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Causes of increased alcohol consumption in women in the capital of San Luis Potosí, 1995-2014

Table of contents:



In the following lines, the most relevant causes that have caused the increase in alcohol consumption in women in the Capital of San Luis Potosí in the last ten years can be found, according to the study carried out.

In this article, it will be possible to find, in the same way, the most frequent age at which they begin to consume this substance, how habitual such consumption is and the consequences that each interviewee has faced, whether in their family, work or social environment.

According to the hypothesis formed at the beginning of this investigation and according to the references investigated, it is determined that it is for reasons of imitating a pattern of behavior similar to that of a head of the family, due to economic independence, and the social context in which lives, once the measurement instrument has been applied according to the methodology according to this research, the above-mentioned conjecture is verified.


In the last 10 years, the consumption of alcohol in women from the capital of San Luis Potosí has ​​increased, reaching the same levels of consumption as the male gender, which is why research is conducted to find out and / or know the causes that have originated such an increase.

In order to be able to know the causes, we rely on different references from specialists on the subject such as: Potosino Youth Institute

"It is estimated that in San Luis Potosí 14 years is the average age when alcohol is started to be consumed and it is women who consume the greatest amount."

(INPOJUVE, 2012)

"The situation of alcohol drinkers in the state is more present in the capital of Potosí; It is a multifactorial behavior, such as family, individual factors, low self-esteem, problems in the couple, where the person usually considers alcohol as a reinforcer, a way to give way to their problem, with the false idea that drinking alcohol his mood is going to change. "


Based on these references, the survey was designed to determine the number of the study population based on the information consulted in INEGI, applying the formula resulted in surveying 384 women between the ages of 14 to 40 years, and this is how the field work of this social research begins, applying surveys in strategic places in the Capital of San Luis Potosí, which gives us as a result different causes for which the consumption of alcohol by women has increased. In the last 10 years, to mention some causes has been for economic independence, for the social context and for imitating a pattern of head of the family.

Within our objectives is to identify the main reasons that have led to the increase in alcohol consumption in women, from the Capital of San Luis Potosí in the last 10 years, to provide information about the consequences and risks of this consumption, raising awareness to receive help from specialists in the field.

Specific objectives

  • Check the hypothesis established in the social study Provide information about specialists in the subject.

The choice of this research arises from the concern of why the increase in alcohol consumption in the last 10 years is a topic that is rarely talked about, however it is of great importance, therefore appropriate attention should be devoted to it., since every day the consumption of alcohol in women of the Capital of San Luis Potosí has ​​increased reaching the same levels of consumption as the masculine gender, and with this trigger other social problems that directly affect the development of a society with values ​​and principles, but above all, patterns of behavior are created for future generations.


We know that as time goes by, every society undergoes changes, both economic, cultural and political, as a result of this the so-called female liberation originated, where women took important roles in society but with this also various activities that in previous years only corresponded to them to the masculine gender, acquiring with these new customs and habits.

This originates today a problem that afflicts an entire society, in this case the object of study is the capital of the state of San Luis Potosí the subject of study "The increase in alcohol consumption in women"

The hypothesis in our research was that the main factor that gives rise to this problem is that of imitating a pattern of behavior similar to that of a head of the family, due to economic independence and the social context in which one lives.

In order to verify our hypothesis, our main objective was to identify the main reasons that have led to the increase in alcohol consumption in women, in the Capital of San Luis Potosí.

One of our main references was the research carried out at the Potosino Youth Institute, by the director of the Imelda Fabiola Salazar Martínez Institute, who mentions “In San Luis Potosí, 50 percent of young women are prone to alcoholism, turning been in one of the entities with the highest female alcoholism in the entire country.

(INPOJUVE, 2012)

"It is estimated that in San Luis Potosí 14 years is the average age when alcohol is started to be consumed and it is women who consume the greatest amount."

