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Causes of addictions in adolescents at the high school level

Table of contents:


This research consists of knowing the causes of young people who decide to take the path of addictions in the stage of their adolescence, taking the sample at the baccalaureate level only in the specialty of communication, where the cases of addictions are more frequently repeated, both in the groups to graduate as in the groups just registered to the campus. It could be said that the characteristics of communication experts consist of socializing in large quantities and expressing themselves as they see fit, confusing this type of characteristics with wanting to harm their health by ingesting addictive substances.

The world health organization has established that addictions is an incurable disease, since the patient can relapse at any time, this is because the body knows the sensations when consuming them.

Addictions are currently reflected as a social problem, more and more people who consume or have tried the drug from 2 to 5 times, because their social circle offered it or because they knew "new experiences", which they did not We can discard the lack of parental attention that is held towards the children, just as society is seen as the main causes for which young people are forced to consume these addictive substances.

By means of a survey, observation and analysis we will be able to verify the hypothesis presented in said document, however they will be subjective results, since the sample is small for research. But they are results that can be closer to the truth, since in each campus and in adolescents they go through the same situations.


Problem Statement

In the society of the 21st century we can find ourselves in a stronger problem related to addictions in all kinds of ages. However, it arises at a specific age "adolescents" where they lack identity and maturity fall into this type of social circles where they allow themselves to be enveloped and start consuming substances harmful to the body.

Time passes and social rules change, in today's century, women are allowed to work, including being the person who supports and maintains the house as well as the family. In most of our country, both parents go out to work long hours to live modestly in the face of this ruling society, in addition to the high prices that change from day to day. Because both parents neglect their children, they do not give them the necessary attention that our young people need, in most cases young people suffer from some type of emotional conflict, including bullying, and parents go unnoticed without their realizing it. what happened in the life of his son, if the adolescents look for the way to approach the parents, these are rejected due to the lack of time and the exhaustion that the father's job generates,the son does not let off steam and looks for easier outings, including feeling "happy" for a moment when ingesting some kind of substance that alters his emotions.




Raise awareness in the parents of adolescents and intervene in young people with the types of diseases that are generated in addiction.


  • That parents pay more attention to their children. Know the causes that the adolescent tries to ingest addictive substances. Know the consequences that addictions generate in young people. Adolescents are prepared for this stage in their life.



Upon reaching the upper middle stage, young people believe that they are capable of managing themselves, even being the ones who can direct their own lives, however, they lack identity as well as personality, so they are not able to decide at that time (not to be sure of what you want) This is due to the lack of maturity so they do not measure the consequences and what this entails facing. In this way they make non-viable decisions in their life, including addictions, which is a dark path of an incurable disease (according to the World Health Organization).

If the teenager chooses to take this path, the whole family is affected, even if there is a family fissure.

In the consequences of the adolescent his academic performance in the institution is affected, including that if he is discovered in his baccalaureate he will be expelled without any consideration for the adolescent without taking into account that the student is ill before being specifically an addict, so then we ran into people called by society "bagos" "gangsters" "criminals" among others, without stopping to analyze why they are in that situation, they are people who have had their academic doors closed and even family doors and they were not given the opportunity to get ahead with this disease called "addiction"

We are in a country with more crime, where we suffer from assaults, murders, kidnappings, robberies, etc. Most of these people who engage in these types of activities were not given opportunities to excel in society and to earn their own merits.

Each family grows with different values ​​and instills different morals, which is why the type of education they receive at home from the moment they are part of it interferes with adolescents.


Theoretical framework

According to the World Health Organization the term Addiction is an "incurable" physical and emotional illness.

Addiction is a primary disease, which affects the brain, consisting of a set of characteristic signs and symptoms.

The origin of addiction is multifactorial involving biological, genetic, psychological, and social factors.

Studies show that there are neurochemical changes involved in people with addictive disorders and that there is also a biogenetic predisposition to develop this disease.

Addiction is a treatable disease and recovery is possible.

Here is a series of documents that contain more information about the nature of the disease of addiction

The Addiction Syndrome

The typical symptoms and signs of addictive disease that describe this disease clinically.

Addiction is a Primary Disease

The paradigm of addiction as a primary disease is of utmost importance to understand the dynamics of the addict and to be able to intervene appropriately.

Definition of Addiction

A generic definition that aims to explain the disease in a comprehensive way, outlining the unified model of addictions.

Causes of Addiction

The etiology of addiction is complex in nature, becoming the result of multiple bio-psycho-social factors that interact in a complex way.

The Evolution of the Addictive Process

Addiction is a process over time that goes through various stages and whose characteristics change according to the severity of the problem.

