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Socioeconomic characterization of the upper basins of the dam sabana yegua, dominican republic


Dams or reservoirs built for hydroelectric production are considered as a means to interpret the biogeographic, social, economic and environmental relationship of a territory, since the influence of one element versus another is maximized due to directly converging on the infrastructure that becomes in a common good to last in a certain time and space.

This common good is nourished by the "hydrographic basins" that directly and indirectly provide environmental, productive, social and economic benefits. These hydrographic basins have a direct link with segregated and / or compact demographic nuclei that constitute communities. That in turn influence proportionally on the conservation of natural resources and on the quality of the ecological and effective flows of said hydrographic basins.

Knowing in a quantitative, qualitative, psychosocial, demographic and environmental way, the current and projected behavior of the communities that intervene with the "high basins" of the rivers that feed the Sabana Yegua dam, is important if one considers the conservation vision, protection and management that it wishes to promote through an integral management of the natural resources of the basins and sub-basins that feed the Sabana Yegua hydroelectric dam.


The “Sabana Yegua” hydroelectric dam began its construction in 1978, whose main objective is the “ supply of water for irrigation and domestic use, electricity generation and flood prevention”, with a storage capacity of 479.9 x 10 6 m 3, capable of producing under its full potential over 13,000 KW of electrical energy. The Dam serves to mitigate floods downstream of the Dam and the number of major floods has been reduced compared to that of previous years of Dam construction. In addition, it is supplying irrigation water to some 8,269 hectares. of agricultural land located on the banks of the Río Yaque del Sur located downstream from the dam, benefiting some 4,400 farming families.

Thanks to the “Sabana Yegua” hydroelectric dam, the waters of the sub-basins of the rivers are dammed: 1. Yaque del Sur; 2. White; 3. Yaquesillo; 4. Large in the Middle; 5. The Caves; and 6. El Guayabal. These six hydrographic sub-basins make up what is called the "Upper Basin of the Yaque del Sur River". Being this group of hydrographic sub-basins the geographic framework for the development of the consultancy that has as objective the "Updated Socioeconomic Characterization" of the communities that interact with natural resources

In the Study area (166,000 ha), there are some 159 places, 12 sections and 5 municipalities (Padre Las Casas, Bohechio, El Guayabal, Las Lagunas and Constanza)… There are some 60,000 people in the Study area (2003 Census), of which about 18,000 people are in urban areas such as Padre Las Casas and Constanza.

From this fact, it is concluded that the population of rural and mountainous areas will be about 42,000 inhabitants. In addition, there are temporary immigrants from the neighboring Republic of Haiti in the coffee plantations around Constanza, but as this number is few, it is considered that it does not have a major impact on the demographic composition of the area. With regard to Haitian migration, the “Rapid Socioeconomic Characterization” (CSR) of the Juan Bautista Pérez Rancier National Park, the existence of 1,365 Haitians in 2005 in the communities of the Cuenca Grande del Medio and Las Cuevas census.

This document, contains the technical and financial offer for the development of the “Updated Socioeconomic Characterization of the High Basins of the Sabana Yegua Dam”, has been developed in order to conceive a planning framework based on the current models that promote the “Sustainable Land Management”, an approach that provides the strategic opportunity to achieve the social, economic and environmental viability of the management and planning tools aimed at the management and conservation of the “High Basins” that supply the “Sabana” hydroelectric dam Mare ”.

The territory under study has a total extension of 166,000 hectares, bringing together 159 sites, from five different municipalities and three provinces, estimating an effective time at field and cabinet level of "five months" calendar from the signing of the contract.

Incorporating methods of capture, analysis, and feedback, according to the strategies and approaches of "Sustainable Land Management" (MST), considering as a transversal axis, the need to have a "Socioeconomic Characterization" compatible with the "Territorial Strategy Planning" approach. , That allows its use in the formulation of Management Plans at the individual level of the“ hydrographic sub-basins ”and the conceptual and operational strengthening of the Management Plan for the Upper Basin of the Yaque del Sur River.

