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Causes of terrorist violence in Peru

Table of contents:


This work, in particular, touches on a subject of which no one is oblivious, everyone who was born in Peru in the 70s, does not ignore the misery and misfortune that political violence left us.

In order to address this issue, you have to go back in time and analyze part of the Political History of Peru, concentrating on the problems that centralism brings, the poor distribution of wealth, the concentration of power in small economic groups and the multi-ethnological or racial problem that the country and its politicians have yet to solve.

The subject turns out to be very sensitive, since the ideology borrowed from foreign experiences (Russian, Cuban and Chinese Revolution), was applied with the same nuances of violence and warlike excesses of both sides, a mutual terrorism was the "means" that developed both by the members of the terrorist groups as well as by the Peruvian army, which was overwhelmed at first, by pretending to stop this violence and by failing to do so, had to apply the same methods used by these groups.

Currently, the problem is still latent, the terrorist group Sendero Luminoso subsists, as an armed arm of radical leftist ideology, who, allied with drug trafficking, tries again to be the standard bearer of violence in the country, but applying new tactics of social penetration and recruitment of adepts, for which he has the financial means (which gives him drug trafficking) and the military knowledge necessary to prevail in this conflict zone (coca zone in the Monzón valley).

This monograph tries to clarify some still hidden factors that allowed the country to plunge into a social war that has left very deep consequences for all Peruvians, and much more now that the "hidden truth" of some events are beginning to come to light, and that we all shudder to learn of a hidden Peru, which continues to be lethargic and forgotten by our political caste.


Determining the problem is extremely difficult, which is why, for the sake of good understanding, the analysis will be carried out in four stages:

The multi ethnic or indigenous problem

José Carlos Mariategui, in his Seven Essays on Peruvian Reality, touches this point from the social point of view, describes a rural farmer who has always been exploited, who has never been taken into account by the politics of the current rulers; it shows us a peasant without education, malnourished, misunderstood and unreal, but deeply religious; in short, a great social mass kidnapped from their dreams and prostrated to a marginal reality… “the conclusion of the ethnologists who have dogmatized so much about the radical inferiority of the aboriginal race… the republic, living behind the back of the population, is unacceptable and simplistic indigenous, has turned it into a human fauna ” ()

In the 70s, with Velasco in power, an attempt was made to reformulate the country's social structure, with anti-technical measures, such as the Agrarian Reform and other nationalist events that exacerbated the mentality of this peasant mass (), causing popular imbalances with the intention of achieve greater social, economic and political benefits.

This problem has its beginnings since the time of the conquest, where the indigenous man was used as a slave for agricultural work, mineral extraction and other tasks that totally marginalized them in their own territory and in their habitat; It is worth noting that in current times, peasants or indigenous people continue to have restricted access to better living conditions, that is: better education, better access to formal work, better access to justice and participation in the country's politics; All these reasons described have always motivated the large migrations of indigenous people to cities with greater possibilities of development that would allow them to balance their personal development needs, with the capital (Lima) being the one that concentrates the highest percentage of migrants from these rural areas.

Wealth distribution

"The problem of the Earth", as Mariategui called it, is associated with the problem of the distribution of wealth or budgetary differences that the government allocates to the different regions of the country to develop the main sectors that move the economy.

It is known that tax pressure in the country is 25% average; the oil canon since the 1960s, could never be properly distributed and currently the mining canon delays this delivery of resources.

"The Land Problem" or land ownership (), it is not written therefore it is improper to take as reference information that does not have any support. The development of property in the country has more signs of expropriation and this begins from the time of the incan to the badly called Velasco agrarian reform; the taking of property has therefore always been based on the taking of possession by "the new owners" or as compensation for conquests, prizes or sessions of property to the church or some other institution of the state or civil society; it is therefore the time of the great estates and of a great development of agriculture, where the natives were the main human resource for this work; when Velasco assumes the government with the coup d'etat to Fernando Belaunde, he dictates the misnamed Agrarian Reform, which allowed in the short term,the destruction of an agricultural apogee, going from the large latifundio to the minifundio, exchanging one problem for an even worse one, since this ownership session was never legalized with the required land titles; so there are now many indigenous communities with uncertain land ownership and so far little has been done to restructure.

