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Quality of service in the hotel accommodation area


We have to find the ideal point of quality, to produce not only more, but better. Che.


Quality in general has become the main strategy for tourism companies, a differentiating element within the acute competitive environment that prevails in the sector. For some years now, the tourism sector has been undergoing a process of change that has made quality one of the most valued elements by both tourists and tourism organizations.

In this context, the quality of services is occupying a primary place, associated with the changes that have been taking place in the life of society, becoming a competitive factor for small and medium-sized companies and promoting the use of instruments or tools that allow guarantee quality which can only be achieved in a stable, systematic and continuous way through its proper management.

Today the sustainable competitive advantage in the accommodation area of ​​hotel companies comes from the following sources:

• Information management.

• Quality management.

• Organizational structure.

• Training of Human Resources.

The foregoing competitive advantages result from the identification and consideration of trends that affect Accommodation Management. Among these and in relation to tourism demand, the following stand out for the main issuing countries:

• Very diversified.

• The average age of travelers rises.

• More educated tourists.

• More demanding regarding the quality of the services they demand.

• More restless and active tourists. More sporty and healthy tourists.

• More personalized service in the area of ​​accommodation

• Supporter of knowing the genuine, the authentic.

• Polymotivational ("one client is many clients").

• Price sensitive.

Quality management in the accommodation process is the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of customers who feel a set of feelings, expectations and personal experiences; It requires coordinating multiple people who are directly or indirectly involved in providing a service to a customer who increasingly demands more and, above all, where he stays overnight.

The present work tries to value the importance of Service Quality in the Accommodation area.


International clients demand more and more quality of tourist services and the accommodation process as a key macro process within the hotel industry must take this into account and ensure the quality of all elements of the tourist product (including reception areas)., housekeeper, maintenance, technical services, among others).

The new trends in the tourism markets, together with the greater demand from consumers, technological innovations and the latest research related to the quality of services, require a constant effort in proposing new approaches and imaginative solutions for companies. of the sector. Hotel companies are a clear example of this need for continuous development of new services and products focused on quality and customer satisfaction.

A correct management of accommodation, properly organized, customer-oriented and that manages the quality of its services in accordance with some recognized results standard, will increase the image of customers, promoting an increase in business results.

Clearly define the client's requirements, ensure the provision of the service under quality parameters, monitor satisfaction during the provision of the service, including, are some of the points on which to act and that in the Accommodation process, a System Quality Management, helps control.

The truth is that, a generated image, a prestige in terms of service provision, are a priceless treasure, which must be worked little by little, and it is the Human Resource that is responsible for this challenge in the sector.

Most experts in the Quality for Accommodation Management sector, without pretending to be doctrine, point out some basic actions for the provision of a service of this nature, that is, a quality service. These actions are:

• Correct determination of customer requirements, which implies knowledge of traveler expectations and the factors that determine them in areas such as:

- Expectations about the expected service of the accommodation management.

- Expectations about the product to be purchased.

- Expectations about the client's development and stay.

• Orientation of the company's human resources towards service excellence and customer satisfaction. People are one of the most important aspects of any organization. Their training, dealing with the client, interpersonal relationships and, above all, staff motivation, are aspects to be managed by the organization.

• Adequacy of the quality expected by the client with the quality actually perceived by him during the enjoyment of his stay.

• Evaluation of customer satisfaction and information processing for the improvement of services.

Presentation of the Accommodation Process.

Accommodation: It is any service that allows the traveler accommodation and shelter, under certain conditions of security and comfort, by paying a price; sometimes this service is completed with food and others.

Dimensions of quality in services.

An investigation carried out by Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry, under the auspices of the Marketing Science Institute (USA), consisted of finding out what are the characteristics that clients expect to find in services.

The results of this research concluded that the parameters or dimensions that customers use to assess the quality of service they receive from a company are (6):

• Reliability. Clients can believe and trust the company and the constant quality of its services.

• Answer's capacity. Employees are always ready to supply the service when the customer needs it (not when the company considers it convenient).

• Professionalism. Employees have the skills and knowledge necessary to provide the services requested by clients correctly and accurately.

• Accessibility. Customers can easily contact the company.

• Courtesy. All company personnel deal with customers with care, respect and consideration and with an attitude and disposition based on friendship (customers are friends, not opponents).

