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Training as a tool that transforms


Nothing is more difficult in life, if you are responsible, than having to execute a task or action without knowledge, on various occasions there are people who have failed to identify the important role that permanent training plays in the life of each one, many see it as a commitment, as a burden, and fail to recognize its values. They have not thought of it as the opportunity to improve their personal development, the environment in which they live, their businesses, their personal and social relationship, professional growth, plus each and every one of the benefits that training brings.

Ignorance in many subjects leads to a series of chain errors, which in most cases are much more costly to fix than investing in good training.

In order to grasp the great advantages and benefits offered by the training, which aims to maintain and develop all the aspects mentioned above, it is necessary to live experiences without it.

It is important to understand that training is not an expense, it is always healthy to think of it as an investment. This has been the subject of discussion for many years; however time has been responsible for sustaining that the latter is a true reality.

Life is changing extraordinarily quickly and with it many things, including knowledge; therefore, to be successful, it is necessary to be in agreement with these changes and accept them in a natural way and understand their importance in our present and future development.

Nothing is static in life and much less can knowledge be, especially in this era of change and technology that demands so much of us. Failure to acknowledge this will mean turning your back on our own reality.

Each change and experience, however traumatic it may seem, must mean motivation, an incentive, a teaching, to be better every day, and to be better, it is necessary to acquire knowledge through training, which will result in better results in everything it is done and undertaken, to face all the challenges imposed by the global phenomenon in which we live.

The world in general terms is competitive, therefore one should not remain static. Ongoing training, willingness and perseverance are the key to success.

Believing in training as one of the main tools available to achieve goals, paradigm shifts and better results in everything that is done, will allow us to see it differently, since more than necessary it is essential in life of each individual.

Training will mean preparing to be the best at what is done or started, doing it right the first time. It becomes an investment, when it is sustained as a real need for the human and personal development of individuals.

Continuous and permanent training is among the universal principles of human development, to which each person is entitled; hence the importance of making training programs accessible to all, as some organizations, institutions and communities have been carrying out free of charge in some cases and in others at affordable prices, being aware that the purchasing factor should not represent an impediment, so that people do not receive it, since they would be condemned to permanent ignorance and to all the scourges that constantly threaten humanity.

Detecting training needs is the best thermometer to support it. To get to know it in depth, it is necessary to apply a series of surveys and reviews of the current knowledge that people possess, to perfect and update it. To achieve more favorable and faster results, the technique of learning by doing is suggested.

The effectiveness of the training will depend on its comprehensive approach. The vision is to develop the person as a human being, for their present and future needs, since the training of better people will give the result of better collaborators for any task, be it personal, commercial, social and corporate, among others.

This guarantees training aimed at developing individuals with a sense of responsibility, capable of being more honest, human, supportive, sociable and above all, better human beings in general terms, with quality and productivity.

It is essential to have a training policy that allows observing and following up on any training process that is undertaken, with a view to developing competence with oneself, which is the most important and taking advantage of the growth opportunities that are offered.. For the training to be effective, it must not be improvised, but must respond and resolve the problems and needs detected, with clear objectives and goals.

Perfecting means growing, acquiring new forms and ways to optimize daily tasks. Responding to training needs is, without a doubt, a transcendental mission aimed at integral development, which must have fundamental principles that identify quality training to help face the world in the best possible way.

Continuous and permanent education is a way of responding to the needs for updating knowledge and skills over time, which currently materialize through different training dynamics, face-to-face, distance and virtual, thus opening the range of opportunities for all, as a world philosophy.

This allows guaranteeing the professional success of many people and the monitoring of their future potential, around new technologies and procedures, as well as contributing to reform their individual initiative, specialization, versatility, capacity for decision-making in any field, interaction with others, relationship and teamwork, both in professional settings, as well as in social and family settings.

Training and orientation, as well as training in specific areas, increase a positive attitude in people. On the other hand, they help them in managing future responsibilities, regardless of the current ones. Clearly it represents one of the best investments in individuals inside and outside an organization, being one of the main sources of well-being for those who enjoy said benefit.

The explosion of knowledge, which is becoming increasingly important in the world every day, offers a series of benefits for individuals that have a favorable impact on their lives, some of them being: help in solving their problems, in decision-making, an assertive posture towards personal development, increased self-confidence, improved communication attitudes within and outside the family, business and social bosom, increased levels of satisfaction in general, elimination of fears regarding the individual ignorance and incompetence allow you to achieve your individual and collective goals.

In a globalized world like the current one, the growing trend is diversification in relation to nationalities, which leads to the need for the training provided to be flexible for groups and teams that may differ profoundly in terms of their academic training, expectations, previous experiences and knowledge.

In these cases, which are becoming more frequent every day, flexibility is necessary as a fundamental factor, which, well managed and administered, always yield good results, due to the enrichment obtained with the participation of different cultures.

We live in constant development and changes that occur with greater speed every day, this implies that people must adapt to such changes so as not to miss a beat and lag behind in time and distance.

Today, most professions have reached such a degree of advancement that any professional who, despite having studied, is not trained, updated and perfected with new techniques and information, is losing place in relation to the one who if it does, regardless of whether work or society requires it. We see training and its importance as a tool that must be used in a personalized way, which definitely improves attitude, quality and productivity.

The daily work of training goes far beyond a transfer of knowledge. Currently, there is great interest on the part of many sectors of society in obtaining information and knowledge that contribute to strengthening their activities in various fields and their concern that human beings have greater sources of training every day, allowing them to interact more efficient in society, which definitely with the above will have fewer problems.

It is important within a training program to share, spread, popularize ideas, values, knowledge and experiences through courses, workshops and other activities tailored to the needs of each individual, society, sector or organization interested.

Training as a tool that transforms