Classification of Addictions

A classification that is consistent with the unified model of addictions, dividing them into two main groups: those of ingestion and those of behavior.

The Addict's Brain

The neurochemistry of addiction is much clearer now because of research done in recent years. The mesolimbic system is attributed the locus of addictive disorder.

The Delusional System

The negation, self-deception and distortions of thought typical of addiction make up a well-nourished delusional system that traps the addict in a circle of progressive deterioration.

The addiction is completely treatable, however, it becomes a totally incurable disease, since the addict can go for days or even years without consuming any type of addictive substance, but he is in a risk zone where he can relapse at any time, this is due to The body knows the effects of consuming the substance, so it can request to re-consume any type of drug, forgetting all the steps that it took to recover.

There are different types of administration, addiction and substances that adolescents can take to feel better, such as:

  • Injectable Oral Smoked Inhalable

And the types of drugs according to their effects on the nervous system are:

  • Stimulants: Cocaine, tobacco, methamphetamines, ecstasy Depressants: Solvents, heroin, marijuana, alcohol Hallucinogens: Ecstasy

Factors with which consumption is associated

Availability and use of substances

35% of adolescents reported that it was easy for them to obtain drugs, 21% of men and 10% of women had actually been offered drugs. 67% of the men and 57% of the women who had used drugs said that a friend had given them to them for the first time, 18% of the men and 40% of the women had obtained the drug for the first time from a relative, 6 and 4% respectively, a partner

from school, and only 5% of males, and no females, reported that they had obtained it from a vendor.

Social tolerance and substance use

In general there is little social tolerance for drug use, more than 90% of men and women stated that their parents, and 83 and 91% that their friends would see badly if they used drugs; The Perception about the acceptance of consumption among young people is higher, 38% of men and the same proportion of women considered that young people generally see well or, with indifference, consumption. However, when analyzing the relationship between the perception of acceptance and drug use, interesting differences are found, the use being more frequent when the child perceives social acceptance of drug use; only 3% of those who perceive little tolerance in their parents agreed to use drugs, compared to 14% of those who perceive tolerance;the same trend is observed in relation to tolerance by close friends, 1.8 and 5.2% between men and women, respectively.

Consumption in the immediate environment and drug use

1.8% of male adolescents confirmed that their father used drugs, 0.2% was the mother, and 2.1% recognized a brother as a consumer. Women reported similar rates of drug exposure in their immediate environment; the indices between these were 1.1, 0.5 and 2.4%, respectively. When this occurs, the child is more likely to experiment with drugs, so it is more likely that a child will try drugs when she knows that her father uses them and will continue to use them after having experimented with them. When the mother is the substance abuser, the risk of the child experiencing also increases. Siblings are the most powerful influence, 15.7% of minors whose siblings were drug users had experienced them and 8.8% continued use, compared to only 2 and 0.7% of those who did not have sibling users. Use among friends is also an important producer of consumption, 12.7% of men and 9.3% of women reported that their friends used substances; 9.4% of those whose best friend used drugs had themselves experimented with them, compared to only 1.5% of those whose best friend did not use them.

Risk perception and substance use

In general, young people perceive that it is risky to use substances, 76% of men and 80% of women indicated that using marijuana or cocaine was dangerous. The most important reasons given by non-users for not having used drugs were considering that it could be harmful to health (40 and 43%) and that they were not interested (28 and 32%); the fear of having problems with parents ranked third (11 and 9%), while the perception of illegality (0.5 and 0.2%) is not an important factor.

Risk perception is a factor that little affects the adolescent's decision to experiment with drugs; 2.6% of experimenters considered using drugs to be dangerous, compared to 2.6% who stated that it was not. However, this variable is important to stop the use of minors after having experimented; Those who considered that using drugs was very dangerous presented consumption frequencies 3.8 times lower.

Study, work and drug use

School attendance continues to have a considerable influence on consumer practices; While 5.9% of minors who did not attend school had used one or more drugs, this occurred only in 2.2% of those who attended school. Similarly, 84% of the men and 69% of the women who had used drugs did poorly in school. However, school attendance is only a protective factor for boys; since of those who attend only 2.9% use drugs, while those who no longer attend use 11.4%. Compared to women, of those who study 1.3% use drugs, and the percentage is very similar for those who no longer study: 0.8%. Children who work and receive a salary experimented more frequently with drugs, 5.2%,compared to those who had not worked (1.8%); similarly, 1.3 and 0.8% had used drugs on more than five occasions.

