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A life mission to increase self-esteem


When we talk about self-esteem we usually refer to something very personal, self-love, how you see yourself and how much you love yourself. However, if we focus only on you, your emotional well-being and your happiness, we are missing an enormous potential and you will finally discover that only focusing on your things, your fulfillment and your problems, is going to make your life not as satisfying as you would like. You need to look at others as well.

A life mission allows you precisely this. In fact, discovering and living a mission is one of the most important things you have to do in your life, it is something worthwhile, worth the time you dedicate, because it will have a relevant impact not only on your life but on your life. life of many people, since it is the way you decide to serve humanity. You are not destined only to look at yourself and be happy, doing things that fill you, but your life is much more valuable, and this value precisely increases as you serve others.

When you have a mission, your life focuses on things other than subsisting. We all have a mission on earth, and it depends on your particularity, your personal interests, your talents and your skills. It is a personal task, and it really is what gives you the most satisfaction and fulfillment. Think about one thing, you can achieve to love yourself, achieve any achievement, obtain the things you always wanted; however, over time you will feel that life is more than that, and that you must give something to others.

The mission is the central axis of the life project. A project that focuses only on getting things for yourself is a project that does not impact. It is necessary to work on your own well-being, it is fundamental; however, you can't just stay there, just feel good. Your life, at some point, must expand to positively affect others. You were born with a higher meaning, and it is a must to discover and live it. It is a mission of service to others that precisely makes a life project generate a sense of fulfillment that is far superior to what you would live if you only focused on yourself.

Some of the most frustrating paradigms when self-esteem is low, and even when there is depression, are feeling that your life is useless, that you are a hindrance, and that you have no place in the world. These paradigms significantly affect self-concept, destroy all self-worth, and make us have no achievements or results, and this inevitably generates a feeling of boredom with life itself, and does not allow you to lead a happy existence.

And it is a mission of service that makes your life full of meaning. When you serve others with love, using your talents and abilities, dedicating vital time to make the lives of others positively impacted, to affect them with your actions, your words or your very presence, definitely what you will live will be very different, and the paradigms of uselessness will not have any sustenance, they fall on their own. It is impossible for your mind to tell you that you are useless if you are giving your best, serving with love.

When you have a clear mission, your life is oriented towards more transcendental things, you know who you are and what you can give to others. In addition, when you carry out a mission, you leave your mark on the lives of others, even the next generations. It is a mission that produces in people one of the most important objectives that a human being can have in her life, the feeling of being important. And when you know that you are important, it is easier for your self-esteem to be solid.

I invite you to take a look at the virtual book "Effective Strategies To Strengthen Self-esteem", where you will find many ways and considerations in the task of working for your self-esteem. Your life will not be the same after reading and applying what this book says.

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If you want to know more about strategies to improve self-esteem, or if you want to work on yourself in a more personalized way through face-to-face psychotherapeutic consultations or via Skype, click here.

I wish you the greatest blessings.

Guillermo Mendoza Vélez www.SaludMentalyEmocional.com

A life mission to increase self-esteem