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How to be a professional seller

Table of contents:


We are all born with the art of selling in our genes, some of us develop it to the point of making this natural aptitude a way of life.

Those of us who transform this aptitude into a way of life, must imperiously add a substantial condiment, PROFESSIONALISM, through which, we will become a PROFESSIONAL SELLER and in this way the most suitable for MANAGEMENT or SALES MANAGEMENT.

All the elements to achieve it are within our reach, in information and communication, in all its forms, there are countless books, essays, courses, notes, etc. all of a very high level of excellence, which from here on, is to extract in a simple and understandable way the basic conjunction of several elements whose management and implementation make us a PROFESSIONAL SELLER.


The understanding and knowledge acquired through study are valid, but it is one hundred times more valid if we put all this into daily practice.

Chapter 1


Seller is born professional is made


Definition: The sale is an interaction process, for this process to know, there must be someone who consumes or wants to buy and someone who sells or wants to sell (consumer or customer and seller) in this process the seller must convince and persuade the consumer or client of acquiring your product, we can also define the sale as the transfer of ownership of a service or through a determined and agreed price.

It is worth clarifying at this point that when I refer to a determined and agreed price, I am not saying that this is determined by the seller and the customer.

The price of the product is determined by the marketing company and / or producer by a calculation in which the cost and benefit factors intervene, then the most appropriate value is determined taking into account the desired profitability, competition, market and consumer segment to which it is intended to arrive.

What the seller is going to manage with the client and always based on a quantitative sale is a price that will be modified with percentages of discounts or promotional units, etc. these elements that will help us to increase the number of units in the order mark or close a contract with greater benefits than the competition.

For this transmission to take place, what should we detect in the consumer or client (before or during the first minutes of the interview)? What are their wants and needs?

According to Professor Henry A. Overstreet "Action comes from what we fundamentally desire… and the best advice that can be given to those who pretend to be persuasive, whether in business, at home, at school, in politics, is this ”: Awaken in the other person a frank desire. Whoever can do it has the whole world with him, whoever cannot, walks alone on the road.

The act of selling is a human process in which two parties exchange their opinions and points of view in order to satisfy personal interests.

In the consumer, the interest is that the product he acquires solves his problems, for us the interest is commercial.

The art of selling consists of an elemental psychological-economic and sociological study of the consumer or client.


This is one of the best known and used sales techniques.


We must first get the customer to pay attention to us and then awaken their interest in knowing our product with which we will create in them the desire for it and finally we move on to the action through which we will finalize the sale.

To make this work accurately, we must incorporate tools of high added value which we will find in neurolinguistics and physiognomy, these will provide us with basic elements to determine psychological aspects of our potential client, which will facilitate the interrelation and achieve that the application of AIDA we provide excellent results.

In order to determine the economic characteristics, a quick and intelligent observation of everything that surrounds us and of the person as a whole, (clothing, accessories, office, business, decoration, furniture, etc.) will suffice. determine with greater approximation if the client or consumer interviewed is going to have the necessary capital for a more or less voluminous purchase in terms of units of our product or if it is a sumptuous good, they will be able to pay the sale value of the same.


The nine steps of sales negotiation must always be taken into account and prepared with absolute responsibility before the interview, (with the logical exception of the ninth) since it is known that no two interviews are the same.

1st) Preparation of the interview

2nd) Arranging the interview

3º) Presentation and contact

4º) Detection of needs and desires

5th) Argumentation

6º) Treatment of objections

7º) Closing of the interview

8º) Farewell

9º) Analysis of the interview


We must obtain as much information as possible about the client we are going to interview, in order to sketch in advance the development of the interview. This information will help us to what is known as breaking the ice, the information can be about tastes, hobbies, artistic or literary preferences etc. If it is not possible to obtain advance information, look for these indications in some outstanding element of the environment (an important painting, a family photo, an award, an exhibited title, a sports photo, a model, etc.), something that we must Remember, it is that starting the interview addressing the commercial issue that concerns us is highly negative.

This information will also help us prepare a preliminary study of the client's psychological-economic and sociological characteristics.

Expanding the concept of Breaking the Ice this action means that the best way to hold an interview is to place it immediately in a warm and more intimate setting, we must not forget that although the client knows the company and or our product for him, the person who in That moment in front of him is a perfect stranger and as such deserves mistrust, so it is important that before talking about what we want to sell you our product, we try to touch on a topic of your particular interest, showing you coincidences with your tastes and opinions, in this way we will be able to break your distrust and we will make you feel more comfortable with us, more relaxed and therefore more accessible.

Always remember that the person you are talking to is 100 times more interested in himself and his needs and problems than in you and his problems.

"Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves."

According to Charles W. Eliot (who was president of Harvard) “there are no mysteries in a happy business interview. The important thing is to pay exclusive attention to the person speaking. Nothing is as flattering as that. "

Think about all of this the next time you start an interview .


It can be in different ways.

The rules that must be followed are: Present yourself with name and surname and the company we represent, then inform the reason for the call and interest him in our product, make an appointment to expand the information, say goodbye and make a reminder of our name on the day and the appointment time.

When the appointment is by phone, in most cases we will have to save all kinds of filters, with these people we must be very correct and insist on the need to speak to the required person, as it is a topic of great benefit for him and his company.

