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Quality of life at work

Table of contents:



This research work deals with the subject of Quality of Life at Work Projects, which is a Structural Intervention of Organizational Development. The theme will be developed, covering from its origins, evolution and its elements and characteristics, showing the student the importance of this type of Structural Intervention.

Today organizations have become more competitive, the wave of quality companies, efficient companies is lived, in all of them, workers play a very important role, so the quality of work life plays an important role to have management success today.

The topics presented in this work are topical, and their application occurs in organizations that have implemented Organizational Development, in most cases, companies from European, American and Asian countries. We leave it to the reader to deepen or complement the topic for its enrichment.


Chapter I

Explain the origins of the Project on Quality of Life at Work, its evolution and the sources mentioned by some writers on the subject regarding why it arose, which allows the reader to have the basis for understanding the next chapter.

Chapter II

Define what is Quality of Life at Work (CVT), exposing the concepts of some writers on the subject and what the group thinks, while giving guidelines for the design and implementation of a CVT project, the benefits and limitations that provides the same.


Historical review

1.1. origins

Scientific administration focused especially on the specialization and efficiency of tasks in traditional organizational structures. As this structure evolved, a full division of tasks was sought, seeking above all efficiency, reducing costs and using unskilled labor that can be trained in a short time to perform the job. What was or was not done was defined by the hierarchies under the command of the technical personnel. This structure presents many difficulties, it left aside an adequate warm working life, absenteeism, boredom due to repetitive tasks, staff turnover and quality suffered a decrease. In this situation, the managers acted rigidly in the control and supervision tasks, the organization became more rigid,This led to the organization entering a process of dehumanization of work, given this the desire to work declined. Given this and after an in-depth analysis to solve the problems, the managers chose to redesign the jobs and restructure the organizations creating a favorable and adequate environment for the workers, in other words, to improve the warm life of work.

The term ´QUALITY OF LIFE AT WORK´which translated into English means ¨QUALITY OF WORK LIFE¨ (QWL), had its origins in a series of conferences sponsored in the late 1960s and early 1970s by the US Department of Labor and the Foundation FORD. These conferences were spurred by the then widely popular phenomenon of "worker alienation" symbolized by strikes among the largely young workforce of the new General Motors, Ohio, riding plant. The attendees considered that the term went beyond the satisfaction of the job and that it included some notions, such as participation in at least some of the moments of decision-making, increased autonomy in daily work, and redesign Of jobs,and systems and structures of the organization with the aim of stimulating learning, promotion and a satisfactory form of interest and participation in work.

1.2. Evolution

This concept remained ambiguous for a long time, until in the 70s there was the interest of some companies to put it into practice, such as Procure & Gambe, General Motores, etc., which obtained successful results with the implementation of the quality of life at work in your new plants. Given the gratifying results of these companies, at the end of the 70s some companies, including FORD, applied similar projects, obtaining good results. At the beginning of the 80s, there was a great recession in the US, the Asian competition that offered cheap and good quality products, I worried a lot to the American managers, so many of them chose to bet on quality and began to apply quality of life programs, even many public organizations also did.

1.3. Why quality of life at work arises

Many writers have investigated this, and have concluded that there are various sources that can be associated with the emergence of quality of life at work.

• More extensive research in the fields of leadership skills, motivation and efficiency in the organization

• Active research in semi-autonomous work groups

• Cooperation between employees and management

• Innovative designs of new plants

• The Japanese experience in quality circles

• Joint employee-management involvement and experience in problem solving.

Chapter II

Quality of life projects

2.1.- Definitions

The term Quality of Life at Work (CVT), has been by a multiplicity of authors, we have selected some definitions that can show us their meaning.

Quality of Life at work is a management philosophy that improves employee dignity, makes cultural changes, and provides opportunities for development and personal progress (1).

