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Ceremonial and protocol of business activities


Labor competence is the ability to successfully respond to a complex demand or carry out an activity or task, according to performance criteria defined by the organization or productive sector.


At the Faculty of Medicine, the professor addresses a student and asks:

- "How many kidneys do we have?" - "Four!" -Answers the student.

- «Four… ?!», replies the teacher, arrogant, one of those who take pleasure in trampling on the mistakes of the students. - "Bring a bundle of grass, because we have a donkey in the room", - the teacher orders his assistant.

"'And a coffee for me!'" Said the student to the teacher's assistant.

The teacher got angry and expelled the student from the classroom.

The student was the humorist Aparicio Torelly, known as the Baron de Itararé (1895-1971).

Upon leaving the classroom, the student still had the audacity to correct the furious teacher:

- «You asked me how many kidneys 'we have'. We 'have' four: two of mine and two of yours. Because 'we have' is an expression used for the plural. Have a good profit and enjoy the grass. "


Life demands much more understanding than knowledge. Sometimes people, because they have a little more knowledge or '' believe '' that they do, feel they have the right to underestimate others…

It is necessary to choose between pride and humility to listen well to others. We almost always choose pride and deafness.





Labor competence is the ability to successfully respond to a complex demand or carry out an activity or task, according to performance criteria defined by the organization or productive sector.

The powers include:

  • The knowledge (Knowing), Attitudes (Knowing Being) and Skills (Knowing How) of an individual. Knowing how to mobilize personal resources (knowledge, skills, attitudes) and the environment (technology, organization, others) to respond to complex situations. Knowing how to be, or carry out activities according to explicit criteria of success and achieving the expected results. Know How To Apply the knowledge, aptitudes and sociocultural skills (IE) in the action.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs is often described as a pyramid consisting of five levels; the first four levels can be grouped as "deficit needs"; At the highest level he called it "self-actualization," "growth motivation," or "need to be."

They differ in that while deficit needs can be met, the need to be is a continual driving force.

Human Motivation Model (Maslow)

Basic needs:

  • Material needs Security needs

Needs at the top:

  • Needs of the ego Needs of self-realization or overcoming


Human beings have similar qualities among us, but each one enhances their abilities in a different way.


How do we learn? by William Glasser:

  • 10% of what we READ 20% of what we HEAR 30% of what we SEE 50% of what we SEE and HEAR 70% of what we DISCUSS with the OTHER 80% of what we EXPERIENCE PERSONALLY 95% of what we can TEACH SOMEONE ELSE

The Quality Management Model of Social Services

Set of practices that were defined as keys to the management of any public entity of excellence. Its design is based on the Chilean Excellence Management Model, which was adapted to the uniqueness of State management to ensure its proper implementation at the service of users.

Concepts and Value Chain of Service Excellence

KAIZEN, or Continuous Improvement, has been identified as Total Quality, but rather KAIZEN is the umbrella that covers most Japanese practices including Total Quality, Just in Time and Quality Circles, etc.

KAIZEN is not a way of working, it is a way of living.

If the President of the Republic does not attend, he will be represented by the corresponding Minister of State according to the order of precedence indicated above and, in the absence of State Ministers, by the Regional Mayor or the Provincial Governor and in their absence, by the main civil authority, as the case may be.

In the absence of the President of the Senate, he shall be represented by the Vice President of the Senate or by the oldest Senator from the Circumscription who is present or, if no Senator from the Circumscription is present, by the oldest Senator who attends.

In the absence of the President of the Chamber of Deputies, he will be represented by one of the Vice Presidents of the Chamber of Deputies who attends or by the oldest Deputy of the District who is present or, if no Deputy of this is present, by the Oldest deputy who attends.

If the President of the Supreme Court is not present, the Judicial Power will be represented by the corresponding Minister of the Supreme Court or, in the absence of Ministers of the Supreme Court, by the President of the respective Court of Appeals and in in the event of his absence, by the Minister of the Court of Appeals who is present and who corresponds to him or, in the absence of Ministers of the Court of Appeals, by the oldest Legal Judge.

In the absence of the Commanders-in-Chief, the oldest Present Officer of each Institution will represent the other officers of the Armed Forces and Carabineros to the same degree.

However, if any or some of the first four authorities mentioned in paragraph A of this article do not attend the official act or ceremony in question, the other of said authorities present will lead the order in the order that corresponds to them.

However, it will be understood that the Vice President of the Republic will preside over the act or ceremony that he attends.

