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Careers ti in public universities and companies in the sector in chiapas

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Current situation of information technology careers in public universities in the state of Chiapas and companies in the Chiapas IT cluster.


Currently, there is a significant knowledge gap in the classrooms of the Universities of the State of Chiapas and the rest of the country with regard to careers in Systems Engineering, Software Development and Computer Science in general in careers. concerning Information Technologies. This is a major problem since most professionals who graduate from the Universities do not have the opportunity to carry out professional stays or internships as part of professional training. Another problem that directly affects the training of future professionals in the classroom is the updating of professors in development techniques, programming languages,methodologies for software development and Software development platforms as well as good practices in the software industry. This article addresses the current situation of the software development companies of the State of Chiapas, the problems and proposed solutions to the current shortcomings of the public universities of the State of Chiapas. It also addresses the necessary competencies that IT companies expect from IT professionals who graduate from universities. A search was carried out for the key positions that IT professionals would occupy in the software industry in the State of Chiapas. The training offered by IT companies in the State of Chiapas is listed, and finally, an investigation of the future of ITs in Mexico was made.This article addresses the current situation of the software development companies of the State of Chiapas, the problems and proposed solutions to the current shortcomings of the public universities of the State of Chiapas. It also addresses the necessary competencies that IT companies expect from IT professionals who graduate from universities. A search was made of the key positions that IT professionals would occupy in the software industry in the State of Chiapas. The training offered by IT companies in the State of Chiapas is listed, and finally, an investigation of the future of ITs in Mexico was made.This article addresses the current situation of the software development companies of the State of Chiapas, the problems and proposed solutions to the current shortcomings of the public universities of the State of Chiapas. It also addresses the necessary competencies that IT companies expect from IT professionals who graduate from universities. A search was carried out for the key positions that IT professionals would occupy in the software industry in the State of Chiapas. The training offered by IT companies in the State of Chiapas is listed, and finally, an investigation of the future of ITs in Mexico was made.the problems and proposals for solutions to the current shortcomings of the public universities of the State of Chiapas. It also addresses the necessary competencies that IT companies expect from IT professionals who graduate from universities. A search was carried out for the key positions that IT professionals would occupy in the software industry in the State of Chiapas. The training offered by IT companies in the State of Chiapas is listed, and finally, an investigation of the future of ITs in Mexico was made.the problems and proposals for solutions to the current shortcomings of the public universities of the State of Chiapas. It also addresses the necessary competencies that IT companies expect from IT professionals who graduate from universities. A search was carried out for the key positions that IT professionals would occupy in the software industry in the State of Chiapas. The training offered by IT companies in the State of Chiapas is listed, and finally, an investigation of the future of ITs in Mexico was made.The training offered by IT companies in the State of Chiapas is listed, and finally, an investigation of the future of ITs in Mexico was made.The training offered by IT companies in the State of Chiapas is listed, and finally, an investigation of the future of ITs in Mexico was made.

1. Software Development Companies in the State

The companies that make up the ClusterTI of Chiapas are recently created companies dedicated to the development of custom software which are more concerned with obtaining projects and clients to develop custom software solutions. Based on this, companies need that the personnel that work in them have the knowledge in different areas of software development. Companies regularly complain about the poor performance of an IT professional recently graduated from the university, this is because there is not a constant update of the content of the subjects in the universities that have a degree or engineering in computer systems or development of software.

One of the main problems that affect software development companies today is the investment (in time and money) in the human resource that is hired for the development of software solutions. This phenomenon is not only local (in the state) since many other states that have the largest software development companies suffer from it. This is largely due to the fact that universities do not teach the content necessary for the student, who will later become a professional, to be of high added value for IT companies. Something very important that has to be rescued from agile methodologies is the value that they give to "individuals and iterations on processes and tools",This premise is totally true since people are in charge of developing software solutions for customers of IT companies.

Customers of state IT companies come with different needs and ideas for their software products. ClusterTI companies in Chiapas need to have professionals better prepared to respond to the needs of clients.

2. Problems of Universities in Relation to IT

Today the subjects taught in the specialty classrooms lack the current context of technological advances in software development, the subject matter of most subjects does not teach students to finish software projects, not They are designed to integrate with each other. Most professors are not interested in working collaboratively with each other so that a project is completed in a few months of class, taking advantage of the synergy of the subjects, students can understand, understand and gain experience in the field of IT.

The lack of practical application of the theoretical content that professors teach students in the classroom causes many knowledge gaps to be generated in students. The practice in companies, organizations and public and private institutions that have an IT department or department makes them gain experience solving everyday and recurring problems in the implementation of some type of technology and / or development of software solutions that require them.

There is also a rather complex problem, that if it is not addressed as soon as possible, it will not be possible to have an effective solution to improve the generation of professionals with knowledge of Information Technology in the state. The problem is that most university professors do not have the necessary knowledge and practice of advances in information technology in areas such as software engineering, software architecture, agile methodologies, programming paradigms that are currently used in the industry, and even less, know of the problems that arise when implementing a custom software solution in a company,They also do not know about the methods used to ensure that the software that is developed is of quality and meets the expectations of customers, which are increasing.

3. Proposed Solution

To provide a solution to the problems described above, there must be understanding and understanding on the part of teachers, who need to continually update themselves in different areas of ICTs and apply that acquired knowledge in order to improve the education of the professionals who are training in the classroom.

It is required to improve the content of the subjects that are the central axis of Information Technology, with updated topics in the area of ​​software development. To successfully meet this objective, the academy must be linked to software development companies to learn about the technologies, techniques, methodologies, and platforms they are working on. By having a relationship with the software development companies in the state, it would be possible to send students to carry out professional practices and develop applications that would be used by client companies. Students would gain experience in software development, companies could offer them a vacancy within it once the internships have been completed,Students interested in creating their own companies would have the necessary knowledge required for this.

