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How to motivate your employees?

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Without a doubt, the motivation is the "Internal Engine" with which we all do things.

Maslow's Theory exposes through the "Pyramid of Needs" the origin of motivation in humans. Indeed, this is the basis for identifying the factors that motivate the human being, and this was taught to us, but how do we apply this theory in our daily work life? If we ever think of applying it.

Motivation covers all fields of our life, since without it we would be practically nothing.

  • We are motivated to study, to achieve a degree. We are motivated to meet a person, to form a relationship (friendship or love). We are motivated to save, for a vacation. We are motivated to travel to see a place.

In short, I can put a lot of examples, where the motivation is the inner feeling, which allows us to act in a certain circumstance, and each person has their personal motivations, but …………….. How can you motivate someone else? ? , even more so in the case of an employee in our charge or our business.

It is important to emphasize that in order to influence someone's motivation, which is a totally valid act, as long as it is done in good faith and honesty, you must first “put yourself in the other person's shoes”.

To motivate, I continue to emphasize! You have to respect the other person, since they undoubtedly have different values ​​and expectations than ours, so if we do not have empathy, we can cause the opposite effect: demotivate or even offend.

When one occupies an organizational position, where we have personnel under our charge, we mistakenly think that the main motivating factor in our subordinates is salary, money, bonuses, but it turns out that although they are important, they are not definitive, in addition, they can cause an opposite effect, if we do not reach the level expected by the subordinate.

An organizational problem, or perhaps a virtue, is the degree of motivation experienced by its members. An example of motivated or unmotivated organization is a soccer team, where we see on television how this factor influences the development of the team.

Finding the “magic formula” to motivate a co-worker, results in a total utopia, since all people and organizations are different, but I will present some examples, which will allow us to recognize the foundation that was sought, in each of the Attempts to motivate, so that the reader can "tropicalize" them in their organization.

Important, to motivate you have to be authentic. When you do it "to look good", better not do it !, because it is enough for someone to notice that you are acting selfishly, to cause the dreaded opposite effect, which can lead to a resounding failure, because unmotivated people are the most dangerous within an organization!

In every organization there are natural leaders and organizational leaders, thus defining them colloquially.

In other words, the born leader can be someone who does not occupy a relevant position, but who influences the behavior of the team, simply because it has a "penetrating personality" (friendly, outgoing, charismatic, etc.).

The organizational leader can be anyone who occupies a hierarchically important position, but does not necessarily have the personality to influence the people in charge.

Identify the "Born Leader" within your collaborators. This person is the first person you have to keep motivated, because they will automatically take care of transmitting this effect to their peers.

As I promised, I present some examples that I can expose based on my experience, where I managed to cause the expected effect on people:

Motivates with Organizational Changes:

Suppose you collaborate for an organization that has multiple offices, run by managers or managers. They, like you, have families, have problems and needs, so the first thing I recommend doing is to meet each of these people, explore their lives, without invading their privacy.

How to motivate someone you do not know ?. Impossible to empathize with someone unknown.

Imagine, that you make changes in the organization scheme, relocating each of the managers, to the office that is closest to your home. (as far as possible).

You will achieve many things with a simple change of people in the organization, since in principle, you will eliminate the routine in people, and also your managers will perceive a tangible change when moving from their home to employment: Savings in transportation, less time of transfers, get up a little later, be able to eat at home and go back to work, go to your family easily in case of an emergency, etc., etc. This small change will have a great motivational effect on people, because you make life easier for them !, and it didn't cost the organization anything.

This is an example of empathetic motivation, as your subordinates will perceive that you are truly caring about their interests.

If you manage to withdraw the appointment of "Master or Boss" from your ego, and change it to "Leader", you will be the first motivating factor in your people.

Motivate with your example:

Another fundamental element to motivate staff from the position of "Boss", is to set an example. If you call an extraordinary meeting on Saturday, and you are the first to be late, you cause, believe it or not, demotivation in your subordinates: Have they come to your next meeting early? If you have to respect schedules, ways of dressing, specific guidelines, extraordinary jobs, YOU are the first to set an example. Suppose you have to keep awake to finish a job; you give the order and you go home. Do you know how they will talk about you during the work? On the other hand, if you are the first to be "at the foot of the canyon", you motivate your people to follow their leader.