Always remember that the voice on a phone reflects your moods and your face therefore be firm in the concepts, clear in your voice and always SMILE when speaking .


Punctuality is essential, this shows that we are giving importance to the interview, in waiting moments the ideal is to review what has been prepared for it and observe the environment for clues about the personality of the person we are going to interview, upon being received For the client SONRIA speak firmly and clearly and look him in the eye directly, do not speak looking down or up, when you feel do it in the most comfortable way possible to avoid moving too much while talking, break the ice talking about things that they are to the liking of the client, indications that you already detected before, before approaching the product we must plan the visit so that you perceive that we are going to offer you something very useful, it is time to awaken your ATTENTION.

Taking into account what we said earlier in the interview preparation point regarding breaking the ice, we are going to make it easier for the client to get ready to pay attention to us and take an interest in our product, that is the time to highlight the qualities that are according to your personality, taste, interest, life or financial goals, etc.

When we say that this or that is the moment of this or that thing we do it on the basis that the corporal manifestations of our interlocutor are manifesting it to us in one direction or another, these manifestations are going to tell us if we are going in the right direction or if we should rectify directions.

Professor James V. McConnel, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, said: People who smile tend to work, teach, and sell more effectively. There is much more information in a smile than in a grim gesture .

When you smile, don't do it mechanically, feel the need to be honest, a false smile is easily detectable and the only thing you will achieve will be the anger of your interlocutor.


Once your attention has been achieved and your interest has been aroused, it is convenient to apply the technique of silence, this in sales means keeping silent so that the client expresses his needs regarding our product.

It may happen that the needs arise spontaneously, if not, we will have to investigate by asking specific questions about the businesses, their suppliers, production, distribution, their warehouses, etc.

Let's always ask open-ended questions so as not to give the feeling of an interrogation


What interests the consumer are the attributes of the product and not only its physical characteristics, consumers do not value only the physical attributes of a product, they also value the psychological and sociological attributes, to understand this I will give you an example: a car does not it is only a means of transport, it is also:

The desire for a manifestation of economic position.

The desire for A display of power.

The desire for a chance for adventure.

The desire for a possibility of social relationship.

The desire for a projection of oneself.

The desire for A heap of sensations and hopes .

That is why it is important to determine the psychological profile of our client to highlight the attributes in our product that have the most positive impact on him.

It may also be the need to: Imitate someone.

Meet my professional commitments.

To show off.


As an example of the above I can tell you that buying a convertible is synonymous with youth, conceit and conquest.


Here it is time to show the client that the product meets their expectations, therefore we are going to argue about the product, presenting it to the measure of their needs in total agreement with what he previously expressed to us.

We will use short sentences for this since long and detailed ones are usually tedious and distracting, we will pay attention to you listening and being interested, we will also use to support our sayings all the graphic and promotional material that we have, make sure that you understand it But, never say, do you understand me? Sounds derogatory, say can I explain? - Am I clear? Always value the customer remember that only smart people do business with you.

John Dewey, a philosopher of the United States, says: that the deepest drive in human nature is "the desire to be important" and William James "the deepest principle in human character is the longing to be appreciated."

Let's never forget this law " try to make the other person feel important "


The objections are natural in any negotiation, what we must differentiate are the true or sincere ones and the false ones.

The true or sincere in turn are divided into objective and subjective.

The objectives are that there are no financial resources to buy or that the product does not really meet their needs.

The subjective ones arise because he did not understand the argument, therefore he does not see the advantages of buying.

False objections are also known as pretexts and are arguments that the client exposes and have no basis, they are easy to detect, it occurs when the client is invited to comment on their doubts or concerns, this invitation is not advisable and if this occurs it is advisable not to enter into confrontation, it is best to induce him to analyze other aspects that may be useful to him, leaving open the possibility of another interview.

The time of objections is the most annoying part in any business interview since if we are not mentally and intellectually prepared to refute them, confrontations with the client may occur that will lead us to fail in our objective. The objections are like weapons of self-defense that the client interposes between his desire to buy and his economic reality that tells him that he cannot, but he does not dare to express it.

In other cases the objections are due to the fact that he did not interpret our arguments, therefore he does not see the benefit that it would bring him.

Taking these two categories of objections, if any of them occurs in our business interview, we accept that we have failed in something, and I say that we have failed because if we prepare each of the phases of the interview accordingly, this does not have to occur.

As a first measure, it is necessary before going out to offer a product that the seller knows in all its dimensions: when, how and why it is manufactured, the materials used, its benefits, the reason for its colors, the reason for its aromas, the techniques with which its colors were applied, the elements of nature used for its specific scents, the advantages or disadvantages over the competition if any, the reason for their shapes, their size, under which quality approval standards were manufactured, etc. (This list is not intended to be strict since it will vary according to the product) and something that is fundamental and basic, we must first buy it ourselves, which is to say that we must first be convinced.

In the first case of objection, the question we should ask ourselves during the interview analysis is: was my socio-economic analysis of the prospect correct? The answer is NO since if it had been correct, it would have previously detected possible economic restrictions and would have developed a product introduction strategy according to the situation.

