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How to promote and sell your professional services?

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Sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that products and services can be promoted and sold in a similar way. Although it is true that there are strategies that apply to both types of offers, it does not always happen that a product strategy works well for services. Much less if it is professional services where knowledge, experience and professional talent are put into play in the provision of said service.

So how can you promote and sell your professional services? The model with which I commune, that I teach my clients and that I want to share with you today is a model of high level of dedication with great added value, which allows you to work with fewer clients but at the same time have higher incomes. How does it work? Here I give you the 3 fundamental keys for you to implement this model and achieve a position as an expert in the field of your professional services.

Key number 1 - Specialize in a target market so that your services are dedicated

I'm not tired of reinforcing this concept because even though for many professionals it is already part of their market strategy, for many others (especially if you're just starting out) it may not have convinced you yet. The biggest mistake in selling professional services is wanting to give “everything for everyone”. This not only does not help you identify and specialize in an ideal client, but it also does not allow you to differentiate yourself and ensure that your clients love your services. It is very easy: if you are one more, your clients will not bother to look for you, to follow you, to hire you. Anyone will respond in the same way and any provider will resolve your situation. Now, if you provide a specialized service (for their need), dedicated (where they can access you whenever they need it),exclusive (where not everyone accesses your services but you have high requirements to give the best to your special clients), high quality (this does not need explanation, right?) and continuous support or accompaniment (so that your clients feel that You are there for them and you are constantly creating more and more things to offer them), your clients will choose you as their strategic partner and will invest in your services. Because they will be convinced that you offer them a high value service.Your clients will choose you as their strategic partner and will invest in your services. Because they will be convinced that you offer them a high value service.Your clients will choose you as their strategic partner and will invest in your services. Because they will be convinced that you offer them a high value service.

Key number 2 - Focus on added value to the customer

Another fundamental key to promote and sell your services is to focus on your client and the value you offer, and not to talk about yourself or your services per se. Of course, your clients need to know what it is that you have to offer them and of course they need to know you to connect with you and to feel supported by who will provide the service. But you have to always do it focused on what this represents for your client, on what their added value will be if they hire you. Do you have a long history? How does this benefit your client? Maybe because you have worked with hundreds of clients like him and then you know their needs and the problems that may happen along the way.Do you have important academic experience or training? How does this benefit your client? Perhaps because you can train him step by step to achieve the results he expects and you have hundreds of techniques and strategies to share with him. Do you have a personalized and dedicated service of high quality and high value? What is this for your client? Perhaps it is ideal for you to achieve your goals in the shortest possible time, with the support and backing of a professional from your experience who will be there to solve your problems. In conclusion, do not talk about the characteristics of your service or your career, talk about added value, benefits, results and solutions to your problems that your client will get for investing in these services you provide.Once your potential client is convinced that you are the person and is interested in hiring you, they will ask you more questions and this will then be the opportunity to discuss more details of the service.

Key number 3 - Make your offer more attractive

People like to buy, we don't like to be sold. Do you feel identified with this? Your client too. Like any sales conversation, a service offering is a negotiation. One of the factors that will end up inclining your client for one of your services is the set of additional benefits or bonuses that you can offer even compared to other very similar services from the competition. This has to represent an important difference for your client but it does not have to represent a higher cost for you (because otherwise you would be giving away your services). The ideal to make your offer more attractive is to incorporate products that you already have and that you can offer without incurring higher (or almost) costs. For example,If you are a designer and help your client to develop their promotional strategy to position their brand, you can offer them their personal cards or their promotional banners, at no additional cost since you have a model (or template) to replicate where it costs almost nothing. incorporate the individual data of your client. If you are a coach or therapist, maybe you can give him a book that you have written (much better electronic, because it represents literally zero cost) and that will help you with the topic you are looking to solve. If you are a trainer, surely you have packed your knowledge of a complementary course to which your client is hiring you now, and which may also be useful.at no additional cost since you have a model (or template) to replicate where it costs almost nothing to incorporate the individual data of your client. If you are a coach or therapist, maybe you can give him a book that you have written (much better electronic, because it represents literally zero cost) and that will help you with the topic you are looking to solve. If you are a trainer, surely you have packed your knowledge of a complementary course to which your client is hiring you now, and which may also be useful.at no additional cost since you have a model (or template) to replicate where it costs almost nothing to incorporate the individual data of your client. If you are a coach or therapist, maybe you can give him a book that you have written (much better electronic, because it represents literally zero cost) and that will help you with the topic you are looking to solve. If you are a trainer, surely you have packed your knowledge of a complementary course to which your client is hiring you now, and which may also be useful.Surely you have packed your knowledge of a complementary course to which your client is hiring you now, and which may also be useful.Surely you have packed your knowledge of a complementary course to which your client is hiring you now, and which may also be useful.

Do you only sell services and you don't have “canned” products or the possibility of making them? Design some massive service that allows you to offer it to more people at no incremental cost. For example, if you are a private teacher, you can have a support group for students of the same level on the internet. If 10 paid students are added to this support group and you give it to 4 more, there will be no incremental cost but you will be making training more attractive to your VIP students since you are offering the support group free of charge. If you are an accountant who has your outsourcing company, you can design a specific service to manage the invoicing and collections of your clients, where you charge a monthly subscription for it (regardless of the amount of work that is carried out each month and the fluctuations in activity).You can sell it to your regular customers, and Premium customers can give it away as part of a higher value service. The incremental cost of this service will be very low, especially if you have a group of dedicated people (serving 14 clients or serving 17 does not make a difference).

The most important thing to generate good results with your professional services is to focus on few clients, with services of very high value, that allow you to have a high dedication to each one of them and good results, that they feel excellently cared for and that they want to continue working with you. This type of services will allow you to focus more on Premium or strategic clients and collect high income because your services are worth it and your clients are not only satisfied but delighted with what you provide them.

How to promote and sell your professional services?