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How to negotiate with different values ​​and cultures


The negotiation of values ​​is one of the most difficult and complex, defining values ​​as the principles and foundations of the person. Negotiating a value, such as being "for" or "against" abortion, the acceptance or non-acceptance of different cultures "racism", free marriage or for the church, are very "delicate" and " high sensitivity".

When we are negotiating a commercial project with people of different cultures, religions, values, it is highly recommended not to address or discuss controversial issues that put at risk or may be a reason for business breakdown, unless the relationship with our counterpart is a mature relationship.; since the objective of the commercial negotiation is not the one to change of opinion to the opponent, or to convert to another religion or school of thought to the other; As Benito Juárez, President of the Mexican Republic said: "Respect for the rights of others is Peace", a famous phrase and applicable in different contexts, negotiation situations and with different cultures.

Tolerance and respect for the other culture is an important key to success when negotiating with people with different values ​​than ours. If you are negotiating an agreement with a person who thinks very differently than you about the value of family, religion and other aspects, remember that the objective of the negotiation is only to reach the agreement of the substance in question where both Parties must win, knowing how to cope with the business relationship without having to delve into the personal interests of the other will keep us away from potential conflicts.

We must find areas of personal interest where we coincide and in this way strengthen the business relationship.

Remember that not all business is done between friends and perhaps even enemies. We must put on a balance the commercial relationship and on another the personal relationship and each balance has different weights and measures. Perhaps with the people who have a greater weight in the personal relationship we have a lower weight in the business relationship and vice versa.

So let's not pretend and try to be "apparent friends" of all customers, friendship and business do not mix are like water and oil. Although it is true that from business relationships we can develop very good personal relationships, we cannot expect that with all clients we should change our values ​​and try to be friends.

In short, don't compromise your values ​​for the business. Respect each other's values, don't waste time trying to change them in order to reach the successful commercial closing. The other must also respect their values ​​and when that happens the business relationship is not at risk.


  1. Understand what the other wants without changing their values ​​Satisfy the other's need without putting their values ​​at risk Maintain objective judgment Don't despair Control your counterattack reactions You have to learn to say 'NO' Be tolerant and respectful
How to negotiate with different values ​​and cultures