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Family training for the education of young people in the Cuban school environment


Our society demands important results in education. The school and the family, with a united and systematic work, must achieve that in the Technical and Professional Education centers, the graduates obtain the title of highly qualified, technically qualified, technician with a good technological and economic culture. For the development of this research, a varied bibliography was consulted, analyzing the historical situation of the school-family bond, as well as the theoretical contributions in question. After characterizing the families and the way of acting of the students, a proposal was elaborated with the objective of improving the quality of the graduate.


Our society demands important results in education. School and family with a systematic work should get that in Technical and Professional Teaching sehools the graduates obtain the technician certificates according to a techrological and economical culture. For developing this investigation varied bibliografic was consulted analyzing the historical situation of the school-family relationship, and in like manner the theoric contribution as such. After characterizing the family and the estudets´ performances proposal was elaborated in order to improre the graduate´s quality.


The social problems and the technological situation of our territory affect the family and affect the education of the children, the systematic attention that adolescents need for the world of work and their good preparation in technical and vocational education, is analyzed in a comprehensive way. general in our society and at all levels.

Reaffirming in the Code of Children and Youth, that society and the state recognize the role and authority of the family in the moral, physical and spiritual formation of its youngest members. The family has an obligation to society to lead the comprehensive development of children and young people and to encourage the exercise of their duties and rights at home.

The family as a social institution plays an important role in the integral formation of its sons and daughters. But fathers and mothers deserve more understanding, more attention, and good guidance and education. The school as a social institution and teachers in particular have the responsibility to work with families.

It is known that there are families with a good professional preparation, regardless of the problems that may exist in them, others due to their characteristics lack knowledge, so they need adequate educational attention.

It has been shown that through the work done by the school, the family, the mass and political organizations, there are students who maintain inappropriate behaviors, reflecting them academically and in the work they carry out in the workshops, which is necessary to consolidate the school-family bond.

Once the school is able to train the family and it is reverted in positive behavioral ways for their children, there will be students who respond to the interests of society, young people who, when turning to workers, are able to put into practice all the cultural knowledge, political and technological, demonstrating correct social behavior.

The school-family bond has been studied by several researchers, among them we can mention: Celia Díaz Cantillo (1998, 2003); Elsa Núñez Aragón (2003); Elsa Gutiérrez Baró (2003); Marta Torres González (2003); Ana María Soca (2002); Antonio Blanco Pérez (2001); Pedro Castro Alegré (1996). From the search carried out, it was found that the researchers address topics such as:

• The routes used to promote school-family integration (parent meetings, parent schools, visits to the family home, interviews, surveys, etc.).

• Role of the school as a social institution.

• Role of the family as a social institution.

• Characteristics of the adolescent.

• Family-school relationships

• The teacher as another member of the family.

From the experiences of the researcher and the experience he has acquired in visits to the community, to the home of each family, due to the results of the diagnosis made for the students and family, the following shortcomings have been detected:

1- The student's communication with the family is affected in topics that are daily necessity.

2- The family does not have a control of the tasks that the teachers orient the students to the home.

3- Family visits to school are insufficient.

4- Teachers do not address in parent meetings and home visits issues to promote family training on culture, political work and the content of the group's specialty.

As a result of these insufficiencies, the following scientific problem is formulated: insufficient family work regarding school education for young people and adolescents.

The problem manifests itself in the following object of study: the educational process of the family. It is identified as a field of action: family training to contribute to the education of young people and adolescents in the school environment.

The objective of the research is to: develop activities to achieve family training in the context of integration with the school, as a way to contribute to the education of young people and adolescents in the school environment.

The following scientific tasks are proposed: to establish the theoretical references on family education for the training of young people and adolescents from school-family integration, to diagnose the state of training of the family regarding the education of their children and to elaborate activities to achieve family training, as a way to contribute to the education of young people and adolescents in the school environment.

The following theoretical level methods were developed: historical-logical: to know how the education and training of the family by the school has evolved, the bond, as well as the ways and means that the school has used to achieve good integration from both contexts. Analysis and criticism of sources: it was used to establish evaluations and criteria of the theoretical foundations of consulted sources on the characteristics of the students and the training of the family. Modeling: to model family training activities.

As empirical level methods: participant observation: to assess the behavior of young people and adolescents and the family, survey: to explore knowledge, the way of acting and thinking that the family possesses about training and the interview: to know the job training organized by the school with the family.


