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External causes of student dropout in an engineering degree, utslp

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In the Technological University of San Luis Potosí, there are two mixed modalities: the TSU and the engineering modality, these were created in order for the student to study and at the same time work, in order to be able to conclude a degree, however Despite the fact that the institution offers this option, many students drop out of careers, the University already has statistics on the percentage of students who do so, and one of the people in charge of this is Professor Israel Serrato, if they are causes that the regulation It marks it as temporary withdrawal, definitive withdrawal or temporary absence permission, that has already been registered, but in external causes it was not identified what they were, thanks to this investigation they became known.


  • Mixed modalities Drop out External causes


University training is an opportunity and an experience that students want to live, together with different ways of thinking, interpersonal relationships; also where you can acquire skills and abilities, developing individual skills.

Today, within the Technological University of San Luis Potosí, a problem has been arising due to the losses that occur in the Career of Engineering in Development and Business Innovation; that is why a Qualitative Investigation will be carried out in which it is intended to carry out a diagnosis that allows identifying the external cause of the dropouts of the students.

In addition to identifying what supports the student needs to be able to continue with their studies.


The hypothesis that exists on this research topic is that students drop out due to lack of time due to the workload, if some have children or already have a family, it also influences, since it absorbs them a lot of time or lack of resources since some of the students are already independent, support their children or their family and do not have extra financial support other than their salary, which is often not enough to cover their expenses and be paying the school.


This research is carried out with the purpose of knowing what is the main reason that students withdraw from the institution either due to lack of time, or because they are no longer allowed to work.

By doing this, the school will be able to implement an effective solution to the problem and thus decrease the casualties, which are very frequent in all Engineering careers, not only in the Development in Business Innovation career, this will help the students and the institution, as well more will be able to be titled and not only half of those who enter.

It is not intended to modify the regulations if not to find the first reason why students withdraw either due to lack of time or because the company where they work no longer allows them to continue, there are many reasons for speculation.

Research objectives

General objective

Carry out the analysis at the Technological University of San Luis Potosí in the career of Engineer in Development in Business Innovation, which allows identifying the causes external to the school of student dropouts.

Specific objectives

Analyze the external causes for which students withdraw from the University.

  • Verify what is the most common cause of dropouts at school Identify what supports the student needs to continue in the institution.


The Technological University does not have the certainty that students of Engineering in Development and Business Innovation drop out of their studies, for external reasons such as lack of time, family matters or because work is not allowed, it is necessary to know the reasons to be able to help students to combat this problem.




The author Carl Heyel (1963) (asks the previous question, and establishes that “time, or more properly the lack of time, appears as one of the most pressing problems of management, according to the results obtained in various studies carried out between people who hold executive positions of responsibility ”.

In reality this is one of the problems that most plagues our society, whether we work as employees in a factory, in an office, housewives, students, etc. No matter the profession we carry out, we are always plagued by the so-called "lack of time". And this “evil” is suffered by all those who cannot adequately organize our time, a time that instead of spending it, we must invest it to obtain the maximum benefit and returns with more than enough.

Not everything can be done now…

  1. Gleeson stresses that “after repeating to exhaustion that you have to do it now, let me tell you that it is not always possible or desirable to do everything now. He tries to call Maria but does not return until Monday. He goes to have a cup of coffee but a customer calls him. It is clear that priorities play an important role in productive work and in achieving good results. ”

In our daily work we always have important activities and urgent activities, and we are always running trying to do the "urgent" forgetting the really "important". Consequently, don't try to do everything at once, but rather develop your work in an organized way. Some tips on this are provided below.

Do you want to cover too much? ..

  1. Heyel asks the following question: Am I trying to personally cover too much ground? Or on the contrary, do I not maintain a fairly close personal contact with the various action centers? It is obvious that the fault can be on either side, and we must be able to detect the problem in order to know how to attack from its "root".

In this regard, Heyel points out that “if your objective estimation shows a notable divergence (as it will surely happen) between the time actually invested and the time you would like to invest, what you should do, naturally, will be to see where the shoe is tightening the most, for what squeezes you and what can be done to loosen it. The attack plan consists of asking a series of deep-seated questions, which would follow probable lines of action ”.


Hypotheses are ideas, prepositions that indicate what we are looking for or trying to prove and can be defined as tentative explanations of the phenomenon under investigation.


Tool that can vary, and whose variation can be measured.

Which can be applied to a group of people or objects.

Selection criteria of the problem.

The researcher poses a research problem, he must make sure that it is important enough to devote the economic and time effort that his study requires.


At the Technological University stipulates in chapter IV of the losses in article 18 and 19 of the academic regulations the following:

Temporary withdrawal.- It is the separation from the University, in which the interested party may re-enroll.