(The pulse San Luis Potosi, 2013)

“Alcohol consumption for women is an emotional discharge, whether they are family, work or affective problems; in this substance they find a facilitator of communication, open the possibility of establishing new relationships or ties, other kinds of experiences; this behavior has to do with hedonism, the pleasure of the immediate, the possibility of evading a series of situations in reality that are stressful, "stressed the teacher.


Finally, he mentioned that intense work is needed from health institutions through social programs so that society is clear about the effects of alcohol consumption and abuse, from physical deterioration, organic, digestive, liver and system problems. central nervous.

(Secretary of Health, 2014)

“People can be socially dysfunctional and have problems such as job loss, since it is in the adolescence-young adult stage where alcohol consumption occurs, and that is where the subject is most productive; It is important to carry out prevention campaigns from an early age, because alcohol consumption in Mexico has spread to children; it is worrying, it has been detected that of every 10 minors who consume it 3 are girls ”.

(Elsevier, 2015)

«There is a need for a health policy, family education programs and for this to fulfill a role of accompaniment and support; not an inquisitive vigilance, but an authentic concern to know what their children do, with whom they meet, what social practices they use, and in those cases where the problem is already present, give psychological support, and that the Government supports more this branch of health, since of the budget allocated to health this year, only 1 percent was given in the psychological area ”.


The president of the Health and Social Assistance Commission maintained that alcohol abuse is among the main risk factors associated with chronic non-communicable diseases.

In the framework of the Twentieth National Week of Information and Alcoholism "Sharing Efforts", to be held from January 19 to 25, the legislator maintained that the Mexican Central General of General Services of Alcoholics Anonymous, AC, a member of the World Services of Alcoholics Anonymous, has recognized the growing problem of alcoholism in youth and women.


The average age of onset in alcoholism is around 14 years of age, which is serious since according to statistics from this organization from a decade ago, it is observed that it was not frequent to attend patients under 30 years of age.

(HERRERA, 2012)

Design of the investigation

Each type of design has particular characteristics so each one is different from any other and it is not the same to select one type of design than another. The effectiveness of each of them depends on whether it really fits the research being done. Experimental designs are typical of quantitative research, while non-experimental designs are applied in both approaches.

(Methodology 02)

Correlational / causal cross-sectional designs: They are those in which the causes and effects have already occurred in reality and the researcher observes and reports them.

(Methodology 02)

The object to investigate applies with this type of design because it is a phenomenon that constantly occurs in society, therefore the causes and effects are already known, the only thing the researcher does in this regard is to observe and report the responses that This case was to answer a questionnaire that is only focused on women in the capital of San Luis Potosí, to later code, tabulate and analyze the causes that have led to the increase in alcohol consumption over 10 years.

Kind of investigation

The measurement instrument that was carried out is a questionnaire because it can be obtained relatively quickly, data on the variables that you want to know and due to the fact that they are easy to answer, they are easy to analyze and compare, they can be administered to a considerable number of people and its application is inexpensive.



Objective: To identify the causes that have caused the increase in alcohol consumption in women in the capital of San Luis Potosí in the last 10 years to provide information about the consequences and risks of this consumption, raising awareness that they receive help from specialists. in the subject.

Date: __________

Name: ___________________________________________

Age________ Marital Status: ________________

1. Have you ever consumed alcohol?

() Yes__ () No___ Finish the survey

2. At what age did you start consuming alcohol and why?


3. How often do you consume alcohol and why?


4. Have you ever tried to stop drinking for a week or longer without being able to meet the deadline?


5. Have you had any problems related to drinking in the last year?


6. Has your drinking caused difficulties in your home?


7. Are you trying to get "extra" drinks at parties, for fear of not having enough?


8. Have you been absent from work, university or college in the last year because of drinking?


9. Have you ever had "mental gaps" (forgetting acts done) because of drinking?


10. Have you ever thought that you could lead a better life if you didn't drink?



Information sources

Information sources refer to various types of documents that contain useful data to satisfy a demand for information or knowledge.

Knowing, distinguishing and selecting the appropriate information sources for the work being carried out is part of the research process.