The distribution of wealth, therefore, has nuances of property tenure, property atomization, of a government that cannot determine an appropriate mechanism to better serve the needs of indigenous communities that are excluded from development. common, and therefore a breeding ground for violence and resentment towards ruling politics, as well as the exacerbation of an unconstructive nationalism.

Cocalero problem and drug trafficking

Coca, is the sacred leaf of the Incas, this leaf has always been cultivated for religious purposes and for mass consumption, but also the main input for the production of Cocaine and its derivatives; Peru is together with Bolivia, the main producers of this leaf in the world, the problem of the coca leaf, brings with it a much deeper problem that is based on the development of a local economy, which has allowed many communities indigenous, the development of their communities, there are many families who live from this crop, mainly in jungle areas (Huanuco - Tingo María, Tarapoto - Tocache, Valle del Ene - Junín, among others.

The government, through international agreements since the 1980s, began the eradication of this crop, through techniques of impersonation, fumigation or forced eradication; A general enumeration of the peasants who cultivate this leaf was carried out, with the intention of limiting the expansion of new crops. The government signed the Vienna Treaty, a treaty against the proliferation of drug consumption, and which maintains as its main purpose the eradication and control of supplies linked to the production of narcotics.

In short, the problem of the coca leaf has degenerated into a bigger problem that is drug trafficking or the improper use of the coca leaf in the production of cocaine and its export abroad for its commercialization - this is a very profitable business. and with millionaire figures, and which at the same time generates infinite economic, military and political resources (), current policy has not been able to face this threat, the laws are insufficient due to the increase in the power of drug trafficking and much more painful still it is, the increase of drug addiction in the country, as well as in the nations that consume the production that is made in Latin America ()Therefore, the problem of the coca leaf added to the drug trafficking of the product obtained from it (Cocaine), make up a very accessible and lucrative opportunity to generate economic resources that can be used for other "financing".

Emergence of new ideological trends

"The deepest problems stem from the conflicting interests of reasonable individuals and the opposing demands of different ways of life"… ()

In 1914, Russia was engulfed in a civil war, which resulted in the fall of a European monarchy, and the application of a new political and economic theory, which brought with it the social restructuring of a nation as well as a new approach to partitioning wealth, more "equitable", more controlled (predominance of the state bureaucracy), more hierarchical (governs a political "Bureau") and especially without opponents of the regime (), this new world order, became known as COMMUNISM or Marxism, It was founded by Hegel on his "economic theory", Marx was in charge of adapting it to his reality in his work "Capital" and Lenin put it into practice in his Bolshevik revolution.

The significance of this vision, brought with it after the Second World War, the expansion of this idea or political theory, the iron curtain appears, and the formation of the URRS (Union of Russian Socialist Republics), which covered much of the Asi and continental Europe; almost simultaneously arises in the East (China), the same socialist tendency adapted to a reality much more complicated by the geographical environment, by the problem with Japan for the property of Manchuria, by the military support of the United States, to the republican government of Chiang Kay Cheng, for the Protectorate of England in Hong Kong.

China would later extend its ideological domain to Korea, Nepal, Vietnam and India (which would later give way to the formation of Pakistan (a communist country from its origin).

In Africa, communist movements emerged, but in reality they were militaristic movements that only sought their own benefit, especially taking into account the diversity of ethnic groups that struggled to exercise the government of some republic on this continent.

In Latin America, there were many attempts to adapt this new theory, Cuba succeeded, with other Latin American movements emerging in various countries in search of this ideal, especially instigated in the working class and in a clearly militarized political environment (), which did not allow development of this trend, which had already become a new way of governing (in contrast to liberal democracy).

Summarizing the problem of this study, we have:

"That the causes of terrorist violence in Peru have factors that are supported by its history, the indigenous problem and the legality of property, a deficient distribution of wealth or economic resources obtained, the problem of legality the cultivation of the Coca leaf and the industrialization that drug trafficking makes of this leaf for illicit purposes and the emergence of new political theories in search of generating a better balance between power and the economic development of nations.


