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Knowledge management in research teachers in Venezuela. draft

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Worldwide, societies have come constantly, trying to provide the population with a series of elements and factors that, as a whole, seek to raise and guarantee the standard of living of its inhabitants, framing within, schemes or models of development that contribute to greater and better quality. life of societies that are subject to the great changes resulting from globalization.

In this sense, it is necessary to look for the most suitable way to adapt them to the continuous transformations. One of these pathways is knowledge management, where skills related to attitudes that facilitate the creation and sharing of knowledge, as well as those that prepare for lifelong learning, are addressed. In relation to the generation of knowledge, experts in knowledge management consider that such generation occurs when people interact with information (Davenport, 1998).

Taking this premise as a starting point, it is evident that training professionals to interact effectively with information, that is, to be competent from this perspective, is therefore an essential challenge in the framework of implementation of knowledge management programs. Thus, in various studies that identify the skills and capacities of workers in the knowledge age, information competence has been considered a basic competence for the competitiveness of organizations.

Based on the foregoing, the need to analyze Knowledge Management for the development of technological capacities in teachers assigned to the Research section of the Cumaná University Institute of Technology, Punta de Mata extension, is justified as a general objective of this research. For the development of this proposal, several knowledge management models oriented to the use of collective learning competencies were analyzed, and the Knowledge Creation Process proposed by Nonaka, Takeuchi, (1995) was selected, based on this design. a knowledge management model for the development of technological capacities in teachers, based on the benefits it offers to society.


One of the most important social groupings are organizations, which do not form accidentally or spontaneously, are created by one or more individuals who perceive the coordinated action of a number of people capable of achieving objectives that individual action does not allow.

Indeed Schein, E. (1995) states that “organizations constitute the planned coordination of the activities of a group of people to seek the achievement of a common goal or purpose, through the division of labor and functions, and through a hierarchy of authority and responsibility ”(p.175).

In fact, when understanding that every social organization has its own culture that identifies it, characterizes it, differentiates it and gives its own image, starting from the need to know, expand and consolidate the culture of institutions directed towards common goals. They constitute a guide in the carrying out of activities, the elaboration of norms and policies to establish guidelines, for which reason, the culture directs the global operation of the structure, indicating the global priorities and preferences that guide the organization's actions.

Consequently, both public and private organizations are currently in a process of rapid and profound changes produced by the explosion of information technologies and telecommunications, which are increasingly of fundamental importance in the configuration of society., to the point that the expression information society has become popular. However, these technologies are nothing more than a means of transmitting content and effectively managing data, information and knowledge.

Likewise, knowledge becomes the fundamental factor of value creation, therefore, it is the main source of generating competitive advantages for any organization, as well as the ability to learn new things. In this way and according to the relevance of the term knowledge, the concept of the knowledge society or learning society appears, reflecting the dynamism of the generation process and its application.

In this sense, knowledge, in order to provide the maximum advantages, must be properly managed, that is how its conceptualization arises, as a discipline that has successfully broken into all those areas in which it forms an essential part in the behavior of the activities that they concern the operation of companies, the generation of learning in research and their use, in general, of any process and innovation. As expressed by Castañeda D (2006), when pointing out: “knowledge management refers to: the generation or acquisition, codification or transformation, organization or structuring, storage or retention, distribution or dissemination and finally, to the use or application of knowledge ” (p. 16).

The primary purpose of knowledge management lies in added value based on learning and organizational development. Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of the new information generated and the experience of the institutions and their components, to obtain new knowledge, in its subsequent use, and therefore, sustainable strategic advantages. In this context, the essential mission is to involve a culture of collaboration and shared institutional knowledge, since this type of management is the effort to capture and take advantage of the collective experience of the organization, making it accessible to all members of the institution..

From the foregoing, it is evident that in this new era of knowledge, universities and the organisms that spread science and technology are essential for the generation of knowledge, due to the fact that their main functions are the training of human talents through of research among other key factors of integral and intellectual development, but its social diffusion must also be, since this type of organization in the future, looms as institutions generating knowledge, serving the needs of training and development technological environment, within the model of knowledge societies. Sandoval R, (2006) states in this regard that:

… Contemporary societies face the challenge of projecting themselves over time and adapting to a process of permanent change that is rapidly gaining ground towards the construction of Knowledge Societies. It has the capacity to generate, share, and use knowledge to meet the needs of its development and build its own future and well-being. (p. 1).