The school as a social institution

The school constitutes the primary link of the entire educational institution. In the broadest sense, the school is the center where the teaching-educational process (teaching-learning) is developed and direct and organized relationships are established between the participants in the education process ”(Antonio Blanco Pérez, 2001: 86).

According to the researcher García Ramis L, he refers that the Cuban school is immersed in a process of change towards higher studies in the quality of educational work that covers many of the spheres of its educational work, from the conception and instrumentation of the methodological work of the different structures of leadership, action and community interrelations, and especially in the very foundations of patriotic and citizen formation. To do this, it operates with certain ideal representations of the expected transformations, which become the aspirations for the transit period in which it finds itself. It defines the school as “a representation of a determined system of characteristics and functions of the school as a social institution and of the students, teachers and student community,teachers and workers who interact in it in the pedagogical process and the interrelationships that are established between them, the family, the community and the educational management structures to achieve the fulfillment of educational purposes at a historical stage ”(Lisardo García Ramis, 2003: 23).

Of so many fundamental aspects of a school one is to consider it as a form of organization, planning and control, where the student is educated, forming social habits and behaviors. Control enables the student to become accustomed to the responsibility for her actions.

As the technique, the society, the economy evolves, the school also transforms, so it has the purpose of choosing paths of change, making possible the new social demand. It is sensitive to change, always bearing in mind that it is a social institution subordinated to planning and management.

The school is classified as an extremely complex and particular social institution, for which a systematic study of its nature, activities carried out in it, is necessary for integrative and practical action. It means a planned institution in charge of providing students and families with systematic, stable and lasting educational knowledge, viewed from various dimensions or human activities: groups, intergroups, behaviors, values, etc. All this under the command of a direction.

The school, and naturally the teacher, can and must contribute to developing the positive aspects of family education, reinforcing the positive values ​​acquired within it. Otherwise the school can contribute to reducing, even eradicating, the effects of poor family education, the influence of an adverse family environment. Now, in general and leaving aside possible exceptions, the school cannot replace the role of the family, it cannot supplement the affective needs of children and young people; Even though it covers all the material deficiencies and cognitive demands of the students, the school institution is not prepared or designed to take the place of the family, despite the fact that the school system has provided it with the best possible care.

Currently, the school is the place where all the paths and opportunities for the formation of the new generation are provided. Therefore, a flexible and open integration process is necessary to respond to society.

The family as a social institution

Elsa Núñez Aragón (2003); Elsa Gutiérrez Baró (2003); Pedro Luís Castro Alegré (1999) and Ana María González Soca (2002) define the family as: “a basic social cell, as a primary group that offers the student the first affective relationships and models of positive or negative behaviors, which is why it requires the intervention of educational institutions, in particular the school, with methods, techniques and instruments that make the educational-formative action of the family system viable ”.

The family is a social institution, while the set of family and conjugal relationships are socially approved. In addition to being responsible for the fulfillment of some functions for society such as the reproduction of the species, as well as the entire historical-cultural legacy of humanity that is transmitted within it from generation to generation.

The family provides knowledge of great importance to the training of the new generation regarding the social, learning, as well as the control it carries.

According to the theoretical study, the family cannot regulate its operation, this is left to the discretion of each home, as well as its way of life, style and educational procedures. But it can help him, and more importantly, walk with him, not "in spite of him."

The family occupies an irreplaceable place in society, because through it the reproduction of the population is ensured. As for its members, it is responsible not only for feeding and protecting them, but also for providing them with initial education according to accepted moral standards and norms, while ensuring conditions for the education community in another way.

The teacher as a promoter of social relations

The teacher, as the main promoter of culture in the community, has ample potential to become a facilitator of the family-school-community bond. The teacher during his training process must understand that the family does not prepare institutionally for this role. They make mistakes, some due to ignorance, others because their educational actions are the expression or consequence of their personality characteristics, their experiences and experiences as children.

The researcher Torres González M, refers to the fact that the teacher must:

• Be patient to listen.

• Show respect.

• Convey trust.

• Promote reflections.

• Propose alternative solutions.

• Transmit positive experiences so that they are valued by the family, for their implementation.

• Have a favorable climate for open dialogue. (Marta Torres González, 2003: 31)

The psycho-pedagogical attention to the students is an urgent necessity that implies on the part of all the teachers to be able to deepen the knowledge of the characteristics of their students, as well as to strengthen the bonds with the family and the other educational forces of the community, in a job set in which the appropriate solution to the different requirements that are posed to students at different stages of their development is achieved.