General objective

Analyze little-known factors that caused terrorist violence in Peru, in the 1980s until 2000; and under these answers, to be able to predict the continuity of it.

Specific objectives

Determine the persistence of ethnic and political - economic problems.

Make known to the reader a different Peru to which we are used to idealize, a deeper, more sensitive and unknown Peru to which we are indifferent.



Throughout history, attempts have been made to give a name to each and every one of the things, but in the case of Terrorism, there is no homogeneity regarding the concept that it might have, so we have:

According to The Royal Spanish Academy, Dictionary of the Spanish Language

Terror.- Fear, fear, dread of an evil that threatens or a danger that is feared.

Terrorism.- m. Domination by terror // Succession of acts of violence executed to instill terror.

Terrorist.- com. Person in favor of terrorism // Adj. Who practices acts of terrorism

In the analysis of documents, communiqués, works of the different international organizations are used as equivalents or synonyms of terrorism to "armed groups", "irregular group", rebel combatants "," insurgents "," political groups "among others.

I also take Jiménez Bacca as the basis for the definition of terrorism, who affirms that Terrorism is acts of armed violence against the life, health and freedom of people executed in a systematic and planned manner that tend to create a situation of insecurity and of collective danger to alter the constitutional order or the legal organization of the democratic system. In the appearance of terrorism, three ineffable elements appear in every crime of terrorism, which according to Jiménez Baca, should be highlighted.

Teleological or finalist: it is the terrorist intention that seeks to subvert the State. The subversion of the constituted political order can be total or partial.

Psychological or subjective: it consists of the use of terror to alter the constitutional and democratic order of the rule of law and objectively endanger it. It is to provoke or maintain a state of anxiety, alarm or fear. Terror as a modality of action or necessary condition to obtain its objectives. It is the situation created expressly that allows achieving a certain objective through the most varied means. The requirements to achieve fear in the population or part of it are the absence of limits or discrimination in the targets or the victims and unpredictable nature, the terrorist act has to be taken by surprise and clandestinely. This multiplies the effect of terror and anxiety sought. What is important is not terror as an end, but the result, as a modality of action.

The objective element: Includes acts or threats of violence committed by a coercive strategy or method, attempts on life, health, property, freedom. The key to understanding terrorism in any country would come to be its instrumental dimension, its character of strategy and method or tool at the service of an activity defined as criminal, using terror to spread, which has as a common characteristic the use or threat of violence. This means that every act of terrorist violence must use violence in a systematic way or have a structure or system of action, which cannot be an individual or isolated act. It must be carried out by an organization or group with a political project or strategic program. Talking about strategy discards the fact as isolated, incidental or exceptional.The plurality of terrorist acts are not satisfied only with the fact that the active subject, in this case the Shining Path and the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, but that they have to carry out various acts together in such a way that it can be affirmed that they have been systematically verified()

The First Clues

In the year 1980, the first indications of the existence of the Shining Path appear, as an armed faction of the Communist Party of Peru, which seeks to take power under conventional warfare methods, guerrilla warfare, and subversive propaganda.

These beginnings did not presage the magnitude of the event, since it was taken as an anecdote within the electoral process that was culminating (the town of Chuschi - Ayacucho was chosen to initiate this warlike process and confrontation with the centralist structuralist government); Analyzing the issue from a historical point of view, in Ayacucho Peru's independence from the Spanish yoke is sealed, and it is here that the terrorist affront in the country begins.

The terrorist group MRTA (Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement), occurs as a result of the dissent of the paramilitary group Rodrigo Franco, which migrates to a more integrated and clearly distinct group in its fundamentalization of its political objectives; There is no event relevant to its appearance, except for the armed seizure of the city of Jaén and armed attacks on police and military detachments in the country's jungle in 1989.

From these beginnings, we find a common point in these trends, the divorce of the state from a very palpable social reality, which predicted the erosion from its foundations of a political structure crowded with a Lima centralism that consumes almost all the resources obtained by taxes and royalties, and a total failure in the way it is distributed ().