Methodologically, the updated “Socioeconomic Characterization” also proposes the capture and analysis of information, which will make it possible to strengthen the strategies to be implemented to achieve result No. 3 “Sustainable long-term financing scheme, generating funds for the MTS and institutional infrastructure of the MTS in the upper basins of Sabana Yegua ”. Through the inclusion of the “Water Valuation Survey”, the basis of a future proposal for the implementation of “Payment Models for Environmental Services and Environmental Compensation.

A comparative advantage of the technical team proposed for the development of the study, such as: it is multiprofessional, specialized in studies, diagnoses and socioeconomic characterizations, knowledgeable of the territory of the study area and with extensive knowledge of the models and methods that allow integrating territorial strategic planning multilevel, a key tool for future processes that allow the fulfillment of project results.

  1. Consulting objectives

2.1 General objective

  • Collect updated information on the main social and economic indicators in the area corresponding to the High Basins of the Sabana Yegua Dam;

2.2 Specific objectives

  • Updating in a quantitative, qualitative, demographic, psychosocial and environmental way, the characteristics of the communities that directly intervene in the use, management and conservation of the natural resources of the high basins that supply water to the Sabana Yegua dam;
  • Collect, analyze, feed back and define a system of social, economic and environmental indicators of the communities, using for methods developed or compatible with the "Sustainable Land Management" approach, such as:
  • Rapid Socioeconomic Characterization (CSR); Participatory Rural Assessment Workshops (TERP); Key Actors Mapping (MAC); Water Valuation Survey (SVH).
  • Identify the "survival strategies" that the members of the communities use in their processes of social and economic interaction, with the natural resources of the High Hydrographic Basins that supply the Sabana Yegua dam;
  • Reconcile the existing information resulting from previous studies, diagnoses and investigations of the study area, as well as the collateral area of ​​influence, such as the protected areas that converge in the biogeographic limits of the hydrographic basins;
  • Nurture the process that contributes during the execution of the strategy and approach of "Sustainable Land Management" to the strengthening of the "architecture and social and institutional structure" that makes the sustainability of the projects and actions to be implemented in the medium and long term viable. through the planning process directed directly at the hydrographic basins.
  1. Scope of the Consultancy and Suggestions to the Terms of Reference

Taking as a starting point the "terms of reference", provided by the contracting agent, it has been possible to define a "critical route", which effectively contributes to the collection, analysis, and feedback of the information required within the update of the "Socioeconomic Characterization" requested, but also contribute methodologically to the fulfillment of the "results, approaches and objectives" that the project seeks to execute within the framework of "territorial strategic planning".

3.1 Scope of the Consulting

Results requested by the terms of reference:

  1. Identification and characterization of the main economic activities:
  1. Agriculture; Livestock; Commerce; Others.
  1. Determination of the average levels of family income, specifying the main sources of income;
  1. People's perception regarding their income levels;
  1. Productive activities to which they would like to dedicate or continue dedicating themselves and difficulties that prevent them from doing so;
  1. Willingness to adopt one or more of the models, agroforestry, cavé, forestry or livestock and in which aspects they would need support;
  1. Social and service aspects:
  1. Social structure; Organizations; Housing: property situation, state, main materials; Health: nearest centers, beds, doctors, main health problems, distance and time to the nearest assistance center. Assistance to women in labor, others Education: closest centers, maximum level or grade, schooling, teacher, dropout, school feeding, etc. Paths and means of communication; Conflicts with other social groups, organizations or state institutions; Relationship with the protected areas.

Analysis of the requested results:

When evaluating the results requested by the contractor, the research team estimates that in order to obtain the information, which will allow the development of the consultant's "final report", it is necessary to use a series of methodological models that allow a consistent cross-examination of information that meet the quality requirements of the study.

That is why the generic framework of the study is based within the framework of "territorial strategic planning", which will contribute directly to the cross-cutting approach of "Sustainable Land Management" (SLM). The selection of the methodological tools for the development of the study does not seek the mere fulfillment of the collection of information, but the rational integration of said information for feedback and analysis that meets the objectives proposed in this document. That is why, in general, the use of four tools is considered necessary, which are listed below:

  • Rapid Socioeconomic Characterization (CSR);
  • Participatory Rural Assessment Workshops (TERP);
  • Key Actors Mapping (MAC);
  • Water Valuation Survey (SVH).

