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Editors of metadata developed with free software

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The present work has the purpose of having the informative resources already existing on the web since with this we have a better growth in the exponential, on the other hand when they perform a search it has a certain topic for the users, for that they have to look for alternatives In order to carry out such a search for such information, we disclose the use of metadata or metainformation has become of great importance for the organization and subsequent retrieval of information on the Internet, as we know that technology has been advancing today.


This paper aims to take existing information resources on the web because with this we have a better growth in the exponential on the other hand when a search is performed a certain topic for users, for that they have to seek alternative to perform such a search for such information, we present the use of metadata or metadata has become of great importance to the organization and recovery of information on the Internet as we know it today has advanced technology.


In some applications they seek to facilitate the exchange of metadata between users and based on this they have been carried out through a Dublin Core standard. Institutions must have a software program where there is information management in order to carry out the appropriate activities for users.

The work that one does is to share experiences in different materials and activities, the needs of building application profiles are emphasized, that is, when one is establishing some metadata scheme to obtain a set of labels that allow us to explore properly and that in the end they have said result. In the collections they have a development with the software as well as the digital collections called Greenstone, and based on this they describe materials such as: theses, didactic materials, research products, periodical publications and photographs, through all this we can make different types of activities for the benefit of oneself. Professionals emphasize the following needs, such as professionals in library science and information science,In which this must be updated in the standards and at the same time have open to creativity in combination of tags in the metadata and in the elaboration of original proposals, so we can have a better service for users who have problems in handling said program or looking for some information. With all these programs, the purpose is to have a good knowledge of this, since if you know us you will not have the necessary knowledge to carry out your activities, as we well know that metadata has the ability to establish such links, such as through links, indexing or classifying immense volumes of information of various types,With these programs, users will have a greater facility so that they can know in which reference systems the topics and information they are looking for are located. They also have their functions, characteristics of each factor in the structuring of the data obtained, in the Dublin Core it is also a program where we can make an audio, texts, videos and even some images that we want to make, here in this system we can have a faster search for information on bibliographic records where those data are stored in a database, and have it stored in some storage medium.videos and even some images that we want to make, here in this system we can have a faster search for information on bibliographic records where those data are stored in a database, and have it stored in some storage medium.videos and even some images that we want to make, here in this system we can have a faster search for information on bibliographic records where those data are stored in a database, and have it stored in some storage medium.

This system is accessible in order to obtain standardized cataloging, or to have electronic material, whereby a fast and efficient search can be made for any type of digital document found in any source of information. Through this the digital libraries that are obtained as greater enrichment or exchange of information are built, so all this has most of the information that one has for their search, just as the Iso standards are the implementation of the Dublin Core, and Thus, the work that one is doing is more effective.

Metadata are data labels that describe the content of a digital file and are used to facilitate the management, search and recovery of resources on the Web. Here we can see that metadata is data about data, where one can describe from a digital file and they are really helpful for the user to carry out their search and to have the adequate recovery to have more advanced technology in these activities.

Metadata refers to those data that describe or characterize a digital resource, both internally and externally, so that the entire digital file must be perfectly identified and include the additional information that allows its contextualization. If the file is not fully identified, it cannot have an exact information to what one requires, and thus allow a more useful contextualization for certain work elaboration.

Metadata has the ability to relate or establish links, indexing and classifying immense volumes of information of various types, since metadata is data about the data, so a data producer can describe the characteristics of the data set it produces, so that any user can know in which reference system these are, which organism has produced them, what date they are created, the quality measures that evaluate them.

The metadata must be updated to have a good operation, so users have a list of each element that each one is used for. Dublin Core is widely used worldwide for its simplicity; It is made up of only 15 basic and general elements to describe any type of resource, and its semantic independence allows a simple structuring in XML format. In this program we can carry out the bibliographic record, among others, because this facilitates the user's search for information, and through the elements they obtain, we can have more information on how to use it in their respective system. When an institution has implemented the use of metadata, it is essential that it be subject to periodic maintenance,otherwise they will lose validity and their use will deteriorate over time.

At this point, it tells us that if the institutions do not make good use of the metadata, it will not be possible to have greater efficiency and validity of the information, but as time goes by, the system that the user uses will deteriorate. Currently, there are an infinite number of computer applications developed under free software aimed at managing digital information and managing information services; Unfortunately, its implementation in many cases is hampered by political and economic factors. Thanks to the free software program, we can have digital information management and have the appropriate service, so that one does not have the difficulty of doing certain work on different systems that provide us. PEG and PNG Stripper (Stripper.zip) is a portable tool that can edit metadata information from JIFF, JPG, JPEG, and PNG image files.