If the second case of objections were to arise, the question would be: at the moment of detecting your wants and needs, do you interpret them correctly? Or during my argument pay attention to the fact that the prospect was attentive, was I clear, explained the concepts with absolute conviction and clarity? Undoubtedly, if this objection is given, the answer to the questions is NO.

For all this it is important to make a study as accurate as possible of the prospect we are going to interview since this phase is very important in every sales interview and is the one that will determine to a large extent whether it will be positive or not, it is also true that not in all cases an investigation can be carried out prior to the interview, one of the salesman's field tasks is to conduct cold interviews, it is in these interviews where we will most use all the tools that neurolinguistics or body language, since through them we will learn about our prospect what we could not find out before.


This is also known as sales auction and usually occurs after the objections are dealt with, these are signals that are perceived with the unconscious or the conscious, there is always something in the stomach or brain that tells us now! This is the moment, once the signs of acceptance are detected, the seller proposes the purchase with phrases more or less like this, so if it seems right, we put together the initial order? Or since we agree, do we sign the contract? We will always use the plural in this way, the sensation perceived by the client will be that we arrive at this decision together.

The true meaning of a sales interview is to close the sale and for this to happen we must always look for and catch the purchase signals that the client provides us in different ways, when this happens stop arguing and look for the closing, it is important Be aware of these signals, it is often the case that the inexperienced seller does not perceive them and continues talking and arguing, until the customer leaves without buying.

There are verbal and non-verbal cues.

The verbal can be specific questions such as: how much will it cost? What are the delivery times? Would you send it to my house? Can you pay in installments? What is the after-sales service? What does the warranty cover for me?

Nonverbal ones are actions like: take the order note, take the product, call a colleague for the demo.

There is an implicit fear of closing, it is usually feared at this time, the buyer is afraid of making a mistake when buying and the seller is afraid of being told no, this fear leads many advisers to continue arguing and this creates doubts in the client who already I was convinced, we must start closing at the first sign of purchase, no good interview makes sense if there is no closing, more than 60% of interviews end without the seller trying to close.


Once the closing occurs, the negotiation and the interview have ended, whether positively or negatively, you should cordially say goodbye, thanking the time and attention given.

Remember that your greatest capital is your active or potential client portfolio.

Always leave a door open.


Finally, always carry out a responsible analysis of the interview and the development of each phase, detect successes and errors, do not regret the conclusions that are useful to you in the future.

Don't forget that mistakes are also learned.



Remember that if you plan your work DAY it will double you and your effort will be rewarded for greater successes.

Let's not confuse knowing with applying, it is important that we first be honest with ourselves, most sellers know that they should plan their sales day, but, that same majority usually does not do it and improvises on the fly, and then occupy hopelessly his valuable time to come up with excuses (which we all already know) to justify the mistakes of the day.


Nothing is accidental, one of the products of improvisation is error, and only in the theater for the artist is it positive.

How do you organize your time? Do you have a defined plan when leaving in the morning? If you meander along the road like the grass that sways the wind hoping to do great things without organization you are very blind learn to organize in writing your day nothing solid can be built without first establishing a firm foundation. (OG Mandino)

Planning means determining in advance what I am going to do that day, what and how many clients I am going to visit, what sector of my geographical area I am going to visit, how many potentials I am going to include in my tour, what are the interviews that I have agreed upon, something important and Of course we must have what is my quota in units and / or billing for the day, to be able to plan more effectively.

An important tool for the seller and that will help him a lot in his planning is the agenda, in it we will upload daily data referring to our clients and contacts, personal and commercial data should be as complete as possible, an important data to schedule is the date of birthday of our clients, this will make it possible for us to treat him with a present or simply greet him very cordially, which will further reinforce the commercial ties that we maintain with him, in it we must establish each agreed interview with day and time to to be able to distribute the daily work without suffering difficulties or defaults. Something to keep in mind is that each agreed interview must be reconfirmed the day before, this will make the work day yield positively.

We always have on hand a list of clients and a form that includes data such as: name-day of service-business hours-telephone-name of the filter if there is one.

Something important is remembering the name of our clients and addressing them by name, remember that for everyone, their name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.

We must always keep in mind that the name is something unique and exclusive to that person, the name stands out to the person, sets it apart from everything else, makes him feel unique, everything takes on special importance when we add the name of our interlocutor.


This makes the seller feel psychologically prepared to face the unforeseen and makes it possible to identify the obstacles that may arise in advance.

If the interview is planned, the seller will feel more secure and will be able to lead the interview more easily.

Some questions that we should answer before an interview are:

What attitude to adopt

What questions to ask

What product or service to offer

What arguments will be more important

What objections are possible and how could I refute them

What commercial media should I use?

We should also do a professional verification of the elements necessary for good management:

Briefcase with: personal cards, brochures, information about the client, the sector (competition, similar products, prices, competitor promotions, etc.), supplies, gifts or samples, agenda, roadmap, contact sheet, notes of order, referrals, mobile, (the list may vary according to the product or service.

Personal verification

It is important to know that 50% of the perception of a person is made in the first 20 ” seconds after initiating the contact, without having even uttered a word, this perception is fundamentally visual, so it is important to take care of our image so that perception is positive, also keep in mind that this image is linked to the company and the personality of the seller.