These tools will be applied equitably, statistically and proportionally to the geographical territory that makes up the study area, due to the proportions of size (166,000 hectares), demography (more than 60,000 inhabitants) and biogeographic characteristics (central mountain range, hydrographic basins and areas protected).

For the successful development of the consultancy and the use of tools that ensure the quality of the information, a maximum period of three (3) calendar months is considered necessary, in which a multidisciplinary team of technicians and paratechnicians will take charge of the collection., analysis, feedback and integration of information in a technical report.

A key point in the scope of the consultancy is to pour the analyzed and feedback information into a series of thematic maps that visually ensure tools for project planners, to identify critical areas in subsequent analysts that contribute to updating the “traffic light map ”From the upper basins that supply water to the Sabana Yegua dam.

The results of the different tools will be integrated into the following products:

  1. A document containing:
  1. Introduction; Explanation of the methodology; Presentation and comments on the indicators (including summary presentation in matrices and analysis comments); Conclusions; and Recommendations, including other studies that are found to be necessary.
  1. Thematic maps and a copy of the survey forms and results summary matrices, as an annex.

3.2 Suggestion to the Terms of Reference

The team of researchers to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the "results, approaches and strategies" that the project seeks to establish in the short, medium and long term, within the framework of territorial planning, considers it important to integrate some key points that ensure quality From the information collected, these suggestions that are directly integrated into the tools and models offered in this document are:

  • Defining clearly, that through the information collected, which will serve to update the "Socioeconomic Characterization", it will also serve as the basis for the development of the "Criterion and Indicators" at a social, economic and environmental level, which would allow also integrate in the short term the creation of a "Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation System";
  • All the methodological tools must conceive to use the information collection approach at the “gender” level, thus ensuring the complementarity of the social, economic and environmental actions carried out independently and collectively by men and women;
  • The studies, diagnoses and investigations, should consider as a frame of reference for the appropriate capture of information the framework a "Territorial Planning Plan", which in fact is the basis for the "Sustainable Land Management" approach, thus it would ensure the compatibility of results with the "results, objectives and approaches" that the project wishes to implement within the Management Plan for the Upper Basin of the Yaque del Sur River (integrating its respective hydrographic sub-basins);
  • Strengthen the parallel efforts of territorial planning using the information, studies and diagnoses developed, such is the case of the Management Plans for Protected Areas where part of the micro-basins and sub-basins that make up the upper part of the Yaque del Sur River Basin are born, such as the José del Carmen Ramírez National Park (PNJCR) and Juan Bautista Pérez Rancier National Park -Valle Nuevo- (PNJBPR);
  • Despite the fact that it is appropriate to reconcile and update the “Socioeconomic Characterization” of the Upper Basins of the Sabana Yegua dam, the social link versus the most important natural resource that is “water” is obvious , therefore it is important to consider that using the platform of the current study can carry out a "Water Valuation Survey" based on the results of the Water Valorization Surveys carried out for the basins within the specific studies of the Management Plan of the José del Carmen Ramírez National Park and the National Park Juan Bautista Pérez Rancier, in order to define a medium-term strategy that integrates the"Payment of Environmental Services and Approach to Environmental Compensation" used as socio-environmental axes the water resource;
  • Although the "study" was developed through a team of independent consultants, based on the "social" characteristics of the team, it is considered appropriate to use the consultancy to strengthen the basis of the "architecture and social and institutional structure" that it is found at community, micro-basin and / or municipal level.
  1. Consulting technical offer

4.1 Geographical area of ​​the study

The consultancy will be developed in 166,000 hectares where there are some 159 places, 12 sections and 5 municipalities (Padre Las Casas, Bohechio, El Guayabal, Las Lagunas and Constanza). Some 60,000 people live in the Study area (2003 Census), of which about 18,000 people are in urban areas such as Padre Las Casas and Constanza. Where six hydrographic basins are integrated: 1. Yaque del Sur; 2. White; 3. Yaquesillo; 4. Large in the Middle; 5. The Caves; and 6. El Guayabal, which converge in the Sabana Yegua Dam, forming the upper part of the Yaque del Sur Basin.

