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How to Measure the Impact of Business School Training

Table of contents:


The work analyzes the most important aspects to take into account for the development and application of a methodology that allows evaluating the impact of the training offered by the Higher School of Basic Industry on the performance of the heads and specialists of this body. It describes concepts, principles, structure, parts, characteristics, types of evaluation related to training and its evaluation, as well as the types of competences and possible measurement parameters.

In the work one analysis the aspects most important to consider for the elaboration and application of a methodology that allows to evaluate the impact of the qualification that offers the School Superior of the Basic Industry in the performance of the heads and specialists of this organism. It describes concepts, principles, structure, parts, characteristics, types of evaluation related to the qualification and its evaluation, as well as the types of competitions and the possible parameters of measurement.


The development of methodologies constitutes one of the purposes of many of the investigations carried out in the field of education, training and qualification, the term methodology is associated with the operational aspects of the scientific method. From an operational perspective, the method is a sequence of procedures that allow us to achieve an end or objective.

The ESIBis a branch training school, with a continuous training system, based on the management training needs that the basic industry requires for its development, with an experience of 25 years of work linked to teaching, consulting and business consulting, with more than 70 thousand graduates in the main diploma programs and postgraduate courses, as well as in other training modalities, with a teaching collective that combines highly experienced teachers with young people with pedagogical potential, high-level specialists from the industry, with professors of wide prestige in the university academic field, where a wide exchange of educational programs, professors and bibliography has also been developed, with homologous schools and national and foreign universities.

On the other hand, there is no history of application in the center of a methodology that allows measuring the results of the training offered by the school, so it is proposed to develop a methodology to measure the impact of training taking into account the most widely used models internationally and the indications of the Cuban norm of human capital.

With this methodology it is intended to have in the hands of its users a practical use tool so that teachers, specialists and cadres that have to do with human resource management and specifically with the training and development of people, can evaluate to what extent punto works effectively in the projection, execution, application and evaluation of training actions.


The methodology includes a set of methods, procedures and techniques that respond to the determination of causes and consequences in relation to its characteristics and its object of study.

On a more specific level, it means a set of methods, procedures, techniques, which, regulated by certain requirements, allow us to better order our thinking and our way of acting to obtain and discover new knowledge, in the study of problems in theory or in practice problem solving.

Seen in this more concrete sense, we can distinguish two meanings of the methodology as a theoretical contribution, because it is aimed at increasing scientific knowledge about the essence of the object and a practical contribution by influencing the transformation of the object.

In the study and elaboration of a methodology, its components (structure) and the way of proceeding (process) must be taken into account. In turn, the structure is made up of two structural lines: the theoretical or cognitive apparatus and the methodological or instrumental one.

The theoretical cognitive apparatus is made up of the categorical body that in turn includes the categories and concepts and the legal body that is made up of laws, norms, principles or requirements.

The concepts and categories that are part of the theoretical cognitive apparatus of the methodology are those that define essential aspects of the object of study.

The legal body formed by the principles or requirements refers to those that regulate the application process of the methods, procedures, techniques and means.

The instrumental apparatus is made up of theoretical and empirical methods, techniques, and procedures that are used to obtain knowledge or to intervene in practice and transform the object of study.

As a process, the methodology requires the explanation of how it operates in practice, how methods, procedures, means and techniques are combined, how the requirements are taken into account in the development of the process and the steps that are continue to achieve the proposed objectives.

In thinking about the way to proceed to achieve these objectives, we resort to methodological procedures that ordered and concatenated in a particular way, make up a systemic whole that we commonly call methodology.

As a stable and systematic process, the methodology is characterized by:

  • It is a relatively stable result obtained in a process of scientific research. It is supported by a theoretical body (categorical and legal) of philosophy, science or branches of knowledge that are related to the objective for which the Methodology. It is a logical process made up of "stages", "links", conditioning and dependent "steps", which ordered in a particular and flexible way allow obtaining the proposed knowledge. Each one of the mentioned stages includes a system of conditioning procedures, dependent and logically ordered in a specific way.

For the conformation of the methodology some aspects were taken into account such as:

  • Study of existing or related methodologies that are aimed at achieving the objective proposed by the researcher. Critical analysis. Determination of the insufficiencies, deficiencies and virtues of the existing proposals. Establishment of the necessary changes and of the questions that must be kept. Design of the new methodology model. Assessment by specialists and or practical validation of the methodology developed. Determination of the limitations or insufficiencies observed during its implementation. Preparation of the methodology. definitive (definitive model).