Emotional problems and substance use

One in five adolescents surveyed reported symptoms of depression, although drug use and the depressive symptom scale were measured separately, it was observed that the presence of this symptom was associated with drug experimentation, thus 5.2% of those by Above the cut-off point of the scale they reported having experimented with substances, compared to only 1.6% of those without symptoms of depressive emotional distress. Those who presented these symptoms more frequently continued using the drugs once the consumption began. 1.34% of adolescents interviewed said they had attempted suicide; This rate was five times higher among those who used drugs and had a five times higher incidence among those who reported having problems with alcohol or drugs.

Predictions of experimentation, continued use, and drug problems

No use vs. experimental use

Logistic regression analysis showed that being a male increased the risk of using drugs 2.87 times and not studying 2.06 times. The age, having worked or the education of the head of the family were not significant predictors to differentiate those young people who do not use drugs, from those who decide to experiment. The perception of risk or social tolerance in the family did not change the individual's decision, however, the risk of experiencing increases 1.89 times when it is easy for them to get drugs, 1.69 times when the best friend did not disapprove of consumption, 2.69 times when friends used them and 3.78 times when they were used by a family member. Finally, the fact that the young person experienced emotional problems that denoted depression was an important factor and whose presence increased 3.22 times the risk of experiencing drugs.

No use vs. continued use

When comparing the populations of non-users with those of drug users, it is found that the perception of availability (2.80 with an interval of 1.12-7.00), the consumption of drugs in the family (7.60; public health of Mexico / vol.45, supplement 1 of 2003 S23 Drug use among adolescents ORIGINAL ARTICLE 2.73-21.15), drug use among friends (5.89; 2.50-13.85), high perception of risk (4.83; 2.11-11.06) and being male (10.24; 3.4-30.86) differentiate those adolescents who do not use drugs from those who continue using them after experiencing its effects.

Experimental use vs continued use

The step from experimentation to continued use was determined by the perception that parents would not see use wrong (8.04; 1.16-55.74), that adolescents did not perceive that using drugs was dangerous (3.95; 1.38-11.29) and that were male (5.54; 1.27-24.10).

Use with problems vs. use without problems

The only variable that was significant to differentiate those adolescents who reported never having been hospitalized for drug use, not having been arrested or assaulted after having been consuming or who did not wish to consume fewer drugs, from those who reported at least one of These problems were not perceiving risk associated with drug use (3.81; 1.43-10.16).


  • Develop social skills that allow you to reject the invitation to consume a drug. Provide truthful information about the risk of consuming tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, according to age. Promote values ​​and relationships of mutual support. Seek that the behavior of adults be consistent; That what is said corresponds to what is done. Establish clear rules and limits within the family, regarding the use and disposal of toxic substances. Allow and promote the expression of feelings with an affectionate and open attitude. Strengthen the self-esteem of young people, as well as their autonomy, achievement of goals and life projects. Motivate attachment to school and the development of study habits. Promote the interest and participation of parents in the activities of their children.Be alert to the presence of risks, signs and symptoms of drug use. Seek professional assistance in case of drug use.


Kind of investigation

The research that will be carried out in the baccalaureate will only be in the communication specialty implementing the "quantitative" research method to be able to identify through surveys where the causes for which adolescents are forced to choose the path of addictions.

However, the type of qualitative research is carried out, since the behaviors and behavior of young people in this specialty have been observed at the baccalaureate level, as well as the reprisals that the parents and guardians of the teenagers.


For what can be visually identified in adolescents who consume this type of substance, they are for 2 strong reasons

  • The family: if the family is going through or even undergoes a disintegration, where the young person is going through some type of mourning, that he can visualize himself, without attention, support and even affection can be factors in deciding to ingest substances to his body. Society: Currently we live in a liberal society, even more so being in the city of Cancun where it is a source of drug addiction, where we are surrounded by circumstances of this type, where the teenager has any type of substance at hand.

If the adolescent is surrounded by these types of people or their social circle, it is most likely that they will be surrounded and cornered until they make the decision to ingest the substance in order to be accepted by their social circle in which they are related. (This can be friends from school, from the street and even family).

Student survey

Who maintains your home?

a) Dad b) Mom c) Both d) Other: ___________________________

How long do you spend with your parents a day?

a) 3 hrs b) 2 to 1 hrs c) Less than 1 hr

Your parents. Are they aware of your homework and school activities?

a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes

You tell your problems to:

a) Dad b) Mom c) Both d) Neither e) Other

Are you accepted by your social circle?

a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes

Have they told you to do something to be accepted in that social circle?

a) Yes b) No

Would you be willing to do what your "friends" asked you not to be ridiculed or accepted by them?

a) Yes b) No c) It depends what they ask you

Have you ever tried substances that harm your body?

a) Yes b) No

Would you try some kind of addictive substance?

a) Yes b) No c) Probably

Reasons why you may find yourself sad:

  1. Lack of attention from my parents Poor performance in school Fighting with my boyfriend (a) Not being able to go out with my friends


Data collection

Graph No 1: It reflects that currently not only the father works, but most of them are both.

