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Drip email marketing campaigns. drop marketing campaigns


In our previous article we talked about Email Marketing. In this article we will discuss Drop Email Campaigns.

"In Drops" Marketing Campaigns are those Email Marketing campaigns that are issued to subscribers in a sequential and limited way, spinning a story that maximizes the potential of buying or contracting by the prospect that receives them.

These campaigns start when we are able to obtain the subscription of a visitor to our website who shows interest in our products or services, providing us with their data (primarily their email address).

The campaign consists of issuing several emails (eg up to 7 emails) separated from each other by a few days (eg starting with the subscription and issuing the following every day or every other day), where the prospect (customer) is led by the hand potential) in the process of generating your confidence to make the purchase or contracting decision. These periodically sent emails resemble a trickle and that's where their name comes from.

Each email sent must be written in such a way that we generate the attention and interest to learn more about the products and services.

The first email should thank and congratulate the prospect for his smart decision to contact us to assist him in the process of learning more about the topic, indicating our satisfaction in being able to give him some content of great added value and that it will be completely free for him or her.

In each issue of a campaign email we must take a step towards making the purchase or contracting action decision, motivating the customer and increasing their confidence in our offer.

The emails must be made up of excellent content only issued to those who have left us their contact details. These contents can start with informative articles in pdf format, and continue with infographics in graphic formats, audios of interviews with specialists, demonstration videos or with short tutorials on the use of products or services, among others.

The way of spinning the story through emails must be written in such a way that continuity is maintained in each new issue. Starting with the summary of the previous broadcast and continuing with the brief introduction where we justify because the new content is valuable and necessary, increasing the desire for its review by the recipient.

To the extent that we issue a new email, after considering that the first emails have already generated trust, we must gradually propose offers that are designed in such a way that the prospect understands that they should not miss the opportunity to purchase the product or service, since they will not be repeated (unique), and are only for those who have received said campaign for a limited time.

In general, auto-response drip campaigns are used in combination with landing pages to continue the process of closing the Conversion.

It should be noted that handling this type of campaign manually is extremely exhausting and inefficient, since the prospects subscribe asynchronously (at different times), so the process of bringing the sequence of emails to send to each one must be automated.

For this there are professional services that provide online systems that are responsible for carrying the sequence of each subscriber putting our campaign on autopilot. In turn, these types of systems can handle multiple types of simultaneous campaigns for various websites, landing pages or Facebook Pages (Fan Pages).

In the case of the Fan Pages for companies within Facebook, it is possible to create special applications that induce the visitor to mark the "Like" button and then indicate that if they leave us their contact information in a form (registration to the -replies of the campaign by drops), you can participate, for example, in special promotions of your interest. In this way we can reach the prospect both through their Facebook wall or timeline and through the email campaign seeking to convert them to a real customer.

Using Web Analytics techniques (eg Using Google Analytics) it is also possible to establish Conversion Objectives and / or Conversion Funnels that allow to measure the success of the campaigns and / or their failures according to the achievement of such objectives, in such a way so that the necessary changes can be made in time to increase the desired percentages of Conversion and Monetization.

Please note that when a person initially visits your website, they are not necessarily willing to make a purchase or contract on the first visit. To do this you must convince yourself that behind this website is a real, serious and responsible company that will meet your expectations.

Your mission from the first visit is to ensure that the prospect has the necessary confidence to make the purchase decision, with desire and enthusiasm to buy or contract what you sell.

As you can see, the Marketing techniques supported by Internet business solutions are presented in a variety of ways and managed in the right way can guarantee the growth in business that you aspire to.

For this, the Droplet Marketing Campaigns by Auto-responses are very useful as long as you contact the appropriate suppliers and consultants with the necessary experience.

Success for all…

Drip email marketing campaigns. drop marketing campaigns