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Methodological exercise for staff induction


Themes in which it can be applied:

Human Resources Management System, Installation and Orientation functions (also dealt with by specialized literature such as Induction), Career Development and Performance Evaluation.


  • Introduce the induction function Know the influence of a first boss on the current performance of people Evaluate how the process of entry into the organization was in which the first steps were taken.

Teaching method: Practical class.

Total time required: Not established (depends on the size of the group, the orientation of extraclass work or if the exercise is carried out in two parts, etc.).

Resources to use: Sheets of paper, markers and banners.

Didactic organization

It is used in postgraduate teaching combining individual work, group work and plenary session, and although its application does not require prior study, group members must have work experience.

Application mode


This exercise has some premises:

a) It is necessary that the facilitator of the activity be a person who has at least adequate training in the disciplines of Administration, Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, since the results of the exercise must be frequently linked to the methods and styles of work, the culture, policies and work philosophy that govern the organization.

b) It is necessary to reiterate the need for each member of the group to express in the most objective way possible their experiences and perceptions about the process of entering the organization and their first work experiences.


Although the exercise has several significant moments, it is generally divided into two parts: orientation and analysis of results.

a) At first, the function is explained, the concepts given by the different authors are related and they are oriented as an extra class individual work (it can be a case study), and they are given the possibility of use a pseudonym if you wish, although the name of the company and body are required.

b) The works are previously collected and grouped a priori, using various criteria (which are selected at the convenience of the teacher depending on how the group is formed), which can be:

  • Considerations of the trainees Opinions of the specialists considered experts Positive experiences Negative experiences Those who have management experience Those who refer to a second boss Those who do not consider it a significant experience Others.

c) The teams are formed according to the groups previously carried out and they are asked to also analyze the influence that their first boss had and the first tasks performed on the person you are now.

d) It fosters an experience exchange among its members, where they must select by consensus what the team will present in plenary.

e) The group is placed in a U-shape and the team presentation begins or volunteers are requested to present their experiences, and it is at this moment that the process really makes sense, since the participants begin to relate their first experiences with development. of career achieved by linking it with your current results, levels of motivation, achievements and personal fulfillment.


This exercise can be concluded at the end of the Induction function or when the entire cycle of functions has been completed, since the results that emerge relate to each and every one of the HR functions and can be used as an integrating element of the entire system.

The fundamental reflections that derive from the exercise, start from the positive or negative influence that a boss can have on the future performance of his team and are the result of a group of questions:

What was the influence of your first boss on the person you are?

How was your process of entering the organization where you took your first steps?

Did your first boss support you, teach you, listen to you, pass on your experience, give you confidence and prepare you to face challenging tasks, or did you receive it as a necessary evil, ignore it, assign it pedestrian tasks, do not listen and Did you underestimate him by sometimes making him insecure and unmotivated?

Methodological exercise for staff induction