The presentation of the methodology includes:

  • General and specific objectives. Theoretical foundation that supports the methodology. Stages, steps or links that make up the methodology as a process and the concatenation and ordering of the same. Procedures that correspond to each stage. Sequence, specific interrelation between said procedures that allows the achievement of the proposed objectives. Total or partial graphic representation. Evaluation. Actions that make it possible to check whether the methodology guarantees the achievement of the proposed objectives. Recommendations for its implementation and guidelines that allow its application in different contexts and conditions.

The design and application of the methodology provides its users with:

  • The concepts, principles, laws or categories that the researcher takes into account to design or apply the methodology. The result of the systematization of previous studies that allows the conformation of the procedures or stages that make up the methodology. The specificity of the ordering, sequencing or interrelation of the proposed procedures or stages. Procedures that define the methodological procedure. Recommendations, guidelines, that guide the implementation of the methodology. The means developed for the implementation of the methodology and ultimately the evaluation of the impact it causes. the training process in the performance and results of school students.

As with any evaluation, it is possible to return to the subject and analyze the information collected and rectify the faults or weak points, sensitize the participants of the teaching process (students, teachers and managers) about the material and organizational needs associated with the responsibility of each party.

It allows to have a frame of reference and organization to detect elements that favor or discourage the realization of the training and from them to promote actions that contribute to achieve a better institutional performance.

Due to the diversity of factors that influence the training processes and especially their results, there is no ideal model for this type of work, there are only principles, guidelines and frames of reference that must be adapted, for which it forces Participating institutions to study their characteristics and correspondingly design their own methodology or procedure, adapted to their working conditions, their structure, the characteristics of their staff and the objectives they wish to achieve.

It is important before carrying out the measurement to take into account the organization of the training impact evaluation process the following aspects:

  • Decision and commitment to carry out the evaluation based on the need for feedback on the effectiveness of the teaching process and its influence on the business system of the Ministry of Basic Industry. Organizational structure adopted to carry out the evaluation, decide on the composition of the working group and the levels of subordination, functions, interrelationships of work and its internal structure. Selection of the work team, recruitment of people with prior knowledge of the training activity and who can, with specialized preparation, develop the training impact evaluation process. Preparation of the work team explaining the elements related to the objectives of the training impact measurement, its importance,the steps of the methodology and the tools to use, motivate and sensitize the participants with the evaluation. Frame of reference to adopt to carry out the work, analyze the context in which the study program was developed, its characteristics, the results of the evaluations, participants, enrollments, graduates, group composition, faculty, materials delivered, papers presented, participating companies and other data of interest for the analysis. Planning of the evaluation tasks, organizing a schedule of detailed tasks with managers, participants, compliance dates, insurance, materials, equipment, coordination, instruments to apply, companies and people to visit. This schedule must include all stages of the process including the formation of the group, its preparation,until the final report is prepared. Selection of the tools to be used, according to the characteristics of the evaluation and of its participants, the instruments to be used, which must allow obtaining the necessary information for the analysis to be carried out. Implementation of the evaluation process, implement the work program to apply the developed methodology, which allows obtaining the results, making the corresponding analyzes and adjustments. Final report detailing the participants in the evaluation, the people interviewed, the results of the study, conclusions and recommendations for the involved parties, which must be brought to the attention of the higher management bodies of the bodies involved in the training process.Selection of the tools to be used, according to the characteristics of the evaluation and of its participants, the instruments to be used, which should allow obtaining the necessary information for the analysis to be carried out. Implementation of the evaluation process, putting into practice the work to apply the developed methodology, which allows obtaining the results, making the corresponding analyzes and adjustments. Final report detailing the participants in the evaluation, the people interviewed, the results of the study, conclusions and recommendations for the parties involved, which should be In knowledge of the superior organs of direction of the organs involved in the training process.Selection of the tools to be used, according to the characteristics of the evaluation and of its participants, the instruments to be used, which should allow obtaining the necessary information for the analysis to be carried out. Implementation of the evaluation process, putting into practice the work to apply the developed methodology, which allows obtaining the results, making the corresponding analyzes and adjustments. Final report detailing the participants in the evaluation, the people interviewed, the results of the study, conclusions and recommendations for the parties involved, which should be In knowledge of the superior organs of direction of the organs involved in the training process.Which should allow obtaining the necessary information for the analysis to be carried out. Implementation of the evaluation process, putting into practice the work program to apply the methodology developed, allowing the results to be obtained, making the corresponding analyzes and adjustments. Final report detailing the participants in the evaluation, the people interviewed, the results of the study, conclusions and recommendations for the parties involved, which should be brought to the attention of the higher management bodies of the bodies involved in the training process.Which should allow obtaining the necessary information for the analysis to be carried out. Implementation of the evaluation process, putting into practice the work program to apply the methodology developed, allowing the results to be obtained, making the corresponding analyzes and adjustments. Final report detailing the participants in the evaluation, the people interviewed, the results of the study, conclusions and recommendations for the parties involved, which should be brought to the attention of the higher management bodies of the bodies involved in the training process.that allows obtaining the results, making the corresponding analyzes and adjustments. Final report detailing the participants in the evaluation, the people interviewed, the results of the study, conclusions and recommendations for the parties involved, which must be brought to the attention of the higher bodies of management of the bodies involved in the training process.that allows obtaining the results, making the corresponding analyzes and adjustments. Final report detailing the participants in the evaluation, the people interviewed, the results of the study, conclusions and recommendations for the parties involved, which must be brought to the attention of the higher bodies of management of the bodies involved in the training process.

