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Quality of education in mexico

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Education for any country is a topic of central importance for the development of its inhabitants, as well as for the level of labor competence in different areas.

The word education comes from the Latin word educere, which means to guide, lead, train or instruct and which could be defined as: all those processes that are bidirectional through which knowledge, customs, values ​​and ways of acting can be transmitted.

For Mexico in particular, this issue has been totally controversial, due to the systems established for many years and its leaders who have failed to promote education, to satisfy their personal needs, beyond what is credible.

According to Nurit Martínez Carballo in his publication in the newspaper El Universal on November 28, 2012, on the global competitiveness report, he mentions that an evaluation was carried out in 144 nations where Mexico ranks 100th in educational quality.

In this article, the Subsecretary of Higher Education mentions Rodolfo Tuirán Gutiérrez: “if the universities do well and prosper, everything will undoubtedly prosper in our country. To a certain extent I agree with his statement, although we cannot assure this only by focusing on one level of our educational system, when there are many people in our country who do not reach that educational level due to different circumstances.

One of the fundamental points to raise the level of education is reading and understanding it.

It is a habit that in our Mexico has been very difficult to implement, we see on television, commercials for inviting or promoting reading; However, the reality is that we do not have that habit.

Therefore, reading is one of the main pillars to move to the next step of promoting educational quality, which is research. If we do not know how to read, it is very difficult for us to investigate and even more to understand what we intend to investigate.

It is through reading that we can understand and soak up everyday information, and so we can then have a much broader vocabulary and a much clearer vision of reality and events at different levels in our country.

We know the levels of education we have in our country, starting with the preschool level, which is where we must learn much more motor, visual, and verbal aspects.

These are fundamental aspects for the development of the human being towards the subsequent preparation to be acquired.

The primary level that, as its name indicates, is the knowledge of reading, writing and understanding of basic subjects such as mathematics, history, geography, Spanish, civics, among others.

At this level it is considered that a proposal for improvement could be to start with simple readings of books, but that from this early age the restlessness and the need to read began to be aroused, which would greatly serve the foundations learned from reading and writing..

Another aspect of relevance in this education is what was previously performed as the dictation of words, which obviously have their meaning, which is the correct writing of them, since at present it is an important part, which has been neglected a lot and in this way this problem is dragged to the following levels; or the application of some other strategy to reinforce and have a quality writing.

In middle and high school, more formal topics are being seen, which are undoubtedly laying important foundations for choosing professional training.

It is in the Degree where all the theoretical knowledge must be absorbed and put into practice for a better understanding, this is where the knowledge begins to become universal and the range of information we have is broader.

Linked to educational quality, consequently comes the issue of the resources injected into said sector. According to the OECD, Mexico spends from the beginning of primary education up to the age of 15 the amount of $ 11,239 when in other countries affiliated to that organization, they average $ 43,520, which represents a significant backlog in resources, in addition to this there are to see the effectiveness with which said funds are applied.

Likewise, these amounts should not be seen as an expense, but as an investment in the future for the country itself, which in due course must observe the returns for its development.

One of the most important aspects that have made us turn to see this aspect of educational quality, with the emphasis that we now observe, is undoubtedly the globalization that is so advanced that exists in these times, which has placed us in need to strengthen our educational system, realizing that the level we have in the preparation of our teachers must increase; not to be at the forefront compared to other countries in the world, but at least to find ourselves equated to their level.

This has undoubtedly been an aspect that has been neglected over the years and that now becomes a serious problem, the part of training and evaluation for both teachers and students, must always exist to know where we are. We cannot simply continue doing things as usual, because in this way there is no evolution or advance.

This does not mean that in other countries there are no deficiencies in their educational systems, and that Mexico is the only one that is ill, on the contrary it means that we have a huge area of ​​opportunity to work and be able to reinforce this factor for the benefit of our population and our country.

Currently the openness that exists in the world news, has made us be measured with many countries and that, consequently, has evidenced the problems we have in terms of education.

However, there are actions that we must take knowing our weak point, not doing what the newsreels are currently doing, which is in many cases only attacking the teaching area of ​​our country and demeaning the effort of many in the classrooms and constantly guiding the youth of our country.

The profession and role of the teacher is very important, and I think that a large part of the population appreciates it, however, as the media mentioned, they have been in charge of spreading a lot of different information about it.

One of the pertinent changes that education requires is to modify the study programs and the mentality or way of educating towards non-execution as employees, but rather to exploit the potential of the individual towards innovation, research and the creation of new companies..

Currently in our country there are many private schools that are dedicated to taking their students along this path; however, if we compare with the number of students in the country, we are still very short in that regard. And obviously it is aimed at the population that has the necessary capital to pay for these institutions.

It is necessary to take into account the various factors that influence the education of a person, such as the following: the family aspect, the degree of education that is lived towards the family nucleus will influence in a great way, since through it There will be some support or monitoring of the student's education; as long as there is a very low level of education within the family, there will be no such support and the person will have to go to another source of sustenance.

Other aspects are the person's social, economic and cultural aspects, which can influence problems that may directly present in the student's school performance.

For Mexico, the cultural aspect is a situation that must be worked to motivate Mexicans towards constant preparation.

Generally we do not, people who finish a Bachelor's degree rarely continue with their education, let alone people who sometimes can only finish up to high school level.

The development of projects is very important, to put into practice the theoretical part and to know the different aspects of the theory.

When taking into account the diversity of people that exists in the country, we must also take into account the different ways of learning, there are people who are more practical, others more visual, some more theoretical, etc. This information must be provided to our teachers for the best attention and forms of learning that occur within the classroom.

And on the other hand, keep the groups not as saturated as they are currently seen in federal schools. Because we also understand that it is not possible to give the same attention to 50 students as to 20, in this sense the government should generate actions to improve and increase infrastructure to be able to teach.

To conclude we quote a famous phrase by Benjamin Franklin:

Tell me and I forget it, teach me and I remember it, involve me and I learn it.


Quality of education in mexico