Emotional verification

Working as a field salesperson is a task that builds mettle, that provides experience and helps to get to know the business world, but it is also an activity that requires high sacrifice, resistance to frustration, flexibility and self-motivation.

Mandino: says in each of the chapters of his great book "The World's Greatest Seller"

Today I begin a new life

Failure will not be the reward for my struggle

I will greet this day with love in my heart

I will persist until I succeed

I am the greatest miracle of nature

I will live this day as if it were the last day of my life

Today I will own my emotions

I will live with joy

Today I will multiply my effort one hundred percent

I'll act right now

I will invoke my god

Let's keep in mind that every day can be a great day and that the best sales interview will always be next.

History is full of successful individuals, why not join that list

When someone changes their philosophy from I can't to I can miracles begin to happen.

"The way to achieve self-confidence is to do the things you fear to do, and in this sense gather a story full of happy experiences." Dale Carnegie


The monthly objectives that the company asks of us must be divided into:


For example: 60 units per month

Daily goal 3 units

Weekly goal 15 units

Total for the month 60 units

Next, we must determine how many INTERVIEWS AND TELEPHONE CALLS are necessary to meet our daily goal.

Paretto's law says that: 20% of daily tasks contribute to meeting 80% of the proposed objective.

That is why you must work as long as necessary to reach the goal

Do not leave fulfillment of the objective until the end, try to reach it as early as possible, use the remaining time to overcome it, fulfill the objective is the obligation that the company imposes on you, overcome it is the demonstration of professionalism and desire for growth that you have.



Jean Paul Sartre



Joseph O'Connor

Always remember that excellence is obtained by having several options and wisdom is achieved by having multiple perspectives.

How to walk the geographical area and visit as many clients in the shortest possible time.

THE SCARF EFFECT (Personal Version)

In the example we will take four apples and you will verify that according to this scheme you will not pass twice through the same place, with the consequent saving of your valuable time.

Example of the route of the 4 Apples

The Failed Seller

1 - They present a good exterior image

2 - they like to talk a lot (they overwhelm the client, they don't know how to listen)

3 - They pressure the client to buy

4 - They only prioritize closure

The Star Seller

1 - They are purchase advisers, they do not deceive the client, they earn their trust.

2 - They prioritize the analysis of the client, know him and solve his problems.

3 - They are sure of themselves because they have knowledge of the product, the competition and the customer.

4 - They are persevering and seasoned, they are clear that the objections are something natural and that not until the fourth, the game does not start.

5 - They plan, they do not improvise, they manage the agenda well.

6 - They are clear about their objectives, they know how many calls and interviews they have to make per day to achieve them.

7 - They have a good arrival, they are good communicators, they know how to listen and read the client's body language.

8 - Always use visuals in support of the sale.

9 - The client and his problem are the protagonists of the interview, not the seller, nor his company, nor his product.

10 - It is always clear to the customer how their life changes when using the product.

11 - They seek the closing of the sale.



How to get interviews?

1 - get data

2 - arrange the interview

How to be effective in the interview?

3 - prepare the interview

4 - make the opening

5 - inquire

6 - argue

7 - rebut objections

8 - detect buy signals

9 - close

How to get the relationship?

Track customer plus 7 key steps:

one. Retain current clients to transform them into Lifetime Clients.

two. Increase cross sales by comprehensively monitoring each customer.

3. Increase the use of products or frequency of purchase by customers.

Four. Achieve that customers make us their sole and main supplier.

5. Recover former clients.

6. Attract new clients referred by current ones.

7. Attract new customers.


1- always set your goals and priorities

2- Always have an action plan.

In your daily planning, set priorities A - B - C. And do not jump to the priority B activity without completing priority A.

3- Make an efficient zonal distribution

4- Do not waste time with minor or unnecessary tasks

5- Make good use of the phone

6- Keep up to date the paperwork that the company requires

7- Confraternize with your clients (but don't overdo it)

8- Communicate effectively


With this we will achieve greater control of our task, we will be able to detect our weaknesses in time and we will be able to reinforce all the weak points, be it units, billing or collections, although the company provides these statistics, not always the information It arrives on time and it is also usually received first by the sales manager who is the one who makes the relevant claim to us, so wait for this if we can solve it sooner, nobody likes to receive claims and less if we are professionals.

Our production statistics must contain:

Active clients and their categorization A; B; C, the monthly visits determined according to their category, the categorization is determined by number of units, by monthly billing, and in some cases by marketing.

Potential clients, referred clients

Daily visits and closings (percentage of effectiveness)

Monthly units sold and daily units, total and per customer

Total monthly billing and per customer

Percentage of rejections or returns in the area

Low and high percentage of customers and / or products

Collections (here we record the percentage of effectiveness)

Taking this personal statistic we will have the day to day of the movement of our area, which will speak highly of the development of our task.

Effectiveness in visits: we add the visits on the one hand and on the other the closings if we divide one by the other it will give us the percentage of effectiveness: ex.

20 visits - 5 closings = 5/20 = 0.25%

that day my effectiveness was 25%

Units sold: daily I will write down the units sold by customer and the totals of the day at the end of the month adding the daily totals I will have the monthly general and adding the purchases of each customer I will have the monthly total of each of them.