• Communication. The company maintains a flow of communication, open and sincere, in both directions with customers.

• Credibility. In their performances and conversations, all staff project an image of trust, faith, and honesty.

• Security. The company cares and ensures that customers are kept away from all kinds of damages, risks and doubts.

• Understanding and knowledge of clients. The company maintains permanent mechanisms that allow it to accurately know the needs, desires and expectations of customers, their changes and trends, and their problems and aspirations.

• Tangible elements. The company is concerned that the physical evidence of the service always project a quality image.

We all do quality

The cause of quality is human beings, since it is we who make or do not do it because we have two characteristics that differentiate us from other beings on earth: WILL and INTELLIGENCE.

• The will makes us able to DECIDE, TO BE and TO WANT. It is a commitment to ourselves, to no one else. Know what I am, why and why.

• Intelligence allows us to reason and understand the:

1. must be of things.

2. it must be from our work.

3. Our system works towards optimization and not towards maximization.

These qualities we all have and since we are born, and all this has a goal:


With quality we all win, with non-quality we all lose.

QUALITY: It is what makes us what we are, they are all the qualities of a person or thing.


Management system defines the policy, objectives and actions to achieve an objective to direct and control an organization with respect to quality; They can also help the organization of any tourist place and increase customer satisfaction according to their needs and expectations.

Continuous improvement

With Continuous Improvement we can increase the possibility of increasing the satisfaction of customers and other interested parties, through the following actions:

• Analysis and evaluation of the existing situation to identify areas for improvement;

• Setting goals for improvement;

• The search for possible solutions to achieve the objectives;

• The evaluation of said solutions and their selection;

• The implementation of the selected solution;

• The measurement, verification, analysis and evaluation of the results to verify the objectives have been achieved;

• The formalization of the changes.

Continuous improvement actions should consist of the following stages:

1. Reason for improvement: Select an area for improvement and the reason for working on it.

2. Current situation: evaluate the efficiency of the existing product. Collect and analyze data to discover what types of problems occur most frequently. Select a problem and set a goal for improvement.

3. Analysis: identify and verify the causes of the problem.

4. Identification of possible solutions: explore alternatives and implement solutions that eliminate the causes of the problem and prevent it from happening again.

5. Evaluation of the effects: confirm that the problem and its causes have been reduced, that the solution has worked and that the goal of improvement has been met.

6. Standardization of the new solution: replace the previous processes with the new process, to prevent the problem and its from happening again.

7. Evaluation of the efficiency of the process and the effectiveness of the improvement action: review the effectiveness of the project to improve and plan solutions for the remaining problems and objectives, in order to improve them later.


The quality of the service enables the level of excellence to be achieved and customer loyalty.

The implementation of the Plan to improve quality, add values ​​and incentivize workers.

We are all responsible for quality. In this sense we must work with intelligence.


• Alonso Almeida, Mar; Redín, Lucía and Martín Castilla, Juan Ignacio Boats: Quality management of tourism processes

• Báez Casilla, Sixto. Housekeeper Department. CECSA Editorial, 1989. Mexico.

• Support bibliography: Martí Pilar and María Luisa de Andrés. Floor management practices. Madrid. 1997 Pages 46, 50.

• Chase R., Aquilano N. and Jacobs R. Operations and Production Management. Eighth edition. McGraw Hill. Santa Fé de Bogotá, 2000.

• Check List of Mintur.

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• Escobar Aguiar Eduardo Felipe. Cleaning as an important dimension of quality in hospitality. 2010

• Official Gazette of the Republic of Cuba. Law 13. Protection and hygiene at work.


• ISO 9000: 2000, Quality management standards.

• Maldonado T. (2000). OMD Portals, Much more than information in a single site. In the 1st National Workshop on Technologies applied to the hotel sector. Madrid Spain.

• Manuals and procedures of the chains.

• Hotel Categorization Rules. 127 Cuban Standard.

• Olmo Garre, María José. Spain. 2001. p. 213.229.

• Picazo, LF and F. Martínez. Service engineering. McGraw Hill, Mexico.

• Zeithami V., Parasuraman, A. and Berry, L.; Total Quality in Service Management. Editorial Díaz de Santos. nineteen ninety five.

Quality of service in the hotel accommodation area