The teacher's work requires finding in broad ways the organization of the student's activity and the influences that are present in their training, in correspondence with the needs of social development. This is conditioned from the earliest ages by the way of life in which each individual is immersed, which makes him internalize norms, values, attitudes, character traits, convictions and morals that the society in which he lives demands.

Acting of mothers and fathers as subjects in social relations

Taking into account the theoretical study and observation in practice, it has been shown that parents lack communication with their children, related to aspects of school life. Parents may be communicating with their children at home several hours a day, the problem is not the number of hours communicating, but the quality that is established in the conversation, if it is accurate, contextualized and comprehensive, time is not what important.

In his research Torres González M, he states that parents need:

• Feel respected.

• To be heard.

• A privacy space with the teacher.

• Trust them.

• That their positive actions are valued more than their mistakes.

• Share your concerns and anxieties.

• Share ideas, criteria and experiences.

• Know that their mistakes can be rectified. (Marta Torres González, 2003: 33)

School-family relationship

The school, as a center for the formation of the new generation, must investigate all the cultural, ideological and technical potentialities that cultural and political facilities such as museums, memorials, cinema, library, CDR, UJC, PCC can offer., as well as the factories and companies that are in your locality, not to mention the family, an important institution for carrying out a comprehensive scientific-methodological work.

In this concept, the demand and need for the family to be attended by the school is observed, recognizing the techniques and ways that the school uses to act in family education and training.

The family as an open system is closely related to the school, it acts on the family members taking into account the actions of the students and the actions of the family itself. The family acts on the school depending on the training that their child obtains from the training that it provides, so the family is a thermometer of society, where ideology, values, responsibility and way of acting of each family nucleus.

The relationship system is essentially a bridge of meanings between the people that make up the family and the school. It is a statement of human interactions, methods and working styles to produce a change in behavior or to influence the behavior of others. The implications of the type of relationships existing in society influence the professional relationship of teachers, the development of the educational process with students, the involvement of parents in the school, the projection of the school to the community local, the behavior of the individuals that integrate the school - family contexts.

To scientifically establish the school-family bond, one of the points of pedagogical morality must be taken into account. "The pedagogical moral relationships, interpersonal relationships that are established in the exercise of the profession, where the specific forms of communication of the teacher with his students, with his own colleagues by profession, with parents and relatives and with the community and social institutions ”, (Nancy Chacón Arteaga, 2003: 70).

Diagnosis of family training

The research was carried out with 30 families of first-year students, from the Transportation Exploitation specialty, at the Polytechnic Industrial Institute "XI Festival", in the municipality of Las Tunas, Cuba, these families were chosen as a sample, because the results and the manifestations of their children are not adequate. Of the 30 families: 6 keep their marriages, the rest are separated, 26 fathers work with the state and 4 are self-employed, 12 mothers work and the rest are housewives. With good economic conditions: 5 families, 15 regular and 10 poor, 6 parents are professionals, 18 middle technicians and the rest are between sixth and ninth grade. The attention in school life that they provide to their children is generally regular, 5 students live with their grandparents, 3 with their uncles and 1 with other people.

In order to evaluate in practice the variable of family educational training, the following indicators are declared:

1. Access to information and culture in the home.

2. Orientation of the political and ideological influences of the parents towards future plans of the child.

3. Knowledge of the specialty of their children, (future project).

4. Family communication with the school.

5. Use of educational procedures by the family to guide and control teaching and educational activities at home.

In the results of the survey and the interview, it was found that all parents do not provide a good education related to their school life, a conversation of the political order is not common, there is a large number that worries about their behavior. The results of both instruments applied behave as follows:

There are a large number of families that do not promote the cultural development of their children. Not all parents have access to political and ideological information, for one reason or another there are a number of them who do not watch the news or read the press, 60% of them are up-to-date, and of these 30% influence their sons.

Most families, do not have a level of information for the educational influences towards their children's future plans, sometimes they do not know the specific content of the specialty that their child is studying at the center, they do not know the content of work that should perform upon graduation as a middle technician 30% of the family insist that they know the importance and need for society to be competent technicians.

Only 55% of families know: their children's academic results, the teaching and workshop hours, the activities they carry out outside and inside the center and the control of the study material base.

Families are not in the habit of visiting the school, sometimes they do so when the teacher quotes them for situations of indiscipline, attendance and others.

70% of mothers and fathers do not create the conditions of self-study for their child, they do not have control of the tasks they must do at home, there is no control of notebooks and textbooks, they do not require meetings in the study house.