4.2 Methods for capturing, analyzing and feedback of secondary and primary information

The terms of reference provide the team of specialists with the freedom to apply methodologies that guarantee obtaining the expected results. When analyzing the results, objectives and approaches that the project and the terms of reference indicate, the need to use four tools that will allow obtaining the required results in quality and time.

These research tools or methods must be seen as comprehensive and interrelated, since they are based on models that are used for "Strategic Territorial Planning", an effective basis for future planning actions that are to be carried out at the Upper Basin level of the Yaque del Sur River, the Hydrographic Sub-basins or at the municipal level.

In general, the tools, methods and / or models that will be used for the capture, analysis and feedback of information that will conclude with the presentation of the requested products are presented below: (expanded methods annex 1, 2, 3 and 4)

4.2.1 Review of secondary information

With the support of the executing unit, project, government institutions and international cooperation, secondary information will be collected at the social, economic and environmental levels of the communities, places, municipalities and hydrographic basins that make up the study area, among the main documents have been identified to date:

  1. Dominican Republic Poverty Reduction Strategy, National Planning Office, 2003; Dominican Republic Poverty Study, National Planning Office, 2004; Socioeconomic Characterization of the Upper Basin of the Yaque del Sur River, Dominican Environmental Consortium, JICA, 2001; Rural Participatory Diagnosis of Key Communities of the Upper Yaque del Sur River Basin, Dominican Environmental Consortium, JICA, 2001; Management Plan for the Upper Basin of the Yaque del Sur River, JICA 2002; National Survey 2002; Rapid Socioeconomic Characterization of José del Carmen Ramírez National Park, Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, PROCARYN, 2006;Water Valuation Survey of José del Carmen Ramírez National Park, Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, PROCARYN, 2006; Management Plan for the José del Carmen Ramírez National Park, Secretary for the Environment and Natural Resources, PROCARYN, 2006 Rapid Socioeconomic Characterization of the Juan Bautista Pérez Rancier National Park, Secretary for the Environment and Natural Resources, PROCARYN, 2006; Water Assessment Survey of the Juan Bautista Pérez Rancier National Park, Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, PROCARYN, 2006; Diagnosis of Critical Areas of the Juan Bautista Pérez Rancier National Park, Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, PROCARYN, 2006; Management Plan for the Juan Bautista Pérez Rancier National Park, Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, PROCARYN, 2006.

The previous documents are part of the information "kit" that will serve as a basis for feedback and considerations that allow the information capture base to be properly managed, thereby defining the existing information gaps, in addition to the sampled segments of the universe of communities. existing in the upper basins that supply the Sabana Yegua dam.

4.2.2 Research methods and models

For the development of the research, four methods have been considered, which have been validated within the framework of "Strategic Territorial Planning, Territorial Planning Plan and Protected Area Management Plan", for the Dominican Republic and in the present case coinciding territorially, therefore, its use is considered appropriate for the development of the update of the socioeconomic characterization. The methods used are summarized below, which are appropriately expanded in Annexes 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this technical and financial offer document.

Method 1 "Rapid Socioeconomic Characterization" (CSR)

Sample size

It would be very little technical to anticipate the sample size with respect to the 159 sites that make up the study area and its due geographical distribution, with respect to the hydrographic sub-basins, but considering the background of the area, it is estimated that the minimum necessary sample includes the minus 50 sites and / or communities, appropriately distributed in the six (6) hydrographic sub-basins.

Description of the method

Rapid Socioeconomic Characterization (CSR) is a method of generating primary information within the Land Use process to generate demographic, socio-productive, and socio-environmental information for the preparation of development proposals. Which can be used to generate planning frameworks for natural resources in a specific territory.

Methodological steps

He passed Description
Step 1 Collection and analysis of existing secondary information
Step 2 Preparation of survey reports at community and household level
Step 3 Interview with key actors
Step 4 Preparatory meetings for data collection
Step 5 Collection of data through survey reports at the community and family household level
Step 6 Feedback meeting on data collection results through ballots
Step 7 Information verification meetings with key stakeholders
Step 8 Presentation of the first results in documents of the Socioeconomic Characterization.