With this I will have on the one hand the percentage of participation of each client in the total of the area and on the other the percentage of participation of my area in the general total of the company , for example. If the total area is 10,000 units and a customer bought 300 units, that customer participated in the total with 3%.

Billing: Billing will have the same treatment as the units.

Percentage of rejections and returns: rejections and returns of merchandise generally respond to deficiencies in the negotiation, send orders without prior agreement, add unsolicited products, things that some sellers usually do when closing the month in compliance with the quota assigned, we should not be delusional, this is known by everyone, therefore it is to the detriment of our credibility as sales professionals before the company, we do not make the mistakes of the mediocre and we try to eradicate rejections and returns from our area.

Percentage of casualties and discharges: casualties may occur in the area due to various factors and these casualties may be due to the customer's will or by our decision, the important thing is always before a casualty, to immediately discharge, this reinforces the importance of always having a flow of referrals and potential in the portfolio, this is also a way to maintain and increase our income, let's not neglect the business.

Collections: many sellers give the collection a relative importance with respect to the sale, however this factor is the element that closes the circle of all sale negotiations (if we sell and do not collect we will be developing a very good charitable activity) the collection In my opinion, it should be added as the last step of any sales negotiation, when we talk with the client about price and payment conditions, what is clear is what is the payment proposal that we agree on, but we are never aware that this should also be the way of collection, many will say this is understood, but, experience indicates that this is not the case and when the time comes we begin to worry about the percentage of defaulters and bad debts in our area.

Let's share some famous reflections:

The man who tries different ways to achieve his goals is not wrong, the one who for fear of being wrong does not act is wrong.

The bird that tries the first flight falls to the ground is not mistaken, the one that for fear of falling renounces flying stays in the nest.

You fail when you choose not to continue testing alternatives. AM Keem

The problems you have today cannot be solved by thinking the same way you did when you created them. Albert Einstein

Plan your life as if you were to live forever and live as if you were to die tomorrow.

The secret hides in whoever seeks. Allan Watts


Auto analyze your task in terms of profitability. This way you will be able to know if you are a profitable seller for your company.

For this the data that we need to know are: how much do I receive per month, how many days do I work per year, how many hours per day and the gross margin of the company, as you will see the information is very simple but the result of this mixture is very important for the company when evaluating its sellers.

1 - we calculate our annual cost by multiplying the salary by 12 (months of the year)

example $ 1200 x 12 months = $ 14,400 a year

To this result we add an equal amount called indirect cost (IC)

$ 14,400 a year + CI $ 14,400 = $ 28,800 (CD)

the result of this calculation will determine what is called direct cost (CD)

Next, we calculate the hours per year that I work by multiplying the day hours by the total number of days worked per year.

The daily hours of work in the field of a seller are 6 hours and the days in the year are 230, so:

6 hours a day x 230 days a year = 1,380 hours a year

Now we now calculate the gross hourly cost, which results from dividing the direct cost by the total annual hours.

28,800 / 1380 = 20.87 (CB)

now we go to the real cost per hour worked, the statistic says after many studies on the subject that half of the total time used should be taken as real time applied to sales, therefore in our example it will be 3 hours, so we have to:

3 hours x 230 days = 690 hours per year

therefore the actual cost will be:

28,800 / 690 = 41.74 (CR.)

We now calculate the annual breakeven point that arises from dividing the direct cost by the gross margin of the company, whoever is below this number in turnover will lose, whoever is above will give profits.

28,800 / 0.31 = 92,903

¿ How will you considered in your company ?…………………………..


You must know everything about the consumer, so much so that many times you must know more about him than he does about himself, you must provide your clients with ideas and solutions to their problems, in this way, like any good sales professional, you will become in a business advisor for your client and not in a simple product provider.

Studies on consumer behavior pose multiple difficulties for the marketing area in charge of this.

1-Consumers are usually not fully aware of why they buy a product or a certain brand.

2-Consumers often do not want to reveal the truth.

3-Consumers do not tell the truth.

4-Often we try to communicate much more than we really know.

5-Consumers are complex.

6-The internal emotions, our affectivity, frequently propels us towards unthoughtful, impulsive, thoughtless and even inconsistent reactions.

The sales professional must be a very excellent listener, we must always be willing to LISTEN very carefully to our client, this will give us the opportunity to know what we need to make the sale, it is a great mistake to believe that if we overwhelm our interlocutor, we will to achieve good results-

Listen, find out what your interest is that gives you the most value and then focus on showing them of your product those elements that will satisfy your interest and that you will value the most, always remember that people do not buy products they buy benefits.

For example: The GPS installed in a car is a feature, the advantage of being able to choose the best route in a few seconds to get to a place is a benefit.

Whenever you give a feature, relate it to a benefit.

The SONCAS method tells us that people are mobilized to buy for any of the following needs:

S fe ty

Or pride

N ovedad

C omfort

A rgent (money)

S impatia

To detect needs we can use a simple method that deals with three types of sequential questions, The General Questions, which serve to start the dialogue, the Thematic Questions, with which we can analyze the client discovering a need and whose objective is that the problem be recognized by him, and The Confirmation Questions, which serve to corroborate that the needs have been well understood and confirm that the client is interested in solving them.