Without prejudice to the preceding rules, the authority inviting to the corresponding official act or ceremony shall occupy the place of pre-eminence given by its quality of host.

In the case of vocatives at the beginning of a speech, the speaker must appoint the six highest-ranking Chilean or foreign authorities, and may designate the rest of the authorities present at the official act or ceremony by the name of Ladies and Gentlemen.

Article 88.- All those authorities that hold one or more qualities will be considered to have the highest protocol rank.

Article 89.- The precedence of the Ambassadors is determined, within each category, by the date of delivery of their respective credentials, without prejudice to the Apostolic Nuncio of His Holiness occupying the first place in his capacity as Dean of the Diplomatic Corps. The precedence of the Chargé d'affaires is governed by the date of the presentation of the Cabinet Letters to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, or by the Note accrediting him in that capacity, depending on whether he is proprietary or interim, having a higher rank than the former. Modifications to the Credentials of a Head of Mission that do not involve a class change will not alter their order of precedence.

Article 90.- In the Official Acts and Ceremonies that are celebrated in the Headquarters of the Executive and to which the Prime Minister does not concur, he will represent the President of the Republic, the Minister of State whose portfolio is most related to the act.

Article 91.- In those acts and ceremonies that take place on stages, attended by the President of the Republic accompanied by his spouse, the latter shall be located to the right of the President.

Article 92. - In national ceremonies without the assistance of civil authorities, the institutional location will be respected by seniority and rank that corresponds to each officer according to their hierarchy in the respective Institutions of the Armed Forces and Carabineros de Chile, and the established precedence in article 87 of these Regulations.

Article 93.- In the Cabinet meetings, the order of precedence, established for the Ministries in accordance with article 87, shall prevail.

Article 94.- In the ceremonies or acts that are carried out in the Diplomatic Missions accredited before the Supreme Government, the Chilean personalities will have preference over the foreign ones, alternating within the same category.

Article 95.- Whenever it is a matter of determining precedence among the aforementioned officials of the same category, the nature of the ceremony shall be taken into account whether it is of a diplomatic, military, civil, religious, cultural or other nature. The precedence between officials of the same hierarchy will be determined by the seniority of their appointments. In the cases in which these Regulations do not consider the precedence or rank of a certain person or official, the procedure will be by analogy. When a person performs two positions that have a different category, their precedence will be that corresponding to the highest employment.

Article 96.- The precedence that has been indicated between the members of the Diplomatic Corps and Chilean personalities is not absolute and may be modified when the circumstances of a certain act or ceremony so advise.

It will correspond to the Directorate of the Protocol to resolve all those cases in which doubts arise about the correct application of precedence or ceremonial rules in general.


Each work team must have a ceremonial team consisting of:

- Podium

- National Pavilion (Flag Pole and National Flag), Two tables of honor each must be large enough to comfortably seat three to five people, as there are events in which the number can vary from three to five people and in other events have five to seven people (exact numbers in protocol), joining both tables

- Tablecloths

- Pennant or banner

- Sound equipment

- The National Anthem

- Table names of honor

Master of ceremonies

The Master of Official Ceremonies must be the person who directs the program of the event; Its participation basically focuses on the following:

- Welcomes the authorities, many times they are not named each one of them because they are known by the attending public, for which only a general greeting is provided.

- Places the audience in the activity, traditionally known as Opening Words.

- Follow up on the program without including any additional messages, you only have to present each point.

- Depending on the nature of the event, point by point you can reveal some specific objectives of the activity, important data, or many times quotes with phrases related to the activity are said. Graduations, closings, anniversaries.

You must dress formally, except for sporting events or those held in places where the protocol allows other types of clothing.


• Institutional Day or Celebration of the Ephemeris of a company or Institutions

• Inauguration of the Academic Year in Universities

• Delivery of Academic Degrees and Professional Titles

• Delivery of Honorary Academic Degrees

• Management Accounts, etc.

• Opening or Closing Acts of different

• events of work

• Opening Ceremony of exhibitions and

• presentations of books and products

• Signing of Agreements

• Awards for years of service

• Acts of welcome to Official Visits


Artistic Cultural

• Premiere

• Exhibitions

• Concerts

• Music

Festivals • Poetry Festivals, Literary Games and Contests

• Dance, Theater, Painting, etc.


• The seal is set by the values ​​and the deepest attributes of the Organization's Corporate Philosophy and Culture.

• Some examples are the Fashion Shows, Thanksgiving, Bread and Wine Table, Fraternal Turkey and others.