Motivate with Acknowledgments:

A formula that works very well, as long as you remember the issue of authenticity, is to ask your subordinates for the names of their wives, mothers or children, that is, the people with whom they live daily. When one of your subordinates achieves something extraordinary or out of the ordinary, you can send a personalized letter in a sealed envelope to his wife, mother, etc., where you not only recognize your employee, but also thank him for the support he provides. his family, an essential element for this person to act as he did. Do you know how you will make him or her feel? Do you know how you will make his or her relative feel? This simple detail generates a very high motivation in recognition of your employee.

Remember, don't overdo it and be honest, authentic! If you send letters "without rhyme or reason", your teammates will not give them the value they should have.

Motivate with Contest or Productivity Goals:

Another way to motivate staff is to offer them productivity contests with a prize that they can reach the goal. Just remember the variables that you have to fulfill with a contest like this:

1.- The goals to be achieved must be reasonably achievable, never set goals that demonstrate the attitude of not awarding the prize, better not do contests !.

2.- The contest must have a determined validity and consistent with the goal, for that you have to be simply sensible.

3.- The prize that you announced, must be the same one that you give to the winner, otherwise, better not even try it !, because to deliver a different prize to the one offered will be to betray your honesty.

4.- The day the contest ends, that day deliver the prize, if you let the days go by, you will generate an opposite effect.

5.- On the day you present the prizes, try to publicly recognize the winner, because that way you will ensure that in the next contest, everyone is motivated to win it.

When they perceive the rest that you fulfill in everything, you generate motivation automatically, and believe me that for the winner, it will be more satisfying to receive the prize in front of all his colleagues, which means in value the same prize.

Motivating Correcting:

When you have to get someone's attention, if you don't do it properly, you can discourage your coworker. Always do it in private, never in public !, for elementary education on your part.

Forget the offenses and the qualifiers, you do not need them to get someone's attention! You do not gain anything by relieving your anger with the employee who made the mistake. Better be objective, explain that you made a mistake and ask for attention for the future, including warning him of the possible sanction that you will impose on him.

Once you're done with the "bad or difficult part," seek to recognize how well your employee has done in the past. A mistake, do not disqualify all his successes! Do not reduce it to a useless, on the contrary, you already scolded him, now raise it, so that he understands that he made the mistake, but that he finds in you an empathetic boss who recognizes his value within of the organization.

If there is no option and you have to terminate the employee, remember to do it in private and never speak ill of his person to others. Surely more than one will ask you about his former partner; Your answer must be based on ethics, professionalism and honesty. This will also involve a motivating factor towards people, since you are sending a message of discipline and rigor, but you have to respectfully conduct yourself before the terminated employee and the facts that forced you to make the decision.

Motivate with Salary Increases:

When you have to raise wages, there are also ways to do it correctly. If you don't give notice of the pay raise, you'll be wasting an opportunity to recognize your employee.

If the increase is not as high as expected, it always explains the reasons (inflation, performance, economic situation of the country or of the company, etc.), if you leave them to the "garete", you lose the opportunity to explain the reasons and force that your employee (s) find one, perhaps not the most correct or attached to reality.

Motivate with Extraordinary Events:

If your employees sporadically ask for permits, as long as they don't go too far, take this opportunity to motivate them.

Remember that you also ask for permissions, you are also an employee and "you have to turn up," so think smart. You can grant the permission, mentioning to the employee that you have it well earned, instead of subjecting yourself to signing the authorization reluctantly, because in the end, you will end up signing the permit, better do it with empathy and willingly, so that your employee feels a human considered within the organization, and not just another nuisance.

Motivate Listening:

When an employee wants to talk to you, he always looks for the moment to attend to him. Show that you are also a boss, a true human being. Do not treat it, as you would not like to be treated.

Even if your employee's talk is banal, and you perceive that it takes a few minutes of your valuable time, or you just lazy to listen to it, better think twice. Remember that you deal with human beings, then, that better than their boss, be the one who truly listens to them and even gives them advice.

In addition, you are receiving valuable information regarding your employee's problems, so you can (being authentic and honest) take advantage of this moment to truly help him, because he will find another factor that motivates him, now you are this great factor.

Using these techniques, adapted to your personality, your organization, your character, you will achieve a real impact on people. I apologize for the repetition, but this will only be achieved if you act with honesty and authenticity.

I hope that these simple tips are useful in your organization, which constitute the author's personal opinion.

How to motivate your employees?