The terrorist propaganda, which spread throughout this area, consisted of ideological proselytizing and apology for terrorism, graffiti on walls, taking of towns and public executions of mayors, police, civilians, teachers and all those who were marked as dangerous to the process; Terror began from this point of view of selective annihilation and penetration from the rural area, with the intention of preparing the capture of the capital.

It is noteworthy that in this first phase, the government did not carry out forceful response actions, while the intelligence services of the armed forces foreshadowed the worst future for the following years.

Within the economic analysis, the country was experiencing the worst of its crises, after Bermúdez handed over the government to democracy and Belaunde took over the government, the country's international relations were deteriorated due to the issue of expropriation or nationalization of oil fields, which caused international aid to decrease and our oil-dependent economy to deteriorate, giving its first signs of recession and inflation, which in those times generated price increases, hoarding, a volatile exchange rate, the increase in state bureaucracy and increased peasant immigration to coastal cities.

In short, the social, economic and political conditions were at their point, waiting for the right moment for the social overflow to break out, first and then the development of terror (); This stage is located between the years 1980 and 1984.

Development of Terror and Government Ineffectiveness

The first actions take place in the Sierra de Ayacucho and the Junín jungle, and then it spreads throughout the central area of ​​the country, that is, Huancavelica, Pasco, Junín, Huanuco and Ayacucho, which became an area liberated by terrorism. and consequently in a politically abandoned area, where government institutions were practically closed and police units and army detachments, entrenched in their barracks and police stations without being able to repel the continuous attack to which they were subjected.

At this stage, the link between drug trafficking and terrorism becomes very evident, since on the one hand the increase in cocaine production increased in these liberated areas, the logistics of terrorist groups increased, in terms of acquisition of military equipment in increase of its proselytizing activities.

Union institutions were taken over in their domes by followers of the Senderista cause (SUTEP, CGTP, among the most important), the stoppages in production were continuous, the attacks on private property and public infrastructure began to take their toll on the GDP national, all this before the peaceful contemplation of our politicians, civil and military authorities.

The selective murders increased and no longer distinguished age or sex, the cocaine-producing areas were virtually taken over by the Senderista groups (the MRTA, also had drug trafficking as a strategic partner), who among them disputed the supremacy of certain areas, In order to collect the quotas that the drug traffickers gave in exchange for protection, in this tribal fight between terrorists, the Shining Path prevailed and fortified by almost eliminating its peers, but after this the slaughter against the indigenous and civilian population continued with increased voracity.

In all this time, no action was seen by the government, which allowed terrorist groups to position themselves strongly in the national context ()

At that time, it was very common to hear news from Ayacucho or some other city in the country's highlands, of attacks, death of mayors, murder of police officers, and others that were not given in the context of the capital or cities. from the coast, it did not interest a large part of the population, especially the capital and its cannibalistic centralism.

The Take

The seizure of Lima by the Shining Path (1990), comes before the fact that the armed forces begin to gain adherents in the country's highlands and jungle, and the control of the formerly terrorist areas by the army begins to be retaken.

Given these facts, Abimale Guzmán, advances his plan to take Lima by its bony flanks by its cones (Villa el Salvador, El Agustino, Comas, San Juan de Lurigancho, among others).

The indoctrination, the selective assassinations of community leaders, the police and the military, the planting and detonation of car bombs in public and private entities, sabotage, kidnapping, extortion, payments of war taxes to companies and businessmen, the taking of universities by part of Senderista militants who proclaimed the apology for terror and the abrupt change in the political structure, and a number of regrettable events that allowed the events that were taking place to give the impression that the state was already taken over and that only the coup was missing end for terrorists to take power by arms.

Another important fact was that the prisons where the captured terrorists were held, became their bastions, where the blows to be delivered in the Capital or elsewhere in the country were planned, in the same way In this way, the judiciary was invaded by the legal apparatus that defended the accused terrorists (), preventing many cases from being executed.

Given all these events, Abimale Guzmán and his dome, moved to Lima, to personally direct the fall of this, but they never told that the police had organized an elite group for their search and capture and that at that time when it was determined that they were in Lima, it became the main objective, within the Fujimori government's anti-terrorist strategy.