It will proceed when any of the following elements occurs

Article 18.-

  1. Fail up to 3 subjects in the semester; b) By their own decision until the publication of third-part evaluation results, having to do so in writing to the knowledge of the corresponding Academic Director and the School Services department; c) Failure of the Stay, d) For have documentary debts with the University; e) In educational programs in scholarly modality, when the student without just cause does not attend for 5 consecutive full working days to classes or fail the same subject in two partial periods for non-attendance. f) In educational programs in modality mixed, when the student without just cause does not attend for 2 consecutive full working days of face-to-face sessions or fail the same subject in two parts for absences. g) Those determined by the Academic Committee, made up of the Rector,

Academic Directors, Director of University Management and Director of Administration and Finance.

For the person who is in the condition of temporary withdrawal to have the right to request their re-entry to the University, no more than two consecutive calendar years must elapse between their departure and the possible date of re-entry, with prior authorization from the Academic Director and subject to equivalence of studies.

  1. Definitive withdrawal.-It is the total separation from the University and will proceed when any of the following elements occurs: a) Having failed more than 3 subjects during their educational program, b) Failing twice the same subject; c) When accumulating second withdrawal by own decision, d) For non-academic causes contemplated in the first title of this regulation, e) For other reasons provided in these regulations and f) Those determined by the Academic Committee.

III. Withd<2MASCULINE> by temporary absence permission.- This consists of the temporary separation of the student at her own request in writing at any time during the school period and with the prior authorization of the Academic Director, which will be given only once during the educational program and

Article 19.- The Academic Committee may exceptionally change the condition of permanent withdrawal to temporary withdrawal.


It will be done by the group observation method, this means a focus group.

A group of 7 people will be brought together in order to have a broader criteria on the subject, the number of people will not be so great so that the group does not become tedious and everyone can participate, so that their responses can be more Broad, these will be selected from the three different groups of the IDIE race with the following characteristics:

Socioeconomic level, classification C, indistinct gender, the age will be between 20 and 30 years, the educational level is TSU. People who work and study, who have children, are married, who pay their own expenses, who live alone or in a free union.


The method to be used is the qualitative method, to delve more deeply into the subject, and to be able to know the concerns of the students of the Technological University of San Luis Potosí, it will be carried out through a focus group.

This way we will know if our hypothesis is correct, and if it is not, our focus group will yield the necessary answers to determine the cause and formulate a new hypothesis and a new approach.


Scale to measure arguments and experiences through observation.

This was chosen since it is the most appropriate for the focus group because it is intended to find the external cause of the dropout from the studies, the good and negative experiences they have had during the career stay will be analyzed.

Parameters to Evaluate

Question frequency
A lot Little Nothing
1. Continuation of career
Personal growth
Get a better job
2. Support from work
3. Student Dropout
Lack of job support
4. What supports are required by the University
Longer time
Online subjects
5. Experience you have had
6. Feasible the mixed modality.

Table 1.1 Source: Own elaboration.



An interview guide was prepared for the students of the Technological University of San Luis Potosí, from the IDIE generation generation 2014-2016, indistinct sex.

Where the topics that were touched were the following:

  • Why did you decide to continue your career (IDIE)? Did they give you the necessary support from work to continue your studies? What was the main reason why you decided to drop out of the career? Do you think that the schedule has influenced your decision? What support do the students of the IDIE degree from the Technological University of San Luis Potosí require to stay studying? Do you think the Mixed modality has been feasible?


In this section, a comparative table is made by grouping of relevant responses in the Focus Group.

The questions are grouped into categories. Of 7 questions, one is eliminated for being merely informative with respect to the participants.

one Tell us your name and how long ago did you withdraw from the Technological University of San Luis Potosí? NOT PROCEED
two Why did you decide to continue your career (IDIE)? KNOWLEDGE
3 Did they give you the necessary support from work to continue your studies? ATTENTION FOCUS TO STUDENTS
4 What was the main reason you decided to drop out of the race? KNOWLEDGE
5 Do you think the schedule has influenced your decision? WEATHER
6 What support do the students of the IDIE degree at the Technological University of San Luis Potosí require to stay studying? ATTENTION FOCUS TO STUDENTS
7 Do you think that the Mixed modality has been feasible? KNOWLEDGE

Table 1.2 Source: Own elaboration

Establishment of Categories.

KNOWLEDGE 2, 4 and 7

Table 1.3 Source: Own elaboration



one Tell us your name and how long ago did you withdraw from the Technological University of San Luis Potosí? TSU Karen Muñoz 28 years old, single.

TSU Isela Urías Compeán 24 years old, single and has a daughter.

TSU Felipe Carreón 39 years old, married

TSU Alejandro Coronado 30 years , free union.

TSU Verónica López, divorced and has 3 children.

TSU Monica 22 years old, single and has one child.