For example:

Offering a cell phone to a professional.


How is your work?

Do you have many clients?


How do you communicate with them?

How do your clients locate it?


Would it be important for you to be able to locate it easily?

With the thematic question the recognition of the need for communication with your customers is sought, and in the confirmation question we give you a solution to your need, through a cell phone you will achieve something essential that will be Customer Retention.


The price, although it is an important component of the product, is not necessarily the main determinant of the success of a negotiation, but it can be the failure of it.

It is for these reasons that the price should emerge as a logical and understood component of being that value after exposing all the arguments about the product, to the customer, if the arguments were forceful and convincing, objections will never arise, on the contrary, it will seem fair and sometimes even cheap.

Let's never expose the price in advance, let's do it when we are completely sure that the arguments were received as we wanted.

In some cases the price can play a very important role to achieve the closing of a positive sale, but in others this variable can be negative, for this reason we must give great importance to the preparation of each interview to determine which letter we are going to hide under the sleeve to expose it at the precise moment of closure.

According to Bob Kimball in "Successful Selling". (Lucky in sales)

The seller usually concentrates on the PRICE believing with this to be able to create a purchase motivation, experiences determine that this is an error, the correct thing is to concentrate on VALUE.

When the VALUE of a product exceeds its price, the sale will be a concrete fact, you always have to talk about BENEFITS AND VALUE, not about characteristics and price, that's why a professional seller has to lead the client to discover for himself the benefits of product and it is at that moment when it will be willing to pay the stipulated price.

Build the VALUE of your product by helping the customer discover benefits.

Price is never an obstacle.

When presenting the price let us consider the following:

Break the price into smaller units, for example if it is an annual subscription of $ 600 .- Let's say you will pay $ 50.- per month.

Announce the price in current sign currency.

Stagger the prices over the life of the product, for example if you are going to use it for 6 months the $ 800 represents $ 4.50 per day.

Drown the price with the advantages of the product.

Make the expense relative to the profit that the purchase will generate

Never talk about the price before the argument.

Never talk about the price before the customer has recognized a problem


When we sell a product that is not unique in the market and there are others similar or the same, it is extremely important that we know them in depth as much as we know ours, theoretically and practically also to the companies that produce or market it for distribution and Marketing, knowing these elements we will be able to develop favorable arguments for our product that will facilitate its introduction. These elements can be found in the product, in production, in distribution, in marketing, etc. It would be disastrous if at the moment we could not refute these objections due to ignorance, as personal advice, if they do not know the answer to a specific question, never invent an answer,it is preferable to owe it than to run the risk of making mistakes, which later we will not be able to rectify without giving the feeling of having underestimated our interlocutor.

Never underestimate the competition, nor try to impose our product by striving to show the customer its defects, always try to appreciate what the customer has, but, let's give them characteristics of ours that are superior to the competition, and therefore greater benefits, the important thing to know in depth the competition is that in this way we will know its defects and weaknesses, these tools will give us the necessary arguments to contrast the successes and strengths of our product.


Speaking, doing and expressing themselves, are acts that allow human beings to communicate with each other, since the beginning of the human being, communication has been the basic element for the transmission of messages of various kinds, we can say by way of example that in its beginnings the man expressed his feelings with gestures.

Therefore we can say that communication is verbal and non-verbal.

Verbal is the one we all exercise through speech and non-verbal is the one we exercise through gestures.

To improve our body language and thus achieve greater positive or successful results, it is necessary to know that in communication 93% corresponds to non-verbal and 7% to verbal, this tells us how much more important communication is in how I say the words that what I say.

This means that although it is true that words are used to communicate our body language and the tone of voice used will determine the true meaning of them.

According to a study on communication credibility by Professor Alberta Meraban of the (UCLA) University of California, Los Angeles, who is an expert in interpersonal communication, credibility depends on three factors: the content of the message, what we see and what we hear, the results of the study were published in his work Silent Messages (“Silent Messages”) and are the following:

The Body Language represents 55% of communication.

The tone represents 38% of communication.

The words account for 7% of communication.

For example: if I meet a friend who is overwhelmed by a problem and with you dim, looking at the floor and doing pirouettes with the cell phone in my hand, I say, "tell me about your problem", there is no doubt that by gestures what I am stating that it is nothing more or less than the opposite of what I said and that my words have absolutely no credibility.


Proxemia is the management of distances, in what refers to non-verbal communication, it marks the limits of approach that people have with respect to others and these spaces or areas are as follows:

Intimate Zone: it is the zone or space reserved for the most intimate and this distance is estimated between 15 and 45 cm.

Personal Zone: it is the zone or space that is used in meetings, parties, work, and this distance is estimated to be between 46 cm. and 1.2 meters.

Social Zone: it is the zone or space that is used with strange people or that we do not know well and this distance is estimated to be between 1.2 and 3.5 meters.

Public Zone: it is the ideal zone or space in dissertations, speeches and is estimated at a distance greater than 3.5 meters.

The most suitable distance for a sales interview is the so-called personal zone since it allows the handling of the hands and everything that refers to non-verbal communication.


