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Positions or occupations and job title

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Sometimes, in interventions, classes, defenses of scientific works and even in official documents, we find the use of a certain terminology, in our opinion, incorrect, which far from helping brings wide confusion, I know that on this subject of concepts and definitions there are many opinions and of course each of us has the right to pronounce in this regard.

One of the terms that causes the most confusion and, in my opinion, we must help to correct is referring to the job used as a synonym for position or occupation, sometimes supplemented or combined with different adjectives "standard jobs" and even "job wages "

In the present work the definitions and considerations about the occupations and positions and the jobs are expressed, showing that they should not be used as synonyms since conceptually it is wrong and causes many confusions.

It is evident that we cannot confuse the occupation or position as an organizational unit that entails a group of duties and responsibilities that constitute a job designation with the job that is an area of ​​work activity.

There may be synonymous terms, referring to the same element of the work process, which is impossible when they refer to different elements of it, which have different qualities and fulfill different functions. It is evident that the occupation function, implicit in the human being, cannot be identified with the function of the means of work, finished products of previous work processes, which do not and cannot have human faculties.

Sometimes, in interventions by colleagues and in official documents, we find the use of a certain terminology that we believe is incorrect, which, far from helping, brings wide confusion, I know that there are many opinions on this topic of concepts and definitions, and of course each one of us has the right to pronounce in this regard.

I know that the definitions are very controversial and scientifically inaccurate since they limit the development of their very essence as Engels teaches us but we agree with him that "it is not easy to do without them" (Engels; 1975).

One of the terms that causes the most confusion and, in my opinion, we must help to correct is referring to the job used as a synonym for position or occupation, sometimes supplemented or combined with different adjectives "standard jobs" and even "job wages "

To judge on whether or not it is correct to use these terms, let us remember the following: What is the Position or occupation ?; What is the job, what is the work standard)? and What is the salary?

The job:

If we review the Cuban labor legislation and the existing bibliography there is enough consensus in this regard, in this case we can use resolution 28 of 2004 of the MTSS that approves and puts into effect, for all entities in the country, the Methodological Guidelines for the study and application of measures of organization and measurement of the work whose procedure appears in the annex to the present Resolution, forming an integral part of the same and in this it is defined what is a job.

A job position is defined as the area established for the worker to fulfill a certain task within the work process, being equipped with the necessary work means to execute a certain task…

The workplace is therefore the area of ​​work activity of one or more workers, equipped with the corresponding means of work and where the man transforms the objects of work and obtains the products or develops the services inherent to his position or occupation.

The occupation or position:

In this case we will take as a reference the definition that appears in the glossary of terms that complements the labor code, it is stated that:

The position or occupation is the set of job tasks determined by the development of technique, technology and the division of labor. It includes the job function of the worker and the limits of their competence. The job title is generally used for technicians and leaders.

In the labor code, when referring to the fundamental principles that govern Cuban Labor Law, it is stated in its subsection ch that "people have access, according to their merits and abilities, to positions and jobs and receive equal wages for equal work" as It is observed that the term positions and jobs are used.

Dr. Pedro Zayas Agüero (2004) makes some interesting comments about it that he would like to share:

  • Within the terminology used, the terms work, tasks, positions, positions are generally used. The use of one or the other term is linked to conceptions about the nature and structure of work. The term job is one of the most traditionally used, but it gives the idea of ​​being essentially referred to the physical place where the work is carried out and gives an idea of ​​immobility, although many authors define it with the same meaning as the term job. In this sense, Louart, P. (1994) states that a position is «a place in the organizational process. In this sense, it participates in one or more of the functions that constitute coordinated subsets in this process ”and Milkovich, G. and Boudreau, J. (1994) define it as“ a group of tasks performed by a person. ”

Regarding the term office, Chruden, H. and Sherman, A. (1963) define it as: "an organizational unit that involves a group of duties and responsibilities that make it separate and distinct from other positions." Livy, B. (1975) states that a position is "the composition of all those activities carried out by a single person that can be viewed by a unified concept, and that occupy a formal place in the organization chart."

The use of certain terms is linked to the sociocultural environment in which it is found, acquiring a particular value in the relationship between meaning and word; that is why it is preferred to use the job category for the general social-historical process and use that of positions or occupations to refer to the specific activity carried out by a worker or group of them.

A position or occupation is defined as the set of functions and tasks carried out by a worker that demonstrate integrity in correspondence with the objectives of the organization. The term occupation is often used for the category of workers and positions for managers and officials.

It is evident that we cannot confuse the occupation or position as an organizational unit that entails a group of duties and responsibilities that constitute a job designation with the job that is an area of ​​work activity.

Work standard

In the annex to the aforementioned resolution Nr 28 of the MTSS, a definition of a work standard is proposed, which is generally recognized in our country and is quite similar to what is internationally conceptualized in this regard.