As described in the previous quote, society is currently experiencing a transition stage that is transforming everything, in an accelerated way. For this reason, all those who make life in organizations are protagonists of this transformational process of information based on knowledge, therefore in today's society certain models and certain traditional concepts are no longer valid, since the world is currently governed by a new order and new codes.

In the same order of ideas, current academic organizations have undergone changes over time and many of them do not directly use their full potential based on knowledge to face day-to-day transformations in their environment, because they generally do not They find organized the processes of generation and exploitation of knowledge and the culture established does not help their use, but it is highly probable that there are potential advantages that have not been considered to be explored or that the strategies do not directly support them. It is at this point, where a new approach to organizational culture can support the processes associated with knowledge management, promoting the generation of new competitive advantages.

In Venezuela, many of the educational institutions, both public and private at a higher level, present a constant change to adapt and satisfy the needs of their members and their environment, these being in a permanent review of their activities, to see their relevance. and the impact generated by its results. This is the case of the Cumaná University Institute of Technology (IUTC), Punta de Mata extension, an agency under the Ministry of Popular Power for Higher Education.

This technological institute faces considerable challenges in technological advances, propagation and comprehensive training of human beings in terms of science and technology, in addition to doing everything possible to train human resources in all areas of knowledge required by adjacent communities in general. Monagas state, which it assists through well-defined training programs in areas of electricity, safety and industrial hygiene as well as in information technology, for which it requires greater dynamism, as well as flexibility to adapt to changes in the environment. Thus, an in-depth review of the management schemes that influence organizational culture and dynamics becomes imperative, in order to anticipate future challenges.

On the other hand, taking into account that one of the primary functions of the Institute is to produce as well as transmit knowledge. Being research and teaching, the driving force of university activity, the mechanism of systematized knowledge generation, this means that it must have the capacity to produce innovative knowledge, equipping itself with teachers with the capacity to compete in that field, where the generation of Individual knowledge increases the intellectual capital of individuals and the intellectual capital of the university institution as a whole. In other words, the individual production of information coding is increased, however collective knowledge limits its accumulation.

All these factors have a great impact on the academic management of the IUTC, so it is essential to undertake modernization processes, supported by the improvement for the excellence of academic human resources, with the appropriate means to create, produce and disseminate scientific knowledge., humanistic and technological, favored with cutting-edge technology that will allow management to become aware of the creation of values ​​as well as the search for objectives that tend to generate, produce and transfer knowledge in the area of ​​research.

Complementing the above, it is necessary to highlight that this organization has undergone changes over time and many of them do not directly use their full potential based on knowledge to face the transformations of their environment on a daily basis, because generally in the institute The processes of generation and exploitation of knowledge and the culture established without help to the use of it are not organized, but it is very likely that some potential advantages of communication will be lost without having been considered to explore or the strategies lack direct support.. It is at this point that a different approach to organizational culture can strengthen the processes associated with knowledge management, promoting the generation of new competitive advantages.

In the specific case of the IUTC Punta de Mata Extension, the foregoing is relevant, due to the need to teach to learn and learn to teach, on the origin of the need to expand the knowledge base that reinforces the need to develop competitive advantages fundamental in the specialized domain in its application areas. This means that they must have the capacity to produce innovative knowledge, equip themselves with innovative technologies and models with the capacity to compete in this field, where the generation of individual knowledge increases the intellectual capital of individuals, as well as that of the institution as a whole..

All these factors, including the limitations in the administration of financial resources in the research section, have a great impact on this management, so it is essential to undertake modernization processes, supported by the improvement for excellence of the human resource of the institution and research teachers, with sufficient means to create, produce and disseminate scientific, humanistic and technological knowledge, favored with cutting-edge technology that will raise awareness from the managerial area, encompassing even the service areas, promoting the search for objectives that tend to transfer knowledge channeled by the research section, in order to offer competitive advantages in the institute and its projection both in the state and at the national level.


