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Characteristics of an excellent seller

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A vendor is an important part of any company, because through this you can achieve several of the established objectives. Each company has a vendor with distinctive characteristics, however all of them would like to have a vendor that excels and is capable of making large sales. When a company has a seller like this, it feels safe and will do everything necessary to keep it.


The main activity in all lucrative companies is to sell, be it a product or service, since through it the resources for the proper functioning and development of the company are obtained.

It is for this reason that most companies are concerned with having trained and capable salespeople to make such sales. However, not all sellers carry out their tasks in the same way, it is there where some businesses obtain a competitive advantage and differentiate them from others.


In order to better understand this topic, I will quote the concept of two key words to facilitate a better understanding of the topic:

A definition of selling is as follows: Exposing and offering the public goods or merchandise that can be bought.

According to Raúl Ávila, selling means giving something in exchange for money.

Therefore, we assume that a seller is the person who offers products so that others can purchase them.

On the other hand, the word excellent is defined as: That it excels in goodness, merit or esteem.

A proper definition of an excellent seller is: A person who knows how to offer products or services in such a way that ends up convincing people to buy their products.

For a seller to be considered excellent, it must have many characteristics, but this time I will mention some of them, which for me are most relevant:

  • He is happy with his work: The seller enjoys what he does, projecting self-confidence, radiating joy, he is always in a good mood which makes his clients feel comfortable when dealing with him. He is loyal to his company: He cares about your company and does its job in a way that benefits it. Many times he goes out after his usual hours, carries out activities that are not his responsibility, makes his point of view known, and tries to help his coworkers. Know the product: He convinces himself first, so that later he can do it with his clients, he knows everything about the product and he investigates what he does not know, he knows how to sell the product to different clients.,This plays a very important role in closing a sale, that is why the excellent seller tries to take care of his appearance in such a way that he seems a professional person, in the same way a seller knows how to persuade people with their verbiage, without However, an excellent seller convinces his client with real and concrete information. It is not considered excellent: The latter, and not for this reason the least important, is the one that distinguishes an excellent seller from the others, since it always tries to correct those errors that He commits, has a high component of humility which allows clients to feel comfortable with him, he does not exalt himself, but others recognize his work.In the same way, a salesperson knows how to persuade people with his verbiage, however, an excellent salesperson convinces his client with real and concrete information. He does not consider himself excellent: The latter, and therefore not the least important, is what distinguishes An excellent seller of others, because he always tries to correct those mistakes he makes, he has a high component of humility which allows customers to feel comfortable with him, he does not exalt himself, but others recognize his job.In the same way, a salesperson knows how to persuade people with his verbiage, however, an excellent salesperson convinces his client with real and concrete information. He does not consider himself excellent: The latter, and therefore not the least important, is what distinguishes An excellent seller of others, because he always tries to correct those mistakes he makes, he has a high component of humility which allows customers to feel comfortable with him, he does not exalt himself, but others recognize his job.Because he always tries to correct those mistakes he makes, he has a high component of humility which allows clients to feel comfortable with him, he does not exalt himself, but others recognize his work.Because he always tries to correct those mistakes he makes, he has a high component of humility which allows clients to feel comfortable with him, he does not exalt himself, but others recognize his work.


After this short list, it seems that it is difficult to become an excellent seller, however, there are many experiences, which affirm that it is possible to be an outstanding seller to others. A large part of these experiences affirm that one is not born being a seller with such characteristics, however, the development of our faculties allows us to become so, everything depends on the disposition of each person.

This teaches me that in the future when running a company I must have such characteristics so that in this way I can influence my salespeople and together we work for the proper functioning of the company.

"Excellent people look for opportunities and make no excuses for their failures, they learn from mistakes, they look for the right answer to every situation, and they tirelessly look for success."

Bibliographic reference

  • Great encyclopedia ESPASA. Ávila Raúl (2003). Initial Dictionary of Spanish of Mexico. Threshing.
Characteristics of an excellent seller