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Training and development of human resources in organizations

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"Smart organizations are possible because, deep down, we are all learners"

Peter M. Senge


At the current stage we constantly hear the expressions "the most important resource of an organization is man" or "man is the main asset of an organization" and I truly agree with them since every day this in practice is reinforced more, now well this reality would not become a competitive advantage, in any organization, if people did not have the necessary technical and specialized knowledge, as well as skills, values, attitudes and experience, that there was not adequate intellectual property and customer loyalty, these intangible assets are of great importance.

The aspects raised above make up Intellectual Capital, hence it is necessary for organizations to empower themselves to develop their learning capacities, their creativity, innovation, as well as making the most of their intellectual capacity.

We must be able to incorporate and manage knowledge and capabilities and thus be able to implement true Knowledge Management.

An organization must be created that maintains a constant concern and occupation towards learning with the aim of creating an Intellectual Capital, which we have no doubt that will be the fundamental basis for the creation of productive goods and / or services based on the characteristics of the organization.

From the Information Age we must move to the Knowledge Age where organizations will have what they know as the foundation, this of course implies an cultural change as well as in the way of thinking and acting.

In response to the aforementioned, the policy must be aimed at achieving coherence between the individual needs of the workers and the needs of the organization in terms of acquiring higher levels of knowledge, skills and experience, which allow the objectives set to be met.

Truly, the HR training and development policy must start from the moment the worker begins his work in the organization, remaining uninterrupted throughout his working life in the entity.

Taking into account the aforementioned, we wish to include in a differentiated way that related to the initial period of the worker in the organization. The authors name this period in different ways such as: incorporation, adaptation, orientation, reception, integration, induction and others. In our case we will call it induction.

Fundamental definitions

Education. It is the process that develops during people's lives, through which we receive the influence of society, which enriches or modifies our performance.

Training. Process of preparation and technical improvement to maintain or improve an effective and efficient performance in the current position.

Development. Process to develop skills, attitudes, as well as the professional growth of a worker with a view to occupying new positions or future activity.

Learning. Process of integration of information, skills, attitudes, values ​​that tend to modify people's behavior.

Now we will see other important definitions collected from (1).

Skills (abilities). They are the how of a function. They are the capacities that one person can transmit to another. The best way to acquire it is through practice.

Knowledge. It is what the person is aware of. There are two types: objective and experiential

Objective knowledge. They are the things that the person knows. This knowledge can and should be taught.

Experiential knowledge. Notions of which the person has appropriated along the way. It is less tangible than objective knowledge, therefore it is much more difficult to teach. Acquiring it is everyone's responsibility.

Talent. It is a recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be applied productively. Talent is not taught. It is not someone's exclusive thing, everyone has certain recurring behavior patterns, although not all the same,

Competences. They are part skill, part knowledge and part talent. Therefore, certain characteristics of them can be taught and others cannot.

Training and development

The C&D process is complex in itself, not only in its integral development but also because of the transformations that it must guarantee once the corresponding cycle has been executed.

I consider what has been explained in this regard by (2) and by (7) and I quote:

“This task is carried out by executing training actions aimed at updating, deepening and learning knowledge; skills and abilities development; or the modification of the attitudes related to the fulfillment of the tasks, objectives, current and future challenges ». (two)

“After the selection is complete, staff development is one of the key methods that companies have to obtain the set of talents they need, in order to remain competitive in the future. It is a type of investment that is directly related to the company's ability to be flexible and adapt to changes in its environment. " (7)

In fact, in addition, this process must be dynamic, flexible, deep, continuous and that everyone participates as actors and not as spectators.

The program that is developed must guarantee an adequate learning of knowledge (technical and specialized), values ​​and attitudes that contribute to the development of the organization.

Essential aspects to consider

The C and D should not be based on elements taken at random, or without being properly based, since the results achieved would not be adequate.

As a starting point the process should take into account the following:

Elaborate on the basis of objective needs, both current and future.