At this stage of violence in the country, the congress was dissolved, new anti-terrorist laws were passed, the army took political control of the emergency areas of the mountains and jungle, indigenous communities were armed and became part of Civilian anti-terrorist contingents, anti-terrorist courts led by "faceless judges" were formed to protect magistrates; but the main act of all was the use of military "intelligence" in order to anticipate possible events planned by the hikers.

The fall

Who Was Abimael Guzmán?

Manuel Rubén Abimael Guzmán Reynoso was born in 1934 in Arequipa. In 1953 he entered the Universidad San Agustín de Arequipa where he finished his studies with the title of Bachelor of Humanities and Law. From 1962 he worked as a professor at the San Cristóbal de Huamanga National University, in Ayacucho. In 1963, he was appointed delegate of the Faculty of Social Sciences before the University Council, beginning the work of communist infiltration in said higher center, giving himself time to carry out in parallel the work of catechizing the peasantry of the area.

In 1961, as a delegate of the Revolutionary Workers Party (POR), he was elected a member of the provincial leadership of the Arequipa National Liberation Front, composed mostly of left-wing political parties. In 1969 he formed a group of teachers who opposed the Educational Reform. In June 1969 he was arrested for being the alleged perpetrator of the crimes of outrage against the nation and of representative symbols, attack on the Armed Forces against the Constitutional Order and State security, manufacture, use of weapons and explosives, and damage to the public and private property. In 1971 his presence in Lima was registered. In 1972 he was expelled from the Peruvian Communist Party-Red Flag and the following year he joined the Board of Directors of the Single Union of Education Workers of UNSCH,having been chosen as representative of the Academic Education Program. Since then, he appeared as one of the revolutionary leaders of Ayacucho, at the same time, leader and organizer of the PCP for the Luminous Path of Mariátegui, focusing on studying and spreading the thought of José Carlos Mariátegui and analyzing national and world problems. On January 7, 1979, he was detained by the State Security Directorate for crimes against the Constitutional Authority, Against Public Security, Against Tranquility and Against Heritage, but he managed to get out of prison. On September 12, 1992, he was detained by GEIN-DINCOTE.leader and organizer of the PCP for the Luminous Path of Mariátegui, focusing on studying and spreading the thought of José Carlos Mariátegui and analyzing national and world problems. On January 7, 1979, he was detained by the State Security Directorate for crimes against the Constitutional Authority, Against Public Security, Against Tranquility and Against Heritage, but he managed to get out of prison. On September 12, 1992, he was detained by GEIN-DINCOTE.leader and organizer of the PCP for the Luminous Path of Mariátegui, focusing on studying and spreading the thought of José Carlos Mariátegui and analyzing national and world problems. On January 7, 1979, he was detained by the State Security Directorate for crimes against the Constitutional Authority, Against Public Security, Against Tranquility and Against Heritage, but he managed to get out of prison. On September 12, 1992, he was detained by GEIN-DINCOTE.On September 12, 1992, he was detained by GEIN-DINCOTE.On September 12, 1992, he was detained by GEIN-DINCOTE.

The capture

When the Senderista leader understood that things were not going well in the countryside, he changed his strategy also in the ideological sphere, concentrating the operations of the Shining Path in the cities, which became the main focus of the war, and the countryside, its complement. Guzmán was a prisoner of his own victory, his ability to destroy and displace the State, as part of a strategy of creating political gaps, was greater than his ability to organize the cadres that would fill those gaps. That was the reason why he changed the main axis of the war from the countryside to the cities.

In 1991 the Senderista central committee proclaimed the conquest of the so-called strategic balance. This achievement was considered a historical milestone as important as the start of the armed struggle itself. For the senderistas conceptions the new phase supposed mainly the entrance to the war of movements.

Sendero aimed to increase its operations and complete its strategy with the offensive attack on Lima towards the end of 1992. Its objective was to give an image of chaos and ungovernability abroad that would lead neighboring countries to intervene in Peru.

