.- Network of personal contacts: The idea is to openly communicate to your friends and acquaintances that you are looking for a job so that they, in turn, communicate to their own contacts.

3.- Create a Curriculum Vitae that impacts.

4.- Know the stages of a personnel selection process

5.- Learn to manage the evaluations: The evaluations seek to know if you have the characteristics required for the position, so the answers are neither correct nor incorrect.

6.- Learn how to handle a job interview

b.- Do you want to be your own boss? Well you should consider this: 1.- Make a personal analysis of your strengths and weaknesses

2.- Determine what is it good for?

3.- Analyze the market.

4.- Prepare a business plan (if you don't know how you can study the subject)

5.- Study basic elements of marketing, costs and sales.

Finally: The important thing is that it is up to us how we look at each situation and… "how we react to it".

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How To Handle An Employee Dismissal Without Trauma