Be in accordance with the organization's strategy.

It must allow the development of a continuous process that allows the assimilation of organizational change.

Take into account in the initial analysis all the personnel of the organization.

The results to be obtained must guarantee the fulfillment of the competences for the positions that workers currently occupy, as well as for those preparing for the future depending on the case.

Guarantee the motivation of the staff, highlighting the commitment of senior management and other managers in this task.

That the evaluation of the process and the results achieved by it be guaranteed.

Stages of the training and development process.

The C&D process must have four stages, which are the following:

1. Diagnosis: In which the inventory of the needs of C and D will be carried out.

2. Programming: In which the program will be drawn up (Plan of C and D).

3. Implementation: At this point the program will be executed.

4. Evaluation, control and monitoring: Through control and systematic monitoring, the results of the process will be evaluated, establishing a comparison between the current and the previous situation.

What should we do at each stage?

Diagnostic stage

This stage is perhaps the most important of all, since it serves as a foundation for the later ones, the final results will depend largely on its precision.

We must start from the elements that give us three levels of analysis which are:

  • Analysis of the Organization. Analysis of Human Resources. Analysis of jobs or positions.

Starting from the analysis levels, to determine the training needs we can use the following means:

Organizational analysis. It is the one that is carried out throughout the organization, depending on the results achieved, to determine in which area its members need training.

Analysis of job requirements.

Skills and / or knowledge are analyzed in the job description that are not mastered by the employee and on which the training should be based.

Performance evaluation.

Through it you can discover the difficulties in meeting the objectives and work tasks of employees.

Analysis of people.

We must ask employees for the difficulties they face in their work, as well as what training they would need to solve them.

Depending on the characteristics or specific situations of each organization, in addition to the general means above, others such as:




Requests by the bosses.


Inter-area meetings.

Problem analysis.

Analysis of indicators.


We propose to determine and record the individual needs of C and D, the use of a guide which in addition to the general data will contain aspects such as: the main functions performed by the worker, specialized training, job projection, necessary training, as well as its specification and expected results. (Appendix 1)

Programming stage

The diagnosis or determination of the needs of C&D must provide us with the information to carry out the programming, that is, determine the means or aspects necessary to solve the detected insufficiencies and from which we must extract the following data.

Who should be trained?

Who will carry out the training?

The theme or content?

Where should it be taught?

Teaching methods and necessary resources?

When is it more convenient to train, period, schedule?

How long should it last, as well as its intensity?

What are the objectives or expected results?

What is the cost?

However, this programming would not be adequate if the C&D strategy is not integrated with the organization's global strategy.

To complete the process, the following steps must be taken:


It must cover from the determination of the objectives of C and D to the choice of the methods to be used, the number of people to be trained, the time, time, place, resources to be used, evaluation of the results, among others.

Training techniques

Applied in the workplace.

Applied outside the workplace.

In any of the two technical variants, different modalities can be used depending on the objective pursued, the characteristics of the position, urgency and possibilities of the organization.

We can also guide the programming process depending on the learning principles, interests, attitudes, motivations and personality development of workers in:

Content-oriented, which must be designed for the information or transmission of knowledge.

Process-oriented, to change attitudes, develop skills in interpersonal relationships or others.

A third variant mixed with the previous ones.

Program implementation stage

Once the program has been prepared, it must be carried out, taking into account some aspects that in our opinion are of utmost importance, such as:

  • Cooperation of the managers of the organization, if this aspect is not fulfilled and they do not participate effectively, the execution of the program will be jeopardized. Appropriateness of the program to the needs of the organization. Quality of the material to be taught, so that teaching Be objective and facilitate the understanding of the trainee. Quality and good preparation of the instructors. Ensure adequate motivation in the staff to be trained. That the correct pedagogical principles are maintained during the development of the process. Attention throughout the relationship process. following:

Instructor - trained

Instruction - learning

Stage of evaluation, control and monitoring of results

Final stage and of great difficulty that should not be limited to measuring the knowledge acquired, but also verifying the changes that have occurred in the behavior of the workers and whether the results obtained fulfill the objectives and goals of the organization.