Graph No. 2: We can see that parents live long enough with young people, however it is not quantity but quality that is most important.

Graph No. 4: The father is a distant counselor towards the son, in most families the children do not have the specific trust of the parents.

Graph No. 8: We can say that a third of the high school student population has used addictive substances (drugs).

Graph No 9: The survey shows that most of the student population would not try substances of this type, however a large number affirm that they would.

Graph No. 10: The answers to the question are balanced, the young people affirm that the saddest thing is to leave them without going out with their friends, however another number mentions that it saddens them the most not to have a communication with their parents.

Analysis of data

We can see that in most of the survey that was applied to high school boys in the communication specialty, both parents work so that the house is unoccupied most of the time, so they cannot be aware of the children, and having the time to give it to them, they dedicate it only to rest for the long days of work and full days they carry out in their work area.

The data that was collected is not exclusive to the survey; it takes a whole four-month period observing and analyzing communication youth from the youngest to the oldest in school.

It is a large number of young people who consume addictive substances in the adolescence stage for the following reasons:

  • For feeling new experiences (curiosity) For problems at home (divorces, lack of attention, among others) To be accepted by your social circle For emotional conflicts For lack of money

These points are the most important for adolescents, for them it is very important to be accepted by their social circle and friends with whom they are surrounded, in most cases to demonstrate before them that they are brave even to stand out and call the Attention (being popular) they do, without first thinking about the consequences that this entails.

Today's families are dysfunctional families, where we can visualize that mom and dad work or in their case only mom is the one who contributes the economic income making this a communication barrier with young people today, parents can think that working more to have a better income and that the children do not lack anything, it is the best way to educate them and get them ahead, but we forget that the most important thing is the quality of time that we dedicate to the family, as well as the values ​​that they are instilled in young people, who will define him as a person and as a human being.

Parents are wrong when they think that by paying for a private school, teachers will be in charge of educating students and instilling the values ​​that they should have formed from home.

The values ​​that the human being may have begins to form from birth, in the education that is carried from a young age and in the way of teaching parents towards the baby, when the child enters kindergarten at 4 or 5 years home education will be reflected in the classroom.

Another reason is the emotional conflicts that young people go through at this stage, since lacking identity they allow themselves to be influenced and manipulated by older people or who have gone through the same thing, making them think that it is the solution to their problems, that for a moment things are forgotten and he will be happy, this is due to the alteration of the neurotransmitters in the brain, so they make the teenager feel pleasure and relaxation.


The results of this research are subjective, it is not a 100% proven result, since the tests were made on a small population in 1 high school in the city of Cancun Quintana Roo.

By the data that the students and parents threw in the research we live in a very updated and accelerated century (more in the place where we are) where everything that surrounds the young person is emotionally and psychologically damaging, from his family, school, teachers and even his friends. Where his lack of personality affects him and he lets himself be managed and influenced by any emotional downturn he may have, and in order to feel better he looks for easy ways out such as addictions.

Parents, upon learning of such events from their children, refuse to accept it and put themselves in a position of absolute denial, where they deny that their child can do such acts, without analyzing and verifying why the teenager was forced to do what he did., the young man may have addicted friends but if his values ​​are well founded, when they invite or offer him he can be prepared to say "NO" which is what often happens with young people, in order to get along well with their "Friends" pose as brave ingesting any type of addictive substance even if it is the cause of giving their body.

The path of any addiction is a long and complicated path, both for the addict and for his family, since from the moment he begins to ingest the substance his family enters the circle of addiction, recovery is completely difficult but with Support from loved ones and professional help could recover. It is said that in addictions "No one enters alone and no one can leave alone".


  • Journalistic Electronic Publishing: Drug Use Among Adolescents: Results of the National Survey of Addictions, 1998
  • Non-journalistic publications:
  1. 2013, Drugs? Better Know!, AC Youth Integration Center of Cancun, Quintana Roo. SEPDSM-IV diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, Tomas de Flores i Formenti, Barcelona: Masson c1996
  • Electronic Document: http://www.adicciones.org/index.html - Dr. Saúl Alvarado

www.adicciones.org/enfermedad/index.html - Dr. Saúl + Alvarado (addiction doctor)

Medina-Mora ME, Cravioto P, Villatoro J, Fleiz C, Galván-Castillo F, Tapia-Conyer R.

Drug use among adolescents: results of the National Survey of Addictions, 1998.

Salud Publica Mex 2003; 45 Suppl 1: S16-S25.

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Causes of addictions in adolescents at the high school level