TSU Claudia Torres, lives in a free union.

two Why did you decide to continue your career (IDIE)? The reason why the participants decided to continue with Engineering was mainly to obtain better Job Opportunities, Professional Growth, Personal Improvement, and to learn more about the things they like.
3 Did they give you the necessary support from work to continue your studies? All the participants were supported with the continuity of their studies within the company where they work; In some cases, support consists of leaving early on Fridays, and missing on Saturdays.

On the other hand for companies it is of utmost importance that their workers continue with their studies, that they have a better and greater preparation; and one of the requirements that they request is that they have a Bachelor's Degree and / or Engineering so that they can be applied for other positions; that is why they have provided support, adapting their schedules.

4 What was the main reason you decided to drop out of the race? Within the Focus Group, 3 aspects of great importance for the Research being carried out were identified; These are the main reason why the participants dropped out of the IDIE race.

Which were, firstly, time, secondly, economic problems, and finally, overwork.

5 Do you think the schedule has influenced your decision? For some of the participants, the schedule is not a factor that influences 100% in the decision-making process on dropout, because the Technological University is one of those that promotes this way of continuing to study, providing the opportunity to do both at activities at the same time (work and study).

On the other hand, for others it does influence the schedules in a certain way, due to the different activities that they present day by day.

6 What support do the students of the IDIE degree at the Technological University of San Luis Potosí require to stay studying? Two important aspects of the supports required by the students of the IDIE degree program at the Technological University of San Luis Potosí were noted.

Flexibility is one of the supports that they demand, this would be in different areas of opportunity such as: tuition payments, justification of absences and scholarships.

It is worth mentioning that another support would be to have subjects online, due to the lack of time that some of the participants have.

7 Do you think that the Mixed modality has been feasible? All concluded that Mixed Modality is an excellent option offered by the Technological University of San Luis Potosí.

Giving them the benefit of working and studying at the same time.

Table 1.4 Source Own elaboration


The information that was collected previously and with the help of a Focus Group, we obtain that the participants decided to continue with their studies to obtain better job opportunities and job growth within their company; Each one of them was given the opportunity to continue their studies, offering them the help of rearranging their schedules.

As mentioned, for some companies it is of great importance that their workers continue their studies, since they can be applied for other areas of interest, in this way it is how each one of them must have a Bachelor's Degree and / or Engineering.

In the investigation it was found that the decisive external causes for which the students would drop out in the career of Engineering in Development and Business Innovation of the Technological University of San Luis Potosí, are mainly the lack of Time, due to the multiple tasks that each one represents day by day, just as this will depend on the situation in which each one finds himself, since some TSU have children, and others live in free union. Another important aspect was within the economic sphere, because they have other expenses to cover, and they do not have extra support such as a scholarship.

An advantage that the technological university of San Luis Potosí offers is the mixed modality allowing to work and study at the same time.

For them, some of the supports they would like the University to provide them with, would be Flexibility in the payment of tuition, in addition to the justification of the absences, since they comment that there are only 3 days to check them; On the other hand, there are the scholarships that could be offered.

The improvements they see as a great area of ​​opportunity would be that online subjects will be implemented, where assignments and activities are sent to teachers, giving feedback on the topic in response.

On the other hand, it is suggested that the English System be improved, they consider that the level is very low for the level of Engineering that is being offered to them, and they do not feel confident to start a conversation. They propose that they be given some type of Certification, or that the groups be separated by levels.

And finally, they think that the evaluations are better programmed, since there are occasions in which they are joined from 2 to 3 subjects.


Carrying out detailed research is a long process, depending on the topic to be investigated and its objectives.

This research was carried out with great success even and not having enough time to collect more interviews with former students, the desired results were reached under the main idea based on a belief, giving positive effect to the hypothesis based on our qualitative evidence (Focus Group, interview) to the students of the Technological University of San Luis Potosí.

Contributing to the institution by helping with this material is a satisfaction for the authors of this research, since what has already been collected may be of great help and the institution may take this information into account to attack the central point by which the students drop out of the course, thus improving the mixed modality.


When carrying out qualitative research and taking into account the main hypothesis, it was found that lack of time is one of the main reasons why it is an external cause that the student addresses to decide to drop out of the course or definitely withdraw, In addition to this, the responsibility that many students have as parents or who are in a free union, since diverting a monetary amount towards other priorities is also a reason why the student can no longer pay for their studies deciding to drop out of the degree.


  • Nick, O. (01 of 07 of 2000). Focus groups. Obtained from Qualitative Research Technique: http://biblioteca.uahurtado.cl/ujah/856/txtcompleto/txt105091.pdfPinto, M. (13 of 04 of 2011). Initiation to Research. Obtained from E-COMS: http://www.mariapinto.es/e-coms/ini_inves.htmUniversidad, T. (06 of 06 of 2013). Academic Regulations. Obtained from the Technological University of San Luis Potosí:
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External causes of student dropout in an engineering degree, utslp