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How to improve teaching with socioformation?

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Society has undergone changes throughout history. We are currently experiencing a change of era and the emergence of the "knowledge society". Traditional models no longer provide an answer for the education of this society. Hence, new approaches emerge, such as the focus on Competencies from Socioformation. This approach responds directly to the needs of this society and generates a change in teaching and educational actors. Knowledge is not the main thing. Students are guided towards the development of a solid ethical life project, having the necessary skills to solve the challenges of the context, having a creative endeavor and achieving collaborative work.


Changes during the history of the humanity have appeared since day one. Nowadays we live in a different world and society. The models of education no longer respond to the needs of this new society. New approaches just like Competences have appeared to fulfill the needs of this generation (Socioformation). Knowledge not being the most important thing in education, generates a big change in teaching. Students are lead to a solid ethical project of life, to have the competences to solve problems of the context, to have a creative entrepreneurship, and to work in a collaborative way.

How to improve teaching with Socioformation?


In a new era where humanity has become a society now known as the "knowledge society", circumstances and our environment have undergone modifications and adjustments. It would be impossible to think that we are and will continue to be the same over time. Humanity changes and that is why we face changes that could be considered revolutionary. Alvin Toffler (1981) describes to us the waves that humanity has passed through and our current reality fits directly with the third wave that he describes. "The third wave clearly demonstrates and I believe indisputably that - with intelligence and a little luck - the emerging civilization can be made to be healthier, more reasonable and defensible, more decent and more democratic than any we have ever known" (p.two).But to achieve this, we must modify the way of educating this new society: teaching practices, forms of evaluation, didactic strategies, curricula, etc. The focus on competencies arises to respond to these needs and this article will be described from the Socioformation.


According to Toffler (1981), the second wave was experienced during Industrialism that triggered the Industrial Revolution. Families and lifestyle changed dramatically from the first to the second wave. I mention this since the educational system was created during that time. The educational system “built on the model of the factory, general education taught the fundamentals of reading, writing and arithmetic, a bit of history and other subjects. This was the "discovered program". But under it was a "covert program," which consisted of three kinds: punctuality, obedience, and one of mechanical and repetitive work "(p.22). The educational system created at that time did respond to its society and its needs. To continue using that model in our society,Where circumstances have undergone abysmal changes, it has generated that the schools are not giving the adequate response.

Educational actors must be aware of both the origin of the educational system and the changes that we currently have in the knowledge society. If you do not understand them, you will hardly be able to understand the real scope of new approaches and apply them, as is the case of the focus on Competences from Socioformation.

Socioformation is an integration of two processes: comprehensive training and social dynamics, in the environmental-ecological framework, through metacognition (Tobón, 2010a). From the Socioformation, students can be guided towards the development of a solid ethical life project, have the necessary skills to solve the challenges of the context, have a creative entrepreneurship and achieve collaborative work.

This approach seeks the integration of the four knowledges, an integral formation. Traditional models give greater relevance to knowledge (knowing how) and memorization in decontextualized situations.

The Socioformation proposes ten key aspects to achieve a comprehensive training of competences in students, responding to their needs:

  1. Awareness, prior knowledge and visualization of goals Conceptualization Contextualized problem solving Values ​​and ethical life project Assertive communication Collaborative work Creativity, personalization and innovation Transversal Resource management Metacognition

To implement these ten steps successfully, educational actors will be forced to develop new competencies and skills in and out of the classroom. Hence we can form the knowledge society in a way that we have never known as Toffler mentions.


Humanity has undergone changes that have marked its history. One change has led to another. Today, we live in a knowledge society where traditional approaches no longer respond to the needs of students and the environment. The focus on competencies from the Socioformation responds to changes and encourages change in the practice of all educational actors. Competencies cannot be developed within a classroom only or assessed with an exam. In the Socioformation approach, the students will develop their competences from contextualized problems, promoting the ten key aspects for the integral formation of the students of this new society.

Bibliographic references

  • Tobón, Sergio (2012). The curriculum by competences from the socioformation. Mexico: Limusa, Tobón, Sergio (2013). Socioformation: Towards the management of human talent in accordance with the knowledge society. Mexico: Grupo CIFE ebook. Toffler, Alvin. (1980). The Third Wave. Colombia: 1981.


Criterion and evidence Receptive Resolutive Autonomous Strategic
Criterion: Media the training of skills in students following curricular references. Evidence: Article on Mediation, from the socioformation, for the training of skills in


Present a document with the explanation of a topic related to teacher mediation It presents a document with the explanation of the teaching mediation from the socioformation and the competences. It is supported by some of the elements or concrete didactic strategies addressed in the diploma. It presents an article where it approaches mediation from the socioformation, with coherence and a level of

theoretical analysis that allows its understanding. It follows the APA standards Sixth Edition.

He presents an article where he approaches the process of mediation from the socioformation with support in

pertinent and current bibliographic references. There is a high degree of coherence between all the elements of the article.

Weighting: 30% 7% 17% 25% 30%
Level: Resolutive MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS: To understand in greater depth the mediation process from the socioformative approach. To connect certain topics that were previously isolated.

Consult different bibliographies and contrast the focus on competences with the traditional educational model.

Actions to improve: Deepening the topic of complex thinking. Having more skills for writing an article.
How to improve teaching with socioformation?