Every organization must have theoretical models in action that make it possible to develop its processes optimally, since the function is established through the condition of knowing, applying and executing the guidelines already determined by established standards. Regarding the organizational structure, the innovative approach of the systems area is indispensable, which remains supported by significant strategies, aimed at promoting and promoting the quality of the planning proposed.

Regarding the Cumaná University Extension Institute of Technology Punta de Mata, conceived as a dynamic organization, in constant movement and interaction with its environment, it is faced every day with new challenges in a society that is constantly evolving and by leaps and bounds, in where the process of organizational socialization based on open systems becomes increasingly complex when educational institutions grow and develop. Therefore, it becomes necessary to study knowledge management in the research area.

Regarding proposing a knowledge management model, it is necessary to delve into models based on efficiency and effectiveness based on the integration of networks of information, human, computer and telematic resources in an organizational outreach strategy that leads to the generation competitive advantages, the result of which produces positive effects and generates expected conditions for continuous improvement, thus allowing the development of technological capabilities to be channeled into the Research section.

This model allowed the IUTC to determine, through an internal and external study, the factors that may be affecting or benefiting them at a given moment if they are dynamically articulated in terms of political, economic, socio-cultural changes, in terms of Research and knowledge generation have been taking place in the country. Therefore, the application of this tool is of great importance for the institution in that it will help in adapting to a knowledge management model that allows the achievement of the objectives pursued, as well as the most suitable way to achieve the goals set by the research section.

Given the foregoing, the need to propose a Knowledge Management Model for the development of technological capabilities in teachers assigned to the Research Section of the Cumaná University Institute of Technology, Punta de Mata extension, is justified, due to the contributions it provides to the institution, as well as the researcher and the impact it will have on the quality of the training of the students, teachers and the community in general that are under the jurisdiction of this educational institution, in addition to representing a reference for other universities.


The purpose of this research was to propose a Knowledge Management model for the development of the technological capacities of the teachers assigned to the Research Section of the Cumaná University Institute of Technology, Punta de Mata extension, in which the characteristics of the same will be determined., in order to know where the radical changes and the necessary improvements should be made, which allow reaching new levels of development in management based on a new typology of knowledge management models applied to the research area, and can be used in various social contexts.

In the same order of ideas, this project aims to contribute to the promotion of the competitiveness of academic institutions, for the creation of wealth and social well-being, through the transfer of knowledge from technological researchers in order to thus increase how to improve the technical and human resources of the institute, in satisfaction of the innovation needs to improve the institution with the knowledge of the research groups of the university.

Likewise, generate excellence and multidisciplinary knowledge management processes for the institute for the process of generation, acquisition, dissemination and transfer of knowledge. Based on the analysis of organizational knowledge management, providing the empirical bases for future studies on this topic in the institute, for which the formulation of knowledge management strategies in the research area with a view to generating competitive advantages, will allow focus this concept of management from the multidimensional point of view and analysis of the factors that influence the deviation from the institutional mission and vision.

Regarding the selection of the knowledge management model that adapts to the needs of the institute and that the implementation of its own processes allows the development of technological capacities in the teachers assigned to the research section will allow to establish in the institution. Based on the foregoing, it is considered necessary for this research project to be based on the benefits provided by the Knowledge Creation Process model (Nonaka, Takeuchi, 1995), since in this, the administrative orientation is supportive, while the orientation of the research teachers is of the research development, in the psychological result of the teachers the participation is promoted, the needs of the researchers are of satisfaction of category and recognition, in addition,the result of performance is animation and momentum.

In this sense, it will be strengthened and value will be generated as it moves, that is, knowledge is transformed. Likewise, knowledge will be generated through the use of reasoning or inference capacity (both by humans and machines). In synthesis, a structured and elaborated model will be presented, which implies the existence of networks of rich semantic relationships between abstract entities, where the heuristic knowledge resulting from the experience accumulated by individuals is presented.

Knowledge management in research teachers in Venezuela. draft