On the other hand, in the implementation of the methodology, so that it is done with the required quality and contributes to the process, the following must be taken into account:

  • That the evaluation process adjusts to the agreed terms and principles. That the methodology adjusts to the type of program and the objectives to be achieved. That the tools to be used for the collection and analysis of the information are reliable.

The proposed methodology is based on the use of the Cuban human capital standard and therefore assumes the use of management by competencies and focuses on achieving knowledge, values, behaviors, abilities, skills, including the ability to respond to unforeseen events., autonomy, flexibility and collaboration with the environment to achieve better performance in their workplace and promote the successful development of their group.

These competencies must be observable, measurable, taken into account, evaluated and developed through the processes of selecting people for a job, when defining and selecting the type of training that should be offered and when evaluating the performance of the individual once the training process has concluded or at the end of the evaluation period.

Given the existence of various approaches to the types of competencies, either behavioral (based on the behaviors of individuals) or functionalist (based on the requirements of their job) and because it is a methodology to assess the impact of training of tables and reservations of tables makes it possible to determine the use of a combination of both, in addition the existence of corporate competencies (common to the entire organization), technical or functional competences (specific to an area or job) must be taken into account. and managerial competencies (typical of management personnel), which must be taken into account both in the philosophy present in the study programs and in the measurements of the impact of the training received, some of them being:

  • Knowledge of the activity he directs. System approach. Leadership. Communication. Teamwork. Empathy. Commitment. Perseverance. Conflict management. Negotiating power. Training profile and approach by competencies. the results and the search for solutions. Ambition for the development of the project. Optimism and positive language. Adherence to the law.

Another important aspect to adequately develop the training strategy of any institution or body, from its planning to its execution and control, is that of having defined the policy and general guidelines for work, in addition to having properly equipped institutions and people prepared to lead Forward that mission, from this it follows the importance that the MINBAS management attaches to the subject of training, from its conception, based on the definition of the necessary competencies in each job and its involvement with the development strategy of the agency, up to the responsibility of the boards of directors and the bosses, as well as the use of tools to determine training needs, measure the impact of training,relations with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education, including, of course, material and financial assurance, advisory bodies for training, international certification of key positions, and the teaching of topics of an essential nature for the knowledge of managers and specialists.

The training of personnel anywhere implies a diversity of costs, which can be more or less quantified depending on the economic systems and the educational policy and philosophy implemented in each country or organization, in this sense the cost of the Resources necessary to prepare and offer the training courses or actions that include from the determination of the training needs, the formation of study programs, the preparation of teachers, the adaptation of facilities and equipment, the formation of enrollments, the coordination of course, transportation of teachers and students, food, accommodation, salary, time left from work in their usual activities.

The evaluation of training impacts is related to other types of evaluations such as the evaluation of results, the evaluation of effectiveness, the economic evaluation, while the economic evaluation measures the cost, the evaluation of results, the fulfillment of planned objectives and the evaluation of effectiveness useful effect, the impact evaluation of training has the particularity of trying to establish the possible links, effects and immediate consequences, proposed and planned in the trained population and the consequences on their individual performance, in the group and even in the scope of the economic branch to which they belong and in society.

In addition, there are other training evaluation approaches such as:

  • The evaluation of training needs, where the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for acceptable performance are identified. The evaluation of necessary inputs for the development of the training process from the planning, execution and control stage. The base evaluation for Identify the knowledge, attitudes and skills of the participants in training actions before receiving the program. The evaluation of the training process to adapt schedules, contents and approaches. The evaluation of the results to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and skills at the end of the program. training process.The evaluation of the impact of the training where the effect of the individual performance of the trainee at work is determined, either by the application of the new knowledge acquired or by exceeding the professional and organizational requirements, the improvements in organizational performance can also be measured by improvement in the quality of services and customer satisfaction.

