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Training and training for business competitiveness


There are many organizations and executives called by some dinosaurs not for their age but for their style and way of managing organizations, seeking no expense and investment in their Human Capital, they want to grow at the cost of investing thousands in diverse equipment and assets without taking into account Account that this investment must be managed by its Human Capital, so the same investment must also be in it, the great gurus of management, business schools and many specialized books show that competitive and successful companies or organizations came to it thanks to your Human Capital.

There are many organizations and executives called by some dinosaurs not for their age but for their style and way of managing organizations, seeking no expense and investment in their Human Capital, they want to grow at the cost of investing thousands in diverse equipment and assets without taking into account Account that this investment must be managed by its Human Capital, so the same investment must also be in it, the great gurus of management, business schools and many specialized books show that competitive and successful companies or organizations came to it thanks to your Human Capital.

Therefore, training should not be conceived as an expense but as an investment, it should therefore cease to be in relation to the periodic fluctuations of the economy and be managed like any other investment depending on the level of profitability produced by the future. cash flow.

An organization or company that reduces its investments in training in pursuit of a greater distribution of profits in the short term is "eating its future". The training must be fundamentally conceived within a strategic framework, since the knowledge that is currently acquired by its employees and managers will not only be of fundamental importance to use current and future management and production techniques and tools, but also to be able to conceive future designs for products, services and processes that guarantee its development in the world.

Within this new framework of knowledge as an investment, we must learn to effectively and efficiently manage “intellectual capital”. Therefore, current and future needs in terms of knowledge and experiences must be continuously monitored, thus managing resources to cover them both in the short and long term. For example, if our strategic analysis tells us that we have certain weaknesses in certain aspects related to knowledge and, on the other hand, an important opportunity is seen in certain activities,We will have to cover these shortcomings both with internal training and with the hiring of personnel with these knowledge and experiences (here we have a clear interrelation between SWOT analysis and capacity monitoring in terms of knowledge and experiences).

A company cannot wait for certain knowledge to be required to act accordingly, especially considering the time it takes to acquire such knowledge and experiences. This would be a way of acting reactively, when it is advisable and more appropriate to do it proactively, with which the company will achieve a competitive advantage in relation to its competitors.

Among the knowledge to be developed are not only the increase in the concepts of each specialty, but also those that, understood in other areas, help the staff to better understand the whole, this is framed in what the current market requires a 4 × 4 executive..

Training in topics such as creativity and innovation, teamwork, management tools, continuous improvement, total quality, productivity, productive maintenance, problem solving, decision making, change management, communication is also fundamental. and emotional intelligence.

Now, not only is training important, but also continuous training in the best use of tools, instruments, software, methods, processes, machines and equipment, among many others, aimed at speeding up the journey through the "learning curve".

A special form of education and training is given by the rotation in the jobs, which contributes to increasing the versatility rate of the personnel.

The training and the training must not only be focused within a strategic framework, but also be conceived within a continuous training destined, go the redundancy to the continuous improvement of the individuals who support and serve as a basis for the competitiveness of the processes and organization systems.

The training must be not only focused on the present and future needs of the company, but must also be part of the personal development plan and trajectory of the individuals in their life cycle within the organization. This not only aims to ensure that the company possesses the intellectual and knowledge capacities necessary for its development, but also to meet the expectations and needs of self-realization and growth of personnel in the organization, thereby generating a productivity synergy given by an environment and fertile work environment.

But a serious error of the organizations is the lack on the one hand of planning in the matter of training, which can be observed in the absence of a continuity in the development of personal and group knowledge, but also in providing certain training to people who they need fewer of them, not giving them to the personnel who really require them. The other aspect is linked to the lack of opportunities in which the employee can put into practice the acquired knowledge, in this aspect many organizations act as barriers and not as promoters of initiative and creativity since they have a competitive Human Capital, made up of professionals. with many times master's and postgraduate studies, in addition to valuable added value,which is their experience and who are not only denied opportunities to contribute and contribute to the organization in managerial positions and in matters of great importance, but are also discouraged and stingy opportunities and are also rated as less competent in relation to their similar professionals who are outside the organization many times of doubtful competitiveness, questionable ethics and lacking experience, as well as knowledge of the organization, underestimating them, thereby falling into an organizational trap of inoperation and managed for example by those called Yuppies,that in many organizations at the international level and in the medium term they were about to collapse them or another example is that of managers called swallows who, under the motto of improving and changing, impose experiments and new organizational forms, generating confusion, instability and a hostile work environment As they not only ignore but face the culture of the organization, they are not proactive but reactionary and critical of the status quo.

Therefore, let us be proactive, reasonable and assertive and generate value, either by training or training our Human capital, as well as promoting competitive intelligence, which must take into account the following elements (Vibert, 2000):

«To share, in an effective way, the knowledge among all the levels and members that make up the organization.

Structure the company so that the collection of information is efficient and its optimal use is made.

Offer the best possible information to the decision makers of the organization.

Focus competitive intelligence according to the strategic axes defined by the company's management ».

"Once we make a decision, the Universe conspires to make it happen."

Training and training for business competitiveness