Quality of Life at Work is a philosophy, a set of beliefs that encompass all efforts to increase productivity and improve people's morale (motivation), emphasizing people's participation, preserving their dignity, and by eliminate the dysfunctional aspects of the Organizational hierarchy.

Quality of Life at Work can have several meanings, but in recent years it has been consolidated as a work philosophy in participatory organizations.

For the above exposed we can say that ´The Quality of Life at Work´ is a different way of life within the organization that seeks the development of the worker, as well as business efficiency.

2.2.- Criteria to establish a project of quality of life at work

Some criteria are important if we want to implement projects of quality of work life, my criteria will allow us to direct the staff of the organization to a better satisfaction of their personal needs.

Sufficiency in Remuneration.

This can be accomplished by income sufficiency to maintain an acceptable social standard of living, • Safety and Well-Being Conditions at Work.

You establish working conditions that minimize the risk of disease and damage; a limit age at work that is potentially harmful to those younger or older than established.

Immediate Opportunities to Develop Human Capacities.

This category includes autonomy, the use of multiple skills rather than the repetitive application of a single one, feedback about the results of an activity as a basis for self-regulation.

Opportunities for Continuous Growth and Security.

This process encompasses job assignment and educational purposes to expand worker capabilities, advancement opportunities, and job security.

Social Integration in the Work of the Organization.-

This means freeing yourself from prejudice; equality; mobility; interpersonal openness; constant support to work teams.

Balance between Work and Life.-

This means that job requirements, including program budgets, urgent matters, and travel, are not taken from leisure time or family time as everyday, and that promotion opportunities do not frequently require geographic changes.

2.3. - Benefits of quality of life at work

The implementation of Quality of Life at Work Projects can be beneficial for both the organization and the worker, which can be reflected in:

• Evolution and development of the worker

• High motivation

• Better performance of its functions

• Less job rotation

• Lower absenteeism rates

• Fewer complaints

• Reduced leisure time

• Greater job satisfaction

• Greater efficiency in the organization.

2.4. Limitations of CVT projects

CVT Projects, in the same way that they have their benefits, also have some limitations, which we will mention below:

• Some employees do not want to improve their CVT

This occurs in organizations is that employees are unable to assume a new responsibility, they are reluctant to group work, they dislike relearning, they dislike more complex duties, so the implementation of CVT Projects becomes more difficult.

• The best jobs do not match the payments received.

As jobs improve, employees will now think that what they get paid does not go according to new duties, or new work procedures, so they want to get a better salary.

Increased costs

After rethinking, improving or restructuring jobs, it is possible that new technology, new environments, new tools, and new training will be needed, which will make the organization have more costs in its operation.

The technological equipment is not adaptable

Some organizations make such gigantic investments in technology equipment that they cannot make substantial changes as long as they are not replaced. When problematic technological conditions are combined with negative employee attitudes towards improving working conditions, it becomes inappropriate as long as the environment is not transformed to make it more favorable.

III. Conclusions

- CVT projects seek the welfare and development of workers and at the same time organizational efficiency. They are beneficial to both.

- The benefits they provide will allow the organization to direct its forces and resources that were previously used to confront the problems of the workers prior to a CVT project, towards activities of greater importance for the achievement of its objectives.

- All implementation of a CVT project involves in many cases additional costs to the company, which could be a limitation, but in the future, by gaining organizational efficiency, these would be covered.

- The CVT tries to improve the degree to which the members of an organization will be able to satisfy important personal needs.

IV. Bibliography

FRENCH, Wendell, Organizational Development, Editorial Prentice Hall, 1996, 5th Edition, 375 pp

GIBSON, IVANICEVICH, DONELLY, The Organizations, Editorial McGraw Hill, Madrid, 8th Edition, 1996, 908 pp

ROBBINS, Stephen and Others, Fundamentals of Administration, Mexico, Editorial Prentice Hall, 1995, 485 pp

STONER, Jonh et al., Administration, Mexico, Editorial Prentice Hall, 1996, 668 pp

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Quality of life at work