• Minors or Family

• Social manifestations


✓ When organizing a Social Demonstration with food, in which the attendees are seated, we must consider different types of tables. Among them are the Protocols and those that do not necessarily comply with the Ceremonial Rules

✓ The design of the physical space is our responsibility and must be in accordance with the Objective and the

Category of the guests.


Attendees list

• Precedence of the Authorities

• Protocolary Order of the Table

• If the guests are numerous, place in the anteroom of the dining room a Banner with the drawing of the Protocolary Table in order to speed up the process of locating the attendees

• In a visible place, generally nearby to the dining room, place the table plan with the names of the guests, written in an easy to read, and with the location of the entrance.

- Receptions

- American Lunches or Meals

Wine of Honor

- Preferably it takes place between

12:30 and 3:00 p.m.

- Oysters and Caviar

- Whiskey and other higher alcoholic drinks

- Orange, pineapple and peach juices

It lasts only 20 minutes and is only performed at the closing of ceremonies


▪ It starts with a cocktail and ends with food. Its start is at 8:00 pm

▪ Awards, recognitions or thanks are given

▪ After the second course, the glass of champagne is served and gifts and decorations are delivered

▪ When placing a decoration around the neck the authority that delivers it is placed in front and who assists it behind the award-winning to fasten.

▪ Coffee is accompanied with chocolate

▪ A liqueur is offered and then a whiskey

Lunch: It is invited at 1:00 pm.


Te u Onces: As is traditional, you are invited at 17.00.

Meals: Approximately at 9:00 pm.


Dinner: Invited at 22.00

Banquets: They are evening meals that have a High Solemnity meaning, and are generally offered in honor of a distinguished Authority.

In some cases the so-called “Half Label” is usual, consisting of striped pants, black jacket and black vest.

When the invitations do not make any indication or “Street Suit” are indicated, dark clothing and black shoes must be worn, especially for lunches, meals, cocktails or receptions, unless local custom indicates another clothing. Women should wear a two-piece suit or


Protocol correspondence

The Ceremonial establishes that the style of the Protocol Correspondence varies according to the level of the people who participate in it and its purposes.

Communications can be of various types; but the most common are:

• Protocol Note • Notice


Card • Congratulations

Other protocol notes are the Thanks, Greetings and Condolences, which express mainly feelings.

Protocol correspondence

Protocol Note:

It is a formal letter-type communication that is used to invite and establish a commitment between invitees and guests.

It is also used to send Congratulations on Ephemeris or Institutional Anniversaries, Appointments or Promotions, Distinctions and Onomastics and to express condolence.

It is a less formal type of letter than the Protocol Note, of an exclusively personal nature. The obituary is used, in particular, to:

• Thank attentions received

• Accept an invitation or apologize for not being able to attend

• Send congratulations for anniversaries or anniversaries, appointments or promotions, distinctions and name days and to express condolences.

Protocol correspondence

Invitation card:

It is a formal communication, printed on cardboard, usually of Commercial Envelope Size, which bears the Institutional Logo and establishes a commitment between the Invitee and the Guest.

General Rules when Sending an Invitation Card

• The invitation to an act or ceremony must be formalized through an Invitation Card or Protocol Note. • The prior dispatch time of an invitation is a minimum of Seven Business Days and a maximum of Twenty-One Business Days.

• The invitations must be printed, considering a suitable layout and design, reserving spaces relative to those aspects that must be written by hand, such as the name of the recipient, the time and type of meeting, and others by minors that may be appropriate.

• All Invitation - be it card or protocol note - must be written in the Third Person.

• The guest hierarchy will determine how the invitation is formulated.

• If the invitation refers to an act related to the honor of a person, the motive should be written down at the top of the card.

• The response to any invitation that requests it, according to the SRC formula (please answer), must be given within 48 hours or immediately, if the date is very close, avoiding later modification of your response, so as not to cause difficulties when inviting.

• When the invitation has been made, in person or by phone, the card must be sent the same with a handwritten note on the bottom of it ("To Remember", "To Remind", "Pour Memoire", or the initials PM), taking care to cross out with a line in ink the mention requesting response ("SRC").

• For formal meals or lunches, always try to invite a group of people whose category is not totally equivalent, in order to facilitate the balance and distribution of the tables.

• For banquets, meals or other formal acts it is ESSENTIAL to arrive exactly at the indicated time.

• For cocktails and wines of honor, in which the start and end time is indicated, the guest must arrive and leave them within the indicated hours.

