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Causes of school repetition of music students in puno peru

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This article analyzes the causes of repetition in the instrumental technique course of the students of the music specialty of the Professional School of Art of the National University of Altiplano-Puno. Finding, with the application of the qualitative technique of the interview, that the students perceive that this subject is one of the most important within its spatiality, for which reason it is necessary to dedicate a good time to be able to practice the handling of its musical instrument.. However, students who have repeated this subject perceive that this happened to them because they could not practice properly, this because they spent a good time with their family or work.

Key words: Repetition, vocation, specialty of music, instrumental technique.


Keywords: Repetition, vocation, specialty music, instrumental technique.


Every year the educational system at the national level observes cases of students who repeat a grade in primary, secondary and even the same university. Taking into account, that in the university there is no longer talk of a grade repetition but a subject repetition. This phenomenon manifests itself, also in the Professional School of Art of the National University of the Altiplano. Being a good number of students who repeat the Instrumental Technique course taught from I to X semester in this Professional School.

In order to understand this phenomenon, it must be clear that it is a set of factors that cause repetition, including the problems of the student, his parents or the teacher, and even the university as a whole.

When a student repeats, he develops symptoms such as sadness, decay, anger and feelings of worthlessness and guilt. It can also present rebellious behaviors, which seek to find culprits abroad (school system, teachers or parents). It is enough to consider what it means for the student's self-esteem to have to move away from their group of friends, to assume what is configured as a failure and sometimes to be the target of ridicule from their new classmates.

For this reason, this article aims to know the causes of repetition in this subject. In order to interpret the student's relationship with their classmates, teachers and the university.

For this, 6 students from the V to X semester of the Professional School of Art were interviewed, who have repeated the subject of instrumental technique, at least once. Therefore the article has been divided into two chapters:

In the first chapter, students' perceptions of the subject will be developed and whether they perceive that they have a vocation to study it, since it is one of the most important subjects within the specialty of music. In the second point, we will try to analyze the possible causes that caused this repetition in these students.

Perceptions about the subject

The instrumental technique course, taught from the first semester to the tenth, is considered the most important in the Music specialty of the Professional school of art, since the student, specializing in this area, has to master very well the instruments that are given to them. teaches, such as string, wind, reeds, bronzes (trumpet, trombone), among others. For this reason, many students are required to the maximum by their teachers so that they can adequately develop a good musical performance.

And many of the students who study this specialty conceive that they study it because they have a vocation for music. Here is testimony that shows what was expressed:

Repetition is one of the main causes of dropping out of school (Garnier, 2008). The students instead of repeating several times, give up and prefer to leave the system. It also generates learning problems that demand a different pedagogical practice than other students might have; however, not all teachers are trained to do so. Consequently, the student repeats the year and receives the same education in the same way that the previous cycle was taught and, far from learning with a new methodology, he is isolated and receives no special attention (Amadio, 1990). Few teachers have been trained to offer a different teaching than what they have given, especially for these students who have already received it (Brophy, 2006).

A student who repeats often changes his character, going through feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, devaluation and guilt. Thus, it can also present rebellious behaviors (Valle and Parrilla, 2006). And the fact that a student has to repeat a grade makes it one year behind in their studies and productive life (Garnier, 2008). At the same time that it generates unforeseen expenses.

These are all consequences of school repetition found in elementary school students. However, it should not be overlooked as it could also be generated in students of university education or higher.

Returning to our case study. Some students have repeated the subject up to four times, remaining all that time in a single semester, either because there is no understanding with the teacher, due to non-attendance, lack of practice, among others. Carlos Chipana (IX semester) affirms the following:

Apparently one of the main causes of this repetition is "lack of practice to pass this course" (Edwin Pacco, VII semester), because they support their respective families or work, which takes time to practice the proper handling of your musical instrument. Few students conceive that the teacher does not give them adequate attention, so that the student can improve in the use of his instrument.


Many students conceive the Instrumental Technique subject as one of the most important to which good time and effort should be dedicated, especially in practice. However, many students perceive that one of the main causes for repeating this subject is the little time dedicated to this practice, this due to the fact that they gave some time to their work or to helping their family. Few students perceive that the teacher has not given them good attention in the subject.


Amadio, M. (1990). School Repetition in Primary Education: A Global Perspective. International Bureau of Education / UNICEF. Workshop Compilation.

Brophy, J. (2006). Grade Repetition. Education policy series 6. International Academy of Education and International Institute for Educational Planning. UNESCO. France.

Cadenillas Valdés, Marco (1985). School repetition. Camarca, Peru: professional thesis (pages 12 - 18).

Garnier, L. (2008). Repeat or pass and the desertion? Costa Rica: Ministry of Public Education.

Valle, M., Parrilla, M. (2006). Resilience in children with repetition at school. Study with boys and girls who are in their third year of primary education at the School Complex for Peace (CEPAZ). Thesis University of San Carlos de Guatemala.

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Causes of school repetition of music students in puno peru