DINCOTE's capture of Guzmán prevented all this. The Sendero leader was captured without firing a single shot, after months of patient search for intelligence, analysis and surveillance of many suspects who would lead them to Guzmán's hideout.

The terror caused by SL's actions before September 12, 1992, reinforced their feeling of invulnerability, but that was not the only reason for the disasters that would subsequently fall on them. It was clear that a deception strategy was being used by the Peruvian intelligence community. The channel used was the press. First, a rumor was spread two months before the capture of Abimael Guzmán who was in Bolivia; and later the press began to write and speak on this subject for a few weeks. It was obvious that Guzmán must have laughed reading the newspapers and thinking how disoriented the intelligence services were, but in reality this move reinforced his ego and led him to overconfidence, as some authors maintain ()

The Truth Commission and the Terrorist Revival

Is it possible to understand the Shining Path? In public discourse, Sendero is often seen as something indefinable, an insane, irrational group. Others have explained Sendero as the product of structural and persistent violence that afflicts Peruvian society.

After being defeated militarily and politically, the reconstruction of the country began, and with this look more closely at what this internal war left; Common cemeteries were found, where extrajudicially murdered civilians were buried, both by the government or the military and by terrorists (it is necessary to point out that the MRTA, outside the seizure of the embassy of the Ambassador of Japan, and the shooting that argued with the police in the streets of Miraflores in Lima, had no greater terrorist presence in the conflict).

In the government of Alejandro Toledo, given the need to find the necessary answers to so much pain, the "Truth Commission" was formed and later "and Reconciliation" was added.

Reopening the wound was not good, since the commission turned on the sword of Damocles, since in the end I end up extolling the terrorist affront and the military that defended us ended up being the persecuted and the cause of so much pain and destruction.

The handling that this commission had, allowed something unusual, to re-judge the terrorist commanders for the actions that had already been judged by faceless judges; Definitively being a tacit victory to the Senderista cause, this commission went further by classifying them as a guerrilla group, leaving aside the terror they caused since this small term allowed the interpretation that in Peru a civil war was fought and for Therefore, the military actions were supported by the Senderistas side.

These victories on paper, allowed the terrorist phenomenon to re-emerge and has regained strength in its ideology, and today we are beginning to see police murders again, the link between terrorists and drug trafficking (even now terrorists are preparing their own drug), the arrival and penetration of the people is now done under more peaceful means but with the same separatist content that seeks to break the legal order.

In short, terrorism has been recycled and appears with new brilliance and new goals and with the same objectives, and it is up to us to go through this insane experience again ()



The emergence of terrorist movements in Peru in the most depressed areas of the country may be due to the following reasons:

* In these regions there are populations that live in the most complete abandonment by the State, allowing there to be no control or order.

* The few means of communication allowed these towns to be controlled by terrorist organizations, developing their indoctrination policies.

* It allowed terrorists a wide battlefield to face the State, since they knew the terrain better.

* Initially conceive these movements as simple criminals, gangsters or rustlers and not as a social problem that was caused by the low presence of the State and the prevailing centralism in the country.


* Political decision to confront subversion frontally and openly, in all fields of what to do nationally.

* Conditioning of an adequate legal framework, because the government in office used these anti-terrorism laws as political weapons to imprison opponents of the regime or discredit political rivals.

* Functioning of an adequate repentance law, preventing this law from being used as a political weapon.

* Unification of intelligence systems and that it be controlled by the State and not by the military.

* Implementation of the life sentence for proven ringleaders and confessed terrorists, preventing this law from being used as a political weapon.

* Socio-economic attention to the most depressed areas of the country and organization for their self-defense.

* Control and eradication of drug trafficking

* Application of the norms and principles of human rights by the Law Enforcement and the State.


Work: The National Reality

Author: Víctor A. Belaunde

Modern World editions - Paris

November 1930

Work: Popular Overflow and State Crisis - Twenty years later

Author: José Matos Mar

Editorial Fund of the Congress of Peru

Year 2005

Work: Crucial Years

Author: Carlos Burmester Landauro

Editorial Vallejiama of the Cesar Vallejo University of Trujillo

March 1999

Work: The two faces of Liberalism - A new interpretation of liberal tolerance

Author: John Gray

Editorial Paidos Ibérica SA Spain

Year 2001

Documentary of the National Geografic Chanel

Real Films: Shining Path

Issued on Saturday June 30, 2007

From 12 a.m. to 3 p.m.