In the case of the ESIB as a branch school and taking into account the characteristics of the Cuban training systems, there is a unit centrally budgeted by the state in the national currency (CUP) and by the business groups of the Ministry of Basic Industry for that matter. of the currency (CUC), which covers the costs of personnel, materials, energy, maintenance and investments necessary to develop the teaching process and support processes, including the payment of contracted services.

The companies that send managers, reserves and specialists to prepare also incur expenses associated with determining training needs, the time used to prepare people with their corresponding distribution of functions or tasks that are left to be carried out by the trained person, the transportation, lodging and even in some cases, the payment of the course (the latter does not happen for the courses taught at the Higher School of Basic Industry due to its budgeted unit status).

The evaluation of the impact of training is a systematic, methodical and neutral process that makes possible the knowledge of the effects of a study program, relating it to the proposed goals and the resources mobilized, it can also be said to be a process of identification, collection and interpretation of useful information to make decisions related to the management of training programs.

When carrying out the evaluation, it is recommended not to restrict yourself only to the fulfillment of the planned objectives, since extraordinary events may appear that may enrich the results or impacts of the study program on society, the company or the individual himself.

Evaluations of the impact of training may be more or less experimental depending on the objectivity with which they are carried out, the independence of the evaluating group with respect to the program executor, the measurement instruments used, and the individuals and entities that provide information.

When we refer to the evaluation of the impact of training, we are referring to a system of synthetic and universal indicators that includes quantitative and qualitative socioeconomic effects of labor resources, therefore it does not exclude, but presupposes the rest of the evaluation forms and is characterized by:

  • Be general and synthetic. It covers various spheres of knowledge. The effects can be verified by users and by the environment. It uses a system of indicators that presupposes the use of the rest of the evaluative forms. The desired positive effects must be considered.

By definition, the measurement of the impact of training has an economic-social significance and represents a deferred consequence over time and extrapolated to the environment, so any model that is adopted meets the following objectives:

  • Measure the transformations experienced in the company and in the environment. Unity of interests between evaluators and society. Be evaluated by the participants in the training. System approach, designed to obtain the best results. Methodological, integrative, dynamic and perfecting approach. Contributions to social and economic development. It is involved in the transformation of man and changes in human, professional and work behavior. It has a diagnostic and prognostic character. In order for evaluations to be truly objective, it is necessary to provide information related to: Changes Attitude. Psychosocial changes. Self-esteem. Employment opportunities (consolidation or promotion). Favorable performance at the individual and collective level. Improvement in management systems in which the trainee participates.
    • Climate and work environment. Economic results. Efficiency and effectiveness. Planning and control. Communication. Knowledge management.
    Involvement of the educational institution and the institution of the trainee in the search for improvements through training work, consultancies, consultancies, diagnoses, research.

The ESIB will initially use an evaluation group belonging to the teaching area itself, although not committed to the direct delivery of the class programs, later its independence from the teaching area or its location outside the school should be assessed.

In previous moments, the idea of ​​measuring the impact of training was only associated with the creation of quantitative indicators, which in turn limited its use because it was difficult to isolate which elements of the educational process were directly related to a productive result, today the trend is to also include qualitative elements that can be associated with the performance of the individual and his organization and even assess issues related to the environment in which the entities develop.

The fundamental utility of any training impact evaluation process is to strengthen the links between training programs and the performance of trained personnel.

The realization of this process is feasible as feedback of the teaching process at all stages of its development, from the determination of training needs, the evaluation of study programs, the prospective study of the management potential of the cadres and reserves, the carrying out other teaching or advisory actions, strengthening educational programs and institutions.

The training impact evaluation process will be developed in 3 stages:

  • Before the start of the teaching process, linked to the process of determining training needs, enrollment, adjustments to study programs and even diagnostic tests, during the teaching process, check to what extent the program The study meets the expectations of the student and in checking the level of assimilation of the content received. After receiving the course, the results obtained in their performance are evaluated, which in the case of managers can be related to the results of the group He directs, trying by all means to separate, which elements related to training, influenced the obtaining of results.

Outline of the methodology to measure the impact of the training provided by the ESIB

Stages of the training impact evaluation process.

Parties involved in the training impact measurement process:


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How to Measure the Impact of Business School Training