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Training and retraining in the company


This topic was exposed in the 6th. International Congress of Public Relations; September 19 and 20, Argentina. This short article is taken from the book "Clienting for SMEs", Second expanded edition, dedicated to Customer Loyalty with a clear purpose of humanizing organizations.

This topic was exposed in the 6th. International Congress of Public Relations; September 19 and 20, Argentina.

At the organizational level, staff are generally trained countless times about the importance of "teamwork"; information is provided on the difference between "Leader and Chief"; as well as topics related to "customer service", "public relations" and "service attitude". All of these concepts undoubtedly serve to provide an overview of human resources, aimed at achieving joint achievements and tending towards entrepreneurship.

It happens that today it can be seen that more than groups that “work as a team” are “work groups”, where self-individualism in the tasks and the little openness of service towards their same peers that make up the work group are evident.

In this "individualism" hides a true demotivating force that lies - with certainty - in the "lack of self-worth" and the lack of vision of personal goals of each individual belonging to an organization.

This, initially, affects their beliefs about life, changing their environments (whatever they are: family, friends, work). Understanding the scourge of the absence of self-worth, we cannot expect the personnel of the organizations to cooperate being, in most cases, in that state of belief.

The belief in the "maelstrom of these business times" was shaping human beings without sense, since coherence (thinking, feeling and acting in the same direction) and common sense seem to tend to extinction. They have been made to believe that "to Be one must appear", promoting a sense of "competition" adjusted to consider permanent adversaries, instead of "being more competent" with themselves and with the work group in which they share objectives and goals.

The proposal today is to go to the cause of the problem of human resources, promoting commitment for each individual in particular, inviting them to personal development, the discovery of their own "Being", "Self-leadership" and the understanding that each individual it is "the reflection in others and that others are their own reflection". This, is "shown" outward in the attitude towards people, call them clients, coworkers, friends, society.

I consider that companies and organizations no longer have "Training" needs but rather "Re-Training". That is, the implementation of a human training program that supports the personal growth of each of the members of the work team; as well as increasing effectiveness at the organizational level, based on the “Rediscovery of the Self”. The commitment is to generate a concrete change in organizational consciousness, replacing "phantom beliefs" with positive mental beliefs, making each individual a "co-creator" of a new life environment, starting with oneself, continuing with their peers and ending in the society with which the organization relates (obviously including customers).

In the development of the "Human Transformation Trainings" that are carried out in organizations that accept this new vision from the inside, the objectives that I particularly emphasize are:

  1. Propose a new paradigm of thought for Decision Making and Problem Solving. Raise awareness of the importance of providing "quality" in relationships, starting from "taking charge of oneself" as a basis for effective leadership. Propose reflective and playful experiences that allow you to rescue the "inner child", overcome fears and work on the "merit" of a successful life. Encourage participants to apply effective communication skills and teamwork, discovering their own talents, often unknown.

Experiential encounters for human transformation are based on the discovery of the different facets of the "adult-child"; games events, the silence of the language, the corporal expression, the integration of the human being with the wise nature, the dramatization, the shared manual work, etc. are proposed, with the goal of achieving an evident improvement in the skills of each member of the team in: change management, personal leadership, emotional intelligence, communication, that allows a true commitment to their tasks and their complementation with their work team.

Training and retraining in the company