The Work Standard is the expression of the living work expenses necessary for the execution of a work activity in certain technical-organizational conditions, by a worker (or group of workers) who possesses the required capacity and executes his work with skill and intensity. half.

Where there is some difference is with regard to what ability and intensity the reference norm expresses, in the Cuban case the average skill and intensity are used, otherwise it may be the maximum.

Saying norm of the job or normal job is a conceptual error, what is normal is the activity of the worker in the technical organizational conditions that are specified and / or guaranteed in the job and therefore it expresses the cost of living work necessary to run it.


The Salary in our socialist society constitutes the main material stimulus and through it is intended to reflect as accurately as possible the distribution law according to the work expressed in the payment according to the quality and quantity of work provided. Currently, Cuban income in national currency received by workers through the application of payment systems and stimulation of results is considered salary for all legal purposes.

Without trying to go deeper, it is about giving an amount of money to the worker based on their contribution to the satisfaction of their needs, therefore the expression salary of the job does not make any sense since it has no needs to satisfy, the salary it is delivered to the worker according to the quality of the work (complexity, responsibility and other recognized factors) and the quantity or concrete results and from this he and his family rationally satisfy their needs according to the possibilities.

There may be synonymous terms, referring to the same element of the work process, which is impossible when they refer to different elements of it, which have different qualities and fulfill different functions. It is evident that the occupation function, implicit in the human being, cannot be identified with the function of the means of work, finished products of previous work processes, which do not and cannot have human faculties.

I think what happens is that custom causes us to make this mistake, but we have a duty to amend it and there is nothing more useful than invoking "use and custom" to explain many of the paradigms and even a large part of the expectations. that float in society in relation to certain elements of contemporary administration.

In this regard an interesting comment by Dr Orlov (1984)

  • In the course of discussions of a theoretical and practical nature, two “theses” are sometimes proposed which, due to their content and meaning, are analogous. The first "thesis" could be summarized as follows: The "Social custom" becomes a Law to which economic concepts must be subordinated. It is said that people are used to this or that term (even if it is wrong) and that nothing can be done to change this "custom" because nobody would understand it. It should be noted that the "custom" to this or that economic term arises from the fact that said concept has been established by certain individuals and not by the people who follow the "custom". In other words, the workers spontaneously follow this or that “habit” of using economic terms because they have been so pointed out. Comrade Fidel,In his speech at the National Assembly of People's Power, referring to the spontaneity of bad habits that people follow, he said that: "We have made spontaneity a philosophy." *

I fully agree with Dr Orlov and I also believe that we must transform once and for all this pernicious confusion between position or occupation and job that so many conceptual errors make us commit and such a waste of time brings us, I give the example of what I happened recently.

A few days ago an entrepreneur called me on the phone so that someone from the university could help him in the design of jobs, asked him in essence what he wanted and in the end it was about the design and specifications of the positions of that company.

Finally, I want to point out that our country is immersed in the process of business improvement and everything is subject to continuous improvement, so I firmly believe that what it is about is to review what we speak and write and be consistent with the concepts we use and the actions we carry out, I call on teachers, researchers, professionals and technicians in the field so that together we cooperate.


• Álvarez L. (2001) Design procedure for stimulation systems; thesis to opt for the title of master in management, Holguín; Cuba.

• Álvarez L. (2005) Job satisfaction, its measurement and evaluation; a Cuban experience. at

• CECM (1998) General Bases for Business Improvement.-Havana:.

• CETSS (1982) Resolution 1582, Methodological Indications for the elaboration, revision and presentation of the qualifiers of occupations or positions and proposals of new occupations.

• CETSS (1984) Labor Information Nr 1. "the organization of social work and the ideological class struggle" by Dr Pedro Orlov

• CETSS (1985) Labor Code of the Republic of Cuba (law 49/84).

• Cuesta, A. (1990): Organization of Work and Social Psychology, Ed. Social Sciences, Havana 181 pp.

• Cuesta; A (1990) Organization of Labor and Social Psychology, Ed. Social Sciences, Havana

• Cuesta; A (2001) (2001) Competence Management. Ed Academia. La Habana.

• Engels F (1975) anti –Duhring, ed Pueblo and education; Havana Cuba 1975

• González L, The Moral and Material Stimuli in Economic Development and the Formation of the New Man.

• González L. (1984) The Salary. CEDEM UH; Cuba

• Marx C. (1975). Gotha Program Review. Ed. Social Sciences.

• MTSS (2004) Resolution 39/2004; it puts into effect the Regulation of the Forms and Systems of Payment of the Salary; Havana Cuba.

• MTSS (2004) Resolution 28/2004; that approves and puts into effect, for all the entities of the country, the Methodological Guidelines for the study and application of measures for the organization and measurement of work Havana: Cuba

• Trista B. (1990) The Man, The Work and The Influence Of The Leader. Ed. Social Sciences Havana.

• Zayas P. (2004) The process of determining the competencies

Positions or occupations and job title