(Library training index)

The number of women in the Capital of San Luis Potosí was investigated, to know what the number of surveys to be applied would be, to determine this indicator the calculation was made using the NETQUEST online program.

Increased alcohol consumption of women in San Luis Potosí Mexico

(NETQUEST, 2006)

Population: 310,000 women in the state of San Luis Potosí

Ages to investigate: 14 to 40 years

(INEGI, 2005)

"It is estimated that in San Luis Potosí 14 years is the average age when alcohol is started to be consumed and it is women who consume the greatest amount." (INFORMATIVE, 2013)

Lilian del Morán indicated that the Temazcalli institute has increased the number of inmates by 40 percent in the last year; and according to the data provided by the interviews carried out with each attached woman, the main reasons why they started drinking alcohol are intra-family violence, sexual abuse or because of experiencing and being included in social groups. (Hugo Laussin, 2014)

Based on the last point, we formulated a measurement instrument called a questionnaire, which we would apply to various strategic points in our capital, such as public and private universities, the historic center, shopping centers, as well as companies in the industrial zone.

In this measurement instrument, data on the variables or factors that you want to know and due to the fact that they are easy to answer, analyze and compare were obtained relatively quickly.

At the time the information obtained in the surveys was emptied, we continued to review it, in which we obtained it quantitatively.


The results of the application of the research instruments are reflected in the following table, which shows the percentages obtained from each of the responses.

The interpretation of the results of the surveys yields relevant data that help to fulfill the objective of this research, this being the fundamental part to be able to support a response to the question asked.

Tabulation of results

Increased alcohol consumption of women in San Luis Potosí Mexico


The result obtained in this social investigation indicates that the increase in alcohol consumption in women in the Capital of San Luis Potosí begins from a very early age, that is, at 14 years of age, it is the average age when they start consuming this substance mainly out of curiosity. and due to different factors that have influenced the making of this decision, among the most relevant responses are: female liberation, economic independence, by imitating a pattern of head of the family or simply for personal pleasure.

In addition to the workload, the role of Father and Mother that some women play today, the social context that surrounds us, since it is very common to see women in alcohol sales establishments such as bars, clubs, meetings from friends or family etc. To the degree that we come to see it as normal because it has not been taken due importance, either by giving talks on the subject with experts, in schools and jobs, in order to raise awareness about the consequences that any drinker could face.

Cultivate principles and values ​​within the family circle since that is where the bases are formed to determine the decisions that will be faced in the future.


  • QUESTIONNAIRE / aut. OWN PRODUCTION. - SAN LUIS POTOSI:, 2015.http: //cuentame.inegi.org.mx/monografias/informacion/slp/poblacion/ / aut. INEGI // http://cuentame.inegi.org.mx/monografias/informacion/slp/poblacion/. - INEGI, FEBRUARY 12, 2005. - MARCH 7, 2015. - http://cuentame.inegi.org.mx/monografias/informacion/slp/poblacion/.http://pulsoslp.com.mx / aut. The San Luis Potosi pulse // http://pulsoslp.com.mx. - Miguel R. Valladares Garcia, October 20, 2013. - March 7, 2015.http: //www.elsevier.es/ / aut. Elsevier // http://www.elsevier.es/. - JANUARY 13, 2015. - MARCH 17, 2015.http: //www.inprf.gob.mx/ / aut. Secretary of Health // http://www.inprf.gob.mx/. - Alejandro Ortiz, March 18, 2014. - March 16, 2015. - http://www.inprf.gob.mx/.http://www.netquest.com / aut. NETQUEST // http://www.netquest.com.- 2006. - MARCH 7, 2015. - http: //www.netquest.com.METODOLOGÍA DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN / aut. ROBERTO HERNÁNDEZ SAMPIERI. - NEW YORK: McGraw-Hill, 2003. - Vol. 3.
Causes of increased alcohol consumption in women in the capital of San Luis Potosí, 1995-2014