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How to sell more thanks to the aida sales technique


AIDA comes from the words Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. To sell we must ensure that this sequence is met.

When writing any sales message, from an email to a web page through a service offer, or any other means of communication, we must apply sales techniques that help us achieve the goal of the customer buying or hiring our products and / or services.

The AIDA technique takes us by the hand to achieve this process. Let's see then how it is applied based on each of its components:

ATTENTION: When we get a user to visit our website, we have 5 seconds to capture their attention. Otherwise, it will go at the speed of a click.

Capturing attention implies overcoming the indifference that said visitor may have. We can achieve this by striking you at first sight with images and headlines that sow your curiosity to continue reading.

In order to define a good headline and the image that will accompany it, we must know the target audience we are addressing very well, from there we must list the main benefits that our product or service will provide, ordering them from highest to lowest according to their value for our potential client. These benefits should not be oriented to the characteristics of our products / services, but rather to how they will satisfy the needs and wishes of said potential customer.

Once the main benefit has been defined, we must write the headline and the initial image based on it. There are techniques to write impressive headlines, highlighting the options of asking questions that arouse much curiosity, highlighting transcendent and quantifiable facts that will be achieved when using our product or service, offering help to achieve this benefit, announcing an important last-minute news item.. In this headline it is essential to have words that act as emotional triggers.

INTEREST: After having captured the attention we must create and retain the interest of the potential client for a sufficient time to be able to expose what we want to sell.

Maintaining interest is achieved by writing our message using the rest of the benefits that were created in the previous step. Please note that people buy what they need and want, always thinking of their own benefit and not ours.

To create and retain interest we must help the potential client identify and recognize that they have a need or that they are facing a problem or have a desire that we can solve for them. This is achieved by guiding you with questions about what you like or dislike based on what we offer, referring to needs based on statistics that affect the segment in which said potential customer is, which is our target audience, suggesting how our product or service can benefit you, all this presented in such a way that you reach your own conclusion that you need what we offer you.

DESIRE: After capturing Attention, creating and retaining Interest, we must awaken the Desire to acquire what we are offering.

In this step we must help the potential client understand that our products and / or services will satisfy their needs and wishes. For this, the product or service offered, its characteristics and benefits must be explained in detail, including details about the guarantees, delivery times, among others, highlighting the differentiating elements that our product / service has compared to other options. from the competition, which represent advantages for the client, as well as showing the disadvantages of not having it.

Again we must cite the benefits from the customer's point of view, both in relation to its rational and emotional aspects.

ACTION: Having managed to capture the Attention, retained the Interest and confirmed the Wish, we must call the Client's Action to close the sale achieving the purchase or contracting of our product or service.

The step related to the Action must be simple for the client, we should not complicate the purchase or contracting process but on the contrary facilitate it.

The purchase action should be considered avoiding excessive pressure on the client, presenting clear reasons to buy or contract based on the facts and benefits that satisfy their needs and desires. We must indicate the action based on how good it will be for the client to start enjoying the benefits of using the product or service as soon as possible, taking advantage of the advantages immediately and avoiding the disadvantages of not having it.

Please note that the AIDA sales technique achieves its goal as we present it based on what our target audience is seeking and wanting. That is why it is essential to identify our market niche and write our entire sales proposal based on what that market niche requires.

A fundamental phrase that you should take into account when writing or presenting any sales message, from traditional advertising to an offer or quote document, through a personal interview with the client, is that all human beings buy what they want, justifying it with what we need, that is, we buy with the emotions justifying it with the reasons. That is why to apply the AIDA sales technique well we must make arguments based on emotions and reasons, always from the customer's point of view and not from our point of view as suppliers.

Success for all…

How to sell more thanks to the aida sales technique