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How to effectively position a website in search engines


"Is there a system or method so that my company's website comes out on top when a user does a specific search in a search engine?"

GBA Alicante

Well, search engines are one of the three most effective and profitable tools for an Internet business (along with newsletters and affiliate programs).

A good positioning in the main search engines will give us a permanent flow of visitors to our website, who are really potential clients who come because they have seen our website and its description in the search engines and are interested, therefore we are one step away from turn them into customers (or at least buyers).

First of all, it must be said that only the most important search engines are the ones that will provide us with a significant flow of visitors to our website, since the least used ones have a low audience and will not send us only visitors.

When we say the most important, we are talking about Google, Yahoo, Altavista, Excite, Lycos, Terra, etc.

We can forget about all those websites that are supposedly large directories or search engines and really only have a little more traffic than our own websites, then, they are hardly going to be able to send us a significant amount of visitors.

On my website www.Marketing-Eficaz.com for example, Google.com, Yahoo and Altavista are responsible for sending several thousand visitors to my website each month, of course, for this it is necessary to be on the first pages of results when someone Search for something related to my website in said search engines. For example, when someone searches Altavista, www.Marketing-Eficaz.com appears in position 7 when doing a search for “internet marketing”. This means that we receive a large number of visitors for free (and visitors who are potential clients of our services, since they are interested in marketing, since they have done a search for this word).

The key to everything is to appear at the top of the search engines, as I said before if we are registered in search engines that nobody visits, or if we are registered in major search engines but our website appears in position 8,876, or on page number 58, it will not do any good, because nobody will look beyond the third page (that is, the first 30 places), if you do not find what you are looking for in those 30 positions, you will search for another word or go to another search engine.

And how do you go about being at the top? Well, to appear in the first positions you have to optimize our website in terms of several areas. This is something that web page designers usually neglect because of ignorance, or because it does not fall directly on their responsibility.

The case is that we, as managers of our websites, have to worry about doing this optimization ourselves at this level or find a service that is dedicated to this.

In the USA there is more awareness of the importance of these tools, therefore there are many companies that are dedicated to search engine optimization (there is no longer much point in using a service that enrolls our website in 8,987 search engines, where 99% do not have audience or if in the important ones we appear in the position 4.876). So there are companies that not only have an Internet marketing department, but also have dedicated staff “full time” to search engine optimization.

Here in Spain the status is that there are services to inscribe our page in a list of several thousand search engines for 10-20,000 pts, but really there are hardly any services that are dedicated to search engine optimization, so I recommend doing it yourself.

To explain the basic notions of this whole topic, it would be necessary to have several pages in this supplement, which we do not have.

However, we will briefly describe below the steps to follow:

First, keep in mind that web pages are written in a programming language, HTML, which determines their appearance and content. If in the Internet Explorer browser we open the "View" menu and the "Source code" option, we will see the language in which any web page that we are currently viewing in our browser is written.

Search engines, Altavista, Lycos, Google, etc. classify our pages when we register them according to a series of criteria. What we have to do is know these criteria and apply a series of rules that are valid for everyone and that will make our website ranked highest.

We have to determine what are the words or expressions that best describe our website or service. These words will be taken into account by search engines if they are found in various sections of our website:

In that code we have to have a series of instructions that tell the search engine: what is the title of the page (instruction

How to effectively position a website in search engines