Protocol correspondence


There are several reasons that give rise to a Letter or a Congratulatory Note. Among the most common can be mentioned:

✓ Ephemeris or Institutional Anniversaries

✓ Appointment or Promotions

✓ Distinctions

✓ Onomastics


Vocatives are the Treatment that is given to National and Foreign Authorities.

Some Vocatives

President of the Republic

His Excellency or His Excellency Mr.

President of the Senate

Distinguished Mr. President or Honorable Mr.

President of the C. Deputies

Distinguished Mr. President or Honorable Mr.

President of the Most Excellent Supreme Court

Honorable Mr., Your Lordship

Cardinal Archbishop Emeritus of Santiago

His Most Reverend Eminence, Monsignor

Some Vocatives

Dean of the Diplomatic Corps

Most Excellent Lord Apostolic Nuncio

Messrs. Ambassadors

Most Excellent Lord Ambassador

Ministers of State

Lord Minister of State

Comptroller General of the Republic Lord Comptroller

Some Vocatives

Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice

Your Honor

Minister of the Court of Appeals Your Honor

Judges , Judges, Magistrate,

Your Honor , He used

protocol tips for serving coffee after a meal at home

Protocol tips for serving coffee after a meal at home

The food has gone smoothly, from appetizers to dessert. Now it's time for coffee and it would be a shame to 'screw it up' in the end. And it is that the service of this drink requires its own rules of protocol. Here are some tips to keep in mind

Coffee can be served both at the table where it has been eaten and in another part of the house (living room, etc.)

Protocol tips for serving coffee after a meal at home

Never forget to ask your guests how they prefer coffee, giving them different possibilities: single, short, long… Also, have home infusions such as tea, pennyroyal or chamomile to offer as an alternative.

The coffee can be brought to the table on a tray that should not be missing: a jug with freshly brewed coffee, hot milk, cold milk, different types of sugar (tongs if serving clods), sweeteners…

Protocol tips for serving coffee after a meal at home

Ideally, the coffee is served in porcelain, gray or clay cups, which are the materials that best keep the heat. The cups will come resting on their corresponding plate, taking care that the teaspoon is next to the handle and this one, near the right hand of the diner.

It is convenient to offer some sweets along with coffee. Immediately after this, the liqueurs will be served.

Recommendations for a

"Café Diez"

It is important to buy fresh and freshly roasted coffee.

Always use natural roasted coffee, never roasted (hides natural flavors). Always pay attention to the amounts suggested by the manufacturer (in general, one tablespoon is recommended for every 225 ml of water).

Recommendations for a "Café Diez"

The ideal is to grind it at the moment it is going to be consumed. In this way it preserves its original aromas and flavors better.

Make sure that the coffee makers and other utensils are perfectly clean. Any rest of previous preparations can interfere with the optimal taste of freshly brewed coffee.

You should serve it as soon as it is ready. Try to make the right amount since it is not advisable to reheat it for later occasions. It is best to buy it in small quantities and keep it in an airtight container, in a cool and dry place.

Event Organizer Features

Ability to perceive, in detail, all the economic, socio-cultural, and other aspects involved in carrying out the event.

Concerned from the implementation of the physical space to the strategic location of the guests, respecting the precedents of the authorities as established in the Ceremonial and taking into account the objectives of the organization.

Positive attitude, face the situations that arise and take the necessary corrective actions, without taking refuge in the irresponsibilities, failures and definitions of third parties

Respect for superiors and subordinates, based on professional knowledge and actions delegated to third parties and verifying their execution.

Responsible Organizer

Never take things for granted, keep strict supervision over the responsibilities and delegated functions, verifying their execution.

Always be willing to share ideas that arise to enrich the activity.

Work in groups or individually, be an efficient communicator and express instructions clearly and precisely. Do not generate interpretations.

Tips for the Organizer

Have criteria to select collaborators and assistants according to their abilities and not by recommendations or commitments.

Never lose sight of small details no matter how insignificant they are

You know how to reconcile the interests of the organization with those of the delegates or assistants and keep in mind the differences that may exist.

Reasons that justify carrying out an activity in relation to the objective

• Exchange of ideas and information

• Problem statement and search for solutions

• Teaching and improvement

• Study of new policies

• Evaluate new procedures

• Evaluate completed projects

• Event celebration

• Delivery of recognitions

• Inauguration of physical spaces

1.- Determine the Organizing Institution Characteristics

Its importance and recognition in the environment

Its level of influence or political, cultural, economic or scientific weight in public opinion and in society.