4. Necessary Knowledge of IT Professionals

The expectation of software development companies in the state that they have of IT professionals in the area of ​​software development are the following:

1. Programming Paradigms

1.1. Object Oriented

1.2. Event Oriented

1.3. Service Oriented

1.4. Aspect Oriented

2. Advanced Query Languages ​​(SQL)

2.1. Classification of SQL statements

2.2. Views, Features, Stored Procedures, Jobs

2.3. Queries between servers

2.4. Database replication

2.5. Implementation of distributed databases

3. Software Engineering

3.1. Software requirements

3.2. Modeling in UML 2.0

3.3. Agile methodologies

3.4. Software quality

3.5. Unit and Integral Tests

4. Software Architecture

4.1. Development of applications for Mobile Devices

4.2. Web applications using Frameworks MVC

4.3. Design patterns

4.4. Development of applications based on different programming paradigms

4.5. Development of distributed applications

5. Competencies of IT Professionals

The professional skills necessary for their performance in the workplace, at the local, regional and national level.

  1. Develop web applications through agile methodologies, frameworks to improve organizational processes. Develop Information Systems for web and mobile using frameworks to help their implementation in the organization in a short time. Manage information technology (IT) projects to contribute to the productivity and achievement of the strategic objectives of the organizations using the methodologies and techniques most used in the software industry. Propose the implementation of new technological platforms to address areas of opportunity and innovation by evaluating business processes and the technologies used in the organization for continuous improvement Identify the most appropriate platform for the software implementation needs of organizations.Help other IT companies define methodologies and good practices to help strengthen quality processes in software development. Define and guide the strategic objectives of IT companies to grow their potential market. Identify the niches of market that IT companies can have with the products and strategic objectives of these companies.

6. Key Positions of IT Professionals in the Industry

  1. Executive integrator of cutting-edge technologies to optimize the operation of industries and companies.Project manager and IT services.Consultant of IT services.Director / Manager of Software and IT.Manager for the design, execution and maintenance of information systems. Specialist in cross-platform application development (Web, Stand Alone and Mobile). Software and IT Manager. Software Architect. Software Development Engineer. Software Testing Engineer.

7. Professional Development of IT graduates in Chiapas

Graduate IT professionals can be integrated into the private, public and social sectors, in the different productive branches that demand software development and process consulting services to improve the quality of development of business solutions. Listed below are the private companies dedicated to software development in the state:


8. Training offered in the State

In HighBits of Latin America there are the following training courses in Information Technology in the area of ​​software development that we offer for the academy:

1. Programming Paradigms

1.1. Object Oriented Programming with C #.Net

1.2. Service Oriented Programming with WCF and C #.Net

2. Language of Queries and Reports

2.2. SQL Server Advanced

2.3. Report Builder

2.4. Crystal Report

3. Software Engineering

3.1. Systems Modeling and Analysis with UML 2.0

3.2. Introduction to CMMI

3.3. LMWH: HighBits Project Management

4. Development of Web and Mobile applications

4.1. Development of native mobile applications on Android

4.2. HTML5

4.3. Responsive Design Web Applications

4.4. Yii Framework (MVC)

4.5. Strus 2 Framework (MVC)

9. The Future of IT´s in Mexico

The National Chamber of the Electronic Industry of Telecommunications and Information Technologies (CANIETI) affirms that Mexico managed to position itself among the 10 countries that lead the outsourcing of IT services better known as outsorcing. Based on this study carried out by AT Kearney Mexico, it will be one of the most important IT outsourcing providers in the world. At the International Congress on Software Engineering and Applications, CIISA 2013, MC Víctor Gutiérrez, president of CANIETI, commented on the growth that year after year the outsourcing of Information Technology services has. According to Gustavo Parés, there is an annual investment of $ 13.350 million and that each year there is a significant increase of 13.5% in our country for contracting IT services.The challenges to overcome in IT are the training of new technologies, certifications and knowledge that IT professionals must have to provide a quality service, if you do not work on the continuous improvement of the skills and competences of professionals this Investment by foreign companies will be diminished and would generally affect Mexico's already well-worn economy.

In Chiapas, the company and the academy must work together for the continuous improvement of the human resource that each semester comes from careers related to Information Technology if they want to be part of the economic benefits that outsourcing is capable of offering. The state has the capacity to provide services of this type, but it is necessary to modify the study plans to improve the quality of IT human resources.

10. Conclusion

In this article, different problems that are currently facing the Public Universities of the State of Chiapas were addressed, and in Mexico the pertinent solution proposals are made to solve them and try to improve the quality of teaching for IT students. Companies are increasingly demanding and with needs that are increasing and requesting better-trained personnel to develop the software solutions that their clients request, and it is undoubtedly one of the areas with the greatest growth in jobs and well-paid jobs that exists. It is time for universities to give the necessary importance to these demands of companies to create professionals with the necessary skills and competencies to be in the software development market.


  1. List of Companies that make up the ClusterTI of Chiapas. "Manifesto for Agile Software Development". USA, agilemanifesto.org, URL url http://agilemanifesto.org/. “Mexico is one of the 10 world powers of IT outsourcing.” “Outsorcing in Mexico” paper presented by Gutiérrez Víctor, at the International Congress on Software Engineering and its Applications, CIISA 2013. Guadalajara Mexico, ITESM Campus Guadalajara, Tuesday August 13, 2013. "Challenges and Opportunities of Outsourcing in Mexico",, Mexico Software Guru August-October 2012. Address url http://sg.com.mx / magazine / challenges-and-opportunities-of-outsourcing-mexico.
Careers ti in public universities and companies in the sector in chiapas