See in the work of Víctor A. Belaunde, La Realidad Nacional, editorial Nuevo Mundo - Paris 1930, pages 24 - 25.

Understand as "indigenous mass" rural peasants, mining workers, farm workers, among the most representative.

The ownership of the Earth, according to the historical process, according to Mariategui

It is known that drug trafficking, due to the economic resources it generates, acquires properties, illegally enters money into the economy of nations, determining variations in the exchange rates of national currencies with respect to the Dollar (reference currency), has been militarized with the acquisition of “soldiers” and military equipment to defend themselves against governments and the law; the most dangerous thing is that it has been able to infiltrate politics and therefore participates in the legislation of nations.

Latin America is a very active area of ​​drug trafficking, Colombian, Mexican, Chinese, Russian, Italian cartels operate among the most important.

See John Gray's The Two Sides of Liberalism - A New Interpretation of Liberation Tolerance; translated by Mónica Salomón, editions Paidos - Ibérica SA year 2001; page 118

The selective elimination of political opponents of the communist regime is known, from Lenin and with greater force with Stalin, which strengthened the permanence in power of one of the bloodiest regimes in the history of that nation.

In the 50s to 70s, Latin America experienced the predominance of military governments, Peru was no exception (Benavides, Odría, Velasco, Bermúdez).

See Thesis: Terrorist Violence in Peru, the Shining Path and the International Protection of Human Rights - Concept of TERRORISM, taken from the author JIMENEZ BACCA, Benedicto; of his work: Beginning, Development and Sunset of Terrorism in Peru Volume I Page 13

The terms of interaction between official Peru and the "other society" that emerges, re-modify for the benefit of the latter and its representatives… street and extralegal commerce, industries that do not pay taxes or patents… guerrillas, terrorists and "liberated areas"… Official Peru will not be able to impose its conditions again, it must enter into dialogue with the masses in overflow, to favor the true integration of its emerging institutions in the emerging Peru. See José Matos Mar's work: Popular Overflow and State Crisis - 20 years later. Editorial Fund of the Congress of Peru, year 2005, from 105 to 107.

Society is a constellation of powers, qualitatively and quantitatively differentiated according to the magnitude of the social groups and the instruments they control, of the strength they have, of the social, economic or cultural or orthodox provisions they pursue and of the means of influence the conduct of others even against their will. See in Carlos Payt's work, in his book: Political Science and Information Science; taken as text in Carlos Burmester's work: Years Crucial, Trujillo 1999; page 80.

All these facts appear as factors that show the contradiction in which this transformation takes place: the rise of the masses in the face of the confusion of the ruling classes and the inability of the state to "put things in order" and to channel the life of the country into a legitimate consensual framework that meets the new national aspirations. See José Matos Mar's work: Popular Overflow and State Crisis - Twenty years later; on popular overflow and crisis of the state. 1984 °, page 18 and 19.

The annihilation of Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers was intensified in this part of the operation by Lima; In this way, it was possible to break the processes and extend the sentences for the terrorist commanders; by sowing terror in the Judges and Prosecutors, it was possible to prevent the exercise of justice, since there was no one to judge these characters, being an evident victory for the terrorists.

See, Documentary of the National Geografic Chanel; Real Films: Shining Path

Issued on Saturday June 30, 2007; From 12 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Shining Path is offered as a concrete and evident sample of political informality. It distances itself in ideology and strategy, and openly repudiates the formality of the existing revolutionary parties. It questions the entire established order and the same semantic codes in which the formal ideological debate is expressed… the uniqueness of its actions can only be understood within the frame of reference proposed by the new society in turbulent growth. See in José Matos del Mar's work: Popular Overflow and State Crisis - Twenty years later; pages 66 and 67.

Causes of terrorist violence in Peru