It is important to ensure adequate follow-up throughout the process, which will allow systematic control in this way, not only to carry out a final evaluation but at different times. (Before, intermediate and at the end of the process).

The evaluation of the results must contemplate an amplitude that allows to cover the following levels:


Human Resources.


At each level we can evaluate aspects such as:

Results for the organizational level.

Effectiveness and efficiency.

Image before clients.

Organizational relations.

Reaction to changes.

Results for the Human Resources level.



Staff turnover.

People's attitude and behavior.

Results for the specific level of the task.

Production and productivity.

Quality of production and / or services.

Equipment maintenance.

Work accidents.

Among the different methods (Models) used to evaluate the effectiveness of the training, we will point out one based on four stages, which are:


It consists of obtaining the perception in relation to the course of those who intervene in it (trained, instructors or professors, personnel in charge of training). The most used route is the questionnaire where aspects such as: content of the program, mastery and development of the teacher's work and other aspects related to the process must be measured.


At this point the knowledge and skills acquired by the trainee are measured. It is evaluated through content tests.


Variations in behavior are evaluated, during the development of work, of the trained, that is, the modification of attitudes.


In this aspect, the organization's results must be measured in different indicators such as: increased production; decreased absenteeism, customer complaints, accidents, staff turnover, costs; quality increase; other indicators according to the characteristics of the organization.

Comparative reports before and after training should be used. Also guarantee adequate monitoring of; direct head of the trainee.

Ways for the development of HR

There are several ways for the development of Human Resources, used depending on the conditions and characteristics of each place:

  • The enrichment of the jobs, very useful in small entities with flat and simple structures where promotions are not frequent. Internal recruitment to offer workers the possibility of performing new functions. Rotation (lateral movements) for various job positions. Work. Training as a fundamental aspect and on which we must pay great attention. Promotions or promotions. Knowledge of the result of their performance. Others.

All the points we consider important, and should be used depending on the characteristics and needs of the organizations.

As an essential element we must start from the criterion that each boss is responsible and must attend to the preparation and development of the workers he directs.


Once the selection of the worker is completed, the same will begin a very important period on whose execution and effectiveness the commitment that the newly incorporated will contract with the organization will depend to a great extent, not infrequently this work fails and is a cause of frustration. in the worker, not allowing him to achieve performance, his work is adequate in fulfilling the established objectives.

The induction process must also achieve a true motivation, in the new employee, that allows a correct identification between what the worker aspires to and what the organization expects of it.

During its execution, it must provide you with adequate and timely information on the different aspects of the organization in general, the areas that comprise it, the job position to be occupied by the personnel and the work environment, as well as other aspects deemed necessary..

We could not overlook the importance of the role that the immediate boss must play as the immediate boss as a central element from the beginning, during the development and at the culmination of this process, as well as the control of the entire program by the Human Resources Department..

To illustrate this, it seems prudent to us and it would be of great understanding to locate an example (Annex 2) for a selected organization. For each stage, a duration must be defined, which will depend on the characteristics of the organization, the area in which the incorporation will take place, the position to be held and the newly incorporated one.


The ability to learn and apply what has been learned quickly turns out to be the great competitive advantage. Jack welch

As we can see, the approach indicated in this work is not only theoretical, nor does it imply a divorce with the work carried out in relation to external studies, but it also serves as a complement for them, forming an integration and a step forward in this regard.

If we truly want our organization to reach a high level of competitiveness, effectiveness and efficiency, the main resource to achieve it is man, who must be thoroughly prepared not only technically, must be motivated and with an iron will to try to solve problems. with quality and speed. We emphasize this as we consider it the fundamental aspect.

The essential thing is that the C and D must exert a direct influence on the performance of the worker based on the concrete results.