Method 2 "Participatory Rural Assessment Workshop" (TERP)

Geographical conformation of the TERP

For the development of the TERP, it will be in the CSR operationalization stage, to locate the communities for their social, economic, productive, environmental, cultural and psychosocial homogeneity, in order to create blocks of places and / or communities where carry out the TERP considering the framework of “focus groups. The figure below shows the basic structure of the geographical composition of the TERP:

Hydrographic Sub-basin of the Las Cuevas River.
Communities with social characteristics and homogeneous economies.
Community identified as core for TERP development

Method 3 "Mapping of Key Actors" (MAC)

Description of the method

The Key Actors Mapping (MAC) considers the appropriate identification of grassroots organizations, government institutions, non-governmental organizations and / or international cooperation that intervene in the study territory. With the MAC it is possible to establish the social articulation that underpins the structure that could consolidate the social and institutional architecture for the future implementation of the actions contained in the planning models of the Hydrographic Basins and Sub-basins.

Methodological steps

He passed Description
Step 1 Identification through CSR and TERP exercises of community organizations, governmental institutions, non-governmental organizations and / or international cooperation.
Step 2 Debugging at the territorial level of the identified key actors.
Step 3 Participatory validation of identified key actors.
Step 4 Introduction to data matrices of key actors.
Step 5 Structuring of the platform, structure and social and institutional architecture of the territory.
Step 6 Writing of MAC report.

Method 4 "Water Valuation Survey" (SVH)

SVH Description

Methodologically, the integration into the Socioeconomic Characterization of the elaboration of a “Water Valuation Survey” (SVH), biogeographically favors the viability of the study. The terms of reference identify as a result of the project within the “Sustainable Land Management” approach, a “sustainable long-term financing scheme generating funds for the MST and institutional infrastructure of the MST in the upper basins of Sabana Yegua”.

That is why we identify the potential for medium and long-term financing, using as a platform models of "Payment of Environmental Services -PSA- and Environmental Compensation" considering the "water resource" as the main means of negotiation at the local, regional and national. It is important to highlight that there is already an information base resulting from the SVHs carried out for the José del Carmen Ramírez and Juan Bautista Pérez Rancier National Park, which will allow the study to evolve to a new level of research.

Methodological steps

He passed Description
Step 1 Review of secondary information regarding.
Step 2 Identification through secondary information of primary uses of the water resource from the upper basins.
Step 3 Identification of key institutions and actors linked to the management and use of water from the upper basins.
Step 4 Coordination visit and obtaining secondary information to key institutions and actors, for the development of the first analysis on hydrographic characteristics.
Step 5 First analysis of secondary information collected in visits to institutions and key actors, for the drafting of a preliminary report
Step 6 First analysis of primary information collected in CSR in-depth interview tickets.
Step 7 Integration of primary and secondary information for drafting of preliminary report
Step 8 Second analysis of primary and secondary information for the development of economic models of water recovery for:

rElectrical energy production;

water for irrigation of agricultural and livestock production;

domestic use.

Step 9 First draft feedback for insertion of economic models of water recovery, for drafting of second draft
Step 10 Development of focus groups for presentation and validation of water recovery results
Step 11 Report feedback for final draft consulting draft
Step 12 Workshop to present to key stakeholders the results of the water recovery survey
Step 13 Presentation of final consultancy report

4.3 Data integration in "Geography Information System" (GIS)

The results of the different analyzes of the primary information, as a result of the specific studies carried out, as well as the secondary information collected, will be transferred within a visual format, using the generation of "thematic maps" as a means, providing added value, with it which can appropriately generate decision-making tools. For this, it is also necessary to have the digital coverage generated by the previous JICA (Japanese Technical Cooperation) project, which generated a series of thematic maps for specific studies and the Hydrographic Basin Management Plan.

