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Cause and quadruple effect ... of a quality sale


Already more than two thousand years ago, Socrates philosophized about what he called the "Law of Causality ", which demonstrated that for any effect in our lives there is a cause or every cause has an effect.

The world is governed by laws, not by chance. Everything happens for a reason. So neither success nor failure are coincidences. They have specific causes, and when those causes are repeated, the same effects are usually manifested.

This same law is also known as the Law of Consequence, Remuneration or Compensation, and it brings to fruition everything we sow as people, both in thought and in words and actions. In other words, everything we do or do sets a cause in motion and this causes a consequence, whether positive or negative, which will depend on the cause set in motion. Which leads us to manifest, therefore, that there is no chance, good or bad luck, only results of a cause and effect.

Introduced in this thought of cause and effect, let us see its relationship with what is sometimes not given due importance, such as a "quality sale". For a better understanding of this term, let's see the opposite, "poor quality sales", which is one that is related to the sale made under pressure (which sometimes is almost aggression) to try to obtain results of sale at the cost of our own satisfaction and not that of the client, and that unfortunately is the visible part (like all negative things) of some improvised and pseudo professionals who in turn generate the loss of prestige of the activity.

On the other hand, quality sales are directly related to the satisfaction of the customer's needs or needs, with the seller's understanding of them, with the genuine interest shown in their relationship and the formation of a link that goes beyond of signing a purchase-sale contract.

And precisely a quality sale has the effect (among several others): a) receiving a commission; b) enhance our database with new referrals; c) optimize our image as professionals and d) persistence. They all report a benefit. But… many only see the first thing: the commission and forget about that client who had a hard time convincing us and with whom we talked long until we managed to place their trust in us. There are even some (luckily I hope few) that when the client says YES and signs, it seems that they have wings and they fly off quickly, literally fleeing… before the client repents.

This narrow and selfish vision (or "effect") more often than not has both generators or "causes" of it: the agent's lack of professional vision and the leadership style of the leader.

This "lack of professional vision in the agents", most of the times is caused by the low conviction that the applicant has about the sales profession, the one who enters the activity motivated by the lack of income and / or because there was no another alternative than this, and then when you are inside just think about the opportunity to get out (!). A large majority of people enter to work in the sales activity, without wanting to (!). And it is because there is "fear" of this profession, given that there is (not in all companies, but in many), a high turnover, coupled with the fact that some think that a seller is a "liar" destined to "cheat". This leads many to enter with fear and cut their dreams and limit themselves to the minimum while waiting for an opportunity in another job (!). Or those,more convinced of this profession, which unfortunately fail to advance due to lack of support and end up contaminating themselves with those of “least effort”.

The Leader's Management Style, is another "cause" or generator in quality sales. And it even affects and "helps" the Seller to suffer from that "lack of professional vision". It is that this new seller, requires the intervention of who will be its Leader, who must provide information and concrete background on what is the job that awaits him, the personal and professional benefits that he will be able to obtain, the how he must do to obtain them and the how he, as your guide will help you in it. This first "stage" is essential, because we sow in the beginner the bases of the positive vision of the sales activity. How many times, because of the rush of having a salesperson in action, these steps are applied mechanically, without sense? And then, instead of looking for that seller's motivations,Those reasons why a person is able to bring out the best in himself to achieve them, we send them to work without a goal, without an objective, only to fulfill what "the boss" wants, not what he wants to achieve.

There are some Leaders who abuse: "everyone is equal and everyone should do what" I "tell them", it can be an excellent phrase to align the team, but… the leaders are people, like you, like me, and everyone We have different personalities, and something very important, different needs that lead us to have DIFFERENT motivations to do what the Leader wants us to do, as well as different abilities. Discovering them is a very important step in the work of a Leader, but it is not always done.

Results? - There is no quality sale. It is not sold based on the needs of the client (egotistically only the needs of the seller and / or those of the leader), the “fall” of the business occurs in the medium or short term; a trust relationship is not developed (referrals are not obtained); the image of the seller deteriorates… and in the medium term we are without referrals to whom to offer our services.

But if the situation were the opposite of all of the above, there is no doubt that this seller would really benefit from a higher volume of sales, with a database strengthened with satisfied customers who trust him / her and that they gladly provide him / her. new names and new business opportunities.

In a high-level team, the leader must know how to take advantage of the individual strengths of each of its members and where his greatest challenge is!

A hug, Freddy hayvard

Cause and quadruple effect ... of a quality sale