There is a belief that in business we turn around two options: do what is ethical while safeguarding the interests of others, or do what is unethical for our own benefit.

Professional selling gives us the power to influence people. This power can be used to manipulate people (something unethical precisely) to act against their own interests, with the ultimate goal of making the sale. But only once . Because when they find out, they will never buy from us again and they will also warn as many merchants or people as they can to be careful with you.

On the other hand, you can use that power ethically to help others achieve the benefits they expect. And when they start enjoying those benefits, you will become someone recommended and credible.

Episode 2



An extremely important element for the development of our professional sales activity.

NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) is a model of thought and action that explains human behavior.

The idea of ​​this research is that if we do the same as the successful ones, we increase the possibilities of obtaining identical results.

When we are in a difficult situation we tend to punish ourselves mentally with its negative aspects, often things do not go as planned, unexpected situations hinder our plans, so we ask ourselves: why? Why did this happen to me? Why does it happen to me?

These questions are always unanswered and what we do is overwhelm us even more.

The proposal is that when this happens we change the why? by how? and the interrogation is to know how that result was reached, if you can follow the sequence of events that led you there, you will be in a position to learn from the past and thus avoid following the wrong path.

In PNL it is said that there are no failures, only results are obtained that may or may not be positive, if they are not we must change our course.

"There are no desperate situations, if not, people who despair in certain situations"

If we stop wondering why? and we wonder how? instead of focusing on the problems we will think about the results and finally if instead of judging the circumstances as good or bad, we look for the utility, we will have a new perspective that will allow us a more positive attitude.

As Richard Blandler said;

"Now open your eyes and look at the world, and you say to yourself»

What a daddy, this is easier than eating a sweet! ”

To be a communicator par excellence you need to have 3 things:

  1. A clear objective: clear knowledge of what we want to achieve Flexibility in behavior: this is to be able to vary our behavior Sensory experience: this is to realize if the answers they are getting give them the message that they have achieved what they set out to do.

In body language there are three classifications of personality that are:


VISUAL: This person needs eye contact to hear and feel, what this means, that if we are facing a person of these characteristics, the essential thing will be to visually show him the product so that he hears and feels our arguments, he would also maintain a rigid posture, with eye movements towards up, shallow and fast breathing, high-pitched and breathy voice using visual words or phrases like, Look at me, I'm talking to you or Sorry, I didn't listen to you, I didn't see you.

AUDITIVE : This may be doing something else and still listen to what we say, the auditory tends to be distracted by the movements of the other, they usually resort to phrases such as speaking, I listen to it the same or excuse me, it disconcerts me with the movement of their hands, they prefer to hear the arguments, this would maintain a relaxed posture like listening to the telephone, wide breathing, well-toned voice at medium rhythm.

KINESTESICA: This basically refers to the perception and processing of emotions and sensations, this will maintain a very relaxed posture, with movements that pamper the words, deep breathing, deep voice, with a slow rhythm and pauses, appealing to the sensations when choosing the words, disgusting, it hurt my soul.

Learning to manage the three systems in ourselves will allow us to improve recruitment, communication, understanding and will help us to better understand our interlocutor and to enter their world more easily.

One way to improve communication is first to find out which is the preferred channel of our interlocutor and then express ourselves in identical terms, this can be enhanced if we also adopt a body posture and a similar tone of voice.

It is not about imitating since if we did, the effects would be negative, it is about communicating in the way that is most familiar to the other, in this way our messages will be received with greater receptivity.

Watch out!

Your movements give you away

The body language, which is just everything you trasmites through movements or gestures, betrays all your feelings or perception about the person with whom you are interacting.

When you converse with one or more persons, reflex and send thousands of signal is and messages through your behavior. So pay attention and take advantage of the following information, because both in your work and personal life, they will be of great benefit to you.




The hands speak for us with their movements, always keep in mind the context in which we operate.

Hands on the face:

1- Covering the mouth, 2- Touching the nose, 3- Rubbing an eye, 4- Pulling the collar of the shirt These first four spontaneous actions, imply that there is lies or deceit.

5- Scratching the neck: denotes doubt, uncertainty.

6- Fingers in the mouth: insecurity, under pressure

Hand gestures :

  • Showing the Palms: shows truth, honesty, loyalty Palms Up: beggar position Palms down: containment, restriction Palm with Index Pointing: aggressive attitude Rubbing the Palms: positive expectation Rubbing the thumb against the index: money Interlocked fingers: frustration is disguising a negative attitude Hands on Warhead: Self-confidence and self-confidence Hands taken behind the back: denotes superiority, authority, security Taking the wrist behind the back or the arm: denotes self-control Showing thumbs: dominant attitude, superiority Thumbshot: ridicule disdain

Cheeks and Chin:

  • Rest your head on your hand: boredomClosed hand on your cheek: you are doing an evaluationL fingers: you have a negative thoughtStroke your chin: you are making a decision

Hands on Head

  • Stroking the nape: anger, frustration Slap on the forehead or nape: that there was an oversight Hands behind the Head: dominant attitude, superiority

The Arms

  • Standard cross at chest height: defensive or negative attitude, insecurity Cross with closed fists: defense and hostility Cross with holding arms: negative attitude of restriction Partial crosses: take one arm or hold hands in front and below the waist, defense of areas intimate