The metadata editing process does not affect the image quality. At this point she explains how we can convert the information we want to another file, through these metadata they can also be converted into pdf, photos and of course your image does not affect you at all, they also offer the supports to have your individual

The need to build application profiles is emphasized; that is, to integrate various metadata schemes to establish a set of labels that allow the digital materials that make up specific collections to be properly exploited. This point deals with how to have experience and knowledge to learn to catalog and know your digital collections, based on this you need to take into account that the labels allow you to be better in the right material. In 1998 the conceptual construction and the production and organization of digital objects began, and the purchase of full text databases focused on forming a digital library. At this point it is that in this year of 1998 this organization of digital objects began,Thus, databases are very useful to us, especially in full texts, which are the most important as certain information should be. The image collections were made partly available to the public through the online catalog in Aleph in a first exercise to systematize the storage and access of digital objects and, in some cases, the images and texts were consulted directly through links HTML navigation in the library web portal. (Rivera Aguilera, 2002). Here at this point he tells us that this author has the collections and catalogs in the Aleph line so that he could have storage and more than anything have access to different components so that when one used the library's website it was easier to search for information. The most viable format,Due to the human resources available for programming and time constraints, it was the combination of Aleph, static HTML sheets for the organization by departments, and Harvest for the exploitation of the full texts. Once put to the service of the users, the application was evaluated and found satisfactory by the users (Rivera Aguilera, Ramírez Moya and Pozo Marrero, 2005). This author tells us that it has a viable format, therefore it has a certain limitation in time by Aleph and as this information has full texts and adequate services for the satisfaction of users. Although there is a diversity of definitions and classifications about metadata, after all, these are the elements that together allow us to identify a resource, for some authors a necessarily digital resource.(Daudinot Fournier, 2006). At this point it tells us that the classifications on metadata are very useful for having certain programs, so we can take into account the elements that one must use to make the digital program better for the users. When the Greenstone software for managing digital collections was implemented in 2008, it was considered appropriate to use DC metadata as a source scheme for all collections in this context, in order to facilitate future participation in cooperative metadata collections. In this case, Greenstone had to manage its collections so that later it could make context with the metadata and thus be able to facilitate in the collections for said updating of documents and information.Thanks to all this, the collections are very important for the source of information, through these elements Greenstone can make use of large collections both in digital documents in which you can carry out your search.


Currently educational institutions and society as a whole have generated countless digital information resources, whether in the form of text, images, videos, or sound recordings and computer programs, and all of them are within the “reach of broad sectors of the society". So according to this we can do a better job in the technologies and have the ability to be informed of how each of these programs is structured, in which we know how to use the metadata. However, institutions face lack of financial resources, hence the importance of implementing metadata editors developed with free software that facilitate information management and consequently the socialization of knowledge.On the other hand, we must bear in mind that certain programs give us the absolute capacity to provide us with information and to have a good knowledge of each user with this system so that they know how it is designed. On the other hand, although the metadata is in a technical construction phase, it would be advisable to observe the emergence of

Proposals and metadata schemes in other countries and sectors, and analyze how their needs have been met based on their resources and means; In this way, the current information management projects would have a better idea about the implementation and evolution of the metadata. Here we can know its functions, characteristics, its files, among others, in the program that one wishes to make such an information search, so free software is an excellent alternative for the user who makes use of this system. The construction of application profiles involves the investigation of various standards and must take into account elements such as: the characteristics of the material, the specifications for search and recovery at the end user level, administration and preservation.In any case, without this information we cannot do anything, because it is very important that it is within the program that one is looking for, they also serve to store metadata, so the librarian must be open to the creativity of all this, both in services and in different materials that are required for its elaboration, all this is to satisfy the needs of each user, so in some cases they have the facility to carry out this context. Metadata is a reality related to the tasks of cataloging and automation, which we library science professionals constantly use and whose knowledge is essential to communicate with technology-expert collaborators who support us in the implementation of digital collections.In accordance with this, the technologies are advancing day by day for the use of more up-to-date programs, so we should all use this system to carry out a better search. Of all this, it is very important to take into account the value that it allows to have in your tools in the access and organization towards the needs of the users.


  • Getty Trust, Paul. (1999). Introduction to metadata. United States.http: //www.infor.uva.es/~sblanco/Tesis/Metadatos.pdf http://www.infor.uva.es/~sblanco/Tesis/Metadatos.pdf Martínez Usero, JA and Lara Navarra, P. (2007). The interoperability of information. (pp. 31 - 33). Barcelona: UOC.
Editors of metadata developed with free software