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Systemic business training application case


The work refers to a work experience in a company where the usefulness of applying the systemic training approach as part of the Integral Strategy of Business Organization was revealed, from the investment stage to the exploitation and productive development phase.

The impact of the adequate preparation of human resources was reflected in the quality and productive stability, also in the consolidation of the culture and organizational values ​​as well as in the sense of belonging of the members of the group.

My first postgraduate professional experience was associated with the completion of an interesting training job, the positive results of which marked me for life.

After three decades and following the course of reflection on the reasons why "some things work well if they start the same"… I relate the success of that beautiful stage with the efficient application of the systemic training approach, implemented from the investment stage in a company, up to its highest stage of production and development.

Despite having been located in the city university workplace, due to a good student career; I decided to take the voluntary risk of working in a distant port of my geography, where a Chemical Combination was being built, whose main attraction in my decision was… "everything was yet to be done".

The technological complexity of the Chemical Industry and in particular that of Nitrogen Fertilizers, made investors hire equipment and advice in three different countries with a well-designed Integral Strategy.

The initial staff of professionals, technicians and workers was rigorously selected from among graduates abroad and from the best national study centers, joining the task with great responsibility and enthusiasm from day one.

The Investor was given the responsibility of selecting a first Management Team; which was notable for the extent of true leadership in a workforce of nearly 2,000 members.

As part of the decisions of that initial stage of the Technical Project, the Training Strategy played a leading role in the daily work. Its priority, at the same level of technology and assembly, made the selection and preparation of the most important resource: the human one a primary objective.

The first designated as Head of Training, was not a Pedagogue, but a Chemical Engineer with extensive experience as a student leader in the teaching field. His responsibility was subordinated to the Management of the company, who participated in the approval and implementation of the decisions made in this regard.

As a result of this hierarchical approach, in parallel to the physical assembly of the facilities, and the contracting of technical equipment, a process of determining the primary training needs of all production jobs and main administrative and technical management positions was carried out..

The initial technical staff was sent to receive technical training for six months in companies with similar technology in the countries where the equipment came from. And upon their return, they were made responsible for preparing the Instructions for the Technical Jobs, under the advice of their foreign counterparts.

Once this important stage was concluded, the Selection of the technical and worker personnel who would occupy these positions began, and theoretical preparation courses were organized, taught by the Principal Engineers and Technicians trained abroad, which concluded with periods of individual and group training in Similar factories at home and abroad.

Once the Investment and Start-up phase had been completed, evaluation Commissions were appointed, made up of foreign Experts and technical leaders at each level, who carried out examinations of the candidates to occupy each of the jobs. These exams measured general and specific knowledge, skills and attitudes specific to the particularities of each job. Their approval was an essential requirement to obtain the appointment therein.

The Control Process to the task of the Preparation of the Tables, a name that was assigned to that activity in that context, was hierarchized at the highest level of company management, becoming a training habit for intermediate and base leaders of the company itself and paradigm for other organizations in the Sector. Its constant monitoring facilitated both the technical level achieved by human resources, as well as the discipline, responsibility, constant spirit of improvement and dedication with which each worker faced their tasks.

The comprehensiveness conceived and achieved in the design and execution of the Training Strategy had an excellent repercussion in the subsequent phases of Starting and Starting the Combined.

Once production stabilized, the Training System implemented for more than ten years was maintained, continuing with the annual performance of compulsory examinations to carry out the workers and bi-annual jobs for the Productive Engineers, Technicians and Managers.

The human quality of the personnel who had the honor of participating in this important experience, the sense of belonging and group cohesion, and the solidity of the preparation achieved, allowed in subsequent years to nurture dissimilar relevant activities with their leaders, technicians and workers. in other national and international spheres, spreading the culture and organizational values ​​created and "apprehended" in it.

If I had to summarize the essence that could be extrapolated to other organizations for its positive practical value, I would highlight:

Incomparable qualities of the Leader, convinced of the usefulness of preparing human resources and an example of consistent action.

Systemic approach of the Training Strategy developed with decisive influence on the productive results.

Mission-Vision Interaction projected by an Integral Team and executed by a group consciously committed.

Proactivity in the Identification of needs as the basis for the general and specific preparation of human resources.

Maximum hierarchization of the task, in the technical and administrative order multiplied the emphasis on it at all levels of the organization.

Early benchmarking (1973) by ensuring the learning of the best foreign and assimilable experiences in that setting.

Integrality of the “cascade preparation” when conceiving and linking all the participating levels.

Systematic control generated conscious discipline and self-confidence.

Knowledge assessment: appointment requirement.

Systematic performance evaluation: performance indicator, work permanence, stimulation and individual satisfaction

Example: substrate of permanent and generalizable results over time.

I conclude that this experience has been one of the most significant in my work and personal life, and I am pleased to recommend its use in current contexts, prior to the analysis of the concurrence of the factors and characteristics that, in the case of reference, ensured success.

Systemic business training application case