The observation found that little study habit is reflected in the students, unsatisfactory learning results, they do not carry out the practices in the workshops with diligence and adequate responsibility, attendance and punctuality to the activities inside and outside the center. it is good, they must raise their political and ideological preparation.

It was also contacted that the training work carried out by the school with the family is poor, in planning home visits, problems of attendance and discipline are addressed, general or particular issues are valued and these spaces are wasted to guide and train the family. Family, in the meetings held, issues such as retention, attendance, discipline, promotion, as well as general information are analyzed, but the training they receive from teachers is almost nil.

Family training to contribute to the education of young people and adolescents in the school environment

Family training is attributed social and individual importance. In this the determination of the personality is observed. In the integration of the school-family context, it has been shown that depending on the actions of mothers and fathers, so will those of their children.

In the theoretical study the obstacles that appear for a good training to the families have been revealed, such as: living conditions, irresponsibility paternal or maternal, little collaboration, unequal distribution of domestic tasks, excess time to economic function, little taking advantage of contact spaces for communication and non-compliance with care, differentiated and differentiating treatment for members.

The result of compliance with the educational principles of the family, have to do with the effects that they have achieved in the education of their children, based on the formation of the personality of these and future members of society, all the education that The family provides the children is reflected in the way of acting within the community and society.

The most used ways for the education of the family in our society are:

• Parent meetings.

• Parent schools.

• Mothers movement.

• Visit to the family home.

• Interviews.

"Parent meetings are the call that each teacher makes to the parents of the students, in a systematic way, with the aim of analyzing issues of interest related to the school life of the students." Wasting space for orientation and education to the family. (Elsa Núñez Aragón, 2003: 263).

"Parents' school is a systematic educational modality, which prepares the family to fulfill its intrafamilial functions and, on the other hand, a close bond between parents and teachers (Elsa Núñez Aragón, 2003: 244).

Several meetings and schools of parents have been visited and the indicators treated by the teachers of the students are the following:

• Discipline.

• Learning.

• Attendance, punctuality and retention.

• School rules.

• Teaching hours.

And in some cases in general, there is talk of the help that the family should give at home.

As it is lacking in the previous activities of training the family, it is proposed to implement in the centers of Cuban Technical and Professional Education a family chair, where the head of the specialty department, the guide teacher, will meet once a month, the teacher of the subject, the teacher of the family and other guests, with the aim of developing a set of activities for the family.

They propose to implement the following activities:

1- Social importance of the specialty that your child studies for the development of our country at the present time. (Conference)

2- Analysis of each job (occupation, job) that your child can perform in the territory of Las Tunas upon graduating as a middle technician, (Debate)

3- Importance of the integrative task for the professional development of your child, (Conference)

4- Analysis of the values ​​responsibility and diligence in the activities carried out in the workshops. (Conference)

5- Importance of cultural training in economics and technology (saving energy, raw materials and time). (Debate)

The following objectives are pursued in the activities: educate the family in knowledge about the different specialties studied in the polytechnic and in the way of acting towards their children, to achieve in our students:

1. Interest in the specialty.

2. Promote protagonism and creativity in the practical activities carried out in the workshops.

3. Strengthen the values ​​of industry and responsibility.

4. The preparation of practical work with an investigative nature.

5. Development of the integrative task with professionalism.


With the study of the different bibliographies, it was possible to corroborate the diversity of criteria that exist regarding family care, a problem worked on in this article, emphasizing the training of parents. Such references allowed us to understand the dynamics of this process, regarding its treatment.

The empirical diagnosis made it possible to identify as the main insufficiencies, the poor work of family training carried out by the school and the lack of knowledge and guidance of the parents that influence the education of their children.

The proposed activities allow the work to be channeled, since they promote the collective and individual reflection of the students, relatives and members of the pedagogical group of the school to achieve the school-family integration, so necessary to improve the comprehensive general training of the students.


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6. CHACÓN ARTEAGA, NANCY. Ethical Dimension of Cuban Education. _ Havana: Ed. Pueblo and education, 2001.

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8. GUTIÉRREZ BARÓ, ELSA. Message to parents. _ Havana: Ed. Pueblo and Education, 2003.

9. HERNÁNDEZ CIRIANO, IDA MARÍA. The school as a social institution. _ p. 46-48. _ In his The Pedagogical Work of Manuel Valdés Rodríguez. _ Havana: Ed. Pueblo and Education, 1995.

10. NÚÑEZ ARAGÓN, ELSA. Family and school. _ Havana: Ed. Pueblo and Education, 2003.

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Family training for the education of young people in the Cuban school environment