Based on the foregoing, the main indicators of each organization should be improved, involving not only those related at the level of the entire entity but also at the level of HR and other important tasks.

As an example we can cite:

Increased effectiveness and efficiency in the organization.

Decreased absenteeism, turnover, accidents, breakage rate, waste rate.

Increased production and quality of products and / or services, labor productivity.

Improvement of staff attitude and general organizational climate.

Other Indicators depending on the characteristics of the organization.

The effort and investment made by the organization must also be aimed at compelling and inducing the worker towards self-study through various forms including e-learning.

Training is not an EXPENSE, but an INVESTMENT

Annex No.1

Guide for determining individual training and development needs

Name and surname _________________________________________


Specialty _______________________________________________

Company Experience ________________________________________

Experience in the position _____________________________________

Principal functions ________________________________________

Specialized training received ______________________________

Main tasks __________________________________________

Problems with the grade __________________________________

Work projection ________________________________________

Required training _______________________________________

Expected Results (Benefits) _______________________________

Principal functions

Summary of what the person should do in the job. Only essential aspects.

Specialized training received

Directly related to the main functions to be performed.

Main tasks

Tasks that must be carried out to fulfill its main functions.

Problems with grading

Insufficiencies or difficulties.

Work projection

Predict the evolution that the work will have in the short to medium, or long term.

Required training

Specify topics of theoretical and / or practical knowledge, both for your current task and for perspective.

Expected results

Express the impact that C and D will have on the performance of the individual (if possible to quantify them).

Appendix 2

Induction program for new staff

The induction process is a very important step since it guarantees that the performance of the worker in his job position contributes to the achievement of the organization's objectives and also allows providing the necessary information to carry out the work.

The process must be carried out in stages.

We expose in a general example the stages and the content of each one of them for a given organization, which can serve as a guide and adjust to any entity.

1. Stage (Responsible: Human Resources)

  • Characteristics of the organization.Reception and presentation of the management team and other leaders.Visits and initial contacts with other areas.Your job and location in the organization.The guidelines and policies that govern the organization.The working conditions, services that duties and rights are offered. Study of the Internal Disciplinary Regulation. Study of the Collective Labor Agreement. Study of the Regulation of Stimulation. Others that are understood.

2. Stage (Responsible: Area to which the worker belongs)

  • Presentation of coworkers. Job duties and safety standards. Study of the essential characteristics of the area and interconnections with other areas. Study and analysis of work documentation related to the area (Resolutions, Instructions, Internal Orders, etc.)

3. Stage (Responsible: Rotation areas)

  • Rotation by the areas that are related to its main activity. Study and mastery of the essential elements of each area both in the documentary aspect and in the development of the work.

4. Stage (Responsible: Area to which the worker belongs)

  • In-depth study of the work documentation related to your specific area. Study and analysis of the established norms and procedures. In-depth knowledge and practical development of the activity to be carried out. Acquisition of work experiences provided by the personnel designated for this purpose.Characteristics of Performance Evaluation. Other aspects.


The duration of each stage will depend on the characteristics of the organization, the area in which the incorporation will take place, the position to be held and the newly incorporated one.

Each area must prepare a specific program that defines:

  • Documents to use. Personnel who will attend the trainee. Positions where you must rotate in your area.

These areas must guarantee a training load according to the planned time, which must depend on the characteristics of the job and corresponding area, taking into account the deadlines set for each stage. (Remember they vary depending on certain characteristics).

The Human Resources area is in charge of organizing and rotating the trainee, and must establish the necessary coordination, as well as control the entire process, evaluating its quality.


1. Buckincham, M., Coffman, C. First, break all the rules

2. Ulloa Purcachi, P. He challenged the management of Human Resources.

3. Stonner, Administration.

4. Chiavenato, I. Administration of Human Resources.

5. Siliceo, A. Training and Staff Development.

6. ILO. Orientation and Vocational Training in the development of Human resources.

7. Beer, M. Human Resources Management.

Training and development of human resources in organizations