The legs:

  • Standard cross: defensive attitude Cross in 4: competition, discussion Cross in 4 taking the leg: stubbornness Cross when standing: discomfort, tension Cross of ankles: vice of posture, conceals negative attitude

Eyes and Look

  • Pupil dilation: sincerity, practical attitude Pupil constriction: lying, anger Sunglasses: strategic concealment Visual block:
    • Top look: superiority Bottom look: aggressiveness Elusive look: not taking charge Sideways glance: seduction, interest, curiosity Aggressive sideways glance: hostility Long blink gaze control: the message says “I erase you from my mind” Triangle Looks: Eyes - Forehead: business

Eyes - Nose: social

Eyes down: intimate

Head Positions

  • Side to Side: Denial Up and Down: Assent Up: Neutral or Evaluation Sideways Tilt: Interest Downward Tilt: Disapproval, Negative, Opposite Attitude

Seduction gestures

  • Grooming Your Tie Or Cufflinks, Touching Or Grooming Your Hair, Thumbs On The Belt, Doll Show, Hip Ripple

Alert and Aggression Gestures

  • Hands on the waist: defiance, aggressiveness Sit alert: on the front edge of the chair, holding the knees with your hands or having the seat Thumbs on the waist or pockets: sexual aggressiveness, virility Finger pointing: challenge

Gestures that indicate Power

  • Location around the desk Seat size and height Features and location of the desk Status lifters: desk accessories

Other common gestures

  • Riding in the chair: shield, protection Sitting on the edge of the chair: attempted escape, insecurity, little interest Reclining in the chair: security, comfort, positive attitude Collecting imaginary garbage: indicates disapproval, disagreement, in this case the gesture I am referring to it is the one that moving our hands we pretend to gather the crumbs from the tablecloth.


Use your eyes to speak:

The eyes are the windows to the soul. The person who looks cleanly into the eyes of others is a confident, friendly, mature and sincere person. Your eyes and gaze can say so much because they express practically all emotions: joy, sadness, restlessness, tension, worry, esteem or respect. Through his eyes many times you can know what he is thinking. Through that, they create a strong help in the conversation.

Use your hands properly:

Your hands can be used very well to complement your words and give more strength to your conversation. Do not use them uselessly, much less to do anything that distracts the other person. Also do not use them violently, clapping or passing them almost in the face to the other person.

Be careful what you touch:

There are many people who are always clapping on the back or touching the others on the arms, as if to attract their attention. It is good to show affection, but you must also have due respect for others. Show it by not touching the other person unnecessarily. Some people feel very upset if they touch him, be careful. But don't talk or listen with your hands in your pockets either, because that denotes indifference and bad manners.

Gestures that denote impatience or boredom: The physical attitude shows what the soul is feeling. If someone fakes interest in a conversation, the other person will easily pick up on your gestures and gestures. Moving nervously or getting up, crossing and uncrossing your legs, moving in the seat, or constantly looking at the clock shows boredom and is gross disrespect. If you have to look at the time, do it on someone else's watch.

Learn to sit:

Learn to sit quietly and behave when listening. Distribute the weight of your body equally so as not to get tired while you are sitting talking. If you sit on the edge of the chair, it is indicative that you want to leave as soon as possible. If you constantly change positions, you are screaming that you are bored. If you move your feet incessantly during the conversation, your interlocutor will think that you are upset, insecure, irritated, nervous, tired or bored. Put yourself in a comfortable and rested position that allows you to breathe better and better manage your voice.

Control your gaze:

When you're talking to someone , don't be looking everywhere: at the window, at the ceiling, at the floor, or by cleaning your nails. Do not look morbidly and curiously at the shoes, pants, shirt or hairstyle that you are talking about. Maintain eye contact, but without fixing your gaze excessively: this is what crazy people do. Anyway, if you want to stare at someone for a long time without getting tired psychologically, look at their brows. For the other, there is no difference.

Control the expressions on your face:

Smile! Interspersing warm and frank smiles in conversation conveys confidence, joy and good will. However, don't overdo it. Smiling too often can turn the gesture into a kind of grimace and give the impression that it is something hollow, empty and feigned. Excessive pursing of the lips may reveal that you have doubts or mistrust about what the other is saying or suggest that you are not really expressing what you think or feel.


Some general characteristics. What can the different shapes of faces tell us?


Great versatility. Diplomacy. Ability to make money.

SQUARE FACE : Friendliness. Sympathy. Love for safety and home life.

TRIANGULAR FACE : Magnetism. Power of seduction. Expressiveness Impatience. Irritability.

INVERTED TRIANGLE FACE : Great intellectual capacity. Idealism. Restlessness. Nervousness.

RECTANGULAR FACE: Innate talent to achieve the highest positions in everything that is proposed.

FACE OF A ROMBOIDAL FORM : Leadership. Efficiency. Tendency to innovation. Intelligence. Success.

OVAL FACE: Elegance and harmony. Tendency to live in a fantasy world.

FACE IN THE SHAPE OF HEART : Romanticism. Imagination. Very sociable and also opportunistic beings.



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How to be a professional seller