4.4 Description of extended products

Based on the research methodological tools, the products that can be offered to the project are defined with greater specification:

  • Final consulting report containing:
    • Results analyzed and fed back at a qualitative, qualitative, demographic, psychosocial level of the universe of landscapes, considering as a base the information resulting from the Rapid Socioeconomic Characterization (CSR), Participatory Rural Assessment Workshops (TERP), Mapping of Key Actors (MAC) and Water Valuation Survey (SVH), as well as secondary information collected and analyzed, qualitative and quantitative proposal of criteria matrices and social, economic and environmental indicators, proposing the base framework for the design of a "Monitoring and Evaluation System Integral ”; Identification of “ life strategies ”, used to clarify which may be theagro-productive, forestry and livestock alternatives to be offered to the communities, considering psychosocial aspects that contribute to the integration of the technologies offered in a sustainable way in time and space; Identification at the level of blocks of communities, communities, families and / or individuals, the perception of economic income as a result of their activities and life strategies, identification of the "fabric, structure and / or social and institutional architecture" that interacts in the territory, establishing the mechanisms that allow for the social and governability strengthening of the territory, fostering a common “vision” of development at the community level, hydrographic basin, municipality and / or territory. Annex of thematic maps, considering the visualization of the results of technical studies.
    Specific study kit:
    • Rapid Socioeconomic Characterization Report (CSR); Comprehensive Report of the Participatory Rural Assessment Workshops (TERP); Database of the Mapping of Key Actors (MAC); Report of the Water Valuation Survey (SVH) and proposal for a model of Payment of Environmental Services and Environmental Compensation; Compendium of Participatory Actions (Memory Aids of Workshops, Micro workshops and TERP).
    Digital formats Digital format of final consultancy report; Digital format of specific studies; Digital format of thematic maps; Photographic archive of field and cabinet activities.

4.5 Formation of a team of researchers

For the development of the consultancy, a multidisciplinary team of specialists has been evaluated, who will be integrated into the different specific studies and stages of the general investigation.

Not. Position within the team Number Technical specialty Description Participation period
one Research team coordinator one Sociologist / Researcher Principal consultant, being responsible for the quality of the investigations and the quality of the products, participating in the technical writing of the specific studies and the general report 3 months
two Specific Studies Manager. one Territorial Strategic Planner Responsible for the development of the specific studies, as well as the writing of the specific reports and the general report. 3 months
3 Field actions manager one Agricultural engineer Facing the team of technicians and paratechnicians perched to collect data from the CSR, TERP and SVH. 3 months
4 Social assistant one Sociologist Support to the specialist team for the analysis of primary and secondary information resulting from field and cabinet research. 3 months
Not. Position within the team Number Technical specialty Description Participation period
5 Primary and secondary information digitizers two University technicians Fingering of secondary information and results of the CSR and SVH 1 month
6 Field interviewers 10 University technicians and paratechnicians. Team of university technicians and / or paratechnicians duly trained to collect information to be integrated into the CSR, TERP, MAC and SVH. 1 month
  1. Schedule of activities

For the optimal development of the consultancy, a period of three (3) calendar months is considered necessary, the terms of reference do not indicate the time span of the consultancy, providing for the negotiation of the contract the time required to obtain the products requested. Below is a general schedule, which will be detailed to define the official period and general framework of the consultancy:

Not. Description Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
one Consulting Start-up Workshop
two Secondary Information Analysis
3 Development of Rapid Socioeconomic Characterization
3.1 Development of the field survey
3.2 Field Survey Fingering
3.3 Preparation of specific CSR report
4 Development of Participatory Rural Assessment Workshops (TERP)
4.1 Identification of nuclear communities
4.2 Operationalization of TERP
4.3 Preparation of specific TERP report
5 Elaboration of Mapping of Key Actors (MAC)
5.1 Identification of Key Actors
5.2 Preparation of MAC Report
6 Development of Water Valuation Survey (SVH)
6.1 Secondary information evaluation
6.2 Survey of field information
6.3 Preparation of SVH report and proposal of PSA and CAM
7. Drafting of final consulting report
7.1 Consultancy Final Report Feedback Workshop
7.2 Identification and development of social, economic, productive, psycho-social and environmental criteria and indicators
7.3 Basic proposal for a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system
7.4 Preparation of Thematic Maps

(See annexes in PDF)

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Socioeconomic characterization of the upper basins of the dam sabana yegua, dominican republic