2.- Determine Organizing Commission

Characteristics: Suitability, representatives of the organizing company, executives, decisive and creative.

3.- Activity Planning

It implies establishing a logical and chronological order of the different stages of the activity

3.1 Make preliminary decisions

• The theme and selection of exhibitors

• Its academic, scientific, economic, political and social significance

• Treatment level

• Determine profile and number of participants

• Their academic level and degree of specialization

• Their cultural, scientific and political influence

• Their origins, interests, socioeconomic level

• Clarity of the Objective

• Define General and Specific Objectives

• Date and time of the activity

3.1 Make preliminary decisions

• Coordination of interests with exhibitors and participants

• That no other similar activity is planned

• The physical space

• Geographical location

• Characteristics of the locality

• Quality of infrastructure and facilities

• Ease of access

• Analysis of the duration of the activity

• Selection of sponsors

• Selection of Sponsors

3.1 Make preliminary decisions

• You always have to see how long is the duration of an activity.

• When the authority is in the act, the activity begins.

• When questioned authorities attend and the media are present, they can be offered an annex room to receive the information. Press or to be consulted in full activity. It can also be "shielded" and Sponsors not speak.

They are those that endorse the contents of the activity General and Specific Objective, agenda, exhibitors, depth of the topic.

They can sponsor Universities, Communities

Scientists, Ministries and others

Sponsorships: They are those that provide the economic resources to carry out an activity

3.2 Progress Tasks

Preparation of an Estimated Budget

It includes all the administrative aspects that revolve essentially in relation to the budget and its financing.

3.2 Progress Tasks

Budget Item

Stay / Transfer / Plane Tickets / Folders / Brochures / Others.

Location Furniture

Food Common expenses (electricity, water)

Food Main guests

Media Advertising

Extras Staff Salaries

Unforeseen (10% of the budget)

3.3 Dissemination and Promotion of the Activity

✓ Design and Preparation of posters and brochures

✓ Preparation of folders and design of the Website

✓ Design press campaigns

Physical space

• Leasing and Implementation (chairs, platforms, ornamentation), flags, Coffee Break room, Stand room, VIP or Premium room.

• Ask when the assembly can be done.

• Prepare an assembly regulation (schedules, aesthetics, dimensions, stand, lighting, lighting equipment, inventory of everything that comes in, credentialed staff, toilet)

Logistics Implementation

• Amplification and Audiovisuals to use

• Backdrops to project image

• Plasma for the exhibitors

• Speaker's notebook

• External plasma that passes information and program of the activity

• No exhibitor enters the room with his

• Notebook without stopping before by the room preview


• Rooms according to category

• Number of days of lodging

• Guideline of restrictions


Graphics and mass media

Posters, brochures, invitation invitation, bags, folders, sheets, design and implementation website, design and implementation newletter, diplomas, credentials and badge holders, design of notices, design book of notes, CD's, photos and advertising Publication social pages and pages Business

Radio and audiovisual notice design Elaboration of messages in events related to the activity

Journalistic Dissemination

• Search all the contents of the activity that are news

• Prepare press release

• Curriculum main guests

• Never send statement on Monday or Friday


Air and land transfer (can also be by sea)

That the exhibitor send the travel route to see if there are connection problems Health insurance

Socio-cultural activities

Cultural Tour or departure to a Shopping


In a globalized world, where an image prevails over all things, the organizer must be able to, when the time comes, know how to concretize the projection, the development of the preparations and the launch of all kinds of events or events.

You must also know how to use conscience and respect the current regulations prevailing in the social and business fields, as well as, you must also respect and enforce the ceremonial rules, added to the previous ones, within the official, business or military spheres.

Because if there is something that the person who organizes an activity should never forget, it is that the aesthetics of any act, ceremony or event will always be examined by "the gaze of others", whether they are participants in the event or simple spectators.


Our SEREMI has asked us to see the feasibility of holding an honor dinner to be held on the first Thursday of September and that it must have the participation of local entrepreneurs (we do not have resources) so that together they can develop and collaborate with a project of investment in the commune of Talca that will be a multi-court and that benefits one of the most deprived sectors of the commune, for this you must set up a working group with which you must carry out all the steps to achieve that activity developing all the activities and actions to develop in the process to ensure that the event can achieve the objective defined by the authority.


Now that we have developed the main processes, we are going to describe all the actions that must be considered within each of these stages, their managers and their times, as well as the material and human resources that are needed.

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Ceremonial and protocol of business activities