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How to survive toxic colleagues in your work environment

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Almost all of us have had to coexist at work with a colleague who has directly hurt us, or has done it to another colleague, or has created a bad work environment.

Learning to cope with this situation is essential to avoid having to negatively live the job, or to not have to go to the extreme of changing jobs in order not to suffer attacks, criticisms, disqualifications or even aggressiveness. When these behaviors are recurrent and are focused on causing the victim to leave, they are classified as “mobbing”.

In this article I am going to explain what are the toxic behaviors and what can you do to survive this type of companions.

Mild toxic partners

  • Passivity: Passive people are the least dangerous of the toxic ones, although with their attitude they can harm the group. Negativity: This is the person who always sees the bad in each situation and also protests aloud creating a bad environment. It usually drags other colleagues with a tendency to negativity, or who are simply having a bad streak. Criticism: Criticizing others makes the environment rare. Easily drag others towards that same behavior, even going so far as to be criticized when they are not in front. In the end you know for sure that they criticize you too, and more if you do not enter that game.

Serious toxic companions

  • Attack: Communication to a person with the intention of damaging them; accusation that is made to another person, physical or moral, of a true or false, determined or indeterminate fact, that may cause or cause to this affectation in her honor, dignity or reputation. On occasion, swear words are used in such communication. Disqualification: Very similar to the attack, although it is not necessary for the subject to be present. It can be personal or professional, and is usually caused by envy or insecurities, although sometimes it is a simple intolerance to different people.Aggressiveness: Set of activity patterns that can manifest themselves with varying intensity, including from fictitious fighting to gestures or verbal expansions that appear in the course of any negotiation. Involves provocation and attack.Mobbing:Situation in which a person exercises extreme psychological violence, systematically and recurrently and for a long time on another person or persons in the workplace in order to destroy the communication networks of the victim or victims, destroy their reputation, disturb the exercise of their tasks and finally achieve that person ends up leaving the workplace.

How to deal with a toxic partner

  • Passivity: As long as it does not harm you professionally, ignore his behavior, although not the person. Negativity: You must be vigilant not to be carried away by the negative energy of your partner. Deep down, the worst affected is himself, ignores his behavior. Criticism: Whenever you can, root it from the beginning. Defend yourself if it is towards you, do not let it pass or it will increase. If it is towards others, ask that it not be done when you are present. in the matter. Attack: Immediately go talk to your boss and Human Resources. It is an intolerable attitude against which you must defend yourself. Aggression: Do not fall into provocation, only act the same as when faced with an attack,Talk to your boss immediately. Mobbing: Mobbing is punishable by law. Talk to your superiors and if they don't listen to you or the mobbing comes from there, find a labor lawyer and file a complaint. If you allow the situation to continue, be sure that it will cost you depression plus physical illness.

As you will see, there are behaviors that are better to ignore, being tolerant with the partner who exercises them. However, there are other behaviors that you should be adamant about and not tolerate under any circumstances out of respect for yourself. In the event that you suffer mobbing, we are talking about something very serious, I recommend that in addition to a lawyer you look for a coach or a psychologist to learn to live that situation without being seriously injured and thus avoid very serious consequences for you.

"Find happiness at work or you won't be happy." Christopher Columbus.

How to survive toxic colleagues in your work environment