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How to overcome sales-related fears

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When the action of each battle is planned, and at the established time and place, the different levels of the structure must undertake the planned tasks. But, if there are certain fears in their drivers and it is perceived or also exist in their subordinates, obviously the result to be obtained will not be what was originally intended.

In another professional field, can you imagine the consequences if a surgeon is afraid when starting the first cut with the scalpel on an anesthetized patient in the operating room?

Fear is a natural human feeling that is found in all of us from the first moments of life and is intended to serve as an alert so that we avoid suffering the consequences that prevent us from its appearance.

Without wishing to go into depth about its psychological aspects, it is good to understand that when it appears in all activities of our lives, what must be done in the first place is to establish its true origin, otherwise it will generate a blockade that will immobilize us to carry out the action that We were going to undertake either, and which is the most risky thing yet, recklessly move towards an inevitable failure.

We will then understand that what we must do is analyze and deepen what generates fear until we reach its deepest roots to begin to overcome each of its steps that caused its appearance, defeating it and finally unlocking it.

Fears related to selling

In every organization and enterprise, and at all levels of the structure, there are certain blocks that prevent the full sales potential that its products or services have in the market in which it operates.

Since professional selling is the systematic and continuous action of accessing and advising current and future clients so that they can make their best decisions, to satisfy needs or solve problems related to supply, in such a way that it is possible to achieve and overcome periodic goals, the presence of certain blocks prevents it from achieving its valuable and vital results.

For this, it will be convenient to diagnose from the «blocks». This greatly helps to uncover fears, since it starts in each case from "the reality of what is not being done as planned" and that will undoubtedly lead us to the root of the problem that exists in each of the team members.

Let's see it through one of the real examples of management consulting diagnostics, which will allow us to understand it more clearly.

In any strategy there are periods of introduction, penetration and expansion in each market niche where it operates. Although it is true that it is easier to sell to an existing customer, in cases where it is necessary to generate growth through the search and systematic action of contact with new customers, this is inherently and essentially the responsibility of the sellers.

When the slogan in the team is "get new clients every month" and this is not happening, it is a good reason to analyze each individual management in the team in order to establish the true reasons.

When this slogan is not fulfilled, there will be a low operational response from the seller, as he does not expand his activity and his periodic results due to his apparent resistance to carrying out this essential and inherent task of his profession.

Among the most probable individual reasons are: the lack of personal qualities for their relationship (failure in their selection), the fear of being rejected and failing in their attempt (lack of experience and knowledge), lack of knowledge about effective techniques and methods to achieve this (deficient or non-existent initial training).

Let's agree that not overcoming fear, its most direct effect in management is the lack of direct action on the assigned slogan, caused by the blockade that occurs in the individual.

This is where the importance of the managerial role in management is evident (see e-book "Keys to a successful sale"), since their performance includes their responsibility and ability to timely detect and overcome blockades, deviations from behaviors, etc., away from the assigned periodic goals.

Expanding on the fear in the sale, we can point out the existence of a series of classic fears that are clearly identifiable, such as: fear of rejection, ridicule, avoiding closing the operation for fear of losing it, etc. And the most interesting thing about it is that they are surmountable through different exercises and practices, depending on the case.


In a world where business success is sought, there is no place for the fearful, since their inevitable logical destiny is to be overwhelmed by the right action of those who are not.

Neither will reckless actions be effective, that is, take action ignoring existing fear instead of rationalizing it.

Each of the fears that are specifically detected in sales management have different and effective solutions depending on the cases and the success of the diagnoses.

Many of them are caused by ignorance, by a wrong selection, by the lack or deficiency in the training, as well as by professional outdatedness or by the disinterest in deepening and perfecting management skills.

And just as when the enthusiasm or security when interacting with other people is appreciated, the fear and insecurity that each individual transmits is also perceived and this causes them to be inevitably disqualified, which in many cases increases doubts about their products or services and the company it represents.

© Copyright 2